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Sustainable fuels legislation and volatility in energy prices have put additional pressures on the forestry sector to intensify the harvesting of biomass for “advanced biofuel” production. To better understand how residual biomass removal after harvest affects forest hydrology in relatively low slope terrain, a Before-After-Control-Impact (BACI) study was conducted in the USDA Forest Service's Marcell Experimental Forest, Minnesota, USA. Hydrological measurements were made from 2010–2013 on a forested hillslope that was divided into three treatment blocks, where one block was harvested and residual biomass removed (Biomass Removed), the second was harvested and residual biomass left (Biomass Left), and the last block was left as an Unharvested Control. The pre-harvest period (2 years) was 2010–11 and post-harvest (2 years) was 2012–13. Water table elevation at the upslope and downslope position, subsurface runoff, and soil moisture were measured between May–November. Mixed effect statistical models were used to compare both the before-after and “control” treatment ratios (ratios between harvested hillslopes and the Unharvested Control hillslope). Subsurface runoff significantly increased (p < .05) at both harvested hillslopes but to a greater degree on the Biomass Left hillslope. Greater subsurface runoff volumes at both harvested hillslopes were driven by substantial increases during fall, with additional significant increases during summer on the Biomass Left hillslope. The hydrological connectivity, inferred from event runoff ratios, increased due to harvesting at both hillslopes but only significantly on the Biomass Left hillslope. The winter harvest minimized soil disturbance, resulting in no change to the effective hydraulic conductivity distribution with depth. Thus, the observed hydrological changes were driven by increased effective precipitation and decreased evapotranspiration, increasing the duration that both harvested hillslopes were hydrologically active. The harvesting of residual biomass appears to lessen hydrological connectivity relative to leaving residual biomass on the hillslope, potentially decreasing downstream hydrological impacts of similar forestry operations.  相似文献   
Basal Pennsylvanian coal-bearing strata exposed along Roaring Creek, west-central Indiana, exhibit extreme lateral discontinuity. Coal seams abruptly change in thickness and elevation; they split, grade into shale, are cut out by channels and disrupted by soft-sediment deformational structures. Initial sediments were laid down by a network of southwest-flowing streams that traversed a deeply channelized upland surface of Mississippian carbonate rocks. Channels aggraded rapidly as uplands were worn down, so the region changed through time from uplands to upper deltaic plain. Local environments included channels, localized point bars, small natural levees and crevasse splays, overbank deposits, and swamps. Differential compaction and subsidence, slumping stream banks, and possibly collapsing sinkholes influenced sedimentation. As a consequence, coals are too discontinuous for economical mining, although they are locally thick and high in quality.  相似文献   
Internationally, individual vessel quotas (IVQ) have become an increasingly popular management tool. The main attraction of IVQs is the incentives they create for cost savings, autonomous capacity adjustment and, subsequently, rent generation. In this paper, the extent to which different IVQ systems have facilitated resource rent generation and capacity adjustment in five European countries—Denmark, Iceland, Norway, Sweden and the UK—is examined. The potential economic rents and the capacity reduction necessary to achieve these rents in each of the fisheries are also estimated. Reasons why IVQs have not achieved their potential economic benefits in these fisheries are also examined.  相似文献   
Spatial and temporal distribution patterns of zooplankton are highly variable in the Northern Benguela Upwelling System. We studied the distribution of zooplankton (size class ≥ 0.33 mm) and used field data from four cruises that took place between March 2008 and February 2011, as well as simulation results of a regional ecosystem model. Remotely sensed sea surface temperatures (SST) and surface chlorophyll concentrations were analysed to investigate environmental influences on zooplankton biomass. The Intense Benguela Upwelling Index showed a distinct seasonal signal throughout the years and the highest upwelling peaks in August/September. Even though surface chlorophyll concentrations were very variable throughout the year, the highest concentrations were always detected in September, following the upwelling of nutrient‐rich water. In field catches, zooplankton biomass concentration in the upper 200 m was highest above the outer shelf and shelf‐break in December 2010 and February 2011, i.e. 6 months after the upwelling peaks. In contrast, zooplankton biomass simulated by the model in the surface water was highest in September. In March/April, biomass maxima were typically measured in the field at intermediate water depths, but the vertical distribution was also affected by extensive oxygen minimum zones. The ecosystem model reproduced this vertical pattern. Although general trends were similar, simulation data of zooplankton standing stocks overestimated the field data by a factor of 3. In upwelling systems, food webs are generally considered to be short and dominated by large cells. However, our field data indicate more small‐sized zooplankton organisms above the shelf than offshore.  相似文献   
The results from a survey of Swedish commercial fishers on regulation compliance and attitudes to control and restrictions are reported. According to the responding fishers, 90% of all Swedish catches are reported, in spite of limited control efforts. From an economic perspective we would expect substantially lower levels of compliance. The results also show that the majority of Swedish fishers are in favour of co-management on a regional basis. However, on this and other management issues opinions divert significantly between large vessel operators and small vessel operators, which reveals conflicting interests for such and similar changes in Swedish management of fisheries.  相似文献   
The response of the soil-structure system near the Falkenhof Tower, Potsdam, Germany, has been monitored during the controlled explosion of a bomb dating to World War II. We installed eight 3-component velocimetric stations within the building and three in the surrounding area. We recorded several hours of seismic noise before and after the explosion, allowing the dynamic characterization of the structure both with ambient noise and forced vibration. We then compared the frequencies values and modal shapes of the structural modes evaluated both by analysing in the frequency domain the transfer functions and in the time-domain the different signals. Moreover, we carried out an interferometric analysis of the recorded signals in order to study the structural behaviour and to characterize the soil-structure interaction. Furthermore, we used normalized Short Time Fourier Transform (STFT) for the continuous monitoring of the structural response, in order to highlight possible frequency variations of the structural mode of vibration, and therefore of the structure’s behaviour. To assess structural frequencies and to compare them with those evaluated by transfer functions, we used azimuth-dependent Fourier spectra. We also verified the suitability of the Horizontal-to-Vertical Spectral Ratio (HVSR) for estimating the dynamic characteristics of buildings when only single station seismic noise measurements are available. Regarding the structure-soil interaction, we identified the presence of a wave field back-radiated from the structure within the low amplitude seismic noise signal. In fact, in the free-field seismic noise recording spectra, peaks at frequencies consistent with those of the first two modes of the structure were recognized.  相似文献   
X-ray diffraction is a widely used technique for measuring the crystal structure of a compressed material. Recently, short pulse x-ray sources have been used to measure the crystal structure in-situ while a sample is being dynamically loaded. To reach the ultra high pressures that are unattainable in static experiments at temperatures lower than using shock techniques, shockless quasi-isentropic compression is required. Shockless compression has been demonstrated as a successful means of accessing high pressures. The National Ignition Facility (NIF), which will begin doing high pressure material science in 2010, it should be possible to reach over 2 TPa quasi-isentropically. This paper outlines how x-ray diffraction could be used to study the crystal structure in laser driven, shocklessly compressed targets the same way it has been used in shock compressed samples. A simulation of a shockless laser driven iron is used to generate simulated diffraction signals, and recent experimental results are presented.  相似文献   
Valuing multi-attribute marine water quality   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The marine environment provides many goods and services that depend on the quality of coastal waters. In this paper, we represent water quality by three different attributes, coastal cod stock level, bathing water quality, and biodiversity level, and carry out a choice experiment among residents on the Swedish west coast to estimate the economic benefits of improved coastal water quality. We find that respondents have high levels of environmental concern and that substantial values are at stake. The highest values were placed on preventing further depletion of marine biodiversity and to improve Swedish cod stocks.  相似文献   
In this study, the Hillslope River Routing (HRR) model was modified for arctic river basin applications and used to route surface and subsurface run‐off from the Community Land Model (CLM) in the Mackenzie River Basin (MRB) for the period 2000–2004. The HRR modelling framework performs lateral surface and subsurface run‐off routing from hillslopes and channel/floodplain routing. The HRR model was modified here to include a variable subsurface active layer thickness (ALT; permafrost) to enable subsurface water to resurface, a distributed surface storage component to store and attenuate the rapid generation of snowmelt water, compound hillslopes to account for the low relief near rivers and floodplains, and reservoir routing to complete the total surface and subsurface water storage accounting. To illustrate the new HRR model components, a case study is presented for the MRB. The basin is discretized into 5077 sub‐basins based on a drainage network derived from the global digital elevation model (DEM) developed from the Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) sensor on board NASA's Terra satellite and river widths extracted from LandSat images. The median hillslope land area is 68.5 km2 with a flow length of 2.8 km. Gridded CLM surface and subsurface run‐offs are remapped to the HRR model's irregular sub‐basins. The role of each new model component is quantified in terms of peak annual streamflow (magnitude and timing) at select locations and basin‐wide total water storage anomalies. The role of distributed surface storage is shown to attenuate the relatively rapid generation of snowmelt water, impact the annual peak hydrograph (reduced peaks by >30% and detailed peak by >20 days), and account for 20% of the monthly total water storage anomalies averaged over the year and ranging from 14 to 25% (?10 to 30 mm) throughout the year. Although additional research is needed to dynamically link spatially distributed ALT to HRR, the role of ALT is shown to be important. A basin‐wide, uniform 1 m ALT impacts the annual peak hydrograph (reduced peaks by 9% and detailed peak by 8 days) and trends in total water storage anomalies. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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