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Distribution and flux of234Th,232Th and230Th in the water column of central Santa Monica basin observed over a period of seven years show seasonal and interannual variabilities. A steady-state model is applied to the integrated data to calculate long term average flux and model rate constants of Th isotopes. Mass balance calculations show that the basin acts like a closed system for short-lived234Th, but not for the long-lived isotopes230Th and232Th. Most230Th in the basin is transported from elsewhere. Of the incoming Th, 40–55% of the230Th and 14–26% of the232Th enter the surface water in dissolved form. In the upper 100 m, the residence time of dissolved Th with respect to adsorption onto suspended particulates, 70–80 days, is about one order of magnitude higher than the residence time of suspended particles with respect to aggregation into sinking particles, 7–10 days.  相似文献   
Eighty two dinosaur trackways were newly discovered in Upper Cretaceous lacustrine deposits on islands in the vicinity of Yeosu, Korea. Most dinosaur tracks occur in marginal lake deposits with polygonal desiccation cracks. The dinosaur tracks at the Yeosu site include 65 ornithopod trackways, 16 theropod trackways and one sauropod trackway. The prevalence of ornithopod tracks and the limited occurrence of sauropod tracks at the Yeosu site evidently reflect decreased sauropod diversity in the Upper Cretaceous. All ornithopod trackways represent bipeds, and most of the ornithopod tracks are similar to Caririchnium from other sites of the Korean peninsula. All fossil wood specimens collected in the study area represent conifers (three species of cupressaceous and two species of taxodiaceous conifers, and a new species) except for one, which is a discotyledon. It is thus inferred that the southwestern part of the Korean Peninsula was primarily covered with mesic forests with taxodiaceous trees during the Late Cretaceous. The K–Ar age of the Yeosu tracksite is determined as 81–65 Ma (Camapnian to Maastrichtian). It indicates that the Yeosu track site contains the last records of dinosaurs living in Asia. Consequently, semi-arid palaeoclimatic conditions, together with a large lake as a persistent water source and rich vegetation of gymnosperm trees as food, resulted in the preservation of abundant dinosaur tracks in the Upper Cretaceous on the Korean Peninsula.  相似文献   
We report the dissolved major element, organic carbon, and δ13CDOC, δ13CPOC, δD, δ18O, and 87Sr/86Sr composition of 19 summer samples from the Amur River. The Amur transported 2.6 Tg C/year of total organic carbon to the Sea of Okhotsk. The physical weathering rate (PWR) based on suspended particulate material was 13 (1.4–14) tons/(km2 year), and the chemical weathering rate based on total dissolved solids was 7 (4.3–46) tons/(km2 year). We further quantified the sources of the dissolved cations using an inverse model: rain accounted for 2 (0.6–5)%, evaporite 3 (0.7–7)%, carbonate 51 (29–74)%, and silicate 45 (25–64)%. The silicate weathering rate (SWR) in the Amur basin was 23 (15–98) × 103 mol/(km2 year) or 0.67 (0.40–2.81) tons/(km2 year), comparable to those of the Siberian rivers and the Mackenzie at higher latitudes. The SWR of the Amur was negatively correlated with elevation and relief, and positively correlated with runoff.  相似文献   
Park  Joo Myun  Jung  Hae Kun  Lee  Chung Il  Huh  Sung-Hoi 《Ocean Science Journal》2019,54(1):141-146
Ocean Science Journal - Diel and gastrointestinal changes in relation to the feeding intensity and prey composition of Apogon lineatus were investigated through the analysis of the diet contents of...  相似文献   
Abstract   Abundant dinosaur fossils including dinosaur footprints, eggs and nests, teeth and bones have been found from the Cretaceous non-marine deposits of Korea. Among them, dinosaur tracks are the most distinctive, and some track sites are among the most famous in the world. Until now, 27 dinosaur track localities have been discovered from the Cretaceous strata in the Gyeongsang Basin and several small basins. Ornithopod tracks are most abundant at most Korean track sites, and most of them are identified as Caririchnium ; that is, large ornithopod footprints with wide hoof impressions. Most theropod tracks are found in Neungju Basin and they consist of various types of small or medium-sized bird-like footprints, and other large footprints. Sauropod tracks are also abundant in the Gyeongsang Basin. The sauropod tracks vary in size, shape, and pattern of trackway, and suggest that diverse sauropods existed in this area. These diverse tracks in South Korea suggest that various dinosaurs flourished at the margins of lakes distributed in the southern part of the Korean Peninsula during the Cretaceous.  相似文献   
Glaciers in the Cordillera Blanca, Peru, are undergoing rapid retreat, in large part due to climate change. These changes are significantly altering water availability in the region and pose critical risks to local populations that are highly dependent on these resources for livelihoods. We examine these issues through an interdisciplinary and linked evaluation of hydrological change and livelihood vulnerability in the Yanamarey watershed. Physical observations of the Yanamarey glacier show acceleration in frontal retreat at a rate of 8 m decade???1 since 1970, accompanied by total volume loss on the order of 0.022 km3. Hydrological and hydrochemical analyses document a possible transformation of stream flow over the past decade as the seasonal storage capacity of the glacier has degraded. Recent stream discharge measurements from the proglacial lake below the glacier are more coincident with the highly variable seasonal precipitation than they were during the 1998?C1999 hydrological year. Local household perceptions of glacier recession and seasonal hydrological variability agree with this trend, which is increasing human vulnerability in the watershed. Household case-study survey results demonstrate that shifting water resources, increasing weather extremes and climate-related threats to tourism are all new vectors of vulnerability for household livelihoods.  相似文献   
The Cenozoic marine osmium isotope record is largely driven by changes in the continental input. We aid its interpretation by supplying direct measurements of present day riverine Os in known geological and environmental settings. We analyzed Os concentrations and isotopic ratios in the dissolved, suspended, and bed materials of the Mackenzie River in Canada and smaller rivers draining the Western Cordillera into the Pacific Ocean. Rhenium content was measured for suspended and bed materials to provide further constraint. Dissolved 187Os/188Os ratios range from 0.74 to 4.5 and are controlled to first order by age and lithology of the bedrock. The rivers draining Jurassic volcanic rocks are unradiogenic, as low as 0.74, and those draining the Precambrian Canadian Shield are radiogenic, as high as 3.5. The headwaters of the Mackenzie left bank tributaries draining metamorphic carbonates in the Eastern Cordillera and Paleozoic black and gray shales in the Transition zone and the Interior Platform are especially radiogenic (3.0-4.5) with relatively high concentrations of Os. These latter rivers are responsible for the Mackenzie being above world average in Os concentration and yield (mol Os/km2/year) as well as in 187Os/188Os. The dissolved load is more radiogenic than the suspended or bed loads and constitutes a significant fraction of total fluvial Os.  相似文献   
The Ulleung Basin (Tsushima Basin) in the southwestern East Sea (Japan Sea) is floored by a crust whose affinity is not known whether oceanic or thinned continental. This ambiguity resulted in unconstrained mechanisms of basin evolution. The present work attempts to define the nature of the crust of the Ulleung Basin and its tectonic evolution using seismic wide-angle reflection and refraction data recorded on ocean bottom seismometers (OBSs). Although the thickness of (10 km) of the crust is greater than typical oceanic crust, tau-p analysis of OBS data and forward modeling by 2-D ray tracing suggest that it is oceanic in character: (1) the crust consists of laterally consistent upper and lower layers that are typical of oceanic layers 2 and 3 in seismic velocity and gradient distribution and (2) layer 2C, the transition between layer 2 and layer 3 in oceanic crust, is manifested by a continuous velocity increase from 5.7 to 6.3 km/s over the thickness interval of about 1 km between the upper and lower layers. Therefore it is not likely that the Ulleung Basin was formed by the crustal extension of the southwestern Japan Arc where crustal structure is typically continental. Instead, the thickness of the crust and its velocity structure suggest that the Ulleung Basin was formed by seafloor spreading in a region of hotter than normal mantle surrounding a distant mantle plume, not directly above the core of the plume. It seems that the mantle plume was located in northeast China. This suggestion is consistent with geochemical data that indicate the influence of a mantle plume on the production of volcanic rocks in and around the Ulleung Basin. Thus we propose that the opening models of the southwestern East Sea should incorporate seafloor spreading and the influence of a mantle plume rather than the extension of the crust of the Japan Arc.  相似文献   
We studied diatoms in a 55.5-cm-long sediment core from a subalpine lake in northern Taiwan, Tsuifong Lake (TFL), to investigate environmental changes from AD 490 to present. Diatom assemblages of the last century were dominated by acidophilous species, whereas alkaliphilous taxa dominated the record between AD 1480 and 1910. Over the studied time frame, four decadal periods with high precipitation were inferred from evidence of elevated soil input from the watershed, supported by the stable isotope signatures (δ15N, δ13C) of organic matter and magnetic susceptibility of the sediments. We compared the inferred changes in pH of TFL to values obtained from three other Taiwanese subalpine lakes. The present study revealed that elevated precipitation was associated with increased solar irradiance over the last five centuries, with a stable dry period between AD 490 and 1450. Acidification of TFL in the last ~100 years was a consequence of deforestation and acid rain.  相似文献   
We present the distribution of226Ra in eight vertical profiles from the eastern Pacific. The profiles are located along a meridional trend near 125°W, from 43°S to 29°N. Surface226Ra concentrations are about 7 dpm/100 kg, except for the two stations south of 30°S where the higher values are due to the Antarctic influence. Deep waters show a distinctive south-to-north increase in the226Ra content, from about 26 to 41 dpm/100 kg near the bottom. Unlike in the Atlantic and Antarctic Oceans, the effect of226Ra injection from bottom sediments is clearly discernible in the area. The presence of this primary226Ra can be traced up to at least 1–1.5 km above the ocean floor, making this part of the sea bed among the strongest source regions for the oceanic226Ra. Numerical solutions of a two-dimensional vertical advection-diffusion model applied to the deep (1.2–4 km)226Ra data give the following set of best fits: upwelling velocity(Vz) = 3.5m/yr, vertical eddy diffusivity(Kz) = 0.6cm2/s, horizontal (north-south) eddy diffusivity(Ky) = 1 × 107cm2/s, and water-column regeneration flux of226Ra(J) = 3.3 × 10?5dpmkg?1yr?1 as an upper limit. These parametric values are in general agreement with one-dimensional (vertical) model fits for the Ra-Ba system. However, consideration of226Ra balance leads us to suspect the appropriateness of describing the vertical exchange processes in the eastern Pacific with constantVz and Kz. If future modeling is attempted, it may be preferable to treat the area as a diffusion-dominant mixing regime with depth-dependent diffusivities.  相似文献   
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