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Garnet‐bearing ultramafic rocks including clinopyroxenite, wehrlite and websterite locally crop out in the Higashi‐akaishi peridotite of the Besshi region in the Cretaceous Sanbagawa metamorphic belt. These rock types occur within dunite as lenses, boudins or layers with a thickness ranging from a few centimetres to 1 metre. The wide and systematic variation of bulk‐rock composition and the overall layered structure imply that the ultramafic complex originated as a cumulate sequence. Garnet and other major silicates contain rare inclusions of edenitic amphibole, chlorite and magnetite, implying equilibrium at relatively low P–T conditions during prograde metamorphism. Orthopyroxene coexisting with garnet shows bell‐shaped Al zoning with a continuous decrease of Al from the core towards the rim, consistent with rims recording peak metamorphic conditions. Estimated P–T conditions using core and rim compositions of orthopyroxene are 1.5–2.4 GPa/700–800 °C and 2.9–3.8 GPa/700–810 °C, respectively, implying a high P/T gradient (> 3.1 GPa/100 °C) during prograde metamorphism. The presence of relatively low P–T conditions at an early stage of metamorphism and the steep P/T gradient together trace a concave upwards P–T path that shows increasing P/T with higher T, similar to P–T paths reported from other UHP metamorphic terranes. These results suggest either (1) down dragging of hydrated mantle cumulate parallel to the slab–wedge interface in the subduction zone by mechanical coupling with the subducting slab or (2) ocean floor metamorphism and/or serpentinization at early stage of subduction of oceanic lithosphere and ensuing HP–UHP prograde metamorphism.  相似文献   
We report Os isotope compositions of metal grains in two CBa chondrites (Bencubbin and Gujba) determined using a micromilling sampling coupled with thermal ionization mass spectrometry, together with the abundances of major and trace siderophile elements obtained by electron probe microanalysis and femtosecond laser ablation inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry. The CBa metal grains presented 187Os/188Os ratios akin to carbonaceous chondrites with limited variations (0.1257–0.1270). Most of the CBa metal grains were scattered along a 187Re-187Os reference isochron of IIIAB iron meteorites, indicating that the CBa metals experienced limited Re-Os fractionation at the time of their formation. The Re/Os ratios of sampling spots for the CBa metals, recast from the observed 187Os/188Os ratios, had a positive correlation with their Os/Ir ratios. In addition, the metal grains showed a positive correlation in a Pd/Fe versus Ni/Fe diagram. These correlations suggest that the CBa metal grains have formed via equilibrium condensation or evaporation from a gaseous reservoir at ~10−4 bar with enhanced metal abundances. Compared to the Bencubbin metals, the Gujba metals are characterized by having systematically lower Pd/Fe and Ni/Fe ratios that span subchondritic values. Such a difference was most likely induced by the compositionally heterogeneous impact plume from which the metals were condensed.  相似文献   
During Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 325, 34 holes were drilled along five transects in front of the Great Barrier Reef of Australia, penetrating some 700 m of late Pleistocene reef deposits (post‐glacial; largely 20 to 10 kyr bp ) in water depths of 42 to 127 m. In seven holes, drilled in water depths of 42 to 92 m on three transects, older Pleistocene (older than last glacial maximum, >20 kyr bp ) reef deposits were recovered from lower core sections. In this study, facies, diagenetic features, mineralogy and stable isotope geochemistry of 100 samples from six of the latter holes were investigated and quantified. Lithologies are dominated by grain‐supported textures, and were to a large part deposited in high‐energy, reef or reef slope environments. Quantitative analyses allow 11 microfacies to be defined, including mixed skeletal packstone and grainstone, mudstone‐wackestone, coral packstone, coral grainstone, coralline algal grainstone, coral‐algal packstone, coralline algal packstone, Halimeda grainstone, microbialite and caliche. Microbialites, that are common in cavities of younger, post‐glacial deposits, are rare in pre‐last glacial maximum core sections, possibly due to a lack of open framework suitable for colonization by microbes. In pre‐last glacial maximum deposits of holes M0032A and M0033A (>20 kyr bp ), marine diagenetic features are dominant; samples consist largely of aragonite and high‐magnesium calcite. Holes M0042A and M0057A, which contain the oldest rocks (>169 kyr bp ), are characterized by meteoric diagenesis and samples mostly consist of low‐magnesium calcite. Holes M0042A, M0055A and M0056A (>30 kyr bp ), and a horizon in the upper part of hole M0057A, contain both marine and meteoric diagenetic features. However, only one change from marine to meteoric pore water is recorded in contrast with the changes in diagenetic environment that might be inferred from the sea‐level history. Values of stable isotopes of oxygen and carbon are consistent with these findings. Samples from holes M0032A and M0033A reflect largely positive values (δ18O: ?1 to +1‰ and δ13C: +1 to +4‰), whereas those from holes M0042A and M0057A are negative (δ18O: ?4 to +2‰ and δ13C: ?8 to +2‰). Holes M0055A and M0056A provide intermediate values, with slightly positive δ13C, and negative δ18O values. The type and intensity of meteroric diagenesis appears to have been controlled both by age and depth, i.e. the time available for diagenetic alteration, and reflects the relation between reef deposition and sea‐level change.  相似文献   
The energy flux of the Japan Sea Tsunami of May 26, 1983 radiated offshore causing the destruction of ships in Shimane Prefecture, the fourth worst area hit. In 1960, a tsunami from Chile attacked the Pacific coast from the Ryukyu Islands to Adak Island Alaska. The energy flux of the latter was similar to that of the former. The angle formed at the origin off the Chilean coast by the energy flux was 68°48 or possibly slightly larger. The coincidence between the angle given by this process and that by the directivity theory of Miyoshi (1977) is good. The Sanriku District is located approximately on the center line of this angle. Judging from the fact that the Sanriku District was attacked most severely in 1960, it can be suspected that the energy flux was a little more sharply directed than estimated by the theory. The equivalent angle in the case of the Japan Sea Tsunami, which attacked the area from the tip of the Noto Peninsula to the east coast of the Korean Peninsula, was only 45°30 and the smaller angle can be explained as a refraction effect of the Yamato Bank. The above information should be useful for warnings of future tsunamis.  相似文献   
A bio-optical dataset collected during the 1998?C2007 period in the Yellow and East China Seas (YECS) was used to provide alternative empirical ocean-color algorithms in the retrieval of chlorophyll-a (Chl-a), total suspended matter (TSM), and colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM) absorption coefficients at 440 nm (ag440). Assuming that remote-sensing reflectance (Rrs) could be retrieved accurately, empirical algorithms for TChl (regionally tuned Tassan??s Chl-a algorithm) in case-1 waters (TChl2i in case-2 waters), TTSM (regionally tuned Tassan??s TSM algorithm), and Tag440 or Cag440 (regionally tuned Tassan??s or Carder??s ag440 algorithm) were able to retrieve Chl-a, TSM, and ag440 with uncertainties as high as 35, 46, and 35%, respectively. Applying the standard SeaWiFS Rrs, TChl was not viable in the eastern part of the YECS, which was associated with an inaccurate SeaWiFS Rrs retrieval because of improper atmospheric correction. TChl behaved better than other algorithms in the turbid case-2 waters, although overestimation was still observed. To retrieve more reliable Chl-a estimates with standard SeaWiFS Rrs in turbid water (a proxy for case-2 waters), we modified TChl for data with SeaWiFS normalized water-leaving radiance at 555 nm (nLw555) > 2 mW cm?2 ??m?1 sr?1 (TChl2s). Finally, with standard SeaWiFS Rrs, we recommend switching algorithms from TChl2s (for case-2 waters) to MOCChl (SeaWiFS-modified NASA OC4v4 standard algorithm for case-1 waters) for retrieving Chl-a, which resulted in uncertainties as high as 49%. To retrieve TSM and ag440 using SeaWiFS Rrs, we recommend empirical algorithms for TTSM (pre-SeaWiFS-modified form) and MTag440 or MCag440 (SeaWiFS Rrs-modified forms of Tag440 or Cag440). These could retrieve with uncertainties as high as 82 and 52%, respectively.  相似文献   
Thirteen vertical profiles of 226Ra and 222Rn in the near-surface water were obtained in the western North Pacific in winter, and the gas transfer velocities across the air-sea interface were estimated. The transfer velocities found by applying a steady state model varied widely from 2.1 to 30.2 m day−1 with a mean of 9.4 m day−1. The mean value is almost 5 times higher than that in summer in other oceans, and the maximum value is a record high for world oceans. This is partly due to the inadequacy of the steady state model, which overestimates when stronger winds blow in more recent days than the 222Rn half-life of about 4 days. In fact, a strong low pressure zone passed through the station about 2 days earlier, which was one of the low pressure zones that with a period of develop once a week or so in the northwestern North Pacific in winter. Instead of steady-state removal, if half of the radon removal occurred sporadically every 7 days, and the last removal took place two days before the observation, the transfer velocity would be 26 m day−1. Our mean transfer velocity, which is less than 20% different from the steady state value including both overestimated and underestimated values, 9.4 ± 4.8 m day−1, seems to represent the mean state of this region in winter. This suggests that the gas exchange fluxes under extremely rough conditions in the open ocean are larger than those estimated by using a transfer velocity equation with a linear or quadratic relationship with wind speed. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
The depth distributions of the radiolarian fauna in the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas, marginal seas of the western Arctic Ocean, were examined quantitatively in depth-stratified plankton tows from 4 or 5 intervals above 500 m and in surface sediments from various depths between 163 and 2907 m. The radiolarian assemblage from the water column in September 2000 was dominated by Amphimelissa setosa and followed by the Actinomma boreale/leptoderma group, Pseudodictyophimus gracilipes and Spongotrochus glacialis. These species are related to the Arctic Surface Water shallower than 150 m. This assemblage is similar to that in the Greenland Sea relating to the ice edge, but did not contain typical Pacific radiolarians in spite of the flow of water of Pacific origin in this region. The living depth of Ceratocyrtis historicosa was restricted to the relatively warm water between 300 and 500 m corresponding to the upper Arctic Intermediate Water (AIW) originating from the Atlantic Ocean. Radiolarian assemblages in the surface sediments are similar to those in the plankton tows, except for common Cycladophora davisiana in sediment samples below 500 m. C. davisiana is probably a deep-water species adapted to the lower AIW or the Canadian Basin Deep Water ventilated from the shelves.  相似文献   
Taal Volcano is peculiar in its violent explosivity in spite of its low altitude. The surrounding topographies suggest that the origin of Taal Volcano is either a caldera or a graben structure. To confirm the caldera origin one must search for a vast quantity of caldera ejecta balancing with the depression. As a first step, a gravity survey was carried out on and around Taal Volcano, and high gravity anomalies were lound on Volcano Island. The distribution of the gravities may suggest a graben structure overlying a denser layer of igneous material.  相似文献   
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