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Average elastic properties of a fluid‐saturated fractured rock are discussed in association with the extremely slow and dispersive Krauklis wave propagation within individual fractures. The presence of the Krauklis wave increases P‐wave velocity dispersion and attenuation with decreasing frequency. Different laws (exponential, power, fractal, and gamma laws) of distribution of the fracture length within the rock show more velocity dispersion and attenuation of the P‐wave for greater fracture density, particularly at low seismic frequencies. The results exhibit a remarkable difference in the P‐wave reflection coefficient for frequency and angular dependency from the fractured layer in comparison with the homogeneous layer. The biggest variation in behaviour of the reflection coefficient versus incident angle is observed at low seismic frequencies. The proposed approach and results of calculations allow an interpretation of abnormal velocity dispersion, high attenuation, and special behaviour of reflection coefficients versus frequency and angle of incidence as the indicators of fractures.  相似文献   
Formation conditions of orebodies and conditions of wolframite deposition at the Degana tungsten deposits in Rajasthan, India and the Tigrinoe tin-tungsten deposit in the Russian Far East were studied. Differences in the composition and state of fluid systems were established by microthermometric study of fluid inclusions (FI) and thorough petrographic examination of FI. At the Degana deposit, the ore veins in granite were formed from K-Na-Ca-(Mg, Fe, etc.) chloride solutions with a salinity up to 36 wt % NaCl equiv at a temperature of >420 to 120°C and under a pressure reaching 1550 bar. The formation temperature of the orebodies hosted in breccia reached 450°C and pressure was below 400 bar. The salinity of mainly Nachloride aqueous solutions was no higher than 18 wt % NaCl equiv. At the Tigrinoe deposit, the temperature during formation of quartz-wolframite-cassiterite veins varied from 420 to 240°C and the pressure was no higher than 300 bar. The salt concentration of Na-chloride solutions was 7-3 wt %. Wolframite crystallized at the very beginning of ore deposition. Probable sources of fluids are discussed. It is suggested that the factors controlling wolframite deposition could have been different even at the same deposit.  相似文献   
The Bystrinskoe skarn-porphyry Cu–Au–Fe deposit (Eastern Trans-Baikal Region) is confined to skarn zones, which were formed along the contact of granitoids referred to the Shakhtama intrusive complex (J2–3), with terrigenous–carbonate sedimentary rocks. Commercial (Cu–Au–Fe ± W, Mo) mineralization was formed due to the regional postcollision development involving the intrusion of porphyritic granitoids, the derivatives of oxidized adakite highly magnesian magmas enriched in water, sulfur, and metals, which could develop under melting of garnet-bearing amphibolite in the mafic lower crustal arc.  相似文献   
Regularities of bacteria distribution in the bottom sediments of the Upper Volga reservoirs are studied. Human-induced changes in the structure and activity of bacteriobenthos communities occurring in water body areas adjacent to towns and settlements are described. Reservoir zones subject to long-term human impact are distinguished.__________Translated from Vodnye Resursy, Vol. 32, No. 4, 2005, pp. 489–499.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Kosolapov, Krylova, Kopylov.  相似文献   
The ambiguity of genetic interpretations of uranium ore formation at Mo-U deposits of the Strel’tsovka ore field led us to perform additional geochemical, mineralogical, and thermobarogeochemical studies. As a result, it has been established that closely related U and F were progressively gained in the Late Mesozoic volcanic rocks from the older basic volcanics (170 Ma) to the younger silicic igneous rocks (140 Ma). The Early Cretaceous postmagmatic hydrothermal epoch (140–125 Ma) is subdivided into preore, uranium ore, and first and second postore stages. The primary brannerite-pitchblende ore was formed in association with fluorite. At the first postore stage, this assemblage was replaced by a U-Si metagel, which was previously identified as coffinite. The metagel shows a wide compositional variation; its fine structure has been studied. The preore metasomatic alteration and related veined mineralization were formed under the effect of sodium (bicarbonate)-chloride solution at a temperature of 250–200°C. The uranium ore formation began with albitization and hematitization of rocks affected by supercritical fluid at 530–500°C; brannerite and pitchblende precipitated at 350–300°C. The chondrite-normalized REE patterns of pitchblende hosted in trachybasalt, trachydacite, and granite demonstrate a pronounced Sm-Nd discontinuity and a statistically significant tetrad effect of W type. These attributes were not established in REE patterns of rhyolites derived from the upper crustal magma chamber. This circumstance and a chronological gap of 5 Ma between silicic volcanism and ore formation do not allow us to suggest that uranium was derived from this magma chamber. According to the proposed model, the evolved silicic Li-F magma was a source of uranium. U4+, together with REE, was fractionated into the fluid phase as complex fluoride compounds. The uranium mineralization was deposited at a temperature barrier. It is suggested that hydromica alteration and the formation of molybdenum mineralization were genetically unrelated to the uranium ore formation.  相似文献   
Associations between scale‐worms and giant mussels are common constituents of hydrothermal vent and cold seep ecosystems, but very little is known about their nature and ecology. Here, we analyze the ecological characteristics of the associations between Branchipolynoe seepensis, an obligate symbiotic polychaete, and their host mytilid mussels Bathymodiolus puteoserpentis and B. azoricus inhabiting hydrothermal vent fields on the Mid‐Atlantic Ridge. Infested mussels generally harbored a single symbiont (<4% had two to six worms). Infestation rate varied from 7.2% to 76.5%, increasing with mussel size, and was significantly lower for B. puteoserpentis. Symbiont density at Lucky Strike ranged between 1071 and 1191 individuals m−2. Female symbiont size was always positively correlated with host size, while only males and juveniles from small mussels showed the same trend. This suggested a relatively long‐lasting host/symbiont association for females and short‐lasting association with successive reproductive migrations for adult males. The sex ratio of symbionts was always biased in favor of females. Males were smaller and more slender than females and had one mode in their size distributions, whereas females typically had three or more modes, suggestive of a longer life span in females. Between 59.1% and 72.2% of mussels had damaged soft tissues with substantially higher incidence of trauma in infested ones, suggesting that symbionts may cause trauma. The symbionts also induce tunnel‐like structures among the ctenidia, indicating fidelity to a particular location inside the host. Based on our data, together with the fact that infested mussels became relatively wider than non‐infested ones, this association is considered parasitic (likely kleptoparasitic). Our data, together with those from previous studies, allowed us to define the main life‐history traits of B. seepensis: (i) the relationship with their host is parasitic, (ii) the association begins at the smallest mytilid size classes, (iii) there is sexual dimorphism in body size, (iv) sex ratio deviates from 1:1 in favor of females, (v) fertilization occurs through temporal pairing and pseudocopulation, (vi) sperm are stored by females, (vii) eggs are large (likely lecithotrophic or with direct development), (viii) females have a longer life span than males, (ix) adult males may be semalparous, undertaking reproductive migrations followed by a short period of pairing and then death, and (x) females have a semi‐continuous iteroparous reproductive cycle.  相似文献   
The Bugdaya Au-bearing W-Mo porphyry deposit, Eastern Transbaikal Region, Russia, is located in the central part of volcanic dome and hosted in the large Variscan granitic pluton. In its characteristics, this is a Climax-type deposit, or an Mo porphyry deposit of rhyolitic subclass. The enrichment in gold is related to the relatively widespread vein and veinlet gold-base-metal mineralization. More than 70 minerals (native metals, sulfides, sulfosalts, tellurides, oxides, molybdates, wolframates, carbonates, and sulfates) have been identified in stockwork and vein ores, including dzhalindite, greenockite, Mo-bearing stolzite, Ag and Au amalgams, stromeyerite, cervelleite, and berryite identified here for the first time. Four stages of mineral formation are recognized. The earliest preore stage in form of potassic alteration and intense silicification developed after emplacement of subvolcanic rhyolite (granite) porphyry stock. The stockwork and vein W-Mo mineralization of the quartz-molybdenite stage was the next. Sericite alteration, pyritization, and the subsequent quartz-sulfide veins and veinlets with native gold, base-metal sulfides, and various Ag-Cu-Pb-Bi-Sb sulfosalts of the gold-base-metal stage were formed after the rearrangement of regional pattern of tectonic deformation. The hydrothermal process was completed by argillic (kaolinite-smectite) assemblage of the postore stage. The fluid inclusion study (microthermometry and Raman spectroscopy) allowed us to establish that the stockwork W-Mo mineralization was formed at 550–380°C from both the highly concentrated Mg-Na chloride solution (brine) and the low-density gas with significant N2 and H2S contents. The Pb-Zn vein ore of the gold-base-metal stage enriched in Au, Ag, Bi, and other rare metals was deposited at 360–140°C from a homogeneous Na-K chloride (hydrocarbonate, sulfate) hydrothermal solution of medium salinity.  相似文献   
It has been shown that the main uranium ore mineral, pitchblende (uranium dioxide), is a natural analog of synthetic uraninite (also uranium dioxide), which constitutes 96% of spent nuclear fuel (SNF). Geochronological studies of the U‐Pb isotope systems in unaltered pitchblende from the orebodies reveal that these systems remained completely closed over the entire period (approximately 135 Ma) since the formation of the deposits. The bulk of the primary uranium ores within the Streltsovskoye ore field was influenced to various degrees by post‐ore hydrothermal solutions that led to pitchblende spherulites being replaced by pseudomorphs of an amorphous phase with a U‐Si composition; this phase also re‐precipitated in veinlets proximal to the pitchblende pseudomorphs. A technique specially developed by the authors was used to carry out quantitative counts of the abundance of uranium minerals by calculating the uranium mass balance in one of the orebodies subjected to hydrothermal alteration. The calculations reveal minimal uranium loss from the orebody. Uranium liberated in the process of the pseudomorphic replacement of pitchblende was immediately fixed, in situ, in the newly formed coffinite‐like amorphous U‐Si phase as a result of the development of an efficient geochemical barrier that prevented the long‐distance migration of uranium. In assessing the long‐term safety of underground SNF repositories, the results of the present study give us confidence that SNF uraninite, in terms of the preservation of its integrity as a mineral phase, provides for the reliable long‐term isolation of uranium, transuranium elements, and fission products that are “sealed” in the uraninite matrix. In the case of the mineral transformation of the uraninite matrix by hydrothermal solutions, the liberated uranium would be efficiently immobilized by the newly formed amorphous U‐Si phase.  相似文献   
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