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Evidence for the applicability of GEK (Geomagnetic Electrokinetography) measurements to shallow water regions is provided from observations in the shelf region of the East China Sea. The reason for the effectiveness of GEK measurements in this case is investigated theoretically, and it is shown to be attributable to the existence of a thick conductive sedimentary layer. In addition, it is shown that low conductive basement rock can be regarded as a good conductor for GEK measurements if the current width is broad enough and if the ratio of current width to water depth is larger than the resistivity ratio of basement rock to sea water. This implies that barotropic tidal currents can be measured with GEK in any ocean on the earth if they have significant magnitudes.  相似文献   
Propagation of electromagnetic (EM) waves from an earthquake focus in the conductive Earth has been investigated using 1/1,000,000 scaling models taking earth-ionosphere and ocean-Moho plane parallel-plate waveguides into account. Microwaves at a frequency, ωm, a million times higher than that of seismic EM signal (SEMS), ω, were generated at the model focus. They are propagated in a salt solution modeling the earth's crust and reflected by ocean, fault planes, ionosphere and Moho plane all made by aluminum. Distribution of EM power was mapped by scanning a detector antenna over the model Earth's surface. The skin depth, δ, calculated by the exact skin depth equation, 1/δ=ω(μ/2)1/2 [(1+(1/ωρ)2)1/2 −1]1/2 where dielectric constant, and permeability, μ are the same but resistivity, ρ, 10−6 times smaller than that of Earth, gave 10−6 times small skin depth validating the model scaling index. Images for evanescent and wave-ripple standing waves disturbed by normal, strike-slip and dip-slip conductive fault planes have been obtained using an aluminum plate. The co-circular contour map above the epicenter due to evanescence was pushed to the north east direction from the epicenter by the presence of ocean for the Loma Prieta earthquake, while to north direction for the Kobe earthquake. The intensity of EM ULF emissions for the Loma Prieta earthquake is discussed quantitatively.  相似文献   
At present, the barotropic buoyant stability parameter has been derived from a vertical virtual displacement of a water parcel. The barotropic inertial stability parameter in the eccentrically cyclogeostrophic, basic current field was derived in 2003 from a horizontal cross-stream virtual displacement of a parcel. By expressing acceleration of a parcel due to a virtual displacement, which is arbitrarily sloping within a vertical section across the basic current, in terms of natural coordinates, we derived the vertical component of baroclinic buoyant stability parameter B 2 2, the horizontal component of baroclinic inertial stability parameter I 2 2, the baroclinic joint stability parameter J 2, its buoyant component B 2 and its inertial component I 2. B 2 is far greater than I 2 2, and when neglecting relative vorticity except for vertical shear, a downward convex curve of J 2 plotted against the slope of a virtual displacement follows a trend of B 2 curve. If a parcel displaces along a horizontal surface or an isopycnal surface, however, B 2 vanishes, and J 2 becomes equal to I 2. Actual parcel is apt to displace not only along the bottom slope, but also along the sea surface and an isopycnal interfacial surface, which is approximately equivalent to an isentropic surface, preferred by lateral mixing and exchange of momentum. Such actual displacement makes B 2 vanishing, and grants I 2 an important role. The present analysis of I 2 examining effects due to curvature and horizontal and vertical shear vorticities are useful in deepening our understanding of baroclinic instability in actual oceanic streams.  相似文献   
The water under the main thermocline in the Japan Sea is a single water mass referred to as the Japan Sea Proper Water. It can be defined as having temperature below 2.0°C, salinity above 34.00%, and dissolved oxygen below 7.0 ml 1−1. In the north most of the water above the potential temperature 0.1°C depth (about 800–1000 m) is a mode water, with σθ of 27.32 to 27.34 kg m−3. North of 40°N it has high oxygen (more than 6.00 ml 1−1) with a distinct discontinuity (oxygen-cline) at the bottom of the mode water. The most probable region for the formation of the water is the area north of 41°N between 132° and 134°E. The deeper water probably is formed in the norther area of 43°N, and directly fills the main part of the Japan Basin north of 41°N and east of 134°E.  相似文献   
Avoiding the subject for fish accumulation, the traditional view in fish population dynamics has ascribed immigration and emigration of fish to dispersal of fish. The main purpose of this paper is to find a quantity that represents the time rate of accumulation-dispersal of marine organisms, and also has some relation to the horizontal convergence of current velocity of the surrounding water. For this, the accumulation-dispersal coefficient is introduced not in the form of diffusion, but in the same form as the convergence. Since the accumulation-dispersal of organisms is a factor that changes its distribution density, all factors causing the change are first classified to locate the position occupied by the accumulation dispersal. Each factor corresponds to each coefficient appearing in a linearized equation describing the rate of change in the density, averaged over a region or a group. The immigration-emigration coefficient is divided into three coefficients of passage, accumulation dispersal and diffusion velocity. For the organisms ranging in a nearly horizontal layer, the accumulation-dispersal coefficient is shown to equal the area-averaged horizontal convergence of organismal velocity relative to land, which is the sum of the area-averaged horizontal convergences of swimming velocity relative to water and of current velocity. However, the area-averaged convergence of current velocity associated with the accumulation-dispersal coefficient for a region is shown to be somewhat different from the usual one.  相似文献   
The investigation of abyssal bedforms and sediment drifts as a tool for understanding the deep flow characteristics allows us to interprete that a benthic storm is primarily related to sediment distribution, development of longitudinal ripple marks, and concentration of suspended particulate matter. There explicitly exists a strong and periodical bottom flow which is called the benthic storm having a current speed of over 15 cm sec?1 and duration of more than two days. Hydrodynamic regime has been thought to affect underlying sediment textural natures which can be used to distinguish between bottom currents with different velocities. Therefore, concentration of medium silt mode (0.010–0.017 mm in size) delineates a high-velocity core of the benthic storm in the deep sea bottom. Bottom current measurements in most of the North Pacific Ocean indicate that present bottom current speeds are generally less than 10 cm sec?1. It appears likely, therefore, that significant erosion is not taking place today. However, at current passages, bases of sea mounts, and other topographic obstructions locally accelerated current flows are recognized to affect bottom configuration. While, it is concluded from bottom echo-characteristics and bottom current measurements that widespread occurrences of echo type 3 (sediment-drift deposit facies) recognized at 22°N and 42°N in the Northwest Pacific are associated with the North Equatorial current and the North Pacific current respectively, and can best be interpreted to be originated from benthic storms, the source of which were come from those surface currents.  相似文献   
A comparison between Japan-equator XBT sections along 150°E in late November 1989 and along 140°E in early December 1991 is made. The warmest surface water above 29°C diminished to the south of 2–4°N and the surface mixed layer noticeably decreased in thickness in the equatorial region in December 1991; besides, the North Equatorial Countercurrent was intensified. This is considered to be a manifestation of changes in the surface layer of the western equatorial Pacific in the mature phase of El Niño.  相似文献   
Summary Shiribeshi Seamount is located to the east of the Okushiri Ridge, in the northeast Japan Sea. Whole rock K-Ar age of olivine-augite andesite dredged from the Seamount was determined to be 0.9 ± 0.2 Ma (Tsuchiya et al., 1989), indicating that Shiribeshi Seamount is a Quaternary volcano in the back-arc region off the junction of the Northeast Japan and Kurile arcs. Shiribeshi volcano is composed of basalt to rhyolite, which show a typical island arc calc-alkaline nature on the basis of petrographical characteristics of 95 samples dredged from four sites. Abundances of incompatible elements including K, Rb, Sr, Nb, P, Ti, Y and Zr in 16 representative rocks are discussed, together with those in the Quaternary volcanic rocks from the NE Japan and Kurile arcs in terms of compositional variation across the arcs. The estimated composition of the primary magma of Shiribeshi volcano is characterized by higher incompatible element contents and a higher Zr/Y ratio than primary magmas in the volcanic front side. Based on HFS element concentrations the degree of partial melting for three primary magmas of Oshima-Oshima, Shiribeshi and Rishiri volcanoes in the northeast Japan Sea may decrease gradually with increasing distance from the volcanic front. However, LIL element contents, especially K and Rb are lower in the primary magma of Rishiri volcano located far from the volcanic front than in the remaining two primary magmas, which would imply that LIL/HFS ratios (or degree of contribution of LIL elements originating from the subducted oceanic crust) become minimal at Rishiri volcano. One basalt and three andesites from Shiribeshi volcano have the restricted range of low87Sr/86Sr ratios of 0.70297–0.70300, which indicates that the magma source for Shiribeshi volcano may be slightly more enriched in Sr isotopic compositions than theN-type MORB source.
Geochemie des neuentdeckten quartären submarinen Vulkans Shiribeshi im Nordöstlichen Japanischen Meer
Zusammenfassung Der Shiribeshi Seamount liegt östlich des Okushiri Rückens im nordöstlichen Japanischen Meer. Gesamtgesteins K-Ar Alter von Olivin-Augit-Andesiten von diesem Seamount ergeben Werte von 0,9 ± 0,2 Ma (Tsuchiya et al., 1989), und weisen darauf hin, daß Shiribeshi ein quartärer Vulkan im back-arc Bereich nahe dem Kreuzungspunkt des nordostjapanischen und des Kurilen-Inselbogens ist. Er besteht aus Gesteinen, deren Zusammensetzung von Basalt bis Rhyolit reicht. Petrographische Daten von 25 Proben, die von vier submarinen Lokationen durch Dredging aufgesammelt wurden, weisen auf eine typische kalk-alkalische Inselbogenzusammensetzung hin. Die Verbreitung von inkompatiblen Elementen, die unter anderem K, Rb, Sr, Nb, P, Ti, Y und Zr umfassen, in 16 representativen Proben wird zusammen mit denen von quartären vulkanischen Gesteinen aus dem nordöstlichen Japanischen und den Kurilen-Inselbogen diskutiert; dabei wird Variationen der Zusammensetzung über die Bögen hinweg besondere Beachtung geschenkt. Die so ermittelte Zusammensetzung des primären Magmas des Shiribeshi Vulkans wird durch höhere inkompatible Elementgehalte und höhere Zr/Y Verhältnisse charakterisiert, wenn man sie mit primären Magmen an der vulkanischen Stirn des Inselbogens vergleicht. HFS Element-Konzentrationen lassen erkennen, daß der Grad teilweiser Aufschmelzung für drei primäre Magmen von Oshima-Oshima, Shiribeshi und Rishiri im nordöstlichen Japanischen Meer graduell mit zunehmender Entfernung von der vulkanischen Stirm abnimmt. Die Gehalte an LIL Elementen und besonders an K und Rb sind in dem primären Magma des Rishiri Vulkans, der weit von der vulkanischen Front entfernt liegt, höher als in den zwei anderen primären Magmen. Dies weist darauf hin, daß LIL/HFS Verhältnisse (oder der Beitrag von LIL Elementen, die aus subduzierter ozeanischer Kruste stammen) am Rishiri Vulkan ein Minimum erreichen. Ein Basalt und drei Andesite von Shiribeshi zeigen87Sr/86Sr Verhältnisse von 0,70297 bis 0,70300; dies läßt erkennen, daß die Quelle des Magmas für Shiribeshi etwas mehr an87Sr angereichert war, als dieN-Typ Quelle.

With 7 Figures  相似文献   
To mitigate the damage caused by debris flows resulting from heavy precipitation and to aid in evacuation plan preparation, areas at risk should be mapped on a scale appropriate for affected individuals and communities. We tested the effectiveness of simply identifying debris-flow hazards through automated derivation of surface curvatures using LiDAR digital elevation models. We achieved useful correspondence between plan curvatures and areas of existing debris-flow damage in two localities in Japan using the analysis of digital elevation models(DEMs). We found that plan curvatures derived from 10 m DEMs may be useful to indicate areas that are susceptible to debris flow in mountainous areas. In residential areas located on gentle sloping debris flow fans, the greatest damage to houses was found to be located in the elongated depressions that are connected to mountain stream valleys. Plan curvaturederived from 5 m DEM was the most sensitive indicators for susceptibility to debris flows.  相似文献   
The St.16 core obtained from the Academician Ridge of Lake Baikal in eastern Siberia may span about 260 000 years, and some physical properties of the core samples are closely related to aquatic paleoproductivity and climatic change. The median of grain size, grain density, and water content fluctuate synchronously. They also are connected with change in the abundance of biogenic silica (diatoms). The physical parameters indicate that there were high aquatic productivity periods around interglacial periods (MIS 5 and 7; 70 000-125 000 yr B.P. and 180 000-250 000 yr B.P.). Comparatively large clastics were transported from outside of the lake through various routes (ice rafting, etc.) in addition to fluvial routes during the glacials or 'stadials. There are ca. 20 000 yr, 40 000 yr and 100 000 yr periods in the variations of physical properties. These are related to the three Milankovitch parameters of solar insolation.  相似文献   
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