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Historically colder regions of the North Atlantic had fisheries dominated by only a few fish species; principally cod and capelin. Possible population dynamic mechanisms that lead to such dominance are investigated by considering how a charmingly simple published multispecies model of the North Sea would react if the system operated at a lower temperature. The existing model equations were modified to describe temperature effects on growth, fecundity and recruitment and the model was rerun based on typical temperatures for the North Sea and a colder system. The results suggest that total fish biomass in the colder system increases but the community is more vulnerable to a given rate of fishing mortality. In the colder system, within species density dependence is reduced but relative predation rates are higher. Consequently, intermediate-sized species are vulnerable to relatively high levels of predation throughout their life history and tend to be excluded, leading to a system dominated by small and large species. The model helps to explain how temperature may govern coexistence and competitive exclusion in fish communities and accounts for the observed dominance of small and large species in Boreal/Arctic ecosystems.  相似文献   
Temporal and spatial patterns of recruitment (R) and spawning stock biomass (S) variability were compared among functionally analogous species and similar feeding guilds from six marine ecosystems. Data were aggregated into four regions including the Gulf of Maine/Georges Bank, the Norwegian/Barents Seas, the eastern Bering Sea, and the Gulf of Alaska. Variability was characterized by calculating coefficients of variation and anomalies for three response variables: ln(R), ln(R/S), and stock–recruit model residuals. Patterns of synchrony and asynchrony in the response variables were examined among and between ecosystems, between- and within-ocean basins and among functionally analogous species groups using pair-wise correlation analysis corrected for within-time series autocorrelation, multivariate cross-correlation analyses and regime shift detectors. Time series trends in response variables showed consistent within basin similarities and consistent and coherent differences between the Atlantic and Pacific basin ecosystems. Regime shift detection algorithms identified two broad-scale regime shift time periods for the pelagic feeding guild (1972–1976 and 1999–2002) and possibly one for the benthic feeding guild (1999–2002). No spatial patterns in response variable coefficients of variation were observed. Results from multivariate cross-correlation analysis showed similar trends. The data suggest common external factors act in synchrony on stocks within ocean basins but temporal stock patterns, often of the same species or functional group, between basins change in opposition to each other. Basin-scale results (similar within but different between) suggest that the two geographically broad areas are connected by unknown mechanisms that, depending on the year, may influence the two basins in opposite ways. This work demonstrates that commonalities and synchronies in recruitment fluctuations can be found across geographically distant ecosystems but biophysical causes of the fluctuations remain difficult to identify.  相似文献   
Food webs and carbon flux in the Barents Sea   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
Within the framework of the physical forcing, we describe and quantify the key ecosystem components and basic food web structure of the Barents Sea. Emphasis is given to the energy flow through the ecosystem from an end-to-end perspective, i.e. from bacteria, through phytoplankton and zooplankton to fish, mammals and birds. Primary production in the Barents is on average 93 g C m−2 y−1, but interannually highly variable (±19%), responding to climate variability and change (e.g. variations in Atlantic Water inflow, the position of the ice edge and low-pressure pathways). The traditional focus upon large phytoplankton cells in polar regions seems less adequate in the Barents, as the cell carbon in the pelagic is most often dominated by small cells that are entangled in an efficient microbial loop that appears to be well coupled to the grazing food web. Primary production in the ice-covered waters of the Barents is clearly dominated by planktonic algae and the supply of ice biota by local production or advection is small. The pelagic–benthic coupling is strong, in particular in the marginal ice zone. In total 80% of the harvestable production is channelled through the deep-water communities and benthos. 19% of the harvestable production is grazed by the dominating copepods Calanus finmarchicus and C. glacialis in Atlantic or Arctic Water, respectively. These two species, in addition to capelin (Mallotus villosus) and herring (Clupea harengus), are the keystone organisms in the Barents that create the basis for the rich assemblage of higher trophic level organisms, facilitating one of the worlds largest fisheries (capelin, cod, shrimps, seals and whales). Less than 1% of the harvestable production is channelled through the most dominating higher trophic levels such as cod, harp seals, minke whales and sea birds. Atlantic cod, seals, whales, birds and man compete for harvestable energy with similar shares. Climate variability and change, differences in recruitment, variable resource availability, harvesting restrictions and management schemes will influence the resource exploitation between these competitors, that basically depend upon the efficient energy transfer from primary production to highly successful, lipid-rich zooplankton and pelagic fishes.  相似文献   
Major features of four marine ecosystems were analyzed based on a broad range of fisheries-associated datasets and a suite of oceanographic surveys. The ecosystems analyzed included the Gulf of Maine/Georges Bank in the Northwest Atlantic Ocean, the Norwegian/Barents Seas in the Northeast Atlantic Ocean, and the eastern Bering Sea and the Gulf of Alaska in the Northeast Pacific Ocean. We examined survey trends in major fish abundances, total system fish biomass, and zooplankton biomasses. We standardized each time series and examined trends and anomalies over time, using both time series and cross-correlational statistical methods. We compared dynamics of functionally analogous species from each of these four ecosystems. Major commonalities among ecosystems included a relatively stable amount of total fish biomass and the importance of large calanoid copepods, small pelagic fishes and gadids. Some of the changes in these components were synchronous across ecosystems. Major differences between ecosystems included gradients in the magnitude of total fish biomass, commercial fish biomass, and the timing of major detected events. This work demonstrates the value of comparative analysis across a wide range of marine ecosystems, suggestive of very few but none-the-less detectable common features across all northern hemisphere ocean systems.  相似文献   
The trophic structure of zooplankton was investigated in Fram Strait (north western Svalbard) in spring and autumn of 2003. Depth-stratified zooplankton samples were collected at 12 stations on the shelf (200 m), across the shelf-slope (500 m) and over deep water (>750 m), using a Multiple Plankton Sampler equipped with 0.180-mm mesh size nets.Higher zooplankton abundance and estimated biomass were found in the shelf area. Abundance and biomass were two times higher in August, when sea-surface temperature was higher than in May. Herbivores dominated numerically in May, and omnivores in August, suggesting a seasonal sequence of domination by different trophic groups. Cirripedia nauplii and Fritillaria borealis prevailed in spring, whereas copepod nauplii and Calanus finmarchicus were numerically the most important herbivores in autumn. Small copepods, Oithona similis and Triconia borealis, were the most numerous omnivorous species in both seasons, but their abundances increased in autumn. Chaetognatha (mainly Eukrohnia hamata) accounted for the highest abundance and biomass among predatory taxa at all deep-water stations and during both seasons. Regarding vertical distribution, herbivores dominated numerically in the surface layer (0–20 m), and omnivores were concentrated somewhat deeper (20–50 m) during both seasons. Maximum abundance of predators was found in the surface layer (0–20 m) in spring, and generally in the 20–50 m layer in autumn. This paper presents the first comprehensive summary of the zooplankton trophic structure in the Fram Strait area. Our goals are to improve understanding of energy transfer through this ecosystem, and of potential climate-induced changes in Arctic marine food webs.  相似文献   
The fauna of the Snorre oil field is diverse and varies along a 40 m depth gradient across the area. Abundance and species richness increase with increasing depth but diversity is highest in the centre of the gradient. The communities present differ widely from those of the adjacent but shallower Statfjord, Gullfaks and Tordis Fields and from the major communities found throughout much of the northern North Sea, a fact attributable to the greater depth, finer sediments, higher sediment organic levels and position on the western slope of the Norwegian Trench. They have greater affinities with the communities in the Troll Field, 85 km SE on silt/clay sediments in the floor of the trench and the Heidrun Field, situated approximately 390 km N at similar depths and in an area of similar sedimentary composition. However the Snorre communities have a much higher number of suspension feeding and surface deposit feeding organisms than either of these other areas. This might be caused by higher current speeds in the Snorre area which could create favourable conditions for suspensivores. Such water movements might bring occasional incursions of intermediate Norwegian Sea water into the area. Indeed the Snorre fauna appears to bear some relationships to the intermediate depth faunas of the Norwegian Sea, and is clearly different from most of the better described northern North Sea faunas.  相似文献   
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