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This paper deals with Hamiltonian perturbation theory for systems which, like Euler-Poinsot (the rigid body with a fixed point and no torques), are degenerate and do not possess a global system of action-angle coordinates. It turns out that the usual methods of perturbation theory, which are essentially local being based on the construction of normal forms within the domain of a local coordinate system, are not immediately usable to study perturbations of these systems, since degeneracy makes impossible to control that the system does not fall into a singularity of the coordinates. To overcome this difficulty, we develop a global formulation of Hamiltonian perturbation theory, in which the normal forms are globally defined on the phase space manifold. The key for this study lies in the geometry of the fibration by the invariant tori of an integrable degenerate Hamiltonian system, which is described by some generalizations of the Liouville-Arnol'd theorem and is reviewed in the paper. As an application, we provide a global formulation of Nekhoroshev's theorem on the stability for exponentially long times.  相似文献   
A combination of empirical and physically based hydrological models has been used to analyze historical data on rainfall and debris-flow occurrence in western Campania, to examine the correlation between rainfall and debris-flow events.

Rainfall data from major storms recorded in recent decades in western Campania were compiled, including daily series from several rain gauges located inside landslide areas, supplemented by hourly rainfall data from some of the principal storms.

A two-phase approach is proposed. During phase 1, soil moisture levels have been modelled as the hydrological balance between precipitation and evapotranspiration, on a daily scale, using the method of Thornthwaite [Geograph. Rev. 38 (1948) 55].

Phase 2 is related to the accumulation of surplus moisture from intense rainfall, leading to the development of positive pore pressures. These interactions take place on an hourly time scale by the “leaky barrel” (LB) model described by Wilson and Wiezoreck [Env. Eng. Geoscience, 1 (1995) 11]. In combination with hourly rainfall records, the LB model has been used to compare hydrological effects of different storms. The critical level of retained rain water has been fixed by the timing of debris-flow activity, related to recorded storm events.

New rainfall intensity–duration thresholds for debris-flow initiation in western Campania are proposed. These thresholds are related to individual rain gauge and assume a previously satisfied field capacity condition. The new thresholds are somewhat higher than those plotted by previous authors, but are thought to be more accurate and thus need less conservatism.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the effects of thermal stresses on selected carbonate rocks used as dimension stones. They are Mesozoic calcareous and dolomitic rocks cropping out in Apulia (southern Italy) that, for their physico-mechanical and aesthetic properties, have always been finding a large application both as ornamental stones and as simple construction materials; their use is attested not only in Italy, in works of archaeological, historical and artistic interest too. The cause–effect relationships of thermal degradation were studied by means of an artificial accelerated ageing test, in order to provide a perspective about the decay of carbonate stones due to diurnal and seasonal temperature fluctuations, as well as thermal shocks during events of fire development. The stone samples were subjected to thermal cycles in a muffle furnace, ranging from 100 to 700 °C; after each cycle, several non-destructive and semi-destructive tests were carried out: mass and volume measurements, mercury intrusion porosimetry, sclerometer tests, ultrasonic tests, thin-section observations and determination of chromatic alterations through image analysis and Munsell charts method. In this way, the qualitative and quantitative modifications induced in fabric, physical and mechanical properties were discussed. The results highlight the fundamental role of depositional and diagenetic fabric that, together with mineralogical composition, represents the most significant discriminating factor in the response of the stone to thermal stresses.  相似文献   
Land subsidence severely threatens most of the coastal plains around the world where high productive industrial and agricultural activities and urban centers are concentrated. Coastal subsidence damages infrastructures and exacerbates the effect of the sea-level rise at regional scale. Although it is a well-known process, there is still much more to be improved on the monitoring, mapping and modeling of ground movements, as well as the understanding of controlling mechanisms. The International G...  相似文献   
This work focuses on developing multidisciplinary researches concerning weathering profiles related to landscape evolution of the Capo Vaticano promontory on the Calabria Tyrrhenian side (southern Italy). In this area, the tectonic uplift, occurred at least since Pleistocene, together with the Mediterranean climatic conditions, is the main cause of deep weathering and denudation processes. The latter occurred on the outcropping rocks of the crystalline-metamorphic basement, made up of weathered granitoids, in turn belonging to the Monte Poro granitoid complex (intermediate to felsic plutonic rocks covered by Cenozoic sedimentary successions). Field observations coupled to borehole explorations, geophysical surveys, and minero-petrographical analyses allowed the characterization of the granitoid outcrops typical of the studied area in terms of kind and degree of slope instability. This characterization was based on suitable correlations verified between several factors as weathering degree, elastic properties of rocks, and discontinuity features. Weathering profiles are mainly composed by rock masses varying from completely weathered rock with corestones of highly weathered rock (classes IV–V) to slightly weathered rocks (class II). The weathered rocks are involved in several landslide typologies such as debris flow (frequency 48.5%), translational slide (frequency 33.3%), and minor rock fall and rotational slide (frequency 9%). The achieved data allowed the establishment of a general correlation between weathering degree and type of slope instability. Debris flow-type instabilities are predominant on the steeper slopes, involving very poor rock masses ascribed to the shallowest portions of the weathering class IV. Translational slides are less widespread than the previous ones and often involve a mixture of soil and highly weathered rocks. Rotational slides are more frequently close to the top of the slopes, where the thicknesses of more weathered rocks increase, and involve mainly rock masses belonging to the weathering classes IV and V. Rock falls mostly occur on the vertical escarpments of the road cuts and are controlled by the characteristics of the main discontinuities. The assessment of rock mass rating and slope mass rating, based on the application of the discontinuity data, allowed respectively an evaluation of the quality of rock masses and of the susceptibility of rock slopes to failure. The comparison between the last one and the real stability conditions along the cut slopes shows a good correspondence. Finally, the geological strength index system was also applied for the estimation of rock mass properties. The achieved results give a worthy support for a better understanding of the relationship between the distribution of landslides and the geological features related to different weathering degrees. Therefore, they can provide a reliable tool to evaluate the potential stability conditions of the rock slopes in the studied area and a general reference framework for the study of weathering processes in other regions with similar geological features.  相似文献   
The saddle points are locations where the net gravitational accelerations balance. These regions are gathering more attention within the astrophysics community. Regions about the saddle points present clean, close-to-zero background acceleration environments where possible deviations from General Relativity can be tested and quantified. Their location suggests that flying through a saddle point can be accomplished by leveraging highly nonlinear orbits. In this paper, the geometrical and dynamical properties of the Sun–Earth saddle point are characterized. A systematic approach is devised to find ballistic orbits that experience one or multiple passages through this point. A parametric analysis is performed to consider spacecraft initially on \(L_{1,2}\) Lagrange point orbits. Sun–Earth saddle point ballistic fly-through trajectories are evaluated and classified for potential use. Results indicate an abundance of short-duration, regular solutions with a variety of characteristics.  相似文献   
Hyperspectral imaging is an ubiquitous technique in solar physics observations and the recent advances in solar instrumentation enabled us to acquire and record data at an unprecedented rate. The huge amount of data which will be archived in the upcoming solar observatories press us to compress the data in order to reduce the storage space and transfer times. The correlation present over all dimensions, spatial, temporal and spectral, of solar data-sets suggests the use of a 3D base wavelet decomposition, to achieve higher compression rates. In this work, we evaluate the performance of the recent JPEG2000 Part 10 standard, known as JP3D, for the lossless compression of several types of solar data-cubes. We explore the differences in: a) The compressibility of broad-band or narrow-band time-sequence; I or V Stokes profiles in spectropolarimetric data-sets; b) Compressing data in [x,y, λ] packages at different times or data in [x,y,t] packages of different wavelength; c) Compressing a single large data-cube or several smaller data-cubes; d) Compressing data which is under-sampled or super-sampled with respect to the diffraction cut-off.  相似文献   
In the present paper some numerical simulations and experiments were carried out to study jet-wall interaction in shallow waters. Namely, modifications of the hydrodynamic field concerning the interaction of river run-off with a shallow coastal water body, due to the presence of marine structures, were investigated. Stratification effects due to salinity and temperature were neglected, and the interest was focused on barotropic features (Coanda effect). The numerical analysis was carried out by means of shallow water equations, numerically solved by finite difference, and the present method was validated by means of a typical simple-shaped test case. The experiments were carried out in a shallow water tank, flow visualizations were performed, and the velocity field was obtained by PIV. The main features of jet-wall interaction flow were investigated in simple-shaped geometries, and applications were shown for two practical cases: Pescara channel harbour (Adriatic Sea, Italy) and the proposed design of Latina harbour (Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy).  相似文献   
In Geropotamos River Basin, located on the north-central part of Crete, Greece, two main factors were believed to be affecting the geochemistry of the groundwater with high salt contents: seawater intrusion and/or Miocene evaporates. To identify the origin of the high salinity in groundwater, a hydrogeochemical and isotopic study was performed. Water samples from 22 wells and 2 springs were analyzed for physico-chemical parameters, major ions analysis, as well as stable isotopes (??18O, ??D). From the present survey, in which detailed hydrogeochemical investigation was conducted, the uncertainty of the contamination sources was decreased in the northern part of Geropotamos Basin. The results complement the scenario in which seawater and the widespread human activities are the principal sources of groundwater contamination. Moreover, the results of the stable isotopes analyses (??18O and ??D) support the same hypothesis and make seawater intrusion the most probable cause for the highest salinity waters. It is indicated that saline intrusion is likely to occur along fractures in a fault zone through otherwise low-permeability phyllite?Cquartzite bedrock, which demonstrates the critical role of fracture pathways in salination problems of coastal aquifers.  相似文献   
Oxygen fugacity ( $ f_{{{\text{O}}_{ 2} }} $ f O 2 ) is a fundamental but little known intensive variable in mantle processes. It influences the P/T position of a mantle solidus and the composition of mantle-derived melts and fluids and constrains mantle-core equilibria and a number of geophysical properties of the mantle. An important source of information on oxidation states is the ferric–ferrous iron ratio in mantle spinels. Since the magnetite component is low in mantle spinels, normal analytical errors translate into considerable $ f_{{{\text{O}}_{ 2} }} $ f O 2 uncertainties. In this study, we analyzed the Fe3+–Fetot ratio of chromites present as inclusions in diamond and other mantle-related occurrences by point-source Mössbauer spectroscopy using single-crystal absorbers as well as conventional Mössbauer spectroscopy using powder absorbers. The studied spinels have been previously analyzed by single-crystal X-ray diffraction and electron microprobe. The ferric–ferrous ratios found are normally similar to the different techniques apart from some samples where a large number of grains have been used for the analyses (powder absorbers). The general agreement between the different techniques allows us to conclude that the studied chromites are stoichiometric. However, conventional Mössbauer spectroscopy on powder absorbers should be conducted with great care, since the method requires a relatively large amount of sample material. Spinel frequently occurs as small grains, and the large number of crystals required may possess different degrees of oxidation/alteration and, consequently, different ferric–ferrous ratio leading to possible errors in the interpretation of the results.  相似文献   
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