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Brines in Cambrian sandstones and Ordovician dolostones of the St-Lawrence Lowlands at Bécancour, Québec, Canada were sampled for analysis of all stable noble gases in order to trace their origin and migration path, in addition to quantifying their residence time. Major ion chemistry indicates that the brines are of Na-Ca-Cl type, possibly derived from halite dissolution. 87Sr/86Sr ratios and Ca excess indicate prolonged interactions with silicate rocks of the Proterozoic Grenville basement or the Cambrian Potsdam sandstone. The brines constrain a 2-3% contribution of mantle 3He and large amounts of nucleogenic 21Ne and 38Ar and radiogenic 4He and 40Ar. 4He/40Ar and 21Ne/40Ar ratios, corrected for mass fractionation during incomplete brine degassing, are identical to their production ratios in rocks. The source of salinity (halite dissolution), plus the occurrence of large amounts of 40Ar in brines constrain the residence time of Bécancour brines as being older than the Cretaceous. Evaporites in the St-Lawrence Lowlands likely existed only during Devonian-Silurian time. Brines might result from infiltration of Devonian water leaching halite, penetrating into or below the deeper Cambrian-Ordovician aquifers. During the Devonian, the basin reached temperatures higher than 250 °C, allowing for thermal maturation of local gas-prone source rocks (Utica shales) and possibly facilitating the release of radiogenic 40Ar into the brines. The last thermal event that could have facilitated the liberation of 40Ar into fluids and contributed to mantle 3He is the Cretaceous Monteregian Hills magmatic episode. For residence times younger than the Cretaceous, it is difficult to find an appropriate source of salinity and of nucleogenic/radiogenic gases to the Bécancour brines.  相似文献   
Following the Frasnian–Famennian mass extinction, which eliminated most skeletal reef-building fauna, the early Famennian reefs of the Canning Basin were constructed primarily by reef-framework microbial communities. In the Napier and Oscar Ranges, the Famennian reef complexes had high-energy, reef-flat depositional environments on a reef-rimmed platform that transitioned into low-energy, deep-water reefs growing in excess of 50 m below sea level. High-energy, reef-flat depositional environments contain doming fenestral stromatolites that grade into porous thrombolites and are associated with coarse-grained sandstones and grainstones. The reef-margin subfacies contains mounds of microdigitate thrombolites, which are more delicate than the reef-flat thrombolites and locally contain abundant red algae, Girvanella, renalcids and sediment-filled tubes. Within the thrombolites, the red algae are in upright growth positions, suggesting that the thrombolites are largely composed of carbonate that precipitated in situ. Reefal-slope environments are dominated by Wetheredella and Rothpletzella with locally abundant Girvanella, renalcids and Uralinella. In reefal-slope strata, delicate fans and microdigitate stromatolites of Wetheredella and Rothpletzella are often oriented horizontal or diagonal to bedding and are interpreted as syndepositionally toppled over. Most mesoscale microbial community structures contain several species of microbial fossils, and no single microbial species appears to have controlled the morphology of the community structure. Therefore, the depositional environment must have determined the distribution and morphology of the stromatolites, thrombolites and other microbial community structures. The adaptability of microbial communities to various reef environments allowed them to fill ecological niches opportunistically after the Frasnian–Famennian mass extinction.  相似文献   
This study combines different methods, including grain size, macrofossil, and pollen analyses, to reconstruct paleogeographical and paleoclimatological conditions for periods before, during, and after the isolation of a small lake (Lake Kachishayoot) in northern Québec. After the retreat of the Laurentide Ice Sheet around 8000 14C yr B.P., the area was submerged by the Tyrrell Sea. The transition from marine to lacustrine environment occurred about 5400 yr B.P. Two major periods of water-level fluctuations were inferred from organic and mineral sediments: a high water level that occurred after 3200 yr B.P. and a low water level that started before 2200 yr B.P. Our chronological data for the first period are consistent with those from nearby Lac des Pluviers and from other lakes in east central Canada and in the northeastern United States. During the low-water-level period, however, there is no evidence for minor fluctuations, whereas other lakes in northern Québec and east-central Canada underwent several brief lowerings. Long-term changes in atmospheric circulation caused by changing global boundary conditions likely explained long-term water-level fluctuations of Lake Kachishayoot.  相似文献   
Microplankton abundances and phytoplankton mortality rates were determined at six stations during four cruises spanning three seasons in the Ross Sea polynya, Antarctica (early spring, Oct.–Nov. 1996; mid-late summer, Jan.–Feb. 1997; fall, Apr. 1997; mid-late spring, Nov.–Dec. 1997). Rates of microzooplankton herbivory were measured using a modified dilution technique, as well as by examining the rate of disappearance of phytoplankton (chlorophyll) in samples incubated in the dark (i.e. grazing in the absence of phytoplankton growth). Strong seasonal cycles of phytoplankton and microzooplankton abundance were observed during the study. Microzooplankton abundance varied by more than three orders of magnitude during the four cruises, and was positively correlated with phytoplankton biomass over the entire data set. Nevertheless, microzooplankton grazing was insufficient to impact significantly phytoplankton standing stocks during most of the experiments performed in this perenially cold environment. Only thirteen out of a total of 51 experiments yielded phytoplankton mortality rates that were significantly different from zero. The highest mortality rate observed in this study (0.26 d−1) was modest compared with maximal rates that have been observed in temperate and tropical ecosystems. Results from twenty experiments examining the rate of decrease of phytoplankton biomass during incubations in the dark agreed quite well with the results of the dilution experiments performed at the same time. The range of mortality rates for the dark incubations was −0.09–0.06 d−1, and the average was essentially zero (−0.01 d−1). That is, chlorophyll concentration was virtually unchanged in samples incubated in the dark for 3 d. A number of factors appeared to contribute to the very low rates of microbial herbivory observed, including low water temperature, and the size and taxonomic composition of the phytoplankton assemblage. Based on our results we conclude that the seasonal, massive phytoplankton blooms observed in the Ross Sea are due, in part, to low rates of removal by microbial herbivores.  相似文献   
Special concentrically braced frames (SCBFs) are commonly used for seismic design of buildings. Their large elastic stiffness and strength efficiently sustains the seismic demands during smaller, more frequent earthquakes. During large, infrequent earthquakes, SCBFs exhibit highly nonlinear behavior due to brace buckling and yielding and the inelastic behavior induced by secondary deformation of the framing system. These response modes reduce the system demands relative to an elastic system without supplemental damping using a response modification coefficient, commonly termed the R factor. More recently, procedures put forth in FEMAP695 have been made to quantify the R factor through a formalized procedure that accounts for collapse potential. The primary objective of the research in this paper was to evaluate the approach for SCBFs. An improved model for SCBFs that permits simulation of brace fracture was used to conduct response history analyses. A series of three‐story, nine‐story and 20‐story SCBFs were designed and evaluated. Initially, the FEMAP695 method was conducted to estimate collapse and the corresponding R factor. An alternate procedure for scaling the multiple acceleration records to the seismic design hazard was also evaluated. The results show significant variation between the two methods. Of the three variations of buildings studied, the largest vulnerability was identified for the three‐story building. To achieve a consistent margin of safety against collapse, a significantly lower R factor is required for the low‐rise SCBFs (three‐story), whereas the mid‐rise and high‐rise SCBFs (nine‐story and 20‐story) may continue to use the current value of 6, as provided in ASCE‐07. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Nearly 2000 pockmarks with diameters ranging from a few tens of meters up to 700 m are present on the seafloor of the St. Lawrence Estuary in eastern Canada. Coring of some pockmarks resulted in the recovery of various-sized and shaped carbonate concretions in a predominantly silty mud matrix. Petrographic and geochemical data on four authigenic carbonate concretions are reported as well as data from shell material in the unconsolidated sediment. Video observations and echo-sounder images indicate that the sampled pockmarks are actively gas venting. The video images show significant look-alike microbial mats in areas where gas is venting. The carbonate concretions are primarily made up of carbonate cements with varying percentage of shell fragments, micrite particles and fine-grained clastics. Orthorhombic crystal morphology and diagenetic fabrics including isopachous layers and botryoids characterize the aragonite cement. Oxygen isotopes ratios for the cement crusts do not record any thermal anomaly at the site of precipitation with δ18OVPDB ratios (+3) in equilibrium with cold (5 °C) deep marine waters, whereas significant negative δ13CVPDB ratios (−9.9 to −33.5) for cement and shell material within concretions indicate that the carbonates largely derive from the microbial oxidation of methane. The δ13CVPDB ratios of aragonite shells (−2.7 to −5.6) taken from unconsolidated sediments at some distance from the concretions/vents show variable dilution of HCO3 with negative δ13CVPDB ratios derived from microbial oxidation of methane with isotopically normal (0) marine bicarbonate. These results are in agreement with other lines of evidence suggesting that pockmarks formed through the recent and still active release of gas from a reservoir within the Paleozoic sedimentary succession.  相似文献   
Four large-scale bathymetric maps of the Southern East Pacific Rise and its flanks between 15° S and 19° S display many of the unique features of this superfast spreading environment including abundant seamounts (the Rano Rahi Field), axial discontinuities, discontinuity migration, and abyssal hill variation. Along with a summary of the regional geology, these maps will provide a valuable reference for other sea-going programs on-and off-axis in this area, including the Mantle ELectromagnetic and Tomography (MELT) experiment.  相似文献   
 Near-surface sediment geoacoustic and physical properties were measured from a variety of unconsolidated carbonate sediments in the Lower Florida Keys. Surficial values of compressional and shear speed correlate with sediment physical properties and near-surface acoustic reflectivity. Highest speeds (shear 125–150 m s-1; compressional 1670–1725 m s-1) are from sandy sediments near Rebecca Shoal and lowest speeds (shear 40–65 m s-1; compressional 1520–1570 m s-1) are found in soft, silty sediments which collect in sediment ponds in the Southeast Channel of the Dry Tortugas. High compressional wave attenuation is attributed to scattering of acoustic waves from heterogeneity caused by accumulation of abundant shell material and other impedance discontinuities rather than high intrinsic attenuation. Compared to siliciclastic sediments, carbonate sediment shear wave speed is high for comparable values of sediment physical properties. Sediment fabric, rather than changes due to the effects of biogeochemical processes, is responsible for these differences.  相似文献   
Tremendous resources have been and continue to be spent investigating and remediating petroleum hydrocarbon compounds (PHCs) in soil and ground water. Investigating and planning a remedial strategy for sites affected by PHCs is often a challenging task because of the complex chemical nature of the PHCs. the complex regulatory environment related to PHC cleanup, and the use of analytical methods that provide quantitation but not identification of PHCs. From a technical standpoint, the PHC impacting soil and/or ground water is frequently inadequately characterised, both in identification as well as in is general properties (solubility, toxicity). From a regulatory standpoint, promulgated or recommended total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) cleanup levels generally relate to assumed properties of specific unweathered products and are inconsistent among different agencies and regions. This produces a prime situation for unwillingly spending more resources on investigation or remediation than may be necessary, especially when the PHC in the subsurface has different properties from unweathered products such as gasoline or diesel.
Accurately identifying the PHC and its nature, a process known as fingerprint characterization, is critical to the determination of appropriate regulatory goals and design of cost-effective remedial approaches. This paper presents several case studies in which fingerprint characterization made a significant difference in the project outcome. In each instance the nature of the organic material was better understood, the regulatory cleanup levels were negotiated based on the nature of the material, and a remedial approach was implemented that differed significantly from and was generally less costly than what would have been required without fingerprint characterization data.  相似文献   

Quality is key to ensuring that the potential offered by weather radar networks is realized. To achieve optimum quality, a comprehensive radar data quality management system, designed to monitor the end-to-end radar data processing chain and evaluate product quality, is being developed at the UK Met Office. Three contrasting elements of this system are described: monitoring of key radar hardware performance indicators; generation of long-term integrations of radar products; and monitoring of radar reflectivity factor using synthesized observations from numerical weather prediction model fields. Examples of each component are presented and ways in which the different types of monitoring information have been used to both identify issues with the radar product data quality and help formulate solutions are given.
Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz; Guest editor R.J. Moore

Citation Harrison, D., Georgiou, S., Gaussiat, N., and Curtis, A., 2013. Long-term diagnostics of precipitation estimates and the development of radar hardware monitoring within a radar product data quality management system. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 59 (7), 1327–1342. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02626667.2013.841316  相似文献   
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