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Tourism research in Canadian Geography departments goes back to the early 1950s with R.I. Wolfe's impact studies of vacation destinations in Ontario. Prior to that, most studies were of an in house type, conducted by government agencies and private corporations having a stake in tourism-Parks Canada, the Canadian Office of Tourism and the Canadian Pacific Corporation.The geographic approaches and concepts applied to the study field range from holistic-environmental studies originating from the Parks Canada mandate to analyses of tourist-related service industry operations. A number of major interest areas can be identified in the more conceptual geographic evolution: carrying capacity, land use differentiation, destination area impact, spatial linkage application to tourist area development, regional historical research to mention some. This paper provides an interpretation of how such concepts emerged on the scene of Canadian tourism research, by presenting them in an evolutionary-historical framework of analysis.  相似文献   
We have constructed a new bathymetric chart of part of the Chile transform system, based mainly on an R/V “Endeavor” survey from 100°W to its intersection with the East Ridge of the Juan Fernandez microplate at 34°30′S, 109°15′W. A generally continuous lineated trend can be followed through the entire region, with the transform valley being relatively narrow and well-defined from 109°W to approximately 104°30′W. The fracture zone then widens to the east, with at least two probable en echelon offsets to the south at 104° and 102°W. Six new strike-slip mechanisms along the Chile Transform and one normal fault mechanism near the northern end of the Chile Rise, inverted together with other plate motion data from the eastern portion of the boundary, produce a new best fit Euler pole for the Nazca-Antarctic plate pair, providing tighter constraints on the relative plate motions.  相似文献   
We present a study of the lateral structure and mode of deformation in the transition between the Kuril and Honshu subduction zones. We begin by examining the source characteristics of the January 19, 1969, intermediate depth earthquake north of Hokkaido in the framework of slab-tearing, which for the December 6, 1978 event has been well documented by previous studies. We use a least-squares body wave inversion technique, and find that its focal mechanism is comparable to the 1978 event. To understand the cause of these earthquakes, which in the case of the 1978 event occurred on a vertical tear fault but does not represent hinge faulting, we examine the available International Seismological Centre [ISC] hypocenters and Harvard centroid-moment tensor [CMT] solutions to determine the state of stress, and lateral structure and segmentation in the Kuril and northern Honshu slabs. These data are evaluated in the framework of two models. Model (A) requires the subducting slab at the Hokkaido corner to maintain surface area. Model (B) requires slab subduction to be dominated by gravity, with material subducting in the down-dip direction. The distribution of ICS hypocenters shows a gap in deep seismicity down-dip of the Hokkaido corner, supporting model (B). From the CMT data set we find that three types of earthquake focal mechanisms occur. The first (type A) represents dip-slip mechanisms consistent with down-dip tension or compression in the slab in a direction normal to the strike of the trench. These events occur throughout the Honshu and Kuril slabs with focal mechanisms beneath Hokkaido showing NNW plungingP andT axes consistent with the local slab geometry. The second (type B) occurs primarily at depths over 300 km in the southern part of the Kuril slab with a few events in the northern end of the Honshu deep seismicity. These earthquakes have focal mechanisms with P axes oriented roughly E-W, highly oblique to the direction of compression found in the type A events, with which they are spatially interspersed. The third (type C) group of earthquakes are those events which do not fit in either of the first two groups and consist of either strike-slip focal mechanisms, such as the tearing events, or oddly oriented focal mechanisms. Examination of the stress axes orientations for these three types reveals that the compressional axes of the type C events are consistent with those of type B. The slab tearing events are just differential motion reflecting the E-W compressive states of stress which is responsible for the type B family of events. There is no need to invoke down-dip extension which does not fit the slab geometry. We conclude that these two states of stress can be explained as follows: 1) The type A events and the seismicity distribution support model (B). 2) The type B and C events upport model (A). The solution is that the slab subducts according to model (B), but the flow in the mantle maintains a different trajectory, possibly induced by the plate motions, which produces the second state of E-W compressive stress.  相似文献   
Finite Fault Modeling in a Tsunami Warning Center Context   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The US NOAA/NWS tsunami warning centers have relied on earthquake location and depth, and scalar measures of earthquake size and slowness to assess the potential for the generation of a destructive tsunami by an earthquake. Recent earthquakes, such as Peru 2001, Sumatra 2004 and the Java 2006, manifest some of the difficulties the warning centers face as they try to cope with unusual earthquakes. We have undertaken a study of a simple teleseismic waveform inverse model and applied it to the earthquakes of June 23, 2001 in Peru and of July 17, 2006 in Java. Synthetic numerical experiments suggest that the most salient features of the rupture history of an earthquake can be recovered. Furthermore the calculations can be conducted quickly enough to be useful in a warning center context. We have applied our technique to the Peru 2001 and recent Java 2006 earthquakes. Our overall results are consistent with those obtained from other studies. The results show why the Peru event initially looked slow to the US tsunami warning centers and that the Java event is a truly slow or tsunami earthquake. Clearly, the warning centers stand to benefit from an increased understanding of the earthquakes they monitor. Furthermore, better knowledge of the slip distribution along a fault will improve tsunami wave-height forecasts.  相似文献   
Using data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey data release 3 (SDSS DR3), we investigate how narrow (<700 km s−1) C  iv and Mg  ii quasar absorption-line systems are distributed around quasars. The C  iv absorbers lie in the redshift range 1.6 < z < 4 and the Mg  ii absorbers in the range 0.4 < z < 2.2. By correlating absorbers with quasars on different but neighbouring lines of sight, we measure the clustering of absorbers around quasars on comoving scales between 4 and 30 Mpc. The observed comoving correlation lengths are   r o∼ 5 h −1Mpc  , similar to those observed for bright galaxies at these redshifts. Comparing correlations between absorbers and the quasars, in whose spectra they are identified, then implies: (i) that quasars destroy absorbers to comoving distances of ∼300 kpc (C  iv ) and ∼800 kpc (Mg  ii ) along their lines of sight; (ii) that ≳40 per cent of C  iv absorbers within 3000 km s−1 of the quasi-stellar object are not a result of large-scale clustering but rather are directly associated with the quasar itself; (iii) that this intrinsic absorber population extends to outflow velocities of the order of 12 000 km s−1; (iv) that this outflow component is present in both radio-loud and radio-quiet quasars and (v) that a small high-velocity outflow component is also observed in the Mg  ii population. We also find an indication that absorption systems within 3000 km s−1 are more abundant for radio-loud quasars than for radio-quiet quasars. This suggests either that radio-loud objects live in more massive haloes, or that their radio activity generates an additional low-velocity outflow, or both.  相似文献   
Effective moisture and chloride ion diffusivity coefficients for concrete are determined by computational homogenization, where concrete is modeled on the mesoscale as a heterogenous three‐phase composite material. By imposing moisture and chloride ion gradients on a representative volume element, effective macroscale properties are obtained through finite element analysis. A parametric study of the effects of the ballast content was carried out. The numerical results correspond well with an estimate of the Hashin–Shtrikman type available in the literature. The computational homogenization strategy proposed here also includes the interfacial transition zone, and its influence on the effective diffusivity coefficients is assessed. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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