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A ‘quasi-island’ approach for examining the meridional flux of warm and intermediate water from the Southern Ocean into the South Atlantic, the South Pacific and the Indian Ocean has recently been proposed ( [Nof, 2000a] and [Nof, 2002]). This approach considers the continents to be ‘pseudo islands’ in the sense that they are entirely surrounded by water, but have no circulation around them. The method employs an integration of the linearized momentum equations along a closed contour containing the continents. This allows the meridional transport into these oceans to be computed without having to find the detailed solution to the complete wind-thermohaline problem.The solution gives two results; one expected, the other unexpected. It shows that, as expected, about 9±5 Sv of upper and intermediate water enter the South Atlantic from the Southern Ocean. The unexpected result is that the Pacific-Indian Ocean system should contain a ‘shallow’ meridional overturning cell carrying 18±5 Sv. What is meant by shallow here is that the cell does not extend all the way to the bottom (as it does in the Atlantic) but is terminated at mid-depth. (This reflects the fact that there is no bottom water formation in the Pacific.) Both of these calculations rely on the observation that there is almost no flow through the Bering Strait and on the assumption that there is a negligible pressure torque on the Bering Strait’s sill.Here, we present a new and different approach, which does not rely on either of the above two conditions regarding the Bering Strait and yet gives essentially the same result. The approach does not involve any quasi-island calculation but rather employs an integration of the linearized zonal momentum equation along a closed open-water latitudinal belt connecting the tips of South Africa and South America. The integration relies on the existence of a belt (corridor) where the linearized general circulation equations are valid. It allows for a net northward mass flux through either the Sverdrup interior or the western boundary currents. It is found that the belt-corridor approach gives 29±5 Sv for the total meridional flux of surface and intermediate water from the Southern Ocean. This agrees very well with the quasi-island calculations, which give a total northward flux of 27±5 Sv. Given the spacing between the continents and the small variability of the southern winds with longitude, one may assume that 9 Sv of the total 29 Sv enters the Atlantic and the other 20 Sv enters the combined Pacific-Indian Ocean system, which is also in agreement with the quasi-island calculation. These agreements indicate that the assumptions made in the earlier studies regarding the Bering Strait are probably valid.  相似文献   
We report the discovery of small groups of uncatalogued, compact, star forming (SF) dwarf galaxies (DGs) by Hα mapping of the neighbourhoods of apparently isolated, catalogued, SF DGs. Our sample consists of dwarf  ( M ≥−18 mag)  galaxies at least 2 Mpc away from any other catalogued galaxy. The galaxies were selected to exhibit Hα emission of any intensity, i.e. not selecting only strong starbursts, as an indicator of recent or on-going star formation with the goal of understanding why are they presently forming stars. We identified possible neighbours by imaging the galaxies and their surroundings through Hα filters centred at or near the redshift of the galaxy, and searching for localized Hα emission with the characteristics of the line emission from the sample galaxies.
We identified 20 possible SF neighbour galaxies, 17 of them not previously catalogued, in three of the five search fields where we had good quality data, and present here their positions and, images and morphology, as well as some indications of binarity. The relatively large number of possible neighbour candidates, combined with their relative faintness, argue that it would be virtually impossible to identify truly isolated galaxies. It seems that the objects we selected as extremely isolated are probably the brightest members of sparse groups of galaxies, where the other members are also DGs that are presently forming stars. In order to enhance the confidence of this statement regular redshifts are required for our candidate neighbours.  相似文献   
We carry out a comprehensive joint analysis of high-quality HST /ACS and Chandra measurements of A1689, from which we derive mass, temperature, X-ray emission and abundance profiles. The X-ray emission is smooth and symmetric, and the lensing mass is centrally concentrated indicating a relaxed cluster. Assuming hydrostatic equilibrium we deduce a 3D mass profile that agrees simultaneously with both the lensing and X-ray measurements. However, the projected temperature profile predicted with this 3D mass profile exceeds the observed temperature by ∼30 per cent at all radii, a level of discrepancy comparable to the level found for other relaxed clusters. This result may support recent suggestions from hydrodynamical simulations that denser, more X-ray luminous small-scale structure can bias observed temperature measurements downward at about the same (∼30 per cent) level. We determine the gas entropy at  0.1 r vir  (where r vir is the virial radius) to be ∼800 keV cm2, as expected for a high-temperature cluster, but its profile at  >0.1 r vir  has a power-law form with index ∼0.8, considerably shallower than the ∼1.1 index advocated by theoretical studies and simulations. Moreover, if a constant entropy 'floor' exists at all, then it is within a small region in the inner core,   r < 0.02 r vir  , in accord with previous theoretical studies of massive clusters.  相似文献   
We present a new general scheme for calculating the structure and dynamics of radiation-pressure-driven photoionized flows. The new method goes one step beyond the Sobolev approximation. It involves a numerical solution of the radiative transfer in absorption lines, including the effects of differential expansion and line interactions such as line locking and blanketing. We also present a new scheme for calculating the radiation pressure due to trapped line photons in finite, differentially expanding flows. We compare our results for the radiation pressure force with those obtained using the Sobolev approximation and show the limitations of the latter. In particular, we demonstrate that the Sobolev method gives a poor approximation near discontinuity surfaces and its neglect of line blanketing can lead to erroneous results in high-velocity flows. We combine the newly calculated radiation pressure force with self-consistent photoionization and thermal calculations to study the dynamics and spectral features of broad absorption-line flows and highly ionized gas flows in active galactic nuclei (AGN). A comparison with Sobolev-type calculations shows that the latter overestimates the terminal velocity of the flow and, conversely, underestimates its opacity. We also show that line locking on broad emission lines can have a significant effect on the dynamics and spectral features of AGN flows.  相似文献   
Using a sample of almost 7000 strong Mg  ii absorbers with   W 0 > 1 Å  and  0.4 < z < 2.2  detected in the SDSS DR4 data set, we investigate the gravitational lensing and dust extinction effects they induce on background quasars. After carefully quantifying several selection biases, we isolate the reddening effects as a function of redshift and absorber rest equivalent width, W 0. We find the amount of dust to increase with cosmic time as  τ( z ) ∝ (1 + z )−1.1±0.4  , following the evolution of cosmic star density or integrated star formation rate. We measure the reddening effects over a factor of 30 in E ( B − V ) and we find that  τ∝ ( W 0)1.9±0.1  , providing us with an important scaling for theoretical modelling of metal absorbers. We also measure the dust-to-metal ratio and find it similar to that of the Milky Way. In contrast to previous studies, we do not detect any gravitational magnification by Mg  ii systems. We measure the upper limit  μ < 1.10  and discuss the origin of the discrepancy. Finally, we estimate the fraction of absorbers missed due to extinction effects and show that it rises from 1 to 50 per cent in the range  1 < W 0 < 6 Å  . We parametrize this effect and provide a correction for recovering the intrinsic  ∂ N /∂ W 0  distribution.  相似文献   
A two week observation program was carried out in the summer of 1981 in the Lake Kinneret (Northern Israel) area. The main purpose was to study the mesoscale flow patterns in and around the lake valley and compare them with the results of mesoscale model simulations in the same area. The main effort of the program was directed to the determination of three dimensional trajectories from various points around the valley. For that purpose a new method for the deployment of relatively long term no-lift balloons was used. In addition, surface observations as well as upper air wind observations using pibals were taken at four fixed locations along a straight line across the lake valley. Based on previous studies using surface observations and model results it appeared that the flow regime was determined by the combination of three main mechanisms: the Mediterranean sea breeze, the lake breeze and the mountain-valley wind. This combination results in a daily cycle divided into three distinct flow regimes. The results of the present experiment confirm this basic classification as well as the general structure of the flow for each of the three regimes. The experiment also confirmed the assumption that the large scale synoptic flow has only a minor influence in the valley, and contributes only to the general direction of the winds. In spite of the overall agreement several deficiencies of the model simulations came to light as a result of the experiment. These have to do with the horizontal and vertical resolutions employed in the models, with the fact that all of them were two dimensional (even though several of the models are capable of three dimensional simulations), and with the fact that most of them use the hydrostatic approximation. Due to the lack of appropriate equipment no vertical soundings were performed in order to determine the thermal and humidity stratification. These will have to be completed in subsequent experiments in order to provide the missing data.  相似文献   
It is generally held that subtle changes in sandy environments are very difficult to detect in imagery. Nonetheless, this study demonstrates how synthetic aperture radar (SAR) interferometric decorrelation can be used to identify changes in individual sand dunes. The use of coherence maps over time facilitates the analysis of dune dynamics, both temporally and spatially. The Ashdod‐Nizzanim coastal dunes, along the southern coastal plain of Israel, were chosen as an illustrative example of the analysis of dune dynamics. High‐resolution TerraSAR‐X (TSX) radar images covering the entire research area were acquired for the period February to July 2012, together with meteorology data (wind and rain) for the area. The coherence results enabled the stability of individual dunes to be described as a function of time. It was found that the dune crests were more stable than the windward slopes and that the degree of stability was dependent on the distance of the dune from the sea. The results of this study show the potential of using interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) decorrelation for aeolian studies, even in areas characterized by low coherence. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
An earthquake swarm struck the North Tanzania Divergence, East African Rift over a 2 month period between July and September 2007. It produced approximately 70 M > 4 earthquakes (peak magnitude Mw 5.9), and extensive surface deformation, concurrent with eruptions at the nearby Oldoinyo Lengai volcano. The spatial and temporal evolution of the entire deformation event was resolved by Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) observations, owing to a particularly favorable acquisition programming of the Envisat and ALOS satellites, and was verified by detailed ground observations. Elastic modeling based on the InSAR measurements clearly distinguishes between normal faulting, which dominated during the first week of the event, and intermittent episodes of dike propagation, oblique dike opening and dike-induced faulting during the following month. A gradual decline in the intensity of deformation occurred over the final weeks. Our observations and modeling suggest that the sequence of events was initiated by pressurization of a deep-seated magma chamber below Oldoinyo Lengai which opened the way to lateral dike injection, and dike-induced faulting and seismicity. As dike intrusion terminated, silicate magma ascended the volcano conduit, reacted with the carbonatitic magma, and set off a major episode of explosive ash eruptions producing mixed silicate-carbonatitic ejecta. The rise of the silicate magma within the volcano conduit is attributed to bubble growth and buoyancy increase in the magma chamber either due to a temporary pressure drop after the termination of the diking event, or due to the dynamic effects of seismic wave passage from the earthquake swarm. Similar temporal associations between earthquake swarms and major explosive ash eruptions were observed at Oldoinyo Lengai over the past half century.  相似文献   
The “separation formula”, a new method for computing the adiabatic inter-hemispheric meridional transport, is applied to the Pacific Ocean. The method involves an integration of the wind stress along a “horseshoe” path. It begins at the separation point of the East Australian Current, continues eastward across the ocean, progresses northward along the continental boundary, and then turns back westward across the ocean to the separation point of the Kuroshio. Since the Pacific is closed on the northern side, such an integration gives the wind-driven Indonesian throughflow.The analytical formulas show that, in order for the adiabatic wind-driven throughflow to exist, it is necessary that there be an asymmetry in the winds associated with the two zonal cross-sections connecting the (northern and southern) separation points in the west to the continents in the east. It turns out that these asymmetries in the Pacific are relatively small and, consequently, do not allow for a significant (i.e. more than one Sverdrup) Indonesian transport. Specifically, in the Pacific, this wind-driven transport is directed to the south, implying a very small net Indian-to-Pacific transport rather than a Pacific-to-Indian transport. The adiabatic model fails, therefore, to explain the observed Pacific-to-Indian throughflow of 5-6 Sv.When an upwelling is added to the model (to simulate diabatic processes), then one obtains the result that all the water upwelled in the Pacific must exit the Pacific via the Indonesian seas, i.e. the wind field is effectively blocking the oceanic region between Australia and South America, forcing the upwelled water into the Indian Ocean. This model suggests, therefore, that the observed Pacific-to-Indian throughflow is a measure of the upwelling in the Pacific.  相似文献   
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