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In Alpine Corsica, the major tectonic event during the late Cretaceous was the thrusting to the west of an ophiolitic nappe and its sedimentary cover upon the Variscan basement and its Mesozoic cover. A detailed field survey shows that the basal contact of the nappe corresponds to a pluri-kilometric scale shear zone. Thus gneissified basement slices have been tectonically emplaced in the ophiolitic nappe. The thrusting was responsible for small scale structures: foliation, lineation and folds, initiated in a HP/LT metamorphic context. The deformation analysis shows that the finite strain ellipsoid lies in the constriction field close to that for plane strain. Moreover occurrences of rotational criteria in the XZ planes (sigmoidal micas, asymmetric pressure shadows, quartz C-axes fabrics) are in agreement with shear from east to west. All structural data from microscopic to kilometric scales, of which the most widespread is a transverse stretching lineation, can be interpreted by a simple shear model involving ductile synmetamorphic deformation. At the plate tectonic scale the ophiolitic obduction is due to intraoceanic subduction blocked by underthrusting of continental crust beneath oceanic lithosphere.  相似文献   
Recent field work and review of radiometric data obtained from Neogene lavas and plutonic rocks exposed in the Eastern Central Patagonian Cordillera (46–48ºS), which overlie subducted segments of the South Chile Ridge, suggest important Late Miocene to Pleistocene morphological changes in relation to base level variations and/or tectonic events. We present new field observations from a region south of Lago General Carrera‐Buenos Aires, between the main Cordillera and the Meseta del Lago Buenos Aires, demonstrating that normal faulting controlled valley incisions and occurred during lava emplacement at 5–4 Ma and after 3 Ma. We also show that the 12 Ma basaltic flows of the Meseta del Lago Buenos Aires (∼2000 m a.s.l.) have been subjected to deep incision, with younger lavas dated at 1.2 Ma partially filling the valleys. These incisions are thought to reflect progressive eastward tilting of the entire meseta. Our new observations, together with additional features from Central Patagonia, strongly suggest that tectonic events led to a regional widespread morphological change after 5 Ma. The coincidence in time and space between the subduction of segments of the South Chile Ridge at 6 and 3 Ma causing opening of a slab window, and strong base level variations in the studied area, suggests a cause‐and‐effect relationship. In Central Patagonia, compressional tectonics ended well before extensional events reported here. Causes of uplift and further extension are probably completely disconnected. The uplift is purely tectonic in origin and occurred prior to the subduction of the South Chile Ridge. Extension should be a consequence of this subduction.  相似文献   
We conducted a laser-equipped analog experiment aimed at quasi-continuously monitoring the growth of a dense population of normal faults in homogeneous conditions. To further understand the way geological faults progressively gain in slip and length as they accumulate more strain, we measured with great precision the incremental slip and length changes that the analog faults sustain as they grow. These measurements show that the analog faults share common features with the natural ones. In particular, during their growth, the faults develop and maintain cumulative slip profiles that are generally triangular and asymmetric. The growth takes place through two distinct phases: an initial, short period of rapid lateral lengthening, followed by a longer phase of slip accumulation with little or no lengthening. The incremental slip is found to be highly variable in both space (along the faults) and time, resulting in variable slip rates. In particular, ‘short- and long-term’ slip rates are markedly different. We also find that slip measurements at local points on fault traces do not contain clear information on the slip increment repeat mode. Finally, while the fault growth process is highly heterogeneous when considered at the scale of a few slip events, it appears homogeneous and self-similar at longer time scales which integrate many slip increments. This is likely to be the result of a feedback between stress heterogeneities and slip development. The long-term scale homogeneity also implies that the long-term faulting process is primarily insensitive to the short-term heterogeneities that are rapidly smoothed or redistributed. We propose a new conceptual scenario of fault growth that integrates the above observations and we suggest that faults grow in a bimodal way as a result of a self-driven and self-sustaining process.  相似文献   
One of the two objectives of the Vemanaute cruise of the French deep submersible Nautile, was the geological study of the eastern intersection area between the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR) and the Vema Fracture Zone in the equatorial Atlantic. Fourteen dives were conducted that allowed detailed geological survey and sampling of the main morphostructural units of this area: the northern and southern walls of the fracture zone, the median ridge, the northern and southern troughs and the nodal basin. In situ observations of recent tectonic features such as furrows, ridges and circular depressions, concentrated within the southern trough, allowed us to establish the location and the size of the present-day displacement zone. Geological investigations have shown that the nodal basin is entirely floored by basalts thus contrasting with other equivalent areas such as the Kane and Oceanographer fracture zone-MAR eastern intersections. Finally, this study stresses the great opposition between the relatively old and tectonically inactive northern part of the fracture, and the southern part which shows active tectonics and recent volcanic activity.  相似文献   
The presently active sinistral Xianshui He strike-slip fault (XSH) is a lithospheric scale strike-slip fault in the eastern Himalaya. In the study area this fault affects the eastern edge of the Konga Shan granitic massif, where it has caused both brittle and ductile deformation. A RbSr isochron and Nd and Pb isotope study of three samples, and a UPb zircon study of a single sample, were completed on the granite.

UPb data indicate a granite emplacement age of 12.8 ± 1.4 Ma. The RbSr isochrons show that the granite emplacement and the deformational event were synchronous, at around 12-10 Ma (minimum age for deformation). The Nd and Pb isotope compositions of whole rocks and K-feldspars indicate the involvement of Proterozoic continental crust, which is confirmed by UPb systematics indicating inherited zircons.

Sinistral faulting along the XSH began at the latest at 12 Ma and marks the extrusion toward the east of the West Sichuan and South China blocks, following their extrusion along the Red River fault zone between 50 and 21 Ma.  相似文献   

A tectonic model of Alpine Corsica is proposed based on geological studies. Its evolution starts after the Jurassic with intraoceanic subduction, followed by mid-Cretaceous subduction of the European continental margin under the oceanic segment of the Adriatic plate. After subduction of the continental crust to a depth of ≈ 150 km, slices of crustal material are buoyantly uplifted together with high-pressure oceanic rocks (ophiolites and 'schistes lustrés'). High pressure–low temperature continental gneiss units overthrust the outer segments of the European crust, while producing a normal sense motion along the upper surface of the rising crustal body. During the Eocene, the closure of the remnant Ligurian oceanic basin separating the proto Corsican belt and Adria, resulted in a second orogenic phase with the emplacement of unmetamorphosed ophiolitic nappes which overthrust the previously exhumed and eroded HP belt. This Corsican model suggests an original evolutionary path for orogenic belts when continental collision is preceded by intraoceanic subduction.  相似文献   
Reflection seismic data from the Peruvian continental margin at 12° S clearly reveal an accretionary wedge and buttress. Sandbox experiments applying the physical concept of the Coulomb theory allow the systematic investigation of the growth and deformation of such an accretionary structure. The style of deformation of the buttress and the internal structure of the wedge is observed in the sandbox models. The possibility of underplating material beneath the buttress and the amount of tectonic erosion depend on the physical properties of the materials, mainly internal friction, cohesion and basal friction. Boundary conditions such as the height of the subduction gate and the thickness of incoming sand also constrain the style of growth of the model accretionary structure.The configurations of two experiments were closely scaled to reflection seismic depth sections across the Peruvian margin. A deformable buttress constructed of compacted rock powder is introduced to replicate the basement rock which allows deformation similar to that in the seismic data. With the sandbox models it is possible to verify a proposed accretionary history derived from seismic and borehole data. The models also help in understanding the mechanisms which control the amount of accretion, subduction and underplating as a function of physical properties, boundary conditions and the duration of convergence.  相似文献   
The Alps/Apennines system, as well as many collisional orogens through the world, shows a finite deformation produced during a long geological history which involves numerous superimposed tectonic events. As a result, complex and often contrasted reconstructions for the setting and tectonics of the different stages of the growing and interfering Alps/Apennines system have been proposed. To enlight some of the geometric and kinematic signatures related to past geodynamics in the composite Alps(Corsica)/Apennines system, we analyse the major deformation processes, their superimposition, and resulting finite structural geometries in the currently growing Taiwan orogenic system. The Taiwan island and its offshore northward and southward prolongations represent the emerged and the sub-marine parts of an orogenic wedge related to the interactions between the Eurasian and the Philippine Sea and recording different subduction settings. Using the Taiwan actualistic geodynamic scenarios and the related first-order geometric-kinematic constraints, we will attempt a reconstruction of the tectonic evolution for the Corsica/Apennines orogenic system foregrounding the key role of continental subduction and subduction reversal during such evolution.  相似文献   
The spinel peridotite from the Anyemaqen suture contains ?5% residual clinopyroxene and is characterized by a high abundance of the magmaphile elements Fe, Al and Ti in the primary mineral phases. Our data demonstrate that this rock represents residual mantle material, which has been affected by less than 10% partial melting prior to its emplacement. Its textural features indicate that the rock has been plastically deformed in a non-coaxial regime under lithospheric physical conditions at a relatively cool thermal regime below solidus temperature. We suggest that the peridotites from the Anyemaqen suture represent mantle material, which was either emplaced during incipient rifting on the Palaeozoic passive margin of Asia, or uplifted at slow spreading ridge setting in Paleo-Tethyan Ocean. Further researches are needed to make a definite choice between these two alternatives. To cite this article: E.A. Konstantinovskaia et al., C. R. Geoscience 335 (2003).  相似文献   
The Qinling Mountains separating the northern from the southern China plate is a key region for the study of structural evolution of eastern Asia. It is composed of the Palaeozoic fold belt in its northern part and the Variscan and Indosinian fold belts in its southern part. The evolution of the former is marked by the closure of a northward subducting oceanic basin in the early stage, followed by southward obduction of ophiolites and intracontinental thrusting during the Variscan; whereas that of the latter is represented by intracontinental, shallow crustal deformation on the basis of a large-scale detachment structure(with a horizontal slip of at least of 100 km). Since the late Palaeozoic, however, both of the belts have been cut by a series of east-west sinistral strike-slip faults.  相似文献   
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