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Documenting morphological features of modem pollen is fundamental for the identification of fossil pollen, which will assist researchers to reconstruct the vegetation and climate of a particular geologic period. This paper presents the pollen morphol- ogy of 20 species of tundra plants from the high Arctic of Ny-Alesund, Svalbard, using light and scanning electron microscopy. The plants used in this study belong to 12 families: Brassicaceae, Caryophyllaceae, Cyperaceae, Ericaceae, Juncaceae, Papav- eraceae, Poaceae, Polygonaceae, Ranunculaceae, Rosaceae, Salicaceae, and Scrophulariaceae. Pollen grain shapes included: spher- oidal, subprolate, and prolate. Variable apertural patterns ranged from 2-syncolpate, 3-colpate, 3-(-4)-colpate, 3-(-5)-colpate, 3-colporate, 5-poroid, ulcerate, ulcus to pantoporate. Exine ornamentations comprised psilate, striate-perforate, reticulate, mi- croechinate, microechinate-perforate, scabrate, granulate, and granulate-perforate. This study provided a useful reference for com- parative studies of fossil pollen and for the reconstruction of paleovegetation and paleoclimate in Svalbard region of Arctic.  相似文献   
We propose a model that explains variations in magnetic parameters of lake sediments as a record of Holocene climate change. Our model is based on records from 4 lakes and incorporates the effects of erosion, dust deposition, and the authigenesis and diagenesis of the magnetic component of the sediment. Once checked against high resolution multi proxy climate records, which are currently being established for some of our study sites, it will allow us to use magnetic proxies to establish high-resolution climate reconstructions on a regional scale.Our model utilizes a combination of concentration-dependent parameters (magnetic susceptibility, IRM) and grain-size-dependent parameters (ARM/IRM, hysteresis parameters). Magnetic mineralogy is characterized by a combination of low-temperature measurements and S-ratios, and our magnetic measurements are complemented by XRD, LOI and smearslide analyses.During periods of forest growth within the watershed, deposition of terrigenous material is low and the sediment magnetic properties are characterized by low concentrations of mainly authigenic minerals (low values of IRM, high ratios of ARM/IRM). During the early to mid-Holocene dry period, deposition of terrigenous material increased due to intensified dust deposition and the erosion of lake margins caused by lowered water levels. Concentration of magnetic minerals increases (high IRM, ) and so does the grain-size of the magnetic fraction (low ARM/IRM). During the late-Holocene, sediment magnetic properties depend on the varied position of the site with respect to the prairie–forest ecotone.  相似文献   
The computation of stresses within a finite element displacement method analysis of a shell of revolution is considered. The common procedure of applying the kinematic and constitutive laws to the displacement functions is examined and justified for models where the displacements are represented by high-order polynomial expansions. Also, two alternative computational formats within this technique are explored. The influence of the column-supported base condition on a hyperboloidal shell of revolution is studied with respect to the stresses calculated from a response spectrum analysis. These studies emphasize the importance of accurately modelling the base region of a column-supported shell such as a hyperbolic cooling tower.  相似文献   
Archaeological investigations into the processes and factors controlling the magnetic enhancement of soils were initiated in the 1960s in conjunction with the application of magnetic prospection surveys. After a highly productive period of research, archaeological interest in soil magnetism experienced a downswing, which has just recently been reversed. Continuing research within the fields of rock magnetism and environmental magnetism has refined our understanding of the processes and products of magnetic enhancement and demonstrated the broad applicability of soil magnetic analyses. Using this information, together with recent archaeological studies, we update archaeologists on the variety of soil magnetic techniques and how they can be utilized to define, detail, and understand archaeological sites, features, and environments. A case study at the Cahokia Mounds Site in southwestern Illinois illustrates how soil magnetic techniques can be interfaced with other methods to understand archaeological landscapes and landscape change. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
The Cretaceous(Albian-Cenomanian) Dalmiapuram Formation is one of the economically significant constituents in the hydrocarbon-producing Cauvery rift basin, SE India that opened up during the Late Jurassic e Early Cretaceous Gondwanaland fragmentation. The fossil-rich Dalmiapuram Formation,exposed at Ariyalur within the Pondicherry sub-basin of Cauvery Basin, rests in most places directly on the Archean basement and locally on the Lower Cretaceous(Barremian-Aptian) Basal Siliciclastic Formation. In the Dalmiapuram Formation, a facies association of tectonically-disturbed phase is sandwiched between two drastically quieter phases. The early syn-rift facies association(FA 1), records the first carbonate marine transgression within the basin, comprising a bar-lagoon system with occasionally storms affecting along the shore and a sheet-like non-recurrent biomicritic limestone bed on the shallow shelf that laterally grades into pyrite e glauconite-bearing dark-colored shale in the deeper shelf. Spectacular breccias together with varied kinds of mass-flow products comprise the syn-rift facies association(FA 2). While the breccias occur at the basin margin area, the latter extend in the deeper inland sea. Clast composition of the coarse clastics includes large, even block-sized limestone fragments and small fragments of granite and sandstone from the basement.Marl beds of quieter intervals between tectonic pulses occur in alternation with them. Faulted basal contact of the formation, and small grabens filled by multiple mass-flow packages bear the clear signature of the syntectonic activity localized contortions, slump folds, and pillow beds associated with mega slump/slide planes and joints, which corroborates this contention further. This phase of tectonic intervention is followed by another relatively quieter phase and accommodates the late syn-rift facies association(FA 3). A tidal bar-interbar shelf depositional system allowed a transgressive systems tract motif to grow eventually passing upwards into the Karai Shale Formation, whose contact with the Dalmiapuram Formation is gradational.  相似文献   
Results of the first detailed study of the climate proxy record in the loess-palaeosol sequence at Xining-one of the few palaeoclimate sites in the currently arid western Loess Plateau of China-illustrate the importance of making many types of rock-magnetic measurements other than susceptibility. A multiparameter approach yielded confirmation that here, as elsewhere in the Loess Plateau, the susceptibility enhancement in palaeosols was caused primarily by ultrafine magnetite and maghaemite. Nevertheless, magnetic enhancement was caused not exclusively by changes in relative grain size, but also by variations in concentration and mineralogy of the magnetic fraction.
The effects of concentration variations were removed through normalization of susceptibility and anhysteretic remanence with saturation magnetization and saturation remanence, respectively. the resulting signal was ascribed more confidently to variation in magnetic grain size, which in turn was interpreted as a better proxy of pedogenesis than simple susceptibility. Variations in magnetic mineralogy were also determined to constrain interpretations further. the data were then used to discuss climate history at Xining. Finally, results from Xining were compared with other western sites and contrasted with eastern sites.
In summary: (1) data is presented from a new Loess Plateau site which also appears to yield a global climate signal; (2) a demonstration is made of a more rock-magnetically robust way to separate concentration, composition and grain-size controls on susceptibility and other magnetic parameters; and (3) models are provided for inter-regional comparisons of palaeoclimate proxy records.  相似文献   
Infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL) properties of the Old Crow tephra and bracketing loess from the Halfway House site in Central Alaska are investigated in order to test newly developed techniques, including SAR and recently proposed fading corrections. Loess samples investigated show a standard growth of luminescence with regenerative dose while the tephra sample is less sensitive by an order of magnitude and saturates at lower dose. The growth curves obtained using multiple-aliquots regeneration (MAR) saturate at a higher value than those with the single-aliquot regeneration (SAR) protocol. Fading rate determinations for these samples are shown to be imprecise and no noticeable difference was observed between loess and tephra materials. Anomalous fading corrections using an average g value of 5% are applied to the natural test dose signal intensity using the dose rate correction (DRC) method. IRSL ages obtained for loess are in agreement with the expected age while the tephra age is lower than expected, suggesting the measured fading rate is underestimated for this material.  相似文献   
Two series of experiments were carried out with soft model-materials in order to assess the relative importance of initial homogeneous strain, external rotation and late-stage strain in reorienting early lineations during superposed buckle-folding. In the first series cylindrical buckling folds were produced in embedded planar sheets containing a “lineation”. In the second series noncylindrical folds were produced by compression of a set of cylindrical folds. The experiments indicate that the ratio of buckle shortening to layer-parallel strain is much smaller when the principal extension is parallel to the fold-axis than in the case when the principal extension is perpendicular to the fold-axis. In very competent rocks, the reorientation of old lineations is mainly by external rotation and by the associated concentric longitudinal strain. In moderately competent rocks, the orientation of early lineations always changes by initial homogeneous strain before buckling becomes significant. Because of the unlike amounts of initial strain in layers of different competences, orientations of unrolled lineations may not be parallel in disharmonically folded layers of unlike competences. Under certain conditions the early lineation may become virtually parallel to the later fold-axis. The experiments indicate that the effects of late-stage strain in buckle-folding are largely restricted to the incompetent layers of a multilayer. Hence, if orientation data of early lineations in both competent and incompetent rocks are lumped together, the pattern of orientation may become quite complex. Even for a single competent layer, the pattern of early lineations can locally become complex because of the complex nature of concentric longitudinal strain (and strain resulting from stretching of middle surface of the layer), development of conical folds, development of shear strain along hinge zones of deformed early folds and also because of the development of different orders of folds in both the first and the second deformations.  相似文献   
The occurrences of Pinus L. (family Pinaceae) megafossils (cones and leaf remains) have been abundantly documented from the Cenozoic sediments of eastern Asia (Japan and China), but none has been confirmed from the Indian Cenozoic till date. Here, we describe Pinus arunachalensis Khan and Bera, sp. nov. on the basis of seed remains from the middle to late Miocene Siwalik sediments of the Dafla Formation exposed around West Kameng district in Arunachal Pradesh, eastern Himalaya. Seeds are winged, broadly oblong to oval in outline, 1.3–1.5 cm long and 0.4–0.6 cm broad (in the middle part), located basipetally and symmetrically to wing, cellular pattern of wing is seemingly undulatory and parallel with the long axis of the wing. So far, this report provides the first ever fossil record of Pinus winged seeds from India. This record suggests that Pinus was an important component of tropical-subtropical evergreen forest in the area during the Miocene and this group subsequently declined from the local vegetation probably because of the gradual intensification of MSI (monsoon index) from the Miocene to the present. We also review the historical phytogeography and highlight the phytogeographic implication of this genus.  相似文献   
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