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The hydrodynamic properties of a steadily expanding corona are explored for situations in which departures from spherically symmetric outflow are large, in the sense that the geometrical cross section of a given flow tube increases outward from the Sun faster than r 2 in some regions. Assuming polytropic flow, it is shown that in certain cases the flow may contain more than one critical point. We derive the criterion for determining which of these critical points is actually crossed by the transonic solution which begins at the Sun and extends continuously outward. Next, we apply the theory to geometries which exhibit rapid spreading of the flow tubes in the inner corona, followed by more-or-less radial divergence at large distances. This is believed to be the type of geometry found in coronal hole regions. The results show that, if this initial divergence is sufficiently large, the outflow becomes supersonic at a critical point encountered low in the corona in the region of high divergence, and it remains supersonic at all greater heights in the corona. This feature strongly suggests that coronal hole regions differ from other open-field regions of the corona in that they are in a fast, low density expansion state over much of their extent. Such a dynamical configuration makes it possible to reconcile the low values of electron density observed in coronal holes with the large particle fluxes in the associated high speed streams seen in the solar wind.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   
The magnetites and sulfides located in the rims of carbonate globules in the Martian meteorite ALH84001 have been claimed as evidence of past life on Mars. Here, we consider the possibility that the rims were formed by dissolution and reprecipitation of the primary carbonate by the action of water. To estimate the rate of these solution-precipitation reactions, a kinetic model of magnesite-siderite carbonate dissolution was applied and used to examine the physicochemical conditions under which these rims might have formed. The results indicate that the formation of the rims could have taken place in < 50 yr of exposure to small amounts of aqueous fluids at ambient temperatures. Plausible conditions pertaining to reactions under a hypothetical ancient Martian atmosphere (1 bar CO2), the modern Martian atmosphere (8 mbar CO2), and the present terrestrial atmosphere (0.35 mbar CO2) were explored to constrain the site of the process. The results indicated that such reactions likely occurred under the latter two conditions. The possibility of Antarctic weathering must be entertained, which, if correct, would imply that the plausibly biogenic minerals (single-domain magnetite of characteristic morphology and sulfide) reported from the rims may be the products of terrestrial microbial activity. This model is discussed in terms of the available isotope data and found to be compatible with the formation of ALH84001 rims. Particularly, anticorrelated variations of radiocarbon with δ13C indicate that carbonate in ALH84001 was affected by solution-precipitation reactions immediately after its initial fall (∼13,000 yr ago) and then again during its recent exposure prior to collection.  相似文献   
The Total Irradiance Monitor (TIM) instrument is designed to measure total solar irradiance with an absolute accuracy of 100 parts per million. Four electrical substitution radiometers behind precision apertures measure input radiant power while providing redundancy. Duty cycling the use of the radiometers tracks degradation of the nickel-phosphorous absorptive black radiometer interiors caused by solar exposure. Phase sensitive detection at the shutter frequency reduces noise and simplifies the estimate of the radiometer's equivalence ratio. An as-designed uncertainty budget estimates the instrument's accuracy goal. The TIM measurement equation defines the conversion from measured signal to solar irradiance.  相似文献   
The headwaters of mountainous, discontinuous permafrost regions in north‐eastern Mongolia are important water resources for the semi‐arid country, but little is known about hydrological processes there. Run‐off generation on south‐facing slopes, which are devoid of permafrost, has so far been neglected and is totally unknown for areas that have been affected by recent forest fires. To fill this knowledge gap, the present study applied artificial tracers on a steppe‐vegetated south‐facing and on two north‐facing slopes, burned and unburned. Combined sprinkling and dye tracer experiments were used to visualize processes of infiltration and water fluxes in the unsaturated zone. On the unburned north‐facing slope, rapid and widespread infiltration through a wet organic layer was observed down to the permafrost. On the burned profile, rapid infiltration occurred through a combusted organic and underlying mineral layer. Stained water seeped out at the bottom of both profiles suggesting a general tendency to subsurface stormflow (SSF). Ongoing SSF could directly be studied 24 h after a high‐intensity rainfall event on a 55‐m hillslope section in the burned forest. Measurements of water temperature proved the role of the permafrost layer as a base horizon for SSF. Repeated tracer injections allowed direct insights into SSF dynamics: A first injection suggested rather slow dispersive subsurface flow paths; whereas 18 h later, a second injection traced a more preferential flow system with 20 times quicker flow velocities. We speculate that these pronounced SSF dynamics are limited to burned slopes where a thermally insulating organic layer is absent. On three south‐facing soil profiles, the applied tracer remained in the uppermost 5 cm of a silt‐rich mineral soil horizon. No signs of preferential infiltration could be found, which suggested reduced biological activity under a harsh, dry and cold climate. Instead, direct observations, distributed tracers and charcoal samples provided evidence for the occurrence of overland flow. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Two thermal parameters, initial volatilization temperature (IVT) and average volatilization rate (AVR), have been determined by thermogravimetric analysis in argon for 38 coal samples ranging in rank from lignite to low-volatile bituminous. Both IVT and AVR are correlated with percent volatile matter and vitrinite reflectance.The IVT values increase gradually from about 250 to 445°C with increasing rank; however, a change in slope is observed in the region of high-volatile bituminous coals (from about 340°C to about 380°C) when IVT's are plotted against percent volatile matter or percent fixed carbon. The changes in slope near 340°C and near 380°C occur at “coalification jumps” recognized on the basis of changes in the optical and chemical character of the macerals. In general, AVR values decrease gradually with increasing rank for the lignite and sub-bituminous coals and for the medium- and low-volatile bituminous coals; however, a sharp increase in AVR occurs in high-volatile bituminous coals. The change in slope of the IVT curves and sharp increase in the AVR values for high-volatile bituminous coals reflect the development of new, higher vapor pressure organic compounds produced during this stage of the coalification process.A plot of AVR vs IVT reveals three regions which correspond to: (1) lignite and sub-bituminous coals; (2) high-volatile bituminous coals; and (3) medium- to low-volatile bituminous coals.  相似文献   
Previous studies have shown that the Pewee coal, which outcrops in the Wartburg Basin in northeast Tennessee (U.S.A.), formed in an upper delta-plain (limnic) environment and had not been subject to marine conditions. Most elemental concentrations decrease upwards, from the base to the top of the coal; however in some locations, several elements show significant increases in concentration at the very top of the coal. Correlation coefficients for elements within the coal and to a lesser degree, the sediments, reflect typical clay minerals. The major mineral phases identified were kaolinite, illite, chlorite, siderite and quartz.Although minor lateral variations in chemical and maceral composition occur, the Pewee coal is relatively homogeneous within the study area. Elements which tend to be soluble in low-pH solutions (especially Ca) may have reacted with fluids coming from the peat and have been transported away from the coal-sediment contact. Chlorite is absent in the coal, perhaps due to its solubility in an acid environment. With these few exceptions, there is little direct evidence that diagenetic processes influenced the movement of elements from the coal into the sediment, or vice versa.The decrease in elemental concentrations upward in the Pewee coal is thought to result from a gradual decrease in the amount of detritus being brought into the Pewee swamp. The increase in abundance of detritus at the top of the coal in some locations suggests a sudden change in environmental conditions, perhaps as the result of the establishment of a new distributary system.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Die Wittlicher Rotliegendsenke ist synsedimentär während des Oberrotliegenden und Zechsteins abgesunken. Der SE-Rand lagert dem flach nach NW eintauchenden Hunsrückschiefer auf; der NW-Rand wird durch eine Verwerfung gebildet, die innerhalb der Wissenbacher Schiefer liegt und der Schieferung dieser Gesteine parallel läuft.Feintektonische Untersuchungen des devonischen Rahmens der Senke lassen auch schon während der varistischen Faltung Bewegungsvorgänge erkennen, die das Einsinken der Rotliegend-Senke vorbereiten.  相似文献   
A one-dimensional, time-dependent numerical cloud model is used to analyze the factors in the dynamic and thermodynamic equations which lead to a steady-state or nonsteady-state solution for the cloud vertical motion, buoyancy, precipitation, and cloud water fields. ‘Bulk water’ microphysical techniques are used for the cloud, rain, and hail variables. An atmospheric sounding from a severe storm situation is used as initial and environmental conditions, yielding model updrafts of 40 m sec?1 maximum and more than 10 m sec?1 over the entire cloud region. ‘Early conversion’ of the cloud water to rain leads to loading of lower portions of the updraft by rain, the formation of appreciable amounts of hail by freezing of the supercooled rain, and subsequent loading of the middle and upper portions of the updraft so that the updraft erodes throughout the cloud depth and the cloud dissipates, yielding a vigorous rain shower. A delay in the conversion of the cloud water to rain results in a steady-state solution, no rain or hail falling through the updraft. A two-dimensional cloud simulation of this same case shows rain and hail in the upper cloud regions recycled in the two-dimensional flow into the updraft near cloud base and a breakdown of the updraft with resultant rainout (negligible hail reaching the ground). The breakdown of the updraft has profound effects on the temperature field within the cloud, causing the lapse rate to deviate from the steady-state condition and approach the initial environmental conditions. The results emphasize the fact that the local change in temperature (and other dependent variables as well) is not independent of the vertical velocity, in general. This has implications for the interpretation of measurements made within clouds.  相似文献   
Past and future sea-level rise along the coast of North Carolina,USA   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
We evaluate relative sea level (RSL) trajectories for North Carolina, USA, in the context of tide-gauge measurements and geological sea-level reconstructions spanning the last ~11,000 years. RSL rise was fastest (~7 mm/yr) during the early Holocene and slowed over time with the end of the deglaciation. During the pre-Industrial Common Era (i.e., 0–1800 CE), RSL rise (~0.7 to 1.1 mm/yr) was driven primarily by glacio-isostatic adjustment, though dampened by tectonic uplift along the Cape Fear Arch. Ocean/atmosphere dynamics caused centennial variability of up to ~0.6 mm/yr around the long-term rate. It is extremely likely (probability P=0.95) that 20th century RSL rise at Sand Point, NC, (2.8 ± 0.5 mm/yr) was faster than during any other century in at least 2,900 years. Projections based on a fusion of process models, statistical models, expert elicitation, and expert assessment indicate that RSL at Wilmington, NC, is very likely (P=0.90) to rise by 42–132 cm between 2000 and 2100 under the high-emissions RCP 8.5 pathway. Under all emission pathways, 21st century RSL rise is very likely (P>0.90) to be faster than during the 20th century. Due to RSL rise, under RCP 8.5, the current ‘1-in-100 year’ flood is expected at Wilmington in ~30 of the 50 years between 2050-2100.  相似文献   
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