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The Orikabe Plutonic Complex, northeast Japan, is a zoned pluton and one of the Cretaceous intrusions in the Circum-Pacific area. In the Main body, K-rich calc-alkaline rocks composed of marginal gabbro and a large amount of monzodiorite–quartz monzonite–monzogranite are intruded successively by innermost calc-alkaline rocks of granodiorite. The gabbro and monzodiorite–monzogranite have a continuous chemical variation, while the granodiorite has lower concentrations of K, Rb, Y, Zr, Nb and F at the same SiO2 content. The gabbro and monzodiorite–quartz monzonite have a Rb-Sr whole-rock age of 119±12 Ma with an initial 87Sr/86Sr ratio of 0.70392±0.00007. The initial 87Sr/86Sr ratio of the innermost granodiorite is estimated to be about 0.7042. The 18O values of fresh rocks range from +6.7 to +8.3, indicating a positive correlation with SiO2 contents. The K-rich calc-alkaline rocks were derived through fractional crystallization from a mafic parental magma with a slightly high 18O value, implying a major contribution of a sub-arc mantle at a continental margin. Trace element modeling indicates that the source could have been a fertile lherzolite enriched in LILE and depleted in HFSE. The innermost granodiorite was the differentiation product of a distinct parental magma, suggesting the involvement of a small amount of crustal component in the source and partial melting under a more hydrous condition.Editorial responsibility: J. Hoefs  相似文献   
By applying the perturbation theory to theXYZ algorithm (a kind of variational method), the difference f in free vibration frequencies between sphere and ellipsoid was approximated as , where i and i (i = x,y andz) (i=x, y andz) are aspherical coefficients and asphericities of the ellipsoid, respectively. We developed an analytic method to compute the aspherical coefficients719-4 by using theXYZ algorithm. A numerical example was given for an ellipsoidal olivine, and an attempt was made to estimate the asphericities of the specimen by a least-squares method, based on the relationship between frequency shift and asphericity.  相似文献   
In order to accurately design a sand compaction pile (SCP) with low replacement area ratio, it is important to understand the mechanical interaction between the sand pile and clay ground and its mechanism during consolidation process in composite ground. In this article, therefore, a series of numerical analyses on composite ground improved by SCP with low replacement area ratio were carried out. The applicability of numerical analyses, in which an elasto-viscoplastic consolidation finite element method was applied, were confirmed by comparing the results obtained from a series of laboratory model tests with the composite ground improved by SCP. Through the results of the numerical analyses, mechanical behavior of the sand pile and clay in composite ground during consolidation is elucidated, together with a stress sharing mechanism between sand pile and clay.  相似文献   
Understanding changes in evapotranspiration during forest regrowth is essential to predict changes of stream runoff and recovery after forest cutting. Canopy interception (Ic) is an important component of evapotranspiration, however Ic changes and the impact on stream runoff during regrowth after cutting remains unclear due to limited observations. The objective of this study was to examine the effects of Ic changes on long-term stream runoff in a regrowth Japanese cedar and Japanese cypress forest following clear-cutting. This study was conducted in two 1-ha paired headwater catchments at Fukuroyamasawa Experimental Watershed in Japan. The catchments were 100% covered by Japanese coniferous plantation forest, one of which was 100% clear-cut in 1999 when the forest was 70 years old. In the treated catchment, annual runoff increased by 301 mm/year (14% of precipitation) the year following clear-cutting, and remained 185 mm/year (7.9% of precipitation) higher in the young regrowth forest for 12–14 years compared to the estimated runoff assuming no clear-cutting. The Ic change was −358 mm/year (17% of precipitation) after cutting and was −168 mm/year (6.7% of precipitation) in the 12–14 years old regrowth forest compared to the observed Ic during the pre-cutting period. Stream runoff increased in all seasons, and the Ic change was the main fraction of evapotranspiration change in all seasons throughout the observation period. These results suggest that the change in Ic accounted for most of the runoff response following forest cutting and the subsequent runoff recovery in this coniferous forest.  相似文献   
Bodies located in outdoor environments are radiatively heated in the daytime and cooled at night. Convective heat transfer is subsequently activated between the body surface and the surrounding air. To investigate these heat-exchange processes, we developed a new apparatus, referred to as a “polyethylene chamber”, for use in physical model experiments. The chamber is a 1.51-m-long tube with the ends serving as the air inlet and outlet, and is ventilated in the longitudinal direction by using an exhaust fan. The measurement section of the chamber is open but otherwise the device is covered with 0.02-mm-thick polyethylene film. Because such thin polyethylene film transmits approximately 85 % of both shortwave and longwave radiation, the model surface in the chamber is exposed to a radiation level almost equivalent to the outdoor radiation level. For example, at night the surface of the model is cooled by radiation, and subsequently, the air inside the chamber is cooled by the surface. Consequently, the outlet air temperature becomes lower than the inlet air temperature. The use of this temperature difference between the air inlet and outlet, together with other heat balance components, is a unique approach to the chamber technique for evaluating the heat exchange rate at a model’s surface. This report describes the design and heat balance of the chamber, and compares the heat-balance-based approach with another approach based on the radiation–convection balance on the model surface. To demonstrate the performance of the polyethylene chamber, two chambers were exposed to outdoor radiation on a clear night; one contained a leaf model. Air and surface temperatures were measured and the convective heat flux at the surfaces of the model and floor surface were calculated from the heat balance components of the chambers by assuming steady-state heat transfer. The fluxes agreed closely with those obtained from the radiation–convection balance at the model or floor surface. The results also clearly showed that the air flowing in the polyethylene chamber was cooled more efficiently when the model surface was installed in the chamber, even though the model surface temperature was high.  相似文献   
An integrated magnetobiochronology of the Miyazaki Pliocene–Pleistocene succession in the Miyazaki area, southwest Japan, was established using planktic foraminiferal and calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy together with paleomagnetic data. The upper Miyazaki succession in the northern Miyazaki region can be divided into the Takanabe, Hisamine (redefined), and Higoyashiki (new) Formations, in ascending order. A depositional hiatus between the Hisamine Formation and the Takanabe and/or older formations was also identified based on integrated magnetobiostratigraphy from five sections including the Nagatani River (NGT) section through the uppermost Miyazaki succession. The hiatus, herein called the Hisamine unconformity, is equivalent to the Kurotaki unconformity between the Miura and Kazusa groups of the Boso Peninsula in central Japan. The depositional hiatus recognised in the lower Pleistocene of Pacific coastal areas in southwestern and central Japan may have resulted from tectonic activity associated with a change in the subduction direction of the Philippine Sea plate, which commenced prior to ca. 2.2 Ma. The youngest unit just below the hiatus is the upper part of the Takanabe Formation in the NGT section. The NGT section represents the continuous Late Pliocene to earliest Pleistocene sequence including the Gauss/Matuyama boundary and is here proposed as the type section for the Pliocene/Pleistocene boundary in Japan, which the IUGS ratified as the base of the Gelasian in 2009.  相似文献   
The short-term X-ray variability distinguishes Cyg X-1, which is the most likely candidate for a black hole, from other X-ray sources. The present status of our knowledge on this short-term variation, mainly from the UHURU, the MIT and the GSFC observations, is reviewed. The nature of impulsive variations which compose the time variation exceeding the statistical fluctuation is discussed. There are indications that the energy spectrum of large pulses is harder than the average spectrum, or that the large pulses are the characteristics of the hard component of the spectrum if it is composed of two, soft and hard, components. Features of the variations may be partly simulated by the superposition of random shot-noise pulses with a fraction of a second duration. However, the autocorrelation analysis and the dynamic spectrum analysis indicate that the correlation lasts for several seconds and in the variation are buried some regularities which exhibit power concentrations in several frequency bands; 0.2–0.3, 0.4–0.5, 0.8, 1.2–1.5 Hz. There are several possible interpretations of these results in terms of; e.g. (a) a mixture of shot-noise pulses with two or more constant durations, (b) the shape of the basic shot-noise pulse, (c) bunching of the pulses, (d) superposition of wave-packets or temporal oscillations. But we have not yet reached any definite understandings in the nature of the variabilities. The substructure of the fluctuations on a time scale of milliseconds suggested by two investigations is also discussed.Paper presented at the COSPAR Symposium on Fast Transients in X- and Gamma-Rays, held at Varna, Bulgaria, 29–31 May, 1975.  相似文献   
To improve results in monthly rainfall prediction, a parametrization of precipitation has been developed. The thermodynamic energy equation used in the Adem thermodynamic model (ATM) and the Clausius and Clapeyron equation, were used to obtain a linear parametrization of the precipitation anomalies as a function of the surface temperature and the 700 mb temperature anomalies. The observed rainfall in Mexico over 36 months, from January 1981 to December 1983, was compared with the results obtained of the heat released by condensation, which is proportional to precipitation, using our theoretical formula, and those obtained using a statistical formula, which was derived for the ATM using 12 years of hemispheric real data. The verification using our formula in Mexico, showed better results than the one using the statistical formula.  相似文献   
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