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Headcut is a change in stream channel elevation, where there is concentrated flow. Most of the past studies focus on non-cohesive soils, although many problems on the streams occur because of cohesive beds and banks. In this study, eight samples of cohesive soils, with a different composition of silt and clay, for different waterfall heights and flow velocity under long- and short-term natural consolidation conditions were tested. In one of the tests, a sand layer was settled on the headcut bed to investigate its impact on headcut erosion. By increasing clay content, the headcut will remain vertical as it moves backward. Result showed that the effect of clay content reduction was more noticeable under the long-term consolidation condition. In general, the effect of clay percentage variation on the measured parameters is much higher than the effects of waterfall height or flow velocity, and the effect of consolidation type and adding a sand layer on the measured values is much higher than the effect of clay percentage variation on the waterfall height and flow velocity.  相似文献   
Multifractal modeling is a mathematical method for the separation of a high potential mineralized background from a non-mineralized background. The Concentration-Distance to Fault structures (C-DF) fractal model and the distribution of the known iron (Fe) deposits/mines seen in the Esfordi and Behabad 1:100,000 sheets from the Bafq region of central Iran are used to distinguish Fe mineralization based on their distance to magnetic basement structures and surface faults, separately, using airborne geophysical data and field surveys. Application of the C-DF fractal model for the classification of Fe mineralizations in the Esfordi and Behabad areas reveals that the main ones show a correlation with their distance from magnetic basement structures. Accordingly, the distances of Fe mineralizations with grades of Fe higher than 55% )43% < Fe ≤ 60%) are located at a distance of less than 1 km, whereas for surfacial faults with grades of 43% ≤ Fe ≤ 60%, the distances are 3162< DF ≤ 4365 m from the faults. Thus, there is a positive relationship between Fe mineralization and magnetic basement structures. Also, the proximity evidence of Precambrian high-grade Fe mineralization related to magnetic basement structures indicates syn-rifting tectonic events. Finally, this C-DF fractal model can be used for exploration of magmatic and hydrothermal ore deposits.  相似文献   
In order to investigate the development of forest soils formed on loess, six representative modern soil pedons were selected along a precipitation gradient extending from eastern Golestan(mean annual precipitation, MAP = 500 mm)to eastern Mazandaran Provinces(MAP = 800 mm).Physiochemical, micromorphological and magnetic properties, as well as clay mineralogy of soils were studied using standard methods. Soils are mainly classified as Alfisols and Mollisols. Downward decalcification and the subsequent clay illuviation were the main criteria of soil development in all study areas. Pedogenic magnetic susceptibility of pedons studied varied systematically across the precipitation gradient in Northern Iran, increasing from 14.66 ×10~(-8) m~3 kg~(-1) at the eastern part to 83.75 × 10~(-8) m~3 kg~(-1) at the western margin of this transect. The frequencydependent magnetic susceptibility showed an increasing trend with rainfall as well. The micromorphological study of soils indicated that there is a positive relationship between climate gradient (increasing rainfall) and the micromorphological index of soil development(MISECA). The area and thickness of clay coatings showed an increasing trend with rainfall. Grain size analysis indicates that pedogenic processes are responsible for changing original grain size distribution of loess in our soils.The correlation achieved among modern soil properties and precipitation could be applied to the buried paleosols in the whole study area to refer degree of paleosol development and to reconstruct the paleoclimate.  相似文献   
Analysis of amplitude variation with offset is an essential step for reservoir characterization. For an accurate reservoir characterization, the amplitude obtained with an isotropic assumption of the reservoir must be corrected for the anisotropic effects. The objective is seismic anisotropic amplitude correction in an effective medium, and, to this end, values and signs of anisotropic parameter differences (Δδ and Δε) across the reflection interfaces are needed. These parameters can be identified by seismic and well log data. A new technique for anisotropic amplitude correction was developed to modify amplitude changes in seismic data in transversely isotropic media with a vertical axis of symmetry. The results show that characteristics of pre-stack seismic data, that is, amplitude variation with offset gradient, can be potentially related to the sign of anisotropic parameter differences (Δδ and Δε) between two layers of the reflection boundary. The proposed methodology is designed to attain a proper fit between modelled and observed amplitude variation with offset responses, after anisotropic correction, for all possible lithofacies at the reservoir boundary. We first estimate anisotropic parameters, that is, δ and ε, away from the wells through Backus averaging of elastic properties resulted from the first pass of isotropic pre-stack seismic inversion, on input data with no amplitude correction. Next, we estimate the anisotropic parameter differences at reflection interfaces (values and signs of Δδ and Δε). We then generate seismic angle gather data after anisotropic amplitude correction using Rüger's equation for the P-P reflection coefficient. The second pass of isotropic pre-stack seismic inversion is then performed on the amplitude-corrected data, and elastic properties are estimated. Final outcome demonstrates how introduced methodology helps to reduce the uncertainty of elastic property prediction. Pre-stack seismic inversion on amplitude-corrected seismic data results in more accurate elastic property prediction than what can be obtained from non-corrected data. Moreover, a new anisotropy attribute (ν) is presented for improvement of lithology identification.  相似文献   

Numerical simulations of groundwater flow and heat transport are used to provide insight into the interaction between shallow groundwater flow and thermal dynamics related to permafrost thaw and thaw settlement at the Iqaluit Airport taxiway, Nunavut, Canada. A conceptual model is first developed for the site and a corresponding two-dimensional numerical model is calibrated to the observed ground temperatures. Future climate-warming impacts on the thermal regime and flow system are then simulated based on climate scenarios proposed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Under climate warming, surface snow cover is identified as the leading factor affecting permafrost degradation, including its role in increasing the sensitivity of permafrost degradation to changes in various hydrogeological factors. In this case, advective heat transport plays a relatively minor, but non-negligible, role compared to conductive heat transport, due to the significant extent of low-permeability soil close to surface. Conductive heat transport, which is strongly affected by the surface snow layer, controls the release of unfrozen water and the depth of the active layer as well as the magnitude of thaw settlement and frost heave. Under the warmest climate-warming scenario with an average annual temperature increase of 3.23 °C for the period of 2011–2100, the simulations suggest that the maximum depth of the active layer will increase from 2 m in 2012 to 8.8 m in 2100 and, over the same time period, thaw settlement along the airport taxiway will increase from 0.11 m to at least 0.17 m.

Headcut, known as knickpoint migration too, is developed due to sudden change in channel bed followed by bed scour and erosion which progressing upstream. The results are the downstream morphological change and transporting massive sediment to the downstream reservoir. Most of the past studies focus on non-cohesive soils, although many problems occur because of cohesive soils. In this study, 10 different samples of cohesive soils in long term consolidation with different composition of silt and clay were tested under different circumstances of waterfall height and flow velocity to investigate the neck migration rate and the sediment yield. Tests were continued to reach a constant migration rate. One of the effective phenomena in all tests was tensional cracks on soil surface. The size and number of these cracks have inverse relation with percent of clay. Because of these cracks, massive erosion occurs at the beginning of all tests. By reducing percent of clay, headcut, waterfall height and sediment yield were increased and by reducing waterfall height and flow velocity these parameters were reduced. In lower percent of clay, headcut erosion will occur quickly with more slants. Caving phenomenon was not observed in any tests and massive erosion rate was more quickly.  相似文献   
In order to characterize various micromorphologic properties of two forest soils derived from different parent rocks in Lahijan, and use the data collected from micromorphological analysis to interpret dominant pedogenic processes. Two representative soil pedons, granite (P1) and andesitic basalt (P2) were selected in a mountain landform with northwest aspect. Samples for thin section preparation were taken from each horizon by Kubiena boxes or clods. Micromorphological analysis of soils derived from these two soil pedons in eastern part of Lahijan (northern Iran) were conducted based on the physicochemical and mineralogical data. Micromorphological properties were characterized using a polarized light microscope under plain and cross light. Thin section study indicated that the nature of the parent material clearly affected the content of clay formation. It also showed that clay accumulation in the Bt horizons was not only due to clay illuviation (argillan), but that strong in situ weathering of primary minerals also contributed to the enrichment of clay in soils derived from andesitic basalt. Comparing the results of clay mineralogy obtained from X-ray diffraction (XRD) with microscopic studies revealed that birefringence fabric (b-fabric) of the groundmass was partly striated due to smectitic minerals in soil of andesitic basalt (Hapludalf), whereas speckled birefringence fabric was dominant in soil of granite (Udorthent) because of the absence of these minerals. We speculate that pores of skeletal fragments or microcracks in P1 were a place for illuvial clay protection. However, the main factor for illuvial clay film disruption (striation and deformation) was biological activity (faunal turbation and root pressure) in P1 and expandable minerals and faunal turbation in P2.  相似文献   
Neotrocholina Reichel, 1956 is one of the most important benthic foraminifera in Early Cretaceous. Some of the species of this genus are indexes in biostratigraphy especially for this interval (e.g., Neotrocholina friburgensis: Late Barremian–Early Aptian; Neotrocholina aptiensis: Early Aptian). In order to conduct accurate paleontological investigations, sampling from the carbonate units of the Tirgan Formation in Kopet Dagh sedimentary basin is done. According to the occurrence level in the studied stratigraphic sections as well as biometric interpretations, two species of this genus (N. friburgensis and Neotrocholina valdensis) are pointed out.  相似文献   
Interference signals due to scattering from surface and reflecting from bottom is one of the most important problems of reliable communications in shallow water channels. To solve this problem, one of the best suggested ways is to use adaptive equalizers. Convergence rate and misadjustment error in adaptive algorithms play important roles in adaptive equalizer performance. In this paper, affine projection algorithm (APA), selective regressor APA(SR-APA), family of selective partial update (SPU) algorithms, family of set-membership (SM) algorithms and selective partial update selective regressor APA (SPU-SR-APA) are compared with conventional algorithms such as the least mean square (LMS) in underwater acoustic communications. We apply experimental data from the Strait of Hormuz for demonstrating the efficiency of the proposed methods over shallow water channel. We observe that the values of the steady-state mean square error (MSE) of SR-APA, SPU-APA0 SPU-normalized least mean square (SPU-NLMS), SPU-SR-APA0 SM-APA and SM-NLMS algorithms decrease in comparison with the LMS algorithm. Also these algorithms have better convergence rates than LMS type algorithm.  相似文献   
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