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Concepts involved in the estimation of target quantities and other adjustment parameters are critically discussd. We point out that one can find more accurate precepts for the reduction of data by utilizing all available constraints on all available data in the derivation of the reduction precepts. We introduce a measure for theefficiency of a set of adjustment parameters such that adjustments carried out using different precepts can be objectively compared. Finally, having applied our suggestions to a specific problem, we show that we have obtained estimates of a set of target quantities (in our case, star positions and proper motions) which have smaller formal errors than estimates of the same target quantities derived from the same input material but following traditional procedures.  相似文献   
Abstract— The low temperature fine‐grained material in unequilibrated chondrites, which occurs as matrix, rims, and dark inclusions, carries information about the solar nebula and the earliest stages of planetesimal accretion. The microdistribution of primordial noble gases among these components helps to reveal their accretionary and alteration histories. We measured the Ne and Ar isotopic ratios and concentrations of small samples of matrix, rims, and dark inclusions from the unequilibrated carbonaceous chondrites Allende (CV3), Leoville (CV3), and Renazzo (CR2) and from the ordinary chondrites Semarkona (LL3.0), Bishunpur (LL3.1), and Krymka (LL3.1) to decipher their genetic relationships. The primordial noble gas concentrations of Semarkona, and—with certain restrictions—also of Leoville, Bishunpur, and Allende decrease from rims to matrices. This indicates a progressive accretion of nebular dust from regions with decreasing noble gas contents and cannot be explained by a formation of the rims on parent bodies. The decrease is probably due to dilution of the noble‐gas‐carrying phases with noble‐gas‐poor material in the nebula. Krymka and Renazzo both show an increase of primordial noble gas concentrations from rims to matrices. In the case of Krymka, this indicates the admixture of noble gas‐rich dust to the nebular region from which first rims and then matrix accreted. This also explains the increase of the primordial elemental ratio 36Ar/ 20Ne from rims to matrix. Larger clasts of the noble‐gas‐rich dust form macroscopic dark inclusions in this meteorite, which seem to represent unusually pristine material. The interpretation of the Renazzo data is ambiguous. Rims could have formed by aqueous alteration of matrix or—as in the case of Krymka—by progressive admixture of noble gas‐rich dust to the reservoir from which the Renazzo constituents accreted. The Leoville and Krymka dark inclusions, as well as one dark inclusion of Allende, show noble gas signatures different from those of the respective host meteorites. The Allende dark inclusion probably accreted from the same region as Allende rims and matrix but suffered a higher degree of alteration. The Leoville and Krymka dark inclusions must have accreted from regions different from those of their respective rims and matrices and were later incorporated into their host meteorites. The noble gas data imply a heterogeneous reservoir with respect to its primordial noble gas content in the accretion region of the studied meteorites. Further studies will have to decide whether these differences are primary or evolved from an originally uniform reservoir.  相似文献   
In the Bavarian Alps (Germany), west of the Isar River, the abyssal deposits of the Lower Barremian to Upper Campanian Rhenodanubian Group consist of siliciclastic and calcareous turbidites alternating with hemipelagic non-calcareous mudstones. The up to 1500-m-thick succession, deposited in the Penninic Basin to the south of the European Plate, is characterized by a low mean sedimentation rate (c. 25 mm kyr−1) over 60 million years. Palaeocurrents and turbidite facies distribution patterns suggest that sedimentation occurred on a weakly inclined abyssal plain. The highest sedimentation rates (up to 240 mm kyr−1) were associated with the calcareous mud turbidites of the newly defined Röthenbach Subgroup, which includes the Piesenkopf, Kalkgraben and Hällritz formations (Middle Coniacian to Middle Campanian). These calcareous turbidites prograded from the west, and interfinger towards the east with red hemipelagic claystone. A high sea level presumably favoured pelagic carbonate production and accumulation on the shelves and on internal platforms in the western part of the basin, whereas siliciclastic shelves with steep slope angles have bordered the eastern part of the basin, where a dearth of turbidite sedimentation and increased Cretaceous oceanic red beds deposition occurred. In contrast to the eustatically-induced Middle Coniacian to Lower Campanian Cretaceous oceanic red beds (calcareous nannoplankton zones CC14 to CC18), red hemipelagites of Early Cenomanian age (upper part of calcareous nannoplankton zone CC9) and early Late Campanian age (upper part of zone CC21 and zone CC22) are interpreted as the result of regional tectonic activity.  相似文献   
The massive sulfide deposits of the Iberian Pyrite Belt are interbedded with felsic volcanic rocks and shale, and underlain by several thousand meters of siliciclastic sedimentary rocks known as the PQ Group. Isotope geochemistry and regional geology are both consistent with equilibration of the ore-forming fluids with the PQ Group, prior to ore deposition near the former seafloor. The average Cu:Zn:Pb ratio of the PQ Group rocks (ca. 26:55:19) is similar to the weighted average of all the massive sulfide orebodies combined (ca. 25:52:23).The genetic relationship between massive sulfide deposits and a siliciclastic sedimentary metal source is explained here by a thermodynamic model, proposing that mildly reducing redox conditions imposed by equilibration with the sedimentary rocks are most critical for the formation of an effective ore-forming fluid. Relatively metal-rich but organic-poor pyrite-bearing shale undergoing dewatering of saline pore fluids is an effective source for the generation of sulfur-deficient but relatively iron and base metal-rich brines. Thus, we propose that the giant deposits of the Iberian Pyrite Belt owe their existence not to exceptionally metal-enriched (e.g., magmatic) fluids, but to the existence of a fairly ordinary but large metal source in reactive siliciclastic sediments, combined with an underlying igneous heat source and a particularly efficient mechanism of sulfide precipitation by mixing with H2S-rich fluids at or near the seafloor.Essentially similar mineral equilibria are imposed when saline fluids are buffered by typical continental basement rocks. Leaching of retrograde minerals and possibly residual salts from their magmatic or metamorphic prehistory is expected to generate similar, variably metal-rich but relatively sulfide-deficient fluids. Thus, the existence of mildly reducing rocks can be the dominant chemical control in the source of fluids generating many volcanogenic, Irish-type or sedex deposits, many of which are known to precipitate their metal load in response to biogenic sulfide addition at the ore deposition site.  相似文献   
Solar wind (SW) helium, neon, and argon trapped in a bulk metallic glass (BMG) target flown on NASA’s Genesis mission were analyzed for their bulk composition and depth-dependent distribution. The bulk isotopic and elemental composition for all three elements is in good agreement with the mean values observed in the Apollo Solar Wind Composition (SWC) experiment. Conversely, the He fluence derived from the BMG is up to 30% lower than values reported from other Genesis bulk targets or in-situ measurements during the exposure period. SRIM implantation simulations using a uniform isotopic composition and the observed bulk velocity histogram during exposure reproduces the Ne and Ar isotopic variations with depth within the BMG in a way which is generally consistent with observations. The similarity of the BMG release patterns with the depth-dependent distributions of trapped solar He, Ne, and Ar found in lunar and asteroidal regolith samples shows that also the solar noble gas record of extraterrestrial samples can be explained by mass separation of implanted SW ions with depth. Consequently, we conclude that a second solar noble gas component in lunar samples, referred to as the “SEP” component, is not needed. On the other hand, a small fraction of the total solar gas in the BMG released from shallow depths is markedly enriched in the light isotopes relative to predictions from implantation simulations with a uniform isotopic composition. Contributions from a neutral solar or interstellar component are too small to explain this shallow sited gas. We tentatively attribute this superficially implanted gas to low-speed, current-sheet related SW, which was fractionated in the corona due to inefficient Coulomb drag. This fractionation process could also explain relatively high Ne/Ar elemental ratios in the same initial gas fraction.  相似文献   
SeaMARC II sidescan (imagery and bathymetry) and seismic data reveal the morphology, sedimentary processes, and structural controls on submarine canyon development in the central Izu-Bonin forearc, south of Japan. Canyons extend up to 150 km across the forearc from the trench-slope break to the active volcanic arc. The canyons are most deeply incised (1200–1700 m) into the gentle gradients (1–2°) upslope on the outer arc high (OAH) and lose bathymetric expression on the steep (6–18°) inner trench-slope. The drainage patterns indicate that canyons are formed by both headward erosion and downcutting. Headward erosion proceeds on two scales. Initially, pervasive small-scale mass wasting creates curvilinear channels and pinnate drainage patterns. Large-scale slumping, evidenced by abundant crescent-shaped scarps along the walls and tributaries of Aoga Shima Canyon, occurs only after a channel is present, and provides a mechanism for canyon branching. The largest slump has removed >16 km3 of sediment from an 85 km2 area of seafloor bounded by scarps more than 200 m high and may be in the initial stages of forming a new canyon branch. The northern branch of Aoga Shima Canyon has eroded upslope to the flanks of the arc volcanoes allowing direct tapping of this volcaniclastic sediment source. Headward erosion of the southern branch is not as advanced but the canyon may capture sediments supplied by unconfined (non-channelized) mass flows.Oligocene forearc sedimentary processes were dominated by unconfined mass flows that created sub-parallel and continuous sedimentary sequences. Pervasive channel cut-and-fill is limited to the Neogene forearc sedimentary sequences which are characterized by migrating and unconformable seismic sequences. Extensive canyon formation permitting sediment bypassing of the forearc by canyon-confined mass flows began in the early Miocene after the basin was filled to the spill points of the OAH. Structural lows in the OAH determined the initial locus of canyon formation, and outcropping basement rocks have prevented canyon incision on the lower slope. A major jog in the canyon axis, linear tributaries, and a prominent sidescan lineament all trend NW-NNW, reflecting OAH basement influence on canyon morphology. This erosional fabric may reflect joint/fracture patterns in the sedimentary strata that follow the basement trends. Once the canyons have eroded down to more erosion-resistant levels, channel downcutting slows relative to lateral erosion of the canyon walls. This accounts for the change from a narrow canyon axis in the thickly sedimented forearc basin to a wider, more rugged canyon morphology near the OAH. About 9500 km3 of sediment has been eroded from the central, 200 km long, segment of the Izu-Bonin forearc by the formation of Aoga Shima, Myojin Sho and Sumisu Jima canyons. The volume of sediment presently residing in the adjacent trench, accretionary wedge, and lower slope terrace basin accounts for <25% of that eroded from the canyons alone. This implies that a large volume (>3500 km3 per 100 km of trench, ignoring sediments input via forearc bypassing) has been subducted beneath the toe of the trench slope and the small accretionary prism. Unless this sediment has been underplated beneath the forearc, it has recycled arc material into the mantle, possibly influencing the composition of arc volcanism.  相似文献   
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