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Morphologic studies of an oceanic transform, the Blanco Transform Fault Zone (BTFZ), have shown it to consist of a series of extensional basins that offset the major strike-slip faults. The largest of the extensional basins, the Cascadia Depression, effectively divides the transform into a northwest segment, composed of several relatively short strike-slip faults, and a southeast segment dominated by fewer, longer faults. The regional seismicity distribution (m b 4.0) and frequency-magnitude relationships (b-values) of the BTFZ show that the largest magnitude events are located on the southeast segment. Furthermore, estimates of the cumulative seismic moment release and seismic moment release rate along the southeast segment are significantly greater than that of the northwest segment. These observations suggest that slip along the southeast segment is accommodated by a greater number of large magnitude earthquakes. Comparison of the seismic moment rate, derived from empirical estimates, with the seismic moment rate determined from plate motion constraints suggests a difference in the seismic coupling strength between the segments. This difference in coupling may partially explain the disparity in earthquake size distribution. However, the results appear to confirm the relation between earthquake size and fault length, observed along continental strike-slip faults, for this oceanic transform.  相似文献   
Brothers volcano, of the Kermadec intraoceanic arc, is host to a hydrothermal system unique among seafloor hydrothermal systems known anywhere in the world. It has two distinct vent fields, known as the NW Caldera and Cone sites, whose geology, permeability, vent fluid compositions, mineralogy, and ore-forming conditions are in stark contrast to each other. The NW Caldera site strikes for ??600?m in a SW?CNE direction with chimneys occurring over a ??145-m depth interval, between ??1,690 and 1,545?m. At least 100 dead and active sulfide chimney spires occur in this field and are typically 2?C3?m in height, with some reaching 6?C7?m. Their ages (at time of sampling) fall broadly into three groups: <4, 23, and 35?years old. The chimneys typically occur near the base of individual fault-controlled benches on the caldera wall, striking in lines orthogonal to the slopes. Rarer are massive sulfide crusts 2?C3?m thick. Two main types of chimney predominate: Cu-rich (up to 28.5?wt.% Cu) and, more commonly, Zn-rich (up to 43.8?wt.% Zn). Geochemical results show that Mo, Bi, Co, Se, Sn, and Au (up to 91?ppm) are correlated with the Cu mineralization, whereas Cd, Hg, Sb, Ag, and As are associated with the dominant Zn-rich mineralization. The Cone site comprises the Upper Cone site atop the summit of the recent (main) dacite cone and the Lower Cone site that straddles the summit of an older, smaller, more degraded dacite cone on the NE flank of the main cone. Huge volumes of diffuse venting are seen at the Lower Cone site, in contrast to venting at both the Upper Cone and NW Caldera sites. Individual vents are marked by low-relief (??0.5?m) mounds comprising predominately native sulfur with bacterial mats. Vent fluids of the NW Caldera field are focused, hot (??300°C), acidic (pH????2.8), metal-rich, and gas-poor. Calculated end-member fluids from NW Caldera vents indicate that phase separation has occurred, with Cl values ranging from 93% to 137% of seawater values. By contrast, vent fluids at the Cone site are diffuse, noticeably cooler (??122°C), more acidic (pH?1.9), metal-poor, and gas-rich. Higher-than-seawater values of SO4 and Mg in the Cone vent fluids show that these ions are being added to the hydrothermal fluid and are not being depleted via normal water/rock interactions. Iron oxide crusts 3?years in age cover the main cone summit and appear to have formed from Fe-rich brines. Evidence for magmatic contributions to the hydrothermal system at Brothers includes: high concentrations of dissolved CO2 (e.g., 206?mM/kg at the Cone site); high CO2/3He; negative ??D and ??18OH2O for vent fluids; negative ??34S for sulfides (to ?4.6??), sulfur (to ?10.2??), and ??15N2 (to ?3.5??); vent fluid pH values to 1.9; and mineral assemblages common to high-sulfidation systems. Changing physicochemical conditions at the Brothers hydrothermal system, and especially the Cone site, occur over periods of months to hundreds of years, as shown by interlayered Cu?+?Au- and Zn-rich zones in chimneys, variable fluid and isotopic compositions, similar shifts in 3He/4He values for both Cone and NW Caldera sites, and overprinting of ??magmatic?? mineral assemblages by water/rock-dominated assemblages. Metals, especially Cu and possibly Au, may be entering the hydrothermal system via the dissolution of metal-rich glasses. They are then transported rapidly up into the system via magmatic volatiles utilizing vertical (??2.5?km long), narrow (??300-m diameter) ??pipes,?? consistent with evidence of vent fluids forming at relatively shallow depths. The NW Caldera and Cone sites are considered to represent stages along a continuum between water/rock- and magmatic/hydrothermal-dominated end-members.  相似文献   
P-wave first motion and synthetic seismogram analysis of P- and SH-waveforms recorded at teleseismic distances on the WWSSN are used to estimate source parameters of seven of the largest earthquakes (6.1 ≤ mb ≤ 6.3) that occurred in the vicinity of North Island, New Zealand since 1965. The source parameters of three other (mb ≥ 6.1) events determined outside of this study are included and considered in the final analysis. Four of the earthquakes occurred at shallow depths (< 20 km), of which three were located within and to the north of North Island. Two of the shallow events show strike-slip and normal focal mechanisms with T-axes oriented in a manner consistent with their location in an area of known back-arc extension. One of the shallow events occurred in northern South Island and shows a reverse-type mechanism indicating horizontal contraction of the crust in an easterly azimuth. Six events occurred at intermediate depths (h = 39 to 195 km) of which five exhibit thrust mechanisms with T-axes consistently oriented near vertical. In the light of previously published plate tectonic models, the near vertical orientation of T-axes of the intermediate-depth events may be used to infer that the southern Kermadec plate boundary immediately north of North Island is not strongly coupled, and hence, not likely capable of producing great earthquakes. A similar inference cannot be made for the section of the Hikurangi Margin adjacent to North Island since the intermediate-depth events considered in this study lie to the north of this segment of the plate boundary.  相似文献   
An earthquake catalog derived from the detection of seismically-generated T-waves is used to study the time-clustering behavior of moderate-size (?3.0 M) earthquakes between 15 and 35°N along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR). Within this region, the distribution of inter-event times is consistent with a non-periodic, non-random, clustered process. The highest degrees of clustering are associated temporally with large mainshock-aftershock sequences; however, some swarm-like activity also is evident. Temporal fluctuations characterized by a power spectral density P(f) that decays as 1/fα are present within the time sequence, with α ranging from 0.12 to 0.55 for different regions of the spreading axis. This behavior is negligible at time scales less than ∼5×103 s, and earthquake occurrence becomes less clustered (smaller α) as increasing size thresholds are applied to the catalog. A power-law size-frequency scaling for Mid-Atlantic Ridge earthquakes also can be demonstrated using the distribution of acoustic magnitudes, or source levels. Although fractal seismic behavior has been linked to the structure of the underlying fault population in other environments, power-law fault size distributions have not been observed widely in the mid-ocean ridge setting.  相似文献   
Beginning at 0700 GMT on 28 February 1996, intense seismicity was detected in the northeast Pacific Ocean using the T-phase Monitoring System developed by NOAA/PMEL to access the U.S. Navy’s SOund SUrveillance System (SOSUS) in the North Pacific. The event was preliminarily located on the northernmost segment of the Gorda Ridge near 42.67°N and 126.8°W, in the vicinity of the ridge segment high (“narrowgate”). The nature of the seismicity was similar to that observed in June 1993 at the CoAxial segment of the Juan de Fuca Ridge, which was later documented to be a lateral magma injection with subsequent eruption. Due to several gaps in the data, the detection information was not as comprehensive as during the CoAxial event, but an initial migration of epicenters from the narrowgate area down rift is inferred based on arrival bearings from a single array; there is evidence for an additional diking event on the second and third day of activity. There is also indication of a concentration of epicenters located near 42.6°N, as occurred during the CoAxial episode at what was later determined to be an eruption site. Examination of T-wave rise times generally supports this interpretation. Based on the nature and duration of the activity, a response effort was initiated, which later confirmed hot-water plumes and fresh lava flows at the site. Based on both hydroacoustic information and field observations, it is proposed that the episode began with a lateral dike injection, possibly with eruptive activity in the summit region, followed by multiple magma pulses and eventual focusing of the seismic activity and extrusion near 42.6′N.  相似文献   
Bathymetric, hydro-acoustic, seismic, submersible, and gravity data are used to investigate the active tectonics of the eastern Blanco Transform Fault Zone (BTFZ). The eastern BTFZ is dominated by the 150 km long transform-parallel Blanco Ridge (BR) which is a right-lateral strike-slip fault bordered to the east and west by the Gorda and Cascadia Depressions. Acoustic locations, fault-parameter information, and slip vector estimates of 43 earthquakes (M w3.8) that occurred along the eastern BTFZ over the last 5 years reveal that the Blanco Ridge is a high-angle right-lateral strike-slip fault, with a small component of dip-slip motion, where the Juan de Fuca plate is the hanging wall relative to the Pacific plate. Furthermore, the Cascadia and Gorda basins are undergoing normal faulting with extension predominantly oblique to the transform trend. Seafloor submersible observations agree with previous hypotheses that the active transform fault trace is the elongate basin that runs the length of the BR summit. Brecciated and undeformed basalt, diabase, and gabbro samples were collected at the four submersible survey sites along the Blanco Ridge. These petrologic samples indicate the Blanco Ridge is composed of an ocean crustal sequence that has been uplifted and highly fractured. The petrologic samples also appear to show an increase in elevation of the crustal section from east to west along the Blanco Ridge, with gabbros exposed at a shallower depth farther west along the southern (Pacific plate side) BR ridge flank. Further supporting evidence for BR uplift exists in the seismic reflection profiles across the BR showing uplift of turbidite sequences along the north and south ridge base, and gravity and magnetics profiles that indicate possible basement uplift and a low-density zone centered on the ridge's Pacific plate side. The BR formation mechanism preferred here is first, uplift achieved partially through strike-slip motion (with a small dip-slip component). Second, seawater penetration along the fault into the lower crust upper mantle, which then enhanced formation and intrusion of a mantle-derived serpentinized-peridotite diapir into the shallow ocean crust, causing further uplift along the fault.  相似文献   
Hydroacoustic data from autonomous arrays and the U.S. Navy's Sound Surveillance System (SOSUS) provide an opportunity to examine the temporal and spatial properties of seismicity along portions of the slow-spreading Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR), intermediate-spreading Juan de Fuca Ridge (JdFR) and fast-spreading East Pacific Rise (EPR). Aftershock and foreshock events are selected from the hydroacoustic earthquake catalog using single-link cluster (SLC) analysis, with a combined space–time metric. In the regions examined, hydroacoustic data improve the completeness level of the earthquake catalog by 1.5–2.0 orders of magnitude, allowing the decay constant, p, of the modified Omori law (MOL) to be determined for individual sequences. A non-parametric goodness-of-fit test indicates six of the seven sequences examined are described well by a MOL model. The p-values obtained for individual ridge and transform sequences using hydroacoustic data are larger than that previously estimated from the analysis of a stacked sequence generated from teleseismic data. For three sequences along the Siqueiros, Discovery and western Blanco Transforms, p-values are estimated to be 0.94–1.29. The spatial distribution of aftershocks suggests that the mainshock rupture is constrained by intra-transform spreading centers at these locations. An aftershock sequence following a 7.1Ms thrust event near the northern edge of the Easter Microplate exhibits p=1.02±0.11. Within the sequence, aftershocks are located to the north of a large topographic ridge, which may represent the surface expression of the shallow-dipping fault that ruptured during the mainshock. Two aftershock sequences near 24°25′N and 16°35′N on the MAR exhibit higher p-values, 1.74±0.23 and 2.37±1.65, although the latter estimate is not well constrained because of the small number of aftershocks. Larger p-values along the ridge crest might reflect a hotter thermal regime in this setting. Additional monitoring, however, will be needed to determine if p-value differences between the ridge and transform sequences are robust. A 1999 sequence on the Endeavour segment of the JdFR, which has been correlated with changes in the hydrothermal system, is described poorly by the MOL model. The failure of the MOL model, the anomalously large number of earthquakes within the sequence and absence of a clearly dominant mainshock are inconsistent with aftershock activity and the simple tectonic origin that has been proposed previously for this sequence.  相似文献   
Full-coverage multibeam bathymetric maps of the southern section of the Juan de Fuca Plate, also known as the Gorda Plate, are presented. The bathymetric maps represent the compilation of multibeam surveys conducted by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration during the last 20 yrs, and illustrate the complex tectonic, volcanic, and geomorphologic features as well as the intense deformation occurring within this region. The bathymetric data have revealed several major, previously unmapped midplate faults. A series of gently curving faults are apparent in the Gorda Plate, with numerous faults offsetting the Gorda Plate seafloor. The multibeam surveys have also provided a detailed view of the intense deformation occurring within the Gorda Plate. A preliminary deformation model estimated from basement structure is discussed, where the southern part of the plate (south of ∼42°30′ N) seems to be deforming through a series of left-lateral strike-slip faults, while the northern section appears to be moving passively with the rest of the Juan de Fuca Plate. The bathymetry also demonstrates the Mendocino and Eel Canyons are prominent morphologic features in the northern California margin. These canyons are active depositional features with a large sediment fan present at the mouths of both the Mendocino and Eel canyons. The depositional lobes of these fan(s) are evident in the bathymetry, as are the turbidite channels that have deposited sediment along the fans over time. The Trinidad Canyon is readily evident in the margin morphology as well, with a large (∼10 km) plunge pool formed at the mouth of the canyon as it enters the Gorda Plate sediments. This revised version was published online in November 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
The oceanic T-waves of earthquakes associated with the 1992 Cape Mendocino earthquake sequence were recorded and analyzed using fixed hydrophone arrays located throughout the north-east Pacific Ocean. The T-waves of these events were well recorded with high S/N ratios and strong acoustic energy present over a 0–64 Hz bandwidth. The smallest event recorded by the hydrophone arrays from the sequence had a local magnitude of 2.4. The hydrophone records of the three largest shocks in the sequence (ML 6.9, 6.2, 6.5) exhibited both T-waves and lithospheric phases from these events. Low-pass filtering (2 Hz) of the lithospheric phases yielded a clear P-wave arrival for epicentral distances of <10°, but no apparent S-wave. A seafloor cable-break was detected immediately after the second M>6 aftershock, possibly the result of a submarine slide. The direct P-wave hydrophone records from the second large aftershock showed a relatively high-amplitude, high-frequency arrival, consistent with seismic analyses which used this information to infer rupture direction. The rupture direction was toward the location of the cable break, thus rupture directivity possibly played a role in initiating the slide event. Modelling of the T-wave propagation path, using the Parabolic Equation model, produced estimates of the acoustic transmission loss from epicenter to receiver. The transmission loss to the most distant phones is typically 10-20 dB , and can be as large as 50–70 dB for acoustic propagation paths that cross the continental margin. The amount of acoustic energy each earthquake released into the ocean at the seafloor–water interface was estimated applying the transmission loss and instrument response to the recorded T-wave signals. This acoustic source power level was calculated for 41 events with magnitudes over a recorded range of 2.4ML6.9, with 17 of these events having their seismic moment estimates available through the NEIC. Ground displacement spectra were estimated from the acoustic power spectra and showed no indication of a corner frequency. Thus empirical analyses relating source level to magnitude and seismic moment were necessary to quantitatively derive an earthquake's size from hydrophone records. The results of indicator variable regression analyses suggest that T-wave source level increases linearly with the event's local magnitude and seismic moment. Furthermore, the source power level versus magnitude relationships for oceanic and continental earthquakes are significantly different, probably illustrating differences in the seismic and acoustic propagation paths from hypocenter to the hydrophone receivers. The results indicate that acoustic measurements provide a reasonable estimate of magnitude and seismic moment of an oceanic earthquake that was not detected by land-based seismic networks.  相似文献   
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