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Using analytic signal method, interpretation of pole-pole secondary electric potentials due to 2D conductive/resistive prisms is presented. The estimated parameters are the location, lateral extent or width and depth to top surface of the prism. Forward modelling is attempted by 2D-Finite Difference method. The proposed stabilised analytic signal algorithm (RES2AS) uses Tikhonov’s regularization scheme and FFT routines. The algorithm is tested on three theoretical examples and field data from the campus of Roorkee University. The stability of RES2AS is also tested on synthetic error prone secondary pole-pole potential data.  相似文献   
N2 fixation rates(NFR, in terms of N) in the northern South China Sea(nSCS) and the East China Sea(ECS) were measured using the acetylene reduction assay in summer and winter, 2009. NFR of the surface water ranged from 1.14 nmol/(L·d) to 10.40 nmol/(L·d)(average at(4.89±3.46) nmol/(L·d), n=11) in summer and 0.74 nmol/(L·d) to 29.45 nmol/(L·d)(average at(7.81±8.50) nmol/(L·d), n=15) in winter. Significant spatio-temporal heterogeneity emerged in our study: the anticyclonic eddies(AE)(P...  相似文献   
Analysis of a simple reinforced concrete (RC) structure damaged by the Bhuj, India, earthquake was carried out to estimate the level of shaking in the epicentral region. For this, an attempt was made to estimate the level of input motion to cause inelastic behavior to the extent observed during the field visit. To consider the inelastic effects, both yielding of steel bars as well as crushing of the concrete cover has been investigated employing the hysteretic model known as the Fiber model. The only available record at Ahmedabad of the Bhuj earthquake and four additional earthquake records from Japan and California were used in the analysis. Considering simple scaling of input motion, the level of input motion to cause crushing and spall‐off of the concrete cover as observed in the field was estimated to be of the order of 6 times the original instrumental record obtained at 240 km away from the epicenter. The methodology proposed was promising in providing a useful quantitative indication of the level of shaking when instrumental records are not available. It was also noted that the design response spectrum specified in Indian seismic code IS1893: 1984 appears inadequate compared to the extent of shaking estimated. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Drainage reorganization on restricted temporal and spatial scales is poorly-documented. We attempt to decode the relatively complicated mechanism of drainage realignment involving two small rivers that show structurally controlled, highly anomalous channel networks. We provide geomorphic and shallow subsurface evidence using ground-penetrating radar (GPR) for the presence of a buried paleo-valley flowing northward through the wind gap and surface faulting along the range bounding Katrol Hill Fault (KHF) which correlates with the previously known three surface faulting events in last ~30 ka bp . Most of the present river channels and the KHF zone are occupied by aeolian miliolite (local name) which is stratigraphic and lithologic equivalent of the Late Quaternary carbonate rich aeolianite deposits occurring in several parts of the globe. The history of drainage evolution in the study area comprises pre-miliolite, syn-miliolite and post-miliolite phases. Geomorphic evidences show that the paleo-Gangeshwar River flowed north through the wind gap and paleo-valley, while the short paleo-Gunawari occupied the saddle zone to the east of Ler dome prior to and during the phase of miliolite deposition which ended by ~40 ka bp . Southward tilting of the Katrol Hill Range (KHR) due to surface faulting cut off the catchment of the paleo-Gangeshwar River. The abandoned catchment stream extended its channel eastward along the strike through top-down process while the paleo-Gunawari River extended its course westward by headward erosion (bottom-up process). As the channels advanced towards each other they joined to produce the “S”-shaped bend which formed the capture point. We conclude that multiple surface faulting events along the KHF in the last ~30 ka bp , resulted in uplift and tilting of the KHR which caused drainage realignment by river diversion, beheading and river capture. Our study shows that the complexity of drainage reorganization processes is more explicit on shorter rather than longer timescales.  相似文献   
Hydrochemical studies were carried out in Mulugu-Venkatapur Mandals of Warangal district, Telangana state, India to find out the causes of high fluorides in groundwater and surface water causing a widespread incidence of fluorosis in local population. The fluoride concentration in groundwater ranges from 0.28 to 5.48 mg/l with a mean of 1.26 mg/l in pre-monsoon and 0.21 to 4.43 mg/l with a mean 1.45 mg/l in post-monsoon. About 32% and 34% of samples in pre and post-monsoon containing fluoride concentrations that exceed the permissible limit. The Modified Piper diagram reflects that, water belong to Ca+2-Mg+2-HCO3 - to Na+-HCO3 - facies. Negative chloroalkali indices in both the seasons prove that ion exchange took place between Na+ & K+ with Ca+2 and Mg+2 in aquatic solution in host rock. Different plots for major ions and molar ratios suggest that weathering of silicate rocks and water-rock interaction is responsible for major ion chemistry of water. High fluoride content in groundwater attributed to continuous water-rock interaction during the process of percolation with fluorite bearing country rocks under arid, low precipitation, and high evaporation conditions. The low calcium content in rocks and soils, and the presence of high content of sodium bicarbonate in soils and waters are important factors favouring high levels of fluoride in waters. The basement rocks provide abundant mineral sources of fluoride in the form of amphibole, biotite, fluorite, mica and apatite.  相似文献   
Living coccolithophores(LCs) are regarded as a group of calcifiers and play important roles in global carbon cycle.This study used microscopic observations of LCs in the western Pacific Ocean to investigate their community structure and biodiversity,especially to test whether local physical traits(mesoscale eddies) could explain their biogeographic distributions during autumn of 2017.The coccolithophore calcite inventory based on carbon-volume transformation was estimated in this study.A total of 28 taxa of coccospheres and 19 types of coccoliths were identified from 161 samples.Gephyrocapsa oceanica was the most predominant species in all the coccolithophore community,followed by Florisphaera profunda,Emiliania huxleyi,Umbilicosphaera sibogae,Gladiolithusflabellatus and Umbellosphaera tenuis.The abundance of coccospheres and coccoliths ranged from 0 to 26.8×10~3 cells/L and from 0 to 138.5×10~3 coccoliths/L,averaged at 4.2×10~3 cells/L and 10.9×10~3 coccoliths/L,respectively.This study indicated that coccolithophore community in the survey area can be clustered into four groups.Three ecological niches of coccolithophores were characterized by their vertical profiles and multivariate statistical analysis.Coccolithophore abundance and species composition were remarkably different among warm-eddy region,G.oceanica dominated warm-eddy region,while F.profunda dominated warm-eddy and none-eddy region.The average values of estimated particulate inorganic carbon,particulate organic carbon were0.197 μg/L and 0.140 μg/L,respectively.The current field study widened the dataset of coccolithophores in western Pacific Ocean.  相似文献   
The study deals with stream response to sustained tectonic during the Cenozoic and development of two parallel scarps in the western Kachchh. The study encompasses fluvial networks developed over the Jara and Jumara domes, which are a part of the laterally extensive belt of flexures bounded by the Kachchh Mainland Fault(KMF) to their north and called as Northern Hill Range(NHR). Parameters such as longitudinal profile, Hack profile, stream length gradient index(SL), hypsometric curve, hypsometric integral(HI), valley floor width to height ratio(Vf), elongation ratio(Re) and escarpment sinuosity(ES) were analysed. Hack profiles of the major rivers draining through the area show similar convex up nature suggesting primary influence of the tectonics in controlling and shaping the landscape of the region. Elongation ratio 6 and undergone higher degree of fluvial erosion indicated by the low values of hypsometric integral suggest the tendency of river systems to increase the basin area longitudinally rather than laterally. The study suggests that higher net uplift in the eastern half(Jumara dome) caused the rivers to overcome the structural control and to carve out generally straight north oriented channels. The rivers of western part(Jara dome) show more prominent structural control of cuesta girdles formed in compact lithologies and attributed to the domal structure. The ~10 km long Jaramara scarp believed to the remnant of older KMF scarp, is a product of headward erosion of the fluvial channels through different hard and soft litho-units of the area. The similar orientation of Jaramara scarp and morphology of the Ukra intrusive body suggests that the Ukra intrusive played a significant role in controlling the formation and morphology of the Jaramara scarp.  相似文献   
Soil erosion by water is ubiquitous, exhibits spatio-temporal variability, and is fundamental to determining sediment yield which is key to proper watershed management. In this study, we propose a relationship between the curve number and sediment yield index (SYI) using cubic splines. Using field data from four watersheds, the relation between observed and computed SYI is found to have a coefficient of determination (R2) value from 0.63 to 0.88 suggesting that such a relation can be used to determine SYI from the available CN value. It is found that cubic splines perform satisfactorily with Nash-Sutcliff efficiency ranging from 60.18 to 64.01%, absolute prediction error from 1.35 to 5.56%, integral square error from 1.21 to 5.82%, coefficient of correlation from 79.32 to 93.78%, and degree of agreement from 0.87 to 0.99%.  相似文献   
Formation of the fragments of the wall-rock during dyking is one of the important manifestations of instantaneous magmatic events. This process is well documented at shallower depths of Earth’s crust but not at deeper levels. In this paper the in situ xenoliths of host rock nepheline syenite within a micro-shonkinite dyke emplaced at mid-crustal depths is described and the fractal theory applied to evaluate origin of the xenoliths. The nepheline syenite xenoliths are angular to oval shaped and sub-millimetre to ~50 cm long. The xenoliths are matrix supported with clasts and matrix being in equal proportions. Partly detached wall-rock fragments indicate incipient xenolith formation, which suggested that the model fragmentation processes is solely due to dyke emplacement. Fractal analytical techniques including clast size distribution, boundary roughness fractal dimension and clast circularity was carried out. The fractal data suggests that hydraulic (tensile) fracturing is the main process of host rock brecciation. However, the clast size and shape are further affected by postfragmentation processes including shear and thermal fracturing, and chemical erosion. The study demonstrates that dyking in an isotropic medium produces fractal size distributions of host rock xenoliths; however, post-fragmentation processes modify original fractal size distributions.  相似文献   
Sediments exposed in the lower Mahi basin at the southern fringe of the Thar Desert, Rajasthan, India, provide evidence of three distinct depositional environments, namely marine, aeolian and fluvial. These have been used to reconstruct Late Pleistocene environmental and tectonic history of the region. Infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL) chronology of the fluvial and aeolian litho‐units provides evidence of two major fluvial aggradation phases in the region corresponding to Oxygen Isotopic Stages 5 and 3. The basal marine clay is inferred to represent the last interglacial stage and its present elevation at +20 m a.s.l. is attributed to post‐depositional tectonism. Comparison of fluvial records from other regions indicates interhemispherically documented wetter phases during Oxygen Isotope Stages 5 and 3. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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