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Instability structures, synsedimentary faults and turbidites have been studied in the Lower Pliensbachian succession of Saint-Michel-en-Beaumont, belonging to the Taillefer block, an ancient half-graben emplaced during the Liassic Tethyan rifting. Geometrical and mechanical analyses demonstrate that the instability structures occurred thanks to movements along spineless synsedimentary normal faults, when the turbiditic and limestone layers were already case-hardened and partly fractured by tension gashes even when the mudstones were still unlithified. Both the tension gashes and the synsedimentary faults are homogeneous in strike with the major regional faults and are in good agreement with the regional direction of extension for this period. The characters of the turbiditic beds, with erosive base, graded bedding, and incomplete Bouma sequence, are in favour of a seismic origin. Instability structures, spineless synsedimentary faults and turbiditic inflows are thus considered as seismites and interpreted as the result of high seismicity periods including some events with M > 5 in the general extensive ambiance of the Liassic Tethyan rifting. The analysis of the geometrical relationships between all these sedimentary features allows to distinguish the successive stage of occurrence of an instability structure, from the sedimentation of alternating marls and limestones, and sudden turbiditic inflows, then early case-hardening of the turbidites, until the important seismotectonic event generating the spineless normal faults, themselves triggering the fall of indurated blocks and locally the forming of breccias. The Ornon Fault, which constitutes the border of the Taillefer block, 15 km eastward, played a major role during the Liassic sedimentation and may represent the major seismic fault related to the seismites occurrence in the Beaumont basin.  相似文献   
A comparison between conventional KAr (biotite) ages and fission track (zircon and apatite) and UPb (zircon) ages obtained from stratigraphically well-constrained Priabonian (Late Eocene) volcano-sedimentary deposits of northern Italy is presented. Two sections at Priabona (one level) and Possagno (two levels) were dated. The application of fission track dating appears fruitful for obtaining reasonably precise (±4 to 5% 2σ errors) ages useful for time-scale calibration. The concordancy of apatite and zircon fission track ages, and the reproducibility of results provide the time of volcanic eruption and deposition. The UPb analysis of the zircons has not been unsuccessful, but discordancy does not permit accurate dating. Significant dates obtained from Possagno are: KAr method, 35.0 ± 0.5 Ma (duplicate analysis on K-rich biotite from the same level); fission track dating method, 35.8 ± 1.4 Ma (weighted mean age on 2 apatite and 3 zircon separates from the same level); UPb method, 36.7 ± 1.0 Ma (maximum age of discordant zircons from the same level). The comparison between the present results and recent multi-method and multi-laboratory results obtained from time equivalent Priabonian (Late Eocene) biotite-rich layers from the Apennines shows perfect agreement and supports the location of a Priabonian stage between about 37.5 Ma and about 33.7 (±0.5) Ma; the alternative ages preferred by the Decade of North American Geology convention should be abandoned and a large portion of this scale revised accordingly.  相似文献   
Classic stratigraphic methods rarely provide high‐resolution correlations between intrabasinal sedimentary sequences, which are important to understand the origin of sedimentation process and its environmental change. In this study, we investigate high‐resolution cyclostratigraphic correlation from magnetic susceptibility in two Early Kimmeridgian pelagic marl‐limestone successions, at La Méouge and Châteauneuf‐d'Oze, southeastern France. Spectral analysis reveals the complete suite of orbital frequencies (precession, obliquity, and eccentricity) with the marl‐limestone couplets being primarily precession‐driven. Frequencies detected by the spectral analysis are similar between the sections, but their relative amplitudes are somewhat different, linked to the palaeoenvironmental position and the completeness of the sections. High‐resolution correlation reveals two significant hiatuses at Châteauneuf‐d’Oze. Early Kimmeridgian Platynota, Hypselocyclum, and Divisum ammonite zones were orbitally calibrated for an ultra‐high resolution assessment of geological time. Finally, strong 405‐kyr eccentricity cycles are recorded as third‐order depositional sequences.  相似文献   
Magnetostratigraphic study of the Toarcian type sections of Thouars and Airvault (Deux-Sèvres, France) has yielded two reliable magnetic polarity sequences. Most samples were treated by mixed cleaning: thermal demagnetization (250°, 300° or 350°C) and subsequent alternating field demagnetization. Polarity intervals are easily identified and correlate well between the two sections using the biostratigraphic data provided by the detailed standard ammonite zonation of the Toarcian stage. The polarity sequence extends from ammonite horizon V (Pseudoserpentinum horizon,Serpentinus zone) to horizon XXV (Subcompta horizon,Aalensis zone); it shows 5 reversed and 5 normal polarity magnetozones.  相似文献   
Summary. Magnetic extracts were prepared from samples of Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous pelagic limestones from France and Spain. Thermomagnetic analysis of the magnetic extracts using a microbalance required careful monitoring of base weight changes during heating. Heating in argon gas atmosphere induced production of magnetite during heating while slight oxidation occurred during heating in air. the dominant Curie temperature detected by the thermomagnetic analyses was the 585°C Curie temperature of magnetite. the 680°C Curie temperature of haematite was only detected when isothermal remanent magnetism (IRM) data indicated large concentrations of haematite. Even when IRM data indicated its presence, the thermomagnetic analyses did not detect the Neel temperature of goethite. Although thermomagnetic analyses of magnetic extracts provide more direct identification of the dominant, strongly ferromagnetic minerals, IRM acquisition and subsequent thermal demagnetization is a superior technique in detecting high coercivity, weakly ferromagnetic minerals such as goethite and haematite.  相似文献   
The magnetostratigraphy of sediments drilled at two sites (998 and 1001) in the Caribbean Sea during the Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 165 is established directly from downhole measurements. For the first time in the ODP, the magnetostratigraphy of sediments is determined from both logging magnetic data and paleomagnetic analysis of core material for an age interval of about 16 m.y. across the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary. The total magnetic induction and the susceptibility of the surrounding sediment were recorded in situ and continuously by the GHMT (Geological High-sensitivity Magnetic Tool). The aim of processing these data is to determine the magnetic polarity. At Site 998 (Cayman Rise), no paleomagnetic results are available from the recovered cores given a hard secondary overprint. Nonetheless, a magnetostratigraphic sequence from early Miocene to late Oligocene is proposed from the analysis of the GHMT data. The comparison with biostratigraphic results shows the accuracy of the resulting magnetic polarity. At Site 1001 (Hess escarpment), cores were recovered in two holes thus allowing the comparison of the magnetostratigraphic results obtained from the GHMT data and from paleomagnetic analysis of core samples over a length of 200 m representing about 16 m.y. from early Eocene to late Cretaceous times. The sedimentation rates computed from the determined magnetochrons are very similar and correspond to the ones obtained from shipboard biostratigraphic results. One of the most striking result obtained from the magnetostratigraphic results, especially the GHMT data, at Site 1001, is the abrupt decrease in the sedimentation rate across the K/T boundary. This suppressed sedimentation lasted at least 4 Ma after the K/T event.  相似文献   
High‐resolution analysis (2277 samples) of magnetic susceptibility (MS) was performed on ~700‐m‐thick Early–Middle Oxfordian marine marls of the Terres Noires Formation, SE France. MS variations within these sediments record sub‐Milankovitch to Milankovitch frequencies with long‐term eccentricity (405 kyr and ~2 Myr) being the most prominent. The 405 kyr cycle was used as a high‐resolution geochronometer for astronomical calibration of this poorly constrained interval of Late Jurassic time. The estimated duration of this Early–Middle Oxfordian interval concurs with the current International Geologic Time Scale GTS2004 (~4 Myr), but the estimated durations of the corresponding ammonite zones are notably different. The calibration improves the resolution and accuracy of the M‐sequence magnetic anomaly block model that was previously used to establish the Oxfordian time scale. Additionally, the 405 kyr cyclicity is linked to third‐order sea‐level depositional sequences observed for Early–Middle Oxfordian time. Strong ~2 Myr cycles are consistent with long‐term eccentricity modulation predicted for the Late Jurassic. These cycles do not match second‐order sequences that have been documented for European basins; this raises questions about the definition and hierarchy of depositional sequences in the Mesozoic eustatic chart. Our results require substantial revisions to the chart, which is frequently used as a reference for the correlation of widely separated palaeogeographic domains. Finally, a long‐term trend in the MS data reflects a progressive carbonate enrichment of the marls expressing an Early Oxfordian global cooling followed gradually by a warming in the Middle Oxfordian. This trend also records a major transgressive interval likely peaking at the Transversarium ammonite zone of the Middle Oxfordian.  相似文献   
High-resolution magnetic susceptibility (MS) analysis was carried out on a Lower Kimmeridgian alternating marl–limestone succession of pelagic origin that crops out at La Méouge (Vocontian Basin, southeastern France). The aim of the study was to characterize the strong, dm-scale sedimentary cyclicity of the succession at a very high resolution, and to analyze the cycles for evidence of astronomical forcing. From marl to limestone, MS varies progressively and closely tracks the highest frequency cyclicity corresponding to the basic marl–limestone couplets. Long-term wavelength cycling modulates the high-frequency cyclicity (couplets), and appears to be controlled by clay content. Spectral analysis of the MS record reveals the presence of the complete suite of orbital frequencies in the precession, obliquity, and eccentricity (95–128 ka and 405 ka) bands with very high amplitude of the precession index cycles originating from dm-scale couplets. 405 ka-eccentricity cycles are very pronounced in the MS maxima of the marl members of the couplets, suggesting eccentricity-driven detrital input to the basin. 405 ka-orbital tuning of the MS maxima further sharpens all of the orbital frequencies present in the succession. These results are similar to those of previous studies at La Méouge that used carbonate content observed in field. Our results are also in accordance with cyclostratigraphic studies in Spain and Canada that report dominant precession index forcing. By contrast, in the Kimmeridge Clay (Dorset, UK), obliquity forcing dominates cyclic sedimentation, with weaker influence from the precession index. Ammonite zone duration estimates are made by counting the interpreted precession cycles, and provide an ultra-high resolution assessment of geologic time. In sum, this study demonstrates the power of the MS as a proxy in characterizing the high-resolution cyclostratigraphy of Mesozoic sections, particularly in alternating marl–limestone successions, and for high-resolution correlation and astronomical calibration of the geologic time scale.  相似文献   
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