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It is often desirable or necessary to store collected seawater samples prior to analysis for dissolved inorganic nutrients. It is therefore important to establish preservation and storage techniques that will ensure sample integrity and will not alter the precision or accuracy of analysis. We have performed a series of experiments on the storage of nutrient samples collected at the oligotrophic North Pacific benchmark Station ALOHA, using both standard autoanalyses and low-level techniques. Our results reveal that for oligotrophic oceanic waters, the immediate freezing of an unfiltered water sample in a clean polyethylene bottle is a suitable preservation method. This procedure is simple, it avoids potentially contaminating sample manipulations and chemical additions, and it adequately preserves the concentrations of nitrate + nitrite, soluble reactive phosphate, and soluble reactive silicate within a single water sample.  相似文献   
Reducing fossil fuel supply is necessary to meet the Paris Agreement goal to keep warming ‘well below 2°C’, yet the Agreement is silent on the topic of fossil fuels. This article outlines reasons why it is important that Parties to the Agreement find ways to more explicitly address the phasing out of fossil fuel production under the UNFCCC. It describes how countries aiming to keep fossil fuel supply in line with Paris goals could articulate and report their actions within the current architecture of the Agreement. It also outlines specific mechanisms of the Paris Agreement through which issues related to the curtailment of fossil fuel supply can be addressed. Mapping out a transition away from fossil fuels – and facilitating this transition under the auspices of the UNFCCC process – can enhance the ambition and effectiveness of national and international climate mitigation efforts.

Key policy insights

  • The international commitment to limit global average temperature increases to ‘well below 2°C’ provides a strong rationale for Parties to the Paris Agreement and the UNFCCC to pursue a phase-down in fossil fuel production, not just consumption.

  • Several countries have already made commitments to address fossil fuel supply, by agreeing to phase down coal or oil exploration and production.

  • Integrating these commitments into the UNFCCC process would link them to global climate goals, and ensure they form part of a broader global effort to transition away from fossil fuels.

  • The Paris Agreement provides a number of new opportunities for Parties to address fossil fuel production.

The Budyko framework characterizes landscape water cycles as a function of climate. We used this framework to identify regions with contrasting hydroclimatic change during the past 50 years in Sweden. This analysis revealed three distinct regions: the mountains, the forests, and the areas with agriculture. Each region responded markedly different to recent climate and anthropogenic changes, and within each region, we identified the most sensitive subregions. These results highlight the need for regional differentiation in climate change adaptation strategies to protect vulnerable ecosystems and freshwater resources. Further, the Budyko curve moved systematically towards its water and energy limits, indicating augmentation of the water cycle driven by changing vegetation, climate and human interactions. This finding challenges the steady state assumption of the Budyko curve and therefore its ability to predict future water cycles. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Summary The island of Samothrace, northeastern Aegean Sea, consists of five main geological units: (i) A basement unit consisting of low grade metamorphic rocks (metapelites, marbles, metavolcanic rocks, and a metaconglomerate); (ii) an ophiolitic complex with K-Ar hornblende date of 154 ± 7 and 155 ± 7 Ma; (iii) A granite intrusion with biotite K-Ar dates of 14.5 ± 0.3 and 14.5 ± 0.5 Ma, and a contact metamorphic event dated at 40.9 + 2.2 Ma; (iv) a unit of Cenozoic volcanic rocks: orogenic volcanism apparently occurred in two cycles with Upper Eocene tholeiitic to calc-alkaline volcanic rocks and post-Eocene high-K andesites to trachytes. (v) Quaternary clastic sedimentary rocks which occur around the peripheral parts of the island. The granitic intrusion is predominantly a hornblende-biotite granite, granodiorite or quartz monzonite, with porphyritic variants and mafic enclaves. The pluton is cut by granophyre, aplite and rare granodioritic veins. All lithological units of the Samothrace intrusion show smooth and continuous major element trends and similar chondrite- and Ocean Ridge Granite-normalized incompatible element profiles. ORG-normalized incompatible element contents of Hf, Zr, Sm are explained with fractionation close to the normalizing values Y and Yb contents combined with high K/Yb ratios; Rb and Th are significantly enriched relative to Nb and Ta. In Y-Nb and Rb-SiO2 space most samples of the Samothrace granite, plot in the volcanic arc and the syn-collisional granite fields. In Y + Nb-Rb space they are equally distributed within and transgress these two domains. The geochemical and regional data suggest a subduction or collision environment but biotite mineral data do not support a collisional setting for magma genesis. The Samothrace granite was probaby associated with a post-collisional domain after the closure of the Axios section of the Tethys Ocean.
Ein Einblick in das Wirken von Mikroplattentektonik in der Tethys—Die Geochemie des Samothrake Granites, Agäisches Meer
Zusammenfassung Die Insel Samothrake in der nordöstlichen Ägäis besteht aus fünf geologischen Haupteinheiten: (i) einem schwach metamorphen Basement (Metapelite, Marmore, Metavulkanite und Metakonglomerate); (ii) einem ophiolithischem Komplex, der mit K-Ar Datierungen an Hornblende ein Alter von 154 ± 7 und 155 ± 7 Ma ergab; (iii) ein granitischer Intrusionskörper mit K-Ar Altern an Biotit von 14.0 ± 0.3 und 14.5 ± 0.5 Ma und einem kontaktmetamorphen Ereignis, das mit 40.9 ± 2.2 Ma datiert ist; (iv) eine Abfolge känozoischer Vulkanite, wobei der orogene Vulkanismus offensichtlich in zwei Zyklen ablief mit tholeiitischen bis kalkalkalischen Vulkaniten im oberen Eozän und high-K Andesiten bis Trachyten im post-Eozän; (v) quartären klastischen Sedimentgesteinen, die im Randbereich der Insel auftreten. Die Granitintrusion setzt sich hauptsächlich aus Hornblende-Biotitgraniten, Granodioriten oder Quarzmonzoniten mit teilweise porphyrischen und mafischen Enklaven enthaltenden Varietäten zusammen. Der Pluton wird von Granophyren, Apliten und seltener von granodioritischen Gängen durchschlagen. Alle lithologischen Einheiten der Samothrake Intrusion zeigen kontinuierliche Hauptelementtrends und ähnliche Chondrit und ORG-normalisierte inkompatible Elementprofile. Die Gehalte an den inkompatiblen Elementen Hf, Zr, Sm sind sehr ähnlich denen von ozeanischen Graniten (ORG). Die niedrigen Y und Yb-Gehalte und die hohen K/Yb Verhältnisse werden durch Fraktionierung erklärt. Rb und Th sind signifikant angereichert im Vergleich zu Nb und Ta. In Y-Nb und Rb-SiO2 Diagrammen plotten die meisten Proben des Samothrake Granites im Feld der vulkanischen Inselbogen- und Synkollisionsgranite. Im Y + Nb-Rb Diagramm zeigt sich eine gleichmäßige und überlappende Verteilung. Die geochemischen und regionalen Daten weisen auf einen Subduktions- oder Kollisionsbereich hin, obwohl die Biotitzusammensetzungen nicht für eine Bildung der Magmen in einem Kollisionsbereich sprechen. Die Bildung des Samothrake Granites steht möglicherweise mit post-Kollisionstektonik nach dem Schließen der Axioszone in der Tethys in Zusammenhang.

With 7 Figures  相似文献   
A plot of median grain size against quartile deviation (after Buller and McManus) can be used to distinguish mudflow deposits. A characteristic envelope for poorly sorted streamflow deposits is also defined. Unlike most other sediment transport mechanisms, mudflows appear to deposit sediments with sorting independent of median grain size.  相似文献   
Galactic cosmic rays consist of primary and secondary particles. Primary cosmic rays are thought to be energized by first order Fermi acceleration processes at supernova shock fronts within our Galaxy. The cosmic rays that eventually reach the Earth from this source are mainly protons and atomic nuclei, but also include electrons. Secondary cosmic rays are created in collisions of primary particles with the diffuse interstellar gas. They are relatively rare but carry important information on the Galactic propagation of the primary particles. The secondary component includes a small fraction of antimatter particles, positrons and antiprotons. In addition, positrons and antiprotons may also come from unusual sources and possibly provide insight into new physics. For instance, the annihilation of heavy supersymmetric dark matter particles within the Galactic halo could lead to positrons or antiprotons with distinctive energy signatures. With the High-Energy Antimatter Telescope (HEAT) balloon-borne instrument, we have measured the abundances of positrons and electrons at energies between 1 and 50 GeV. The data suggest that indeed a small additional antimatter component may be present that cannot be explained by a purely secondary production mechanism. Here we describe the signature of the effect and discuss its possible origin.  相似文献   
The occurrence of three endocrine disrupting compounds, 4-n-nonylphenol, triclosan and bisphenol A, was investigated in different bivalves originating from the Aegean Sea (Greece). The bioconcentration potential of these compounds was studied using the Mediterranean mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis). Tissue samples were extracted by sonication. Analysis was performed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. According to the field survey results, the average concentrations of 4-n-nonylphenol, triclosan and bisphenol A, were 158, 461 and 404 ng g−1 (dry weight), respectively. During 28 days of exposure at 300 ng L−1, the tissue concentrations of compounds were constantly increased. Steady state was not observed up to the end of the experiment. Kinetic bioconcentration factors varied from 1.7 (4-n-nonylphenol and triclosan) to 4.5 L g−1 (bisphenol A). Following exposure, mussels were relocated to clean water for 28 days. This experiment revealed that depuration rates for all of the target compounds were lower than uptake rates. The biological half-lives of each compound ranged between 12 days (triclosan) and 26 days (bisphenol A).  相似文献   
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