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王进朝  李石磊  燕永锋  苏昌学  于斌 《云南地质》2011,30(3):332-335,361
测区引起磁异常的有磁铁矿(化)体和玄武岩,二者之间的磁性差异很大,为磁法勘探寻找磁铁矿奠定物性基础。通过磁法勘探的野外作业和室内数据整理分析,并经异常推断解释圈出矿体5个,并经坑探验证有效。  相似文献   
A survey of seabirds and turtles at St Brandon’s Rock, 400 km north of Mauritius, was undertaken in 2010. We estimated that 1 084 191 seabirds comprising seven breeding species and excluding non-breeders were present at the archipelago and we counted 279 turtle tracks and nesting pits of green turtles Chelonia mydas. Hawksbill turtles Eretmochelys imbricata were also present. Analyses of 30 different islets that make up the atoll showed that the seabird species mostly partitioned their use of islets based on islet size, with four species preferring larger islets and two species preferring smaller islets. Alien species introduced historically are still present and other threats, such as shipwrecks, remain. We propose conservation and other measures that should adequately protect the birds, turtles and coral reef by treating the atoll as a system.  相似文献   
The increasing emphasis on the assessment and monitoring of estuarine ecosystems has highlighted the need to deploy appropriate biological indices for these locations. Fish diseases and histopathology, with a broad range of causes, are increasingly being used as indicators of environmental stress since they provide a definite biological end-point of historical exposure. This study reports on the histopathological alterations observed in selected organs and tissues of three species of estuarine fish (Platichthys flesus, Pomatoschistus minutus and Zoarces viviparus), captured from four British estuaries (the Tyne, Tees, Mersey and Alde), differently impacted by contaminants, including PAHs. A biannual sampling regime was used to identify the important seasonal variations that occur in terms of the observed biological effects. Inflammatory lesions and hepatocellular fibrillar inclusions attained their highest prevalence in P. flesus captured from the Tyne, Tees and Mersey. The presence of pre-neoplastic and neoplastic toxicopathic lesions was highest in P. flesus captured from these sites, when compared to fish from the Aide reference site. In particular, the prevalence of hepatic foci of cellular alteration (up to 43.3%) and hepatocellular adenoma (up to 10%) were highest in P. flesus captured from the Mersey estuary. Intersex (ovotestis) was only recorded in male P.flesus captured from the Mersey estuary (up to 8.3%) and from male Z. viviparous captured from the Tyne estuary (25%). Pathologies associated with the gill and the kidney were also most prevalent in fish captured from the Tyne, Tees and Mersey estuaries. This study has successfully applied histopathology to an estuarine monitoring program, both for the recording of toxicopathic lesions in the liver and other organs, and for the detection of the endpoint of endocrine disruption, intersex. As such, it provides a powerful integrative tool for the assessment of biological effects of contaminants in these environments.  相似文献   

Globally, population ageing is one of the most pressing social and policy issues faced today. Over the next two decades, Australian society will face dramatic increases in the proportion of the population aged 65 years and over, as the baby boomers move into older age and fertility levels remain low. Yet population ageing is not a surprising or new trend—demographic changes in the age profile of a population tend to occur incrementally rather than suddenly. As a demographer and geographer, Graeme Hugo drew attention to this trend in Australia’s population more than three decades ago. Throughout Graeme Hugo’s vast breadth of work over the past 40 years, there has been a consistent thread of demographic analysis and academic thought associated with the ageing of Australia’s population. This paper focuses on Hugo’s contributions to academic thought and policy on Australia’s ageing population and the challenges associated with this for both service delivery and health policy as Australian society moves into an unprecedented era of population ageing.  相似文献   
La découverte de nouveaux gisements dans le Sud de la France révèle la persistance, dans le Cénomanien, d'Embergerella cruciata, Atopochara restricta et A. brevicellis (Clavatoraceae). Une parenté entre les genres Embergerella (Barrémien-Cénomanien) et Septorella (Maastrichtien) est envisagée sur la base d'une nouvelle interprétation de la structure de l'utricule. Pour la première fois, des représentants de la famille des Characeae sont décrits dans le Cénomanien: Peckisphaera revesti n. sp. et le Turonien: Mesochara fusiformis n. sp. Indications biostratigraphiques: dans l'état actuel des connaissances sur les flores de Charophytes du Crétacé moyen, seul le Cénomanien est bien caractérisé, par A. multivolvis à laquelle s'ajoute maintenant une nouvelle association de quatre espèces; l'Albien et le Turonien, pour lesquels des précisions sont apportées, restent toutefois encore mal individualisés.The discovery of new localities in the South of France shows that Embergerella cruciata, Atopochara restricta and A. brevicellis (Clavatoraceae) continued into the Cenomanian. A relationship between the genera Embergerella (Barremian-Cenomanian) and Septorella (Maastrichtian) is suggested on the basis of a new interpretation of the structure of the utricle. Representatives of the family Characeae are described for the first time, Peckisphaera revesti n. sp. in the Cenomanian and Mesochara fusiformis n. sp. in the Turonian. Biostratigraphic information: in the present state of knowledge of Middle Cretaceous Charophyte floras, only the Cenomanian is well characterized, by A. multivolvis to which is now added a new association of four species. Although new information is presented on the Albian and Turonian, they are still inadequately understood.  相似文献   
This paper summarises results of the EDMAR programme which is investigating oestrogenic and androgenic endocrine disruption in UK coastal waters. Most of the data concern fish. Four species (flounder, viviparous blenny and two sand gobies) are experiencing feminisation in industrialised estuaries. In males this includes vitellogenin (VTG) synthesis, ovotestis induction and/or feminised sexual characteristics. Although reproductive success may be impaired in some cases, implications for fish populations are still unclear. Suspected causative contaminants include natural oestrogenic substances and synthetic oestrogen mimics. The majority of the oestrogenic activity is adsorbed to sediments, and routes of exposure may include benthic food chain transfer. Some natural androgenic substances are also being discharged to estuaries, but their activity appears low.  相似文献   
内蒙古太平川铜钼矿成矿斑岩时代、地球化学及地质意义   总被引:18,自引:9,他引:18  
内蒙古太平川Cu-Mo矿床位于得尔布干成矿带北段额尔古纳地区,为新近发现的斑岩型矿床。矿区内发育环带状热液蚀变,由内向外主要为硅化-绢云母化和泥化。热液蚀变围绕花岗闪长斑岩分布,Cu-Mo矿化主要受控于硅化-绢云母化蚀变,主要分布在花岗闪长斑岩中。本文获得成矿斑岩岩浆锆石U-Pb谐和年龄为202±5.7Ma,指示该矿床可能形成于晚三叠世。同时在样品中也发现继承锆石(784Ma),表明该地区可能存在晚元古基底。成矿斑岩的元素地球化学数据表明,主量元素SiO2(65.86%~68.84%)56%、Al2O3(15.18%~16.28%)15%、MgO(0.84%~1.06%)3%、Na2O/K2O1;微量元素亏损重稀土,Sr(471×10-6~513×10-6)400×10-6、Y(15.0×10-6~17.9×10-6)18×10-6、Yb(1.27×10-6~1.81×10-6)1.9×10-6,表明该花岗闪长斑岩具有明显的埃达克质岩石的地球化学特征。同时成矿斑岩具有相对高的SiO2、Yb含量和Th/Nb、Ce/Nb比值,而相对低的Al2O3、TiO2、MgO、Sr、Th含量和Th/Ce比值,这些特征与源于俯冲板片的埃达克岩相似。然而成矿斑岩(87Sr/86Sr)i(0.70943~0.71019)较大,εNd(t)为-3.4~-3.9,我们推测额尔古纳地块在岩浆上升过程中贡献了部分物质。结合区域构造演化,我们认为该矿区成矿斑岩岩浆形成于俯冲洋壳的部分熔融,矿床形成背景为早中生代蒙古-鄂霍茨克洋向额尔古纳地块俯冲的陆缘弧环境。  相似文献   
The object of this paper is to develop a suitable statistical procedure to evaluate clean-up standards athazardous waste sites.Under the assumptions that contaminant masses at a site follow a gammadistribution and that the data from the pre-remediation baseline sample as well as from the interim orfinal sample taken after a certain period of operation are both distributed as gamma with the same shapeparameter but different scale parameters,we derive a uniformly most powerful unbiased test of thehypothesis that a specified percentage of contaminant mass has been reduced.A large-sampleapproximation of the exact test procedure and a comparison with the likelihood ratio test are provided.  相似文献   
Detailed analysis of the Late Cretaceous Vilquechico Group (formerly Vilquechico Formation) of the Southern Andes allows the recognition of three major sedimentary sequences, defining Lower, Middle and Upper Vilquechico lithologic formations (LVF, MVF and UVF respectively). Some of them (MVF and UVF) include in turn minor sedimentary sequences. In addition to dinosaur trackways, they contain a marine fauna (selachians, actinopterygians, molluscs) in their transgressive basal parts, and lacustrine fossils (charophytes, ostracods, gastropods) in their regressive continental upper parts. Two charophyte biozones characterize the MVF and the UVF respectively. The lithologic and sedimentary features of the major sequences, as well as their palaeontological contents allow large-scale correlations with other Andean series. Such correlations permit us to tentatively ascribe the unfossiliferous LVF to the Coniacian-early Santonian (?) time-span, and the MVF to the Santonian late Campanian interval. The UVF is of latest Campanian-late Maastrichtian age. As a consequence, the assumed correlations between the Vilquechico Group and some of the vertebrate-bearing Andean localities are revised.  相似文献   
The viviparous blenny (Zoarces viviparus), also known as eelpout, is considered a suitable biomonitor for use in European estuarine and coastal waters. We have previously shown that Z. viviparus from the industrialised Tyne estuary (UK) display certain histopathologies (e.g., ovotestis and hepatic nuclear and cellular pleomorphism), which are associated with contaminant exposure [Mar. Environ. Res. 55 (2003) 137]. Furthermore, the prevalence of these pathologies was higher than in fish collected from a less contaminated reference site (the Alde estuary, UK). Here, tissue samples were collected from Z. viviparus from the Tyne and Alde estuaries (in the spring and autumn) and analysed for DNA adducts using the (32)P-postlabelling assay and for histopathology. Z. viviparus caught from the Tyne during the spring (56.4+/-18.5 adducts per 10(8) nucleotides) and autumn (63.1+/-7.5 adducts per 10(8) nucleotides) exhibited patterns of DNA adducts which indicated exposure to a complex mixture of genotoxins. In contrast, levels of DNA adducts in Z. viviparus from Alde estuary were significantly lower during both sampling periods. Histopathological changes to the gonads included intersex (ovotestis) and germ cell apoptosis (detected via the TUNEL assay) in male fish captured from the Tyne estuary. Further studies on the use of germ cell apoptotic rate at different estuarine sites are required if it is to be used as a reproductive biomarker of contaminant exposure in male fish.  相似文献   
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