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The Venetian Basin was affected by flexure related to the Southalpine shortening phase during the Middle Miocene – Early Pliocene. This downbending is quantified here using a two‐dimensional flexural model. A recently improved data set on basin geometry based on the bottom of the Serravallian–Tortonian clastic wedge, on palaeobathymetry and gravity anomalies is used to constrain the components of flexure and to test the importance of the initial bathymetry in evaluating the contribution of surface loads to deflection. A good fit is obtained assuming a northward broken plate configuration of the downbent Adriatic plate with an effective elastic thickness of 20 km. Results highlight that, in the studied region, flexure related to the Eastern Southern Alps is totally due to surface loads (topographic load partly replacing initial bathymetry) and that no hidden loads are required. Furthermore, the palaeobathymetry contributes up to 50% to the total flexure in the studied region.  相似文献   
Thirty of the 58 groundwaters sampled in September-October 2000 in the study area (La Spezia Province, Italy) have Mg-HCO3 to Ca-HCO3 composition, undetectable Cr(III) contents, and virtually equal concentrations of total dissolved Cr and Cr(VI). Therefore, dissolved Cr is present in toto as Cr(VI), with concentrations of 5-73 ppb. These values are above the maximum permissible level for drinking waters (5 ppb). Local ophiolites, especially serpentinites and ultramafites, are Cr-rich and represent a Cr source for groundwaters. However, since Cr is present as Cr(III) in rock-forming minerals, its release to the aqueous solution requires oxidation of Cr(III) to Cr(VI). This can be performed by different electron acceptors, including Mn oxides, H2O2, gaseous O2, and perhaps Fe(III) oxyhydroxides. Based on this evidence and due to the absence of anthropogenic Cr sources, the comparatively high Cr(VI) concentrations measured in the waters of the study area are attributed to natural pollution.  相似文献   
The Dolomite region is located in the Southern Alps, which were affected by Mesozoic extensional tectonics and by consequent thermal perturbations. In this work, vitrinite reflectance and apatite fission-track analysis are used to estimate the thermal evolution. These methodologies have been applied to the Permo-Mesozoic succession, which crops out along the TRANSALP seismic profile. The regional distribution of the organic matter maturity seems to be mainly controlled by different burials reached during the Norian-Liassic extensional phase, in connection with high heat flow values. The best solutions obtained from thermal modelling of both vitrinite and fission-track data suggest that peak of high heat flow occurred during Bajocian–Bathonian ages, when western Tethys was characterized by intrusions of gabbros and plagiogranites and extrusion of tholeiite basalts. This time coincides with the onset of the drifting phase and related thermal subsidence. The following thermal relaxation occurred during continuous sedimentation and the maximum burial does not coincide with peak temperatures. Cooling history has been carefully analysed through apatite fission-track data on samples collected close to the Valsugana overthrust, which document an important exhumation event at about 10 Ma. The related erosion has been analysed through the combined use of arenite petrography and fission-track analysis on detrital samples of the Veneto foredeep succession, which represents the storage of detritus during Tertiary. These data confirm that after Serravalian the Southalpine domain and related covers were affected by subaerial erosion.  相似文献   
The main steps of the sedimentary evolution of the west Lombardian South Alpine foredeep between the Eocene and the Early Miocene are described. The oldest is a Bartonian carbonate decrease in hemipelagic sediments linked with an increase in terrigenous input, possibly related to a rainfall increase in the Alps. Between the Middle Eocene and the early Chattian, a volcanoclastic input is associated with an extensional tectonic regime, coeval with magma emplacement in the southern-central Alps, and with volcanogenic deposits of the European foredeep and Apennines, suggesting a regional extensional tectonic phase leading to the ascent of magma. During Late Eocene to Early Oligocene, two periods of coarse clastic sedimentation occurred, probably controlled by eustasy. The first, during Late Eocene, fed by a local South Alpine source, the second, earliest Oligocene in age, supplied by the Central Alps. In the Chattian, a strong increase in coarse supply records the massive erosion of Central Alps, coupled with a structures growth phase in the subsurface; it was followed by an Aquitanian rearrangement of the Alpine drainage systems suggested by both petrography of clastic sediments and retreat of depositional systems, while subsurface sheet-like geometry of Aquitanian turbidites marks a strong decrease in tectonic activity.  相似文献   
Two case histories are presented to give evidences for sediment cooling during increasing burial depth due to heat flow decrease at the end of crustal stretching in extensional settings. The first refers to the Lower Cretaceous succession accumulated in a strongly subsiding trough within the Sirt Basin (Libya); the second relates to the Mesozoic succession of the Lombardian Basin (NW Italy) formed during Late Triassic–Early Jurassic rifting of the northern margin of the Adriatic microplate. In both cases, heat flow decreasing at the end of crustal stretching overbalanced the thermal effect of increasing burial depth causing a net cooling of rocks. These examples provide an alternative to exhumation for explaining cooling events recorded by rifting sedimentary sequences.  相似文献   
The interpretation of the seismic Vibroseis and explosive TRANSALP profiles has examined the upper crustal structures according to the near-surface geological evidences and reconstructions which were extrapolated to depth. Only the southern sector of the TRANSALP transect has been discussed in details, but its relationship with the whole explored chain has been considered as well. The seismic images indicate that pre-collision and deep collision structures of the Alps are not easily recognizable. Conversely, good records of the Neo-Alpine to present architecture were provided by the seismic sections.Two general interpretation models (“Crocodile” and “Extrusion”) have been sketched by the TRANSALP Working Group [2002]. Both illustrate the continental collision producing strong mechanical interaction of the facing European and African margins, as documented by giant lithosphere wedging processes. Arguments consistent with the “Extrusion” model and with the indentation of Adriatic (Southalpine) lithosphere underneath the Tauern Window (TW) are:
– According to the previous DSS reconstructions, the Bouguer anomalies and the Receiver Functions seismological data, the European Moho descends regularly attaining a zone south of the Periadriatic Lineament (PL). The Moho boundary and its geometry appear to be rather convincing from images of the seismic profile;
– the Tauern Window intense uplift and exhumation is coherent with the strong compression regime, which acted at depth, thus originating the upward and lateral displacement of the mobile and ductile Penninic masses according to the “Extrusion” model;
– the indentation of the Penninic mobile masses within the colder and more rigid Adriatic crust cannot be easily sustained. Wedging of the Adriatic stiffened lower crust, under high stresses and into the weaker Penninic domain, can be a more suitable hypothesis. Furthermore, the intrusion of the European Penninic crustal wedge underneath the Dolomites upper crust is not supported by any significant uplifting of the Dolomites. The total average uplift of the Dolomites during the Neogene appears to be 6−7 times smaller than that recognized in the TW. Markedly the northward dip of the PL, reaching a depth of approximately 20 km, is proposed in our interpretation;
– finally, the Adriatic upper crustal evolution points to the late post-collision change in the tectonic grow-up of the Eastern Alps orogenic chain. The tectonic accretion of the northern frontal zone of the Eastern and Central Alps was interrupted from the Late Miocene (Serravallian–Tortonian) onward, as documented by the Molasse basin evolution. On the contrary, the structural nucleation along the S-vergent tectonic belt of the eastern Southern Alps (Montello–Friuli thrust belt) severely continued during the Messinian and the Plio–Pleistocene. This structural evolution can be considered to be consistent with the deep under-thrusting and wedge indentation of the Adriatic lithosphere underneath the southern side of the Eastern Alps thrust-and-fold belt.
Similarly, the significance of the magmatic activity for the construction of the Southern Alps crust and for its mechanical and geological differentiation, which qualified the evolution of the thrust-and-fold belt, is highlighted, starting with the Permian–Triassic magmatism and progressing with the Paleogene occurrences along the Periadriatic Lineament and in the Venetian Magmatic Province (Lessini–Euganei Hills).  相似文献   
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