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The first data on ecology and trace metal (As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb) bioaccumulation by macrozoobenthic organisms in area along the 130°E meridional transect from shallow water near the Lena River’s delta till the 78°N are presented. At the newly discovered methane seeps in the shallow Laptev Sea areas (72 m depth), a higher total abundance and biomass compared with background stations were recorded. In carbonate shells and soft tissues of Bivalvia Portlandia arctica and Astarte borealis, the high concentrations of Mn, Fe, Pb, Ni and Co were detected that varied in dependence from sampling site. In the dominating taxa of brittle stars (Ophiuroidea), there were found no significant differences between majority of trace metal content in organisms inhabiting the seeps area and background ones. An elevated content of some metals was detected in the Asteroidea bodies that may be attributed to its trophic behavior (deposit feeder).  相似文献   
The structure of the assemblages associated with the mussel aggregations of Bathymodiolus azoricus was investigated. The mussel beds were found on the hydrothermal vent fields on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (the Menez Gwen, Lucky Strike, and Rainbow areas) at the depths of 850–2400 m. The community structure of the mussel bed assemblages varied between the studied areas. Large number of species was unique to Menez Gwen mussel beds; the most observed taxa were not specialized hydrothermal species. All the other, nonunique species were found for the Lucky Strike region. The lowest mussel assemblage structure evenness was observed in the shallowest area, the Menez Gwen area (850 m depth). We assume that two types of mussel assemblages—nematode-dominated and copepod-dominated ones—exist in the Lucky Strike field. The assemblages of B. azoricus differ significantly from the assemblages of B. thermophilus inhabiting the Pacific hydrothermal vents.  相似文献   
A series of samples of inhabitants of hydrothermal vents were collected during the 12th cruise of R/V Akademik Mstislav Keldysh in Guaymas Basin (the Gulf of California) and the Axial Seamount area (Juan de Fuca Ridge). The concentrations of trace and heavy metals in the tissues of Ridgeia piscesae, Riftia pachyptila, and Paralvinella palmiformis were analyzed. The neutron-activation analysis revealed significantly higher concentrations of uranium in the tissues of Paralvinella palmiformis as compared to the ambient seawater. The possible reasons for such phenomenon are discussed. The data obtained by the neutron-activation method are compared with those obtained by the atomic-absorption method for the same tissues analyzed.  相似文献   
We present the results of our visual and near-infrared spectrophotometric observations for 77 variable stars obtained during 1971–1991 in Chile, Armenia, and Bolivia. The quasi-monochromatic, extraatmospheric fluxes from the stars are given in absolute energy units (W m?2 m?1) at all wavelengths of the spectral range at 2.5-nm intervals.  相似文献   
The first part of this paper reviews methods using effective solar indices to update a background ionospheric model focusing on those employing the Kriging method to perform the spatial interpolation. Then, it proposes a method to update the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) model through the assimilation of data collected by a European ionosonde network. The method, called International Reference Ionosphere UPdate (IRI UP), that can potentially operate in real time, is mathematically described and validated for the period 9–25 March 2015 (a time window including the well-known St. Patrick storm occurred on 17 March), using IRI and IRI Real Time Assimilative Model (IRTAM) models as the reference. It relies on foF2 and M(3000)F2 ionospheric characteristics, recorded routinely by a network of 12 European ionosonde stations, which are used to calculate for each station effective values of IRI indices \(IG_{12}\) and \(R_{12}\) (identified as \(IG_{{12{\text{eff}}}}\) and \(R_{{12{\text{eff}}}}\)); then, starting from this discrete dataset of values, two-dimensional (2D) maps of \(IG_{{12{\text{eff}}}}\) and \(R_{{12{\text{eff}}}}\) are generated through the universal Kriging method. Five variogram models are proposed and tested statistically to select the best performer for each effective index. Then, computed maps of \(IG_{{12{\text{eff}}}}\) and \(R_{{12{\text{eff}}}}\) are used in the IRI model to synthesize updated values of foF2 and hmF2. To evaluate the ability of the proposed method to reproduce rapid local changes that are common under disturbed conditions, quality metrics are calculated for two test stations whose measurements were not assimilated in IRI UP, Fairford (51.7°N, 1.5°W) and San Vito (40.6°N, 17.8°E), for IRI, IRI UP, and IRTAM models. The proposed method turns out to be very effective under highly disturbed conditions, with significant improvements of the foF2 representation and noticeable improvements of the hmF2 one. Important improvements have been verified also for quiet and moderately disturbed conditions. A visual analysis of foF2 and hmF2 maps highlights the ability of the IRI UP method to catch small-scale changes occurring under disturbed conditions which are not seen by IRI.  相似文献   
The Barrell and Sears and Edlen formulae use the Sellmeier form away from resonances, which gives a “smooth” dependence within the visible and near-infrared spectra. All known atlases indicate numerous resonances in these regions, which cause local disturbance of the dispersion curve. Anomalous dispersion may be estimated from an absorption by the Kramer-Kronig ratios. It gives a change of phase refractive index of air in a range from several ppt to 1 ppb within narrow optical regions, causing large local dispersions. Computation of the group refractive index with the use of Rayleigh's ratio shows that the influence of resonance effects may be more than several ppm. For example, the error of the group refractive index for high-precision EDM using HeNe lasers (633 nm) varies between 0.2 and 0.7 ppm, depending on the laser stability. Received: 17 July 1996 / Accepted: 27 March 1997  相似文献   
Galkin  S. V.  Molodtsova  T. N.  Minin  K. V.  Kobyliansky  S. G. 《Oceanology》2019,59(4):616-617
Oceanology - During the 39th cruise of RV Professor Logachev, ecological studies of the Russian exploration area in the central part of the Northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge were conducted. New data on...  相似文献   
Galkin  S. V.  Dautova  T. N.  Minin  K. V.  Tabachnik  K. R. 《Oceanology》2020,60(2):293-294
Oceanology - The article reports results of benthic research carried out in the Northwest Pacific in the Bering Sea using the remotely operated vehicle Comanche. The study concerns the distribution...  相似文献   
Thermal expansion of ZnSiO3 high-pressure clinopyroxene and ilmenite phases was measured in the temperature range 100–620 K by the X-ray powder diffraction method. Interpolation and extrapolation of experimental data were performed by the procedure based on the Debye-Mie-Gruneisen theory in the range from 50 to 1,500 K. Temperature dependencies of molar volumes and coefficients of bulk thermal expansion of ZnSiO3 phases were determined.  相似文献   
Macrofaunal assemblages with the prevalence of Bresiliidae shrimp and Mytilidae mussels are abundant in the hydrothermal vents along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. The mussels inhabit the zone of diffuse seeps of hydrothermal fluids with temperature abnormalities up to several degrees. Shrimps inhabit an extreme biotope in the mixed interface between the seawater and the hydrothermal fluid at a temperature up to 20–30°C. We studied the mussel and shrimp assemblages in three hydrothermal vent fields: the Rainbow, Broken Spur, and Snake Pit. The species richness of the mussel assemblages in at least two regions (Broken Spur and Snake Pit) is higher as compared with the shrimps of the same hydrothermal vent fields. The fauna inhibiting the shrimp swarms lack almost any taxa specific for particular assemblages: almost all the taxa are also present in the mussel beds. The structure of the shrimp assemblage is less homogeneous as compared with that of the mussel assemblage. The population prevalence of one taxon (Copepoda) in the shrimp assemblage is most likely connected with the extreme and unstable conditions of the biotope occupied by the shrimps in the hydrothermal field. The taxonomic similarity between the mussel and shrimp assemblages within one hydrothermal vent field is higher as compared with the similarity between the mussel (or shrimp) assemblages from different fields.  相似文献   
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