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Physical oceanography   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating was applied to glacial and loess deposits in the north flank of the Terskey-Alatoo Range, Kyrgyz Republic, to elucidate the glacier chronology of the central Asian mountains during the Last Glacial. Moraines in five parts of study area were classified into four stages (Terskey Stages I–IV) based on their geographical position and elevation, and their moraine rock weathering. According to this classification, the oldest moraines (Terskey Stage I) were at 2100–2250 m a.s.l. and the second-oldest moraines (Terskey Stage II) were at 2400–2700 m a.s.l. Quartz samples from moraines of these two stages were used for OSL dating. The OSL ages of the quartz samples indicate that glacier expansion in the Terskey Stage II occurred between 21 and 29 ka BP.  相似文献   
Large oscillations of water level in Nagasaki Bay are calledAbiki and are most frequently observed in winter. The largestAbiki recorded in the past 20 years at the tide station at Nagasaki occurred on March 31, 1979. Simultaneously, a distinct atmospheric pressure disturbance of solitary type with an amplitude of about 3 mb was recorded at several neighbouring stations in Kyûshû, which indicated the pressure disturbance probably travelled eastward with an average speed of about 110 km h–1.The quantitative relation between this pressure disturbance and notable seiches observed in Nagasaki Bay is examined by means of numerical simulation, and it is confirmed that the exceptionally large range of oscillations in the bay, which reached 278 cm at the tide station, was indeed produced by this travelling pressure disturbance.The leading part of shallow water waves induced by the atmospheric pressure disturbance was amplified up to about 10 cm in amplitude, over the broad continental shelf region off China, because of near resonant coupling to the pressure disturbance. After leaving this continental shelf region, the amplified water wave converged into the shelf region (Gotô Nada) surrounded by the north-western coast of Kyûshû and the Gotô Islands and excited eigenoscillations on the shelf. A train of waves thus formed with a period of about 35 min entered Nagasaki Bay and was resonantly amplified at periods of 36 min and 23 min which are the eigen periods of the bay. Besides resonance, the combined effects of shoaling and reflection inside Nagasaki Bay also enhanced the amplification.  相似文献   
To investigate the response characteristics of a bay to tsunamis, field measurements of long-period waves have been carried out at Onagawa and Okachi Bays, both of which face the Pacific Ocean in northern Japan. In Onagawa Bay, the observed transfer function is in good agreement with the prediction based on the one-dimensional numerical model, in the period range larger than about 15 minutes. The response of shorter periods seems to be influenced by the two-dimensionality of the bay. The oscillations within Onagawa Harbor are also discussed with respect to the relative amplitude and phase at two stations inside the harbor and it is estimated that the reflection coefficient at the waterfront is about 0.7. In Okachi Bay, the oscillations in the period range larger than about 10 minutes could be explained by a Y-shaped model of the bay. The dominant oscillations offshore of these two-bays are found to be the mode with the motion predominantly in the direction normal to the shelf orientation, and the estimated power spectral density of incoming waves in deep water varies asf –2,f being the frequency. The waves of lateral modes, such as edge waves on the shelf, are small and of minor importance to generate bay oscillations of longer periods.  相似文献   
To evaluate the relationship between the moisture conditions and the water repellency of soil surfaces in situ, we periodically conducted field surveys for more than a year in a humid‐temperate forest in Japan. Measurements were made in four plots with varying soil physicochemical properties and under different topographic conditions across a hillslope. Each plot contained permanent quadrats with measurement points in a grid pattern. At each point, we measured the volumetric water content at 0‐ to 5‐cm depths and the water repellency at soil surfaces approximately twice a month. The repeated measurements enabled us to estimate the critical water content (CWC) below which soils repelled water at each point. We defined the representative CWC (RCWC) of a plot as the median of all CWCs in a plot and estimated the representative critical water potential (RCWP) on the basis of the RCWC using the water retention curve. The RCWC values differed among plots, but the corresponding RCWP values were similar (pF = 3.5–3.9). The relationship of the areal fraction showing water repellency against soil water potentials was similar across plots, but the relationship differed among plots against the soil moisture content. These results suggest that soil water potential is more indicative of the spatial occurrence of water repellency than moisture content on a hillslope where soil physicochemical properties vary. Plots located on ridge crests frequently exhibited lower water potentials and showed a higher areal fraction of water repellency, implying a greater chance of generating surface runoff by rainfall events. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The effect of stratification on very long-period waves trapped on a straight continental shelf of constant depth is examined for a two-layer model. There are 4 modes in this system. The characteristics of the mode with the largest phase velocity can be approximated by the barotropic mode. The mode corresponding to the barotropic shelf-wave mode is modified by the baroclinic motions significantly, and in the limit of very narrow shelf width, the mode characteristics are transformed from those of the barotropic shelf-wave to the baroclinic Kelvin wave if the long-shore wave length is larger than the internal deformation radius. In this case, the stratification has an apparent effect of increasing phase velocity of barotropic shelf-waves. The remaining two modes are dominated by baroclinic motions with significant contribution from barotropic motions: among which the one has a shelf-wave characteristics for small values of the shelf width and approaches the mode corresponding to the baroclinic Kelvin wave in shallower water for large shelf width and the other is a stationary mode. If the long-shore wave length is much shorter than the internal deformation radius, the motions in the upper and lower layers are decoupled: the surface and bottom modes analogous to those discussed byRhines (1970) appears.If the interface is deeper than the shelf depth, the stationary mode is absent and the characteristics of the third mode approaches those of the baroclinic double Kelvin wave mode as the shelf width increases.  相似文献   
The radiation pattern of the tsunami generated by a broad crustal deformation on or near the continental shelf is examined analytically in the framework of a linear long-wave approximation. Detailed discussion, however, is made only for a model of step-type bottom topography.The proportion of the energy trapped on the shelf as edge wave modes relative to that radiated into deep water increases with the decrease of the long-shore dimension of the source. The nearer is the source to the coastline, the greater is the rate of total edge wave generation. However, the proportion of higher modes increases for the source near the shelf edge.The proportion of the wave energy radiated in deep water, normal to the coastline, increases with the increase of the long-shore dimension of the source and/or the decrease of the depth difference between the shelf and deep water. Furthermore, this proportion increases with the increased distance of the source location from the coastline and approaches the value for the case without a shelf. For a source of the square shape, the directive difference of energy radiation in deep water is mainly caused by the refractive effect of the shelf edge. For larger long-shore dimension of the source, however, the geometric shape effect of the source is more important to cause the directive difference.  相似文献   
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