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Compositional variation of phlogopitic micas in upper mantle peridotites is reviewed. Phlogopitic micas in garnet peridotites are systematically lower in Al (or eastonite component) than those in spinel peridotites. The core of phlogopite megacryst and phenocryst of kimberlite is always lower in Al than the rim. It is apparent that Al/(Al + Si) ratio or eastonite component in phlogopitic micas in ultramafic rocks is controlled by the equilibrium pressure and temperature. In the upper mantle peridotites containing garnet or spinel, the Al/(Al + Si) ratio of phlogopitic mica decreases with increasing pressure at constant temperature. Phlogopitic mica is a potential thermo-barometer in both garnet- and spinel-peridotite facies.  相似文献   
The prograde deserpentinized peridotites from the talc zone in the Happo-O’ne complex, central Japan, show differences in their field relation and mineral assemblage with the high-P retrograde peridotites of the other part of the complex. They show a mineral assemblage, olivine + talc + antigorite ± prograde tremolite ± chlorite, formed by thermal metamorphism around the granitic intrusion at T, 500-650 °C and P < 7 kbar. The olivine has numerous opaque inclusions and high Fo (91.5-96.5) relative to the retrograde olivine, reflecting its formation by deserpentinization. The prograde tremolite, which is low in Al2O3 (<1.0 wt.%), Cr2O3 (<0.35 wt.%), and Na2O (<0.6 wt.%) but high in Mg# (up to 0.98) and SiO2 (up to 59.9 wt.%), is different in size, shape and chemistry from the retrograde tremolite. The prograde peridotites display a U-shaped REE pattern (0.02-0.5 times PM), similar to diopside-zone retrograde metaperidotites, possible protoliths. They are enriched in LILE (e.g., Cs, Pb, Sr, Rb) relative to HFSE (e.g., Ta, Hf, Zr, Nb), like their protoliths, because of their local re-equilibration with the fluid released during dehydration of the protoliths. They have high contents of REE and some trace elements (e.g., Cs, Th, U, Ta) relative to their protoliths because of an external-element addition from the granitic magma. In-situ analyses of peridotitic silicates confirmed that the prograde tremolite and talc display a spoon-shaped primitive mantle (PM)-normalized REE pattern (0.1-3 times PM) in which LREE are higher than HREE contents. The prograde tremolite is depleted in Al, Na, Cr, Sc, V, Ti, B, HREE and Li, but is enriched in Si, Cs, U, Th, HFSE (Hf, Zr, Nb, Ta), Rb and Ba relative to the retrograde tremolite; the immobile-element depletion in this tremolite is inherited from its source (antigorite + secondary diopside), whereas the depletion of mobile elements (e.g., Li, B, Na, Al) is ascribed to their mobility during the deserpentinization and/or the depleted character of the source of tremolite. The enrichment of HFSE and LILE in the prograde tremolite is related to an external addition of these elements from fluid/melt of the surrounding granitic magma and/or in situ equilibrium with LILE-bearing fluid released during dehydration of serpentinized retrograde metaperidotites and olivine-bearing serpentinites (protoliths). The prograde olivine is higher in REE and most trace-element contents than the retrograde one due to the external addition of these elements; it is enriched in B, Co and Ni, but depleted in Li that was liberated during deserpentinization by prograde metamorphism.  相似文献   
We investigated the molecular composition (methane, ethane, and propane) and stable isotope composition (methane and ethane) of hydrate-bound gas in sediments of Lake Baikal. Hydrate-bearing sediment cores were retrieved from eight gas seep sites, located in the southern and central Baikal basins. Empirical classification of the methane stable isotopes (δ13C and δD) for all the seep sites indicated the dominant microbial origin of methane via methyl-type fermentation; however, a mixture of thermogenic and microbial gases resulted in relatively high methane δ13C signatures at two sites where ethane δ13C indicated a typical thermogenic origin. At one of the sites in the southern Baikal basin, we found gas hydrates of enclathrated microbial ethane in which 13C and deuterium were both highly depleted (mean δ13C and δD of –61.6‰ V-PDB and –285.4‰ V-SMOW, respectively). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of C2 δ13C–δD classification for hydrate-bound gas in either freshwater or marine environments.  相似文献   
An interactive computer system has been developed to assist the mineral identification in ore microscopy. The reference file of the system consists of optical, mechanical, and chemical properties of about 130 ore minerals. The properties are name, chemical formula, color, bireflectance, anisotropism, internal reflection, reflectance at wavelengths of 470, 546, 589, and 650 nm, and polishing hardness and micro-indentation hardness. All the properties except reflectance and microindentation hardness are qualitative or semi-qualitative. Most of the properties are given as characters relative to the more common minerals. This implies that most of the identification processes advance on the basis of the comparison between a subject mineral and coexisting minerals. For this reason, the system asks a user at first to input already identified mineral names. This is quite different from the mineral identification procedures used in petrographic microscopy. To reduce the number of possible minerals, the system presents a series of questions to a user, and the user selects any of the prepared answers according to his observation. The user can also choose any desired question independently of the sequence. The user is expected to be able to recognize some common minerals, such as pyrite, chalcopyrite, galena, and hematite, without the assistance of the system.  相似文献   
Convective instability and overstability of a plane-parallel medium in the presence of a uniform vertical magnetic field is studied. We take into account both the effect of penetration of disturbances into sub-adiabatically stratified semi-infinite upper and lower layers, and the effect of thermal damping of disturbances introduced by the compressibility of the medium. If the degree of super-adiabaticity in temperature stratification in the middle layer is relatively large compared with that of sub-adiabaticity in the upper and lower layers, the range of physical conditions in which overstable convection occurs is very narrow. However, if it is not the case the range is rather wide. In the normal sunspot umbra, only disturbances with selected sizes in vertical dimension will be able to become overstable. The overstable convection might be a cause of some dynamical features (such as dots) in the sunspot umbra, but will not be the main contributor for transporting mechanical energy in the sunspot region.  相似文献   
Crystallization of authigenic carbonates in mud volcanoes at Lake Baikal   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents data on authigenic siderite first found in surface sediments from mud volcanoes in the Central (K-2) and Southern (Malen’kii) basins of Lake Baikal. Ca is the predominant cation, which substitutes Fe in the crystalline lattice of siderite. The enrichment of the carbonates in the 13C isotope (from +3.3 to +6.8‰ for the Malen’kii volcano and from +17.7 to +21.9‰ for K-2) results from the crystallization of the carbonates during methane generation via the bacterial destruction of organic matter (acetate). The overall depletion of the carbonates in 18O is mainly inherited from the isotopic composition of Baikal water.  相似文献   
The Happo-O’ne peridotite complex is situated in the northeastern part of the Hida Marginal Tectonic Zone, central Japan, characterized by the high-P/T Renge metamorphism, and is considered as a serpentinite mélange of Paleozoic age. Peridotitic rocks, being massive or foliated, have been subjected to hydration and metamorphism. Their protoliths are mostly lherzolites to harzburgites with subordinate dunites. We found a characteristic mineral assemblage, olivine + orthopyroxene + tremolite + chlorite + chromian spinel, being stable at low-T, from 650 to 750°C, and high-P, from 16 to 20 kbar, tremolite–chlorite peridotites of the tremolite zone. Olivines are Fo88–Fo91, and orthopyroxenes (Mg# = 0.91) show low and homogenous distributions of Al2O3 (up to 0.25 wt%), Cr2O3 (up to 0.25 wt%), CaO (up to 0.36 wt%) and TiO2 (up to 0.06 wt%) due to the low equilibration temperature. Chromian spinels, which are euhedral and enclosed mainly in the orthopyroxenes, have high TiO2, 3.1 wt% (up to 5.7 wt%) on average, and high Cr# [=Cr/(Cr + Al) atomic ratio], 0.95 on average but low Fe3+ [=Fe3+/(Cr + Al + Fe3+) atomic ratio, <0.3]. The bulk-rock chemistry shows that the Happo-O’ne metaperidotites with this peculiar spinel are low in TiO2 (0.01–0.02 wt%), indicating no addition of TiO2 from the outside source during the metamorphism; the high TiO2 of the peculiar spinel has been accomplished by Ti release from Ti-bearing high-T pyroxenes during the formation of low-T, low-Ti silicates (<0.1 wt% TiO2) during cooling. Some dunites are intact from hydration: their olivine is Fo92 and spinel shows high Cr#, 0.72. The Happo-O’ne metaperidotites (tremolite–chlorite peridotites), being in the corner of the mantle wedge, are representative of a hydrous low-T, high-P mantle peridotite facies transitional from a higher T anhydrous peridotite facies (spinel peridotites) formed by in situ retrograde metamorphism influenced by fluids from the subducting slab. They have suffered from low-T (<600°C) retrogressive metamorphism to form antigorite and diopside during exhumation of the Renge metamorphic belt.  相似文献   
Abstract. In order to know the behaviors of radioactive elements such as cesium and strontium during a hydrothermal alteration of borosilicate glass of radioactive waste, some alumino-borosilicate glasses belonging to the systems Na2O-Al2O3-B2O3-SiO2-SrO, Na2O-Al2O3-B2O3-SiO2-Cs2O and Na2O-Al2-O3-B2O3-SiO2-SrO-Cs2O have been treated hydrothermally at 200C under a vapor pressure of 1.54 MPa. The result shows that all glasses are changed into crystalline phases with running time up to 60 days, and that analcime-type zeolite is formed as a major product. The formed zeolite is shown to contain cesium and/or strontium. Considering the fact that natural zeolite occurs in wide physicochemical conditions including hydrothermal one, the analcime-type zeolite is expected to fix stably the radioactive elements in the disposal site. Since aluminum is necessary for the formation of the analcime-type zeolite, the waste glass should have aluminum as one of major components.  相似文献   
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