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The first impoundment of the Three Gorges Dam reservoir in China started from a water surface elevation of 95 m on June 1, 2003 and reached 135 m on June 15, 2003. Shortly after the water level reached 135 m, many slopes began to deform and some landslides occurred. The Qianjiangping landslide is the largest one; it occurred on the early morning of July 14, 2003 and caused great loss of lives and property. Field investigation revealed that, although failure occurred after the reservoir reached 135 m, the stability of the slope was already reduced by preexisting sheared bedding planes. To study the mechanism of the rapid motion of this reactivated landslide, two soil samples were taken from a yellow clay layer and a black silt layer in the sliding zone, respectively, and a series of ring shear tests were conducted on the samples. One series of ring shear tests simulates the creep deformation behavior, while the other series simulates different shear rates. Conclusions drawn from analysis of the ring shear tests indicate that the mechanism of the rapid motion of the reactivated landslide was caused by the rate effect of the black silt layer during the motion phase after the creep failure. The yellow clay layer did not play any important role in the rapid motion in the 2003 event.  相似文献   
We have examined the effects of the spinel-garnet phase transition on subsidence of extensional sedimentary basins. For a constant positive Clapeyron slope ( dP/dT ), the phase boundary moves downwards in the syn-rift and upwards in the post-rift phase. For a non-linear Clapeyron curve ( dP/dT > 0 above 900°C and dP/dT < 0 below 900°C), theory predicts for the reaction of the spinel-garnet phase transition, the direction of phase boundary movement is dependent on the stretching factor, the position of the Clapeyron curve and the lithospheric thickness. A smaller syn-rift and larger post-rift subsidence are predicted for a deeper phase boundary and a thicker lithosphere. The model with a non-linear Clapeyron curve is applied to the subsidence histories of a young extensional basin (Gulf of Lion) and an old continental margin (eastern Canada). The observed syn-rift uplift and the larger post-rift subsidence can be reasonably explained by this model, where the optimum depth of the phase boundary for eastern Canada (˜90 km) is consistent with the estimate from seismic observations and is larger than that for the Gulf of Lion (˜ 50 km). The depth of the spinel-garnet phase boundary is sensitive to the composition of mantle rocks and increases with the extraction of basaltic components from the lithosphere, compatible with our result that the phase boundary is deeper for an older and thicker lithosphere. Thus the surface movement associated with the rifting for these areas may reflect the chemical evolution of the continental lithosphere.  相似文献   
The Bungo Channel in southwestern Japan receives both warm, called Kyucho, and cold deep-water intrusions (bottom intrusion) from the Pacific Ocean. Abundances of Prochlorococcus, Synechococcus, and eukaryotic picophytoplankton were monitored from 18 July to 17 August 2001 to clarify whether advected picophytoplankton from the Pacific Ocean can grow in the channel or not. Synechococcus cells were further discriminated into low- and high-PUB types according to their fluorescence property in flow cytometry. From 18 to 25 July, the water temperature decreased by 3 °C at a 5-m depth at all stations, indicating the occurrence of a bottom intrusion. From 25 July to 4 August, a Kyucho occurred and the water temperature rapidly increased. From 4 to 17 August, a bottom intrusion and a Kyucho both occurred twice, although the intensities were smaller than those occurring until 4 August. From 18 to 30 July, the abundance of both Prochlorococcus and a high-PUB type of Synechococcus drastically decreased because of a bottom intrusion; however, the abundances rapidly increased due to the advection by a Kyucho. These advected cells increased from 4 to 17 August in the channel and Kitanada Bay. Changes in the abundance of low-PUB type of Synechococcus and eukaryotic picophytoplankton were less noticeable than those in the abundance of Prochlorococcus and high-PUB type. The present study demonstrated that oceanic picophytoplankton advected by the Kyucho could grow in the channel. However, abundances of low-PUB type and eukaryotic picophytoplankton increased higher than those of Prochlorococcus and high-PUB type did. Thus, these oceanic phytoplankters will be excluded when Kyucho does not occur for a long time. The co-occurrence of various types of picophytoplankton found in the channel is probably achieved by both Kyucho event and their growth capability in the channel.  相似文献   
A mooring observation of current velocity, temperature and bottom pressure was carried out approximately 30 km off the coast of Monbetsu, between August 7 and September 2, 2005, to investigate the characteristics of bottom boundary layer (BBL) off the Soya Warm Current (SWC). We succeeded in measuring the Ekman veering and bottom Ekman transport in the BBL. On comparing the observed current velocity with that represented by the classical theoretical equation, the observed alongshore current velocity in BBL disagreed with that represented by the classical theoretical equation, but the cross-shore one agreed well. However after applying a linear extrapolation for the alongshore current velocity to estimate the alongshore geostrophic current velocity above the bottom, we could explain the alongshore current velocity by that represented in the classical theoretical equation. Consequently, our observations strongly support one of the proposed formation mechanisms of the cold-water belt observed off the SWC, that is, the convergence of bottom Ekman transport. The volume transport of vertical pumping velocity was estimated to be (0.12–0.25) Sv. In addition, the vertical profile of average temperature in all observation periods shows that slightly warmer water lies beneath the homogenous temperature layer, in the BBL. The result is considered to imply that the down-slope advection due to bottom Ekman transport supplies the SWC water in BBL and the eddy diffusivity of order of 10−3 m2s−1 maintains the oceanic structure in the bottom mixed layer.  相似文献   
The Sawadani greenstone in the Chichibu Paleozoic System is an ancient submarine volcanic complex consisting of pillow lavas and hyaloclastites. The volcanism is divided into two periods. Alkali basalt was erupted in the first period and two shield-shaped cones were formed. After a period of dormancy the volcanism of the second period took place and a cone was formed by eruptions of lavas ranging in composition from mildly alkaline to tholeiitic basalt. The top of the volcano nearly reached the sea surface and was finally about 3.7 km above the base. A limestone cap and volcanic conglomerate were deposited on the summit. The base rests conformably on upper Carboniferous sandstone and subordinate mudstone derived from a continent or mature island arc. Many feeding channels of lava cut the volcanic body and underlying sedimentary formation. Sedimentation proceeded concurrently on the surrounding sea floor, so that volcanic and sedimentary material is interlayered.The Sawadani greenstone, although it occurs in the high-P/T metamorphic belt, is not believed to be a fragment of oceanic crust (ophiolite complex) formed by oceanic ridge volcanism and later carried into a convergent zone. It is a seamount formed on and within a sedimentary sequence near a continent or island arc. The magma changed from alkaline to tholeittic as the volcano grew.It cannot be assumed that all metavolcanic rocks formed in high-pressure metamorphic terranes are fragments of oceanic crust.  相似文献   
Shun  Chiyonobu  Tokiyuki  Sato  Reika  Narikiyo  Makoto  Yamasaki 《Island Arc》2006,15(4):476-482
Abstract   The late Quaternary calcareous nannofossil assemblages from Ocean Drilling Program Holes 807A and 846B, located in the western and eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean, respectively, were analyzed to clarify changes in surface-water conditions during the last 500 000 years. The uppermost Quaternary sediments in both holes contain abundant nannofossils, and their assemblages are characterized by high species diversity. The absolute abundances of coccoliths (specimens/g) and relative numbers of small reticulofenestrids decreased drastically in both holes between 0.3 and 0.2 Ma, whereas the relative abundance of warm-water species and Florisphaera profunda increased suddenly at this time. These data indicate that upwelling around the western and eastern equatorial Pacific regions weakened after 0.2 Ma, which was caused by a decrease in trade-wind strength.  相似文献   
Endocrine disrupting chemicals such as organochlorines have been detected in a large number of marine fish. Histological observation of the gonads, measurement of serum vitellogenin (VTG) level and of liver polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) content were performed to evaluate the reproductive health and the contamination with endocrine disruptors in bigeye tuna Thunnus obesus, collected in the northern Pacific Ocean in 1999 and 2000. Abnormalities commonly found in species affected by endocrine disruptors such as the presence of oocytes in the testis or elevated serum VTG levels were not found in any of males examined. Both males and females had only small amounts of liver PCB content. The results suggest that currently there is little if any risk of organochlorine contamination or endocrine disruption of gonadal function in bigeye tuna from the northern Pacific Ocean. However, further studies are necessary to evaluate the health status of the open sea fishery resources.  相似文献   
297UBV observations of the Algol type eclipsing binary Y Hyi are presented and analyzed by a synthetic light curve technique. The system is semi-detached and shows complete eclipses.Based on observations collected at the European Southern Observatory, La Silla, Chile.  相似文献   
We investigate the outflow propagation in the collapsar in the context of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) with 2D relativistic hydrodynamic simulations. We vary the specific internal energy and bulk Lorentz factor of the injected outflow from non-relativistic regime to relativistic one, fixing the power of the outflow to be 1051erg s−1. We observed the collimated outflow, when the Lorentz factor of the injected outflow is roughly greater than 2. To the contrary, when the velocity of the injected outflow is slower, the expanding outflow is observed. The transition from collimated jet to expanding outflow continuously occurs by decreasing the injected velocity. Different features of the dynamics of the outflows would cause the difference between the GRBs and similar phenomena, such as, X-ray flashes.  相似文献   
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