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A new map of chrons for the American-Antarctic Ridge area has been compiled. Its analysis and the calculations performed showed that the seafloor spreading with respect to its axis started before 85 My B.P. The spreading directions were 115° (chrons C34-C29), 145° (chrons C29-C21), 110° (chrons C21-C5C), and 85° (chrons C5C-C1). The maximum rates of about 4 cm/year were reached earlier than 52 My B.P.; subsequently, a progressive general decrease in the spreading rate has been observed. According to our forecast, the spreading may cease in the following 3.5 My.  相似文献   
International Journal of Earth Sciences - The relief of the Betic Cordillera was formed since the late Serravallian inducing the development of intramontane basins. The Alhabia basin, situated in...  相似文献   
Important new light is shed on subduction and incipient collisional processes in the Easternmost Mediterranean, notably the Plio-Quaternary uplift of the Troodos ophiolite, from new geophysical information collected during a cruise of the R.V. Gelendzhik in July 1993, as part of the Training-through-Research' programme. The data collected over the Eratosthenes Seamount formed part of the site-survey work for Leg 160 of the Ocean Drilling Program scheduled for spring 1995. The main results are that the Eratosthenes Seamount is in the process of actively subsiding, breaking-up and being thrust, beneath both Cyprus to the north and the Levantine Basin to the south. Northwards thrusting appears to post-date the Messinian, when evaporites accumulated around the lower flanks of a pre-existing seamount feature. Comparison with the geology of southern Cyprus and offshore areas suggests a causative link between northward underthrusting of the Eratosthenes Seamount and late Pliocene-mid Quaternary uplift of southern Cyprus, focused on the centre of the Troodos ophiolite.  相似文献   
—?This paper presents the results of the application of a technique of geophysical surveying based on resonance frequency of materials, in a small basin within the Internal Zones of the Betic Cordillera (southern Spain). The frequencies determined have enabled the main features of the basin's structure to be delineated, clearly identifying its asymmetry due to variations in the position of the rigid basement in different sectors. The results show that this method does not guarantee a perfect identification of coarse sediments, unless these overlie substantial more rigid materials. On the other hand, the same method was very effective for studying very soft sediments (peat), and it was possible to establish a quantitative relationship for determining the thickness of these sediments based on their resonance frequency. This relationship was then used to map peat thickness in the basin. The results have been compared with gravity studies and mechanical drillings undertaken in the region.  相似文献   
The first map of the acoustic basement and a new map of the C4-C12 chrons are made for the area of the paleospreading West Scotia Ridge. The analysis of the constructed maps and the calculations showed that the bottom growth in the ridge axes began in the southeast in the interval of chron C12r (31.116–33.266 Ma B.P.). In the period of chron C11r (30.217–30.627 Ma), a hundred-kilometer northwestward jump of the spreading axis occurred. The maximal values of the bottom growth (about 6.3 cm/yr) were in the interval of chrons C6–C6B (18.748–22.546 Ma); then, the spreading began to fade. In the time of chron C3n.1r (3.300–4.493 Ma B.P.), the axis of the paleo-mid-oceanic ridge died. The spreading was accompanied with northeastward propagating of the axes, and the propagating proper had an impulse character.  相似文献   

The Powell Basin is one of the few present-day examples of a small isolated ocean basin largely surrounded by blocks of continental crust. The continental blocks in this basin result from the fragmentation of the northern Antarctic Peninsula. This basin was created by the eastward motion of the South Orkney microcontinent relative to the Antarctic Peninsula. The axial rift, identified by multichannel seismic profiles obtained during the HESANT 92/93 cruise, and the gravimetric anomalies of the basin plain, together with the transcurrent faults along the northern and southern margins, indicate a predominant WSW-ENE trend of basin extension. The South Orkney microcontinent was incorporated into the Antarctic Plate during the Miocene as a consequence of the end of basin spreading. The eastern and western margins are conjugate and have an intermediate crust in the region of transition to the basin plain. The differences in the basement structure and the architecture of the depositional units suggest that the extensional process was asymmetrical. The southern transtensive margin and the northern transcurrent margin are rectilinear and steep, without any intermediate crust in the narrow fault zone between the base of the continentalblocks slope and the oceanic crust. The multichannel seismic profiles across the central sector of the basin reveal a spreading axis with a double ridge and a central depression filled with sediments. The geometry of the reflectors in this depression indicates that the ponded deposits belong to the early stages of oceaniccrust accretion. This structure is similar to the overlapping spreading centres observed in fast-spreading oceanic axes, where the spreading axis has relay and overlapping segments.

The depositional units of the margins and basin plain have been grouped into four depositional sequences, comprising the classic stages in the formation of an ocean basin: pre-rift (S1), syn-rift (S2), syn-drift (S3), and post-drift (S4). The pre-rift sequence has deformed reflectors and is observed in the southern and eastern margins. The syn-rift sequence, tectonically disrupted, fills depressions bounded by faults and is well-developed in the eastern margin where it is truncated by an erosive surface identified as the break-up unconformity. The syn-drift sequence is wedge-shaped in the basin, thickening towards the margins and having onlap relations on the flanks of the spreading ridge. The post-drift sequence is the thickest unit and is characterised by a cyclic pattern of alternating packages of high-amplitude reflectors, very continuous, and low-amplitude reflectors. Towards the western and eastern margins, the same sequence has channel-levee complexes and channelised, wedged bodies attributed to turbiditic deposits of submarine fans derived from canyons located in the slope and outer shelf. The cyclic nature of this sequence is probably related to advancing and receding grounded ice sheets in the continental shelf since the latest Miocene.  相似文献   
Integrated geological and geophysical analysis of the anomalous magnetic field along with the previously unpublished profiles of Spanish expeditions onboard the R/V Hesperides and international databases of geomagnetic data processed in the context of the global tectonics concepts made it possible to identify paleomagnetic anomalies C11–C15 and compile the first map of the bottom geochronology of the Scan Basin. Unlike in earlier known publications, the paleoaxis of spreading does extend northeast, but approximately at an angle of 345°. According to calculations, spreading began 35.294?35.706 Ma ago during chron C15r, and the spreading paleoaxis was abandoned 29.527?29.970 Ma ago during chron C11n.2n. Thus, the destruction of the American–Antarctic bridge in the region joining the Bruce and Discovery banks with formation of oceanic crust in the Scan Basin started about 36 Ma ago. Regular spreading of the bottom has been continuing for about 6 Ma at a average rate close to 1.8 cm/year.  相似文献   
Magnetic profiles obtained during the Hesant 92/93 cruise with the R/V Hesperides show large amplitude anomalies (up to 1000 nT) along a 100 km wide band in the northern margin of the Powell Basin. The anomalies, which are also locally identified in the eastern and western margins, are attributed to the continuation of the two branches of the Antarctic Peninsula Pacific Margin Anomaly (PMA). Interactive modelling of two-dimensional bodies in four profiles oriented NNW-SSE allows us to determine the main features of the magnetic source bodies within the continental crust. These are elongated in a N60/degE trend, and their base is located at a depth exceeding 15 km. Equivalent magnetic susceptibilities mostly between 0.07 and 0.1 (SI) are obtained. These values are consistent with the hypothesis that remanent magnetisation of the magnetic source bodies is sub-parallel to the present geomagnetic field (norÍmally magnetised). The general trends of the bathymetry a nd the geometry of the acoustic basement on multichannel seismic profiles are consistent with the upper surface of magnetic bodies. In order to match the observed anomalies it is also necessary to consider a second tabular shaped body with induced magnetisation in almost all the profiles, which could represent layers 2 and 3 of the oceanic crust of the Powell Basin. Three different geometries of connection between the anomalies in the Powell Basin margins and the PMA branches are discussed. The most plausible one is the occurrence of two branches, although they are closer together than in the Bransfield Strait. The northern branch would continue along the fragments of continental crust of the South Scotia Ridge located at the northern boundary of the Powell Basin, whereas the southern branch would be located only in the eastern and western passive margins of the Powell Basin. The apparent splitting of the southern branch of the anomalous body indicates that it was emplaced before Oligo cene times, when the opening of this basin occurred, and that it was subsequently fragmented during the Cenozoic. A possible time of formation of the PMA body would be during the long Cretaceous normal polarity interval, which also coincides with a peak in magmatic activity along the Antarctic Peninsula.  相似文献   

The present contact caused by the superposition of the Alpujarride complex over that of the Nevado-Filabride in the western area of Sierra Nevada and Sierra de Filábres corresponds to a detachment. The deformation in the footwall associated with this contact, produced mylonitic fabrics with a significant stretching-lineation, over which brittle structures are superimposed. The deformation in the hanging wall associated with this contact is, on the other hand, essentially brittle. These deformations are subsequent to a series of syn-to post-metamorphic structures related to thrust phases.

The micro- and meso-structures indicate that the hanging wall has moved towards the west-south-west.

Other brittle structures, which began during the same extensional regime, are superimposed on the detachment and have continued to develop up to the present time. These structures were produced in an extensional regime with a non-coaxial deformation component and suggest the possibility of a tectonic evolution similar to that described for core complexes in the USA.  相似文献   
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