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Clinopyroxene with exsolved orthopyroxene and coexisting orthopyroxene with exsolved clinopyroxene (inverted pigeonite) in metaigneous rocks from the Adirondacks, New York, were experimentally homogenized at temperatures near those inferred for their original crystallization. The purposes were several: (1) to test the graphical two-pyroxene geothermometer of Lindsley (1983); (2) to test the hypothesis of Bohlen and Essene (1978) that these were originally igneous pyroxenes; and (3) to test whether modal recombination of complexly exsolved pyroxenes yields realistic compositions. Experiments on Fe-rich compositions at 930° and 870° C (1 GPa) are compatible with the graphical thermometer of Lindsley (1983); however, this graphical thermometer yields apparent temperatures approximately 50° C too high for experiments at 1050° C and 1100° C (0 MPa). This suggests that at intermediate Mg/Fe the augite isotherms for these temperatures lie at lower wollastonite compositions than shown by Lindsley. The results are, however, in good agreement with isotherms derived from the solution model of Davidson (1985). When these isotherms are applied to a variety of terrestrial and lunar igneous rocks and the metaigneous rocks from the Adirondacks, temperatures given by augite and pigeonite compositions from coexisting pairs are similar. Comparison of the experimentally homogenized compositions with modally recombined compositions of Bohlen and Essene (1978) show that discrepancies between augite and pigeonite temperatures may nevertheless arise if pyroxene grains formed by granular exsolution are not correctly reintegrated.  相似文献   
Reconnaissance 18O,, D, and 87Sr data for fifteen lakes in the Western Lakes Region of the Sand Hills of Nebraska indicate dynamic hydrologic systems. The rather narrow range of 87Sr from lake water (1.1 to 2.1) and groundwater (0.9 to 1.7) indicates that the groundwater is generally unradiogenic. Groundwater residence times and relatively unradiogenic volcanic ash within the dune sediments control the 87Sr values. Based on the mutual variations of 18O and D, the lakes can be divided into three groups. In Group 1, both 18O and D values increase from spring to fall. The 18O and D values in Group 2 decreased from spring to fall. Group 3 are ephemeral lakes that went dry some time during 1992. The data and isotopic modeling show that variations in the ratio of evaporation relative to groundwater inflow, local humidity conditions, and the a has substantial influence on the isotopic composition. In addition, isotopic behavior in ephemeral lakes can be rather unusual because of the changing activities of water and mineral precipitation and redissolution. The annual and interannual isotopic variability of these lakes which is reflected in the paleonvironmental indicators may be the rule rather than the exception in these types of systems.  相似文献   
Fluid inclusions in the metamorphic aureole of the Eureka Valley‐Joshua Flat‐Beer Creek (EJB) pluton in the White‐Inyo Range, California, reveal the compositions and origin of fluids that were present during variable recrystallization of quartzite with sedimentary grain shapes to metaquartzite with granoblastic texture. Metamorphosed sedimentary formations, including quartzites, marbles, calcsilicates and schists, became ductile and strongly attenuated in the aureole during growth of the magma chamber. The microstructures of quartzites have an unusual distribution in that within ~250 m from the pluton, where temperatures exceeded 650 °C, they exhibit relict sedimentary grain shapes, only small amount of grain boundary migration (GBM), and crystallographic preferred orientations (CPOs) dominated by <a> slip. At distances >250 m, quartzites were completely recrystallized by GBM and CPOs are indicative of prism [c] slip, characteristics that are typically associated with H2O‐assisted, high‐T recrystallization. The lack of extensive GBM in the inner aureole can be attributed to rapid replacement of H2O by CO2 produced by reaction of quartz grains with calcite cement that also produced interstitial wollastonite. Fluid inclusions in the inner aureole generally occur in margins of quartz grains and are either wholly aqueous (Type 1) or also contain H2S, CO2 and CH4 (Type 2). Type 2 inclusions occur only in some stratigraphic layers. In both inclusion types, NaCl and CaCl2, in variable proportions, dominate the solutes in the aqueous phase, whereas FeCl2 and KCl are less abundant solutes. The solutes indicate attainment of a degree of equilibrium with carbonates and schists that are interbedded with the quartzites. Some Types 1 and 2 inclusions in the inner aureole show evidence of decrepitation due to high amounts of strain and/or heating suffered by the host rocks, which suggests that they represent pore fluids that existed in the rocks prior to contact metamorphism. In addition to Type 1 inclusions, outer aureole quartzites also contain inclusions that contain CO2 vapour bubbles in addition to aqueous phase (Type 3). These inclusions only occur in interiors of granoblastic quartz that was produced by large amounts of GBM. The aqueous phase has identical ranges of first melting and final ice melting temperatures as Type 1 inclusions, suggesting that they have the same solute compositions. These inclusions are thought to represent the interstitial pore H2O that promoted recrystallization of quartz and reacted with graphite to produce CO2. Absence of significant amounts of CH4 in Type 3 inclusions is attributed to elevated fO2 that was buffered by mineral assemblages in interbedded schists. As opposed to the large amount of CO2 that was produced by the wollastonite‐forming reaction in the inner aureole to inhibit GBM, the amount of CO2 produced in the outer aureole by reaction between H2O and graphite was apparently insufficient to inhibit recrystallization of quartz.  相似文献   
Granite pegmatite sheets in the continental crust are characterized by very large crystals. There has been a shift in viewing pegmatites as products of very slow cooling of granite melts to viewing them as products of crystal growth in undercooled liquids. With this shift there has been a renewed debate about the role of H2O in the petrogenesis of pegmatites. Based on data on nucleation of minerals and new viscosity models for hydrous granite melts, it is argued that H2O is the essential component in the petrogenesis of granite pegmatites. H2O is key to reducing the viscosity of granite melts, which enhances their transport within the crust. It also dramatically reduces the glass transition temperature, which permits crystallization of melts at hundreds of degrees below the thermodynamic solidus, which has been demonstrated by fluid inclusion studies and other geothermometers. Published experimental data show that because H2O drastically reduces the nucleation rates of silicate minerals, the minerals may not be able to nucleate until melt is substantially undercooled. In a rapidly cooling intrusion, nucleation starts at its highly undercooled margins, followed by inward crystal growth towards its slower-cooling, hotter core. Delay in nucleation may be caused by competition for crystallization by several minerals in the near-eutectic melts and by the very different structures of minerals and the highly hydrated melts. Once a mineral nucleates, however, it may grow rapidly to a size that is determined by the distance between the site of nucleation and the point in the magma at which the temperature is approximately that of the mineral’s liquidus, assuming components necessary for mineral growth are available along the growth path. Granite pegmatites are apparently able to retain H2O during most of their crystallization histories within the confinement of their wall rocks. Pegmatitic texture is a consequence of delayed nucleation and rapid growth at large undercooling, both of which are facilitated by high H2O (±Li, B, F and P) contents in granite pegmatite melts. Without retention of H2O the conditions for pegmatitic textural growth may be difficult to achieve. Loss of H2O due to decompression and venting leads to microcrystalline texture and potentially glass during rapid cooling as seen in rhyolites. In contrast, slow cooling within a large magma chamber promotes continuous exsolution of H2O from crystallizing magma, growth of equant crystals, and final solidification at the thermodynamic solidus. These are the characteristics of normal granites that distinguish them from pegmatites.  相似文献   
Magnetic images of Chelyabinsk meteorite's (fragment F1 removed from Chebarkul lake) thin section have been unraveled by a magnetic scanning system from Youngwood Science and Engineering (YSE) capable of resolving magnetic anomalies down to 10?3 mT range from about 0.3 mm distance between the probe and meteorite surface (resolution about 0.15 mm). Anomalies were produced repeatedly, each time after application of magnetic field pulse of varying amplitude and constant, normal or reversed, direction. This process resulted in both magnetizing and demagnetizing of the meteorite thin section, while keeping the magnetization vector in the plane of the thin section. Analysis of the magnetic data allows determination of coercivity of remanence (Bcr) for the magnetic sources in situ. Value of Bcr is critical for calculating magnetic forces applicable during missions to asteroids where gravity is compromised. Bcr was estimated by two methods. First method measured varying dipole magnetic field strength produced by each anomaly in the direction of magnetic pulses. Second method measured deflections of the dipole direction from the direction of magnetic pulses. Bcr of magnetic sources in Chelyabinsk meteorite ranges between 4 and 7 mT. These magnetic sources enter their saturation states when applying 40 mT external magnetic field pulse.  相似文献   
Fluid compositions and bedding‐scale patterns of fluid flow during contact metamorphism of the Weeks Formation in the Notch Peak aureole, Utah, were determined from mineralogy and stable isotope compositions. The Weeks Formation contains calc‐silicate and nearly pure carbonate layers that are interbedded on centimetre to decimetre scales. The prograde metamorphic sequence is characterized by the appearance of phlogopite, diopside, and wollastonite. By accounting for the solution properties of Fe, it is shown that the tremolite stability field was very narrow and perhaps absent in the prograde sequence. Unshifted oxygen and carbon isotopic ratios in calcite and silicate minerals at all grades, except above the wollastonite isograd, show that there was little to no infiltration of disequilibrium fluids. The fluid composition is poorly constrained, but X(CO2)fluid must have been >0.1, as indicated by the absence of talc, and has probably increased with progress of decarbonation reactions. The occurrence of scapolite and oxidation of graphite in calc‐silicate beds of the upper diopside zone provide the first evidence for limited infiltration of external aqueous fluids. Significantly larger amounts of aqueous fluid infiltrated the wollastonite zone. The aqueous fluids are recorded by the presence of vesuvianite, large decreases in δ18O values of silicate minerals from c. 16‰ in the diopside zone to c. 10‰ in the wollastonite zone, and extensive oxidation of graphite. The carbonate beds interacted with the fluids only along margins where graphite was destroyed, calcite coarsened, and isotopic ratios shifted. The wollastonite isograd represents a boundary between a high aqueous fluid‐flux region on its higher‐grade side and a low fluid‐flux region on its lower‐grade side. Preferential flow of aqueous fluids within the wollastonite zone was promoted by permeability created by the wollastonite‐forming reaction and the natural tendency of fluids to flow upward and down‐temperature near the intrusion‐wall rock contact.  相似文献   
The mineralogy, petrology and geochemistry of the Proterozoic Harney Peak Granite, Black Hills, South Dakota, were examined in view of experimentally determined phase equilibria applicable to granitic systems in order to place constraints on the progenesis of peraluminous leucogranites and commonly associated rare-element pegmatites. The granite was emplaced at 3–4 kbar as multiple sills and dikes into quartz-mica schists at the culmination of a regional high-temperature, low-pressure metamorphic event. Principally along the periphery of the main pluton and in satellite intrusions, the sills segregated into granite-pegmatite couplets. The major minerals include quartz, K-feldspar, sodic plagioclase and muscovite. Biotite-{Mg No. [Molar MgO/(MgO+FeO)]=0.32-0.38} is the predominant ferromagnesian mineral in the granite's core, whereas at the periphery of the main pluton and in the satellite intrusions tourmaline (Mg No.=0.18–0.48) is the dominant ferromagnesian phase. Almandine-spessartine garnet is also found in the outer intrusions. There is virtually a complete overlap in the wide concentration ranges of SiO2, CaO, MgO, FeO, Sr, Zr, W of the biotite- and tourmaline-bearing granite suites with no discernable differentiation trends on Harker diagrams, precluding the derivation of one suite from the other by differentiation following emplacement. This is consistent with the oxygen isotope compositions which are 11.5 ± 0.6 for the biotite granites and 13.2 ± 0.8 for the tourmaline granites, suggesting derivation from different sources. The concentrations of TiO2 and possibly Ba are higher and of MnO and B are lower in the biotite granites. The normative Orthoclase/Albite ratio is extremely variable ranging from 0.26 to 1.65 in the biotite granites to 0.01–1.75 in the tourmaline granites. Very few sample compositions fall near the high-pressure, watersaturated haplogranite minima-eutectic trend, indicating that the granites for the most part are not minimum melts generated under conditions with =1. Instead, most biotite granites are more potassic than the water-saturated minima and eutectics and in analogy with experimentally produced granitic melts, they are best explained by melting at 6 kbar, <1 and temperatures 800°C. Such high temperatures are also indicated by oxygen isotope equilibration among the constituent minerals (Nabelek et al. 1992). Several of the tourmaline granite samples contain virtually no K-feldspar and have oxygen isotope equilibration temperatures 716–775°C. Therefore, they must represent high-temperature accumulations of liquidus minerals crystallized under equilibrium conditions from melts more sodic than the water-saturated haplogranite minima or during fractionation of intruded melts into granite-pegmatite couplets accompanied by volatile-aided differentiation of the alkali elements. The indicated high temperatures, <1, the relatively high TiO2 and Ba concentrations and the relatively low values of the biotite granites suggest that they were generated by high-extent, biotite-dehydration melting of an immature Archean metasedimentary source. The ascent of the hot melts may have triggered low-extent, muscovite-dehydration melting of schists higher in the crust producing the high-B, low-Ti melts comprising the periphery of the main pluton and the satellite intrusions. Alternatively, the different granite types may be the result of melting of a vertical section of the crust in response to the ascent of a thermal pulse, with the low- biotite granites generated at a deeper, hotter region and the high- tourmaline granites at a higher, cooler region of the crust. The low-Ti and high-B concentrations in the high- melts resulted in the crystallization of tourmaline rather than biotite, which promoted the observed differentiation of the melts into the granitic and pegmatitic layers found along the periphery of the main pluton and the satellite intrusions.  相似文献   
利用中美合作Hi-Climb项目北段吉隆-鲁谷剖面的天然地震探测数据,拾取2004~2005年期间5级以上地震事件的P波与4级以上地震的Pn波震相的走时,通过多震相层析成像反演获得青藏高原腹地的地下500 km以上的P波速度扰动结构.结果表明雅江地区为北向倾斜的低速扰动,班公-怒江断裂下方存在向南俯冲并被印度板块俯冲挤压而回折的高速体,建立了印度板块在冈底斯地块下方拆沉并被雅江低速体穿越的构造样式.说明印度板块俯冲在到达班公-怒江缝合带之前已经开始消减,与拆沉位置对比发现,印度板块的前锋深部呈现多期多级次特征,并受到地幔热循环作用的影响.  相似文献   
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