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Pristane (2,6,10,14 -tetramethylpentadecane) occurs ubiquitously in the marine environment. This hydrocarbon may be of biogenic or petrogenic origin.1 Recently it has been shown that residual amounts of this branched alkane increased in marine organisms after an oil spill.2,3 The lack of data on the fate of pristane in fish, added with the fact that this compound was considered by some authors as a non-metabolisable substance in vertebrates, including man,4 led us to investigate the capability of fish to metabolise pristane. In this study, urinary and fecal excretion, tissue distribution and metabolism of 3H-pristane were analysed in Salmo gairdneri R. after a single intragastric dose. In addition to unchanged hydrocarbon, various labelled compounds have been isolated and identified in liver, bile, faeces, urine and surrounding water, demonstrating that pristane was first oxidised to alcohols (pristanol and pristane-diol) and to acid (pristanic acid). The elimination of these compounds occurred in the form of conjugated products (primarily glucuronides) as well as free metabolites.  相似文献   
In order to assess in fish the maternal transfer of alkylphenolic compounds to the progeny, the identification and quantification of the labelled compounds present in oocytes and embryos was conducted after dietary exposure of mature female mosquitofish to 14C-4n-nonylphenol during vitellogenesis and embryogenesis respectively. Radioactivity found in bile and liver extracts accounted for 0.9-0.6 and 0.2-0.1% of ingested radioactivity for females exposed during vitellogenesis and embryogenesis respectively. The amount of extractable radioactivity present in oocytes and embryos was 0.19 and 0.07% of the ingested dose respectively. The radio-HPLC profiles obtained from bile, liver, oocyte and embryo extracts were similar. They showed the presence of 4n-NP-glucuronide as the major metabolite and traces of unchanged 4n-NP. The other metabolites corresponded to 8-hydroxynonylphenol, 9-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-nonanoic acid and para-hydroxybenzoic acid which is the final product of the alkyl chain oxidation. Our results indicate that exposure of ovoviviparous female fish to 4-NP during vitellogenesis and embryogenesis leads to the contamination of the progeny by 4-NP and its metabolites.  相似文献   
Knowledge of trophic interactions between the key components of marine communities is required to understand food-web dynamics and develop ecosystem-based management approaches. In West Africa, where fisheries sustain the livelihoods of a significant part of the human population, this understanding is even more urgent, especially in the face of rapidly expanding fisheries and some stock collapses in the region. We studied the feeding ecology of the Crevalle jack Caranx hippos, West African Spanish mackerel Scomberomorus tritor and Guinean barracuda Sphyraena afra in the Bijagós Archipelago, Guinea-Bissau. These are the most abundant pelagic predatory teleost fishes in the area, but little is known about their ecology despite being species with commercial and recreational value, and they likely also play an important role in various African coastal ecosystems. Our findings show a high degree of dietary overlap among these three predator species, despite some degree of segregation by prey size and type. All three predators depend on Sardinella maderensis as the most important prey, which together with other members of the Clupeidae represented 47–96% of the ingested prey items. There was little difference in the diets of the predators between the dry and rainy seasons. These novel findings suggest a ‘wasp-waist’-structured ecosystem in the Bijagós Archipelago in which S. maderensis is the central small-sized pelagic fish species, and stress the need for an ecosystem-based approach to fisheries management in the region, with precautionary measures taken to avoid the overexploitation of clupeids.  相似文献   
The waters off South Africa's coastline boast a rich mix of commercially fished species. Quantitative assessments of these marine resources have developed from simple methods first applied in the 1970s, to models that encompass a wide range of methodologies. The more valuable resources have undergone regular assessments in recent decades, with frequencies closely related to the management approach employed for each fishery. Many of these assessments form the operating models used to simulation-test candidate management procedures. This paper provides a comprehensive review of the assessments of 11 of the most important fisheries resources in South Africa. Some assessments use simple biomass dynamics models, whereas others are a hybrid of age- and length-based models, each designed to model the specific characteristics of the resource and fishery concerned. Many of the assessments have been disaggregated by species/stock and/or area as related multispecies/stock/ distribution hypotheses have arisen. This paper explores the similarities and differences in the data available and the methods applied. The review indicates that, whereas the status of three of these resources cannot be estimated reliably at present, the status of six resources is considered to be reasonable to good, whereas that of abalone Haliotis midae and West Coast rock lobster Jasus lalandii remains poor.  相似文献   
详细介绍了地下水水源保护区范围的计算方法:Krijgsman-Lobo-Ferreira(KLF)法,分别推导出了正水流梯度方向、负水流梯度方向和垂直于地下水流方向保护区范围的计算公式,并就方法的适用性及参数取值等问题进行了探讨.在徐州张集地区应用的结果表明,KLF法提供了一种计算地下水保护区范围的便捷、科学、有效的方法,计算结果对于确定地下水源保护区范围及有效保护地下水源具有实际意义.  相似文献   
Rainbow trout hepatocytes were isolated by a two step perfusion technique and maintained either in monolayer culture for 5 days or in aggregate culture for 30 days. Cytochrome P450 content decreased from day 0 to day 5 in both culture systems, and then was preserved at the same level after one month in aggregated cells. 7-Ethoxyresorufin O-deethylase (EROD) and UDP-glucuronosyl transferase were not significantly different in freshly isolated cells and in 30-day aggregated hepatocytes, whereas a substantial increase in glutathione S-transferase was observed. Two-day exposure of cells to β-naphthoflavone led to a significant increase in EROD activity in both culture systems, especially after one month of aggregation (10-fold increase). According to these results, aggregate culture of rainbow trout hepatocytes seems to be a promising in vitro model to investigate the biotransformation pathways in fish and their regulation by endogenous and exogenous compounds.  相似文献   
In recent years several studies reported the regulation by growth hormone (GH) of the expression of a variety of P450 forms in mammals. However the effect of GH on the xenobiotic-metabolizing enzymes of fish are still unknown. The aim of this work was to investigate the effects of ovine GH—a growth hormone known to be efficient in trout—on the cytochrome P450 level and on aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase, aminopyrine-N-demethylase, glucuronyl transferase and glutathione transferase activities in trout. The GH-implanted trout (n = 50) each received a single cholesterol pellet containing ovine GH and were compared to control animals (n = 50) receiving a single cholesterol pellet without GH. After 15 days fish were killed and the liver and gills were excised for the measurement of xenobiotic-metabolizing enzyme activities. GH treatment significantly decreased the level of hepatic cytochrome P450 and the activities of cytochrome P450 dependent monooxygenases. In contrast, no significant effect of the treatment was observed on the glutathione transferase and UDP-glucuronyl transferase activities. Moreover, GH treatment had no effect on branchial phase I and phase II enzyme activities. This study provides evidence that GH level significantly affects the expression of several members of the hepatic cytochrome P450 family in trout.  相似文献   
Iodine is one of the most problematic radioisotopes in the context of nuclear waste geological disposal due to its high mobility. Considerable effort has been dedicated to the measurement of its potential retardation during diffusive transport leading to conflicting results, from no retardation to significant retardation, leading in turn to considerable debate. The present study aims at providing new insights into this aspect of the iodine problem by careful quantification of iodine reservoirs in the Callovian-Oxfordian (COx) clay rock taken here as model material for these studies. The present study confirmed the ubiquitous presence of iodine at 1-5 mg kg−1 level in the COx clayey formation. The iodide concentration level in the porewater is also confirmed at a value in the range ∼20-40 μmol L−1, i.e. higher than the expected range of radio-iodine concentration in the far-field of the storage. Surprisingly, most of the iodine was found not to be associated with organic matter but rather in an inorganic form associated with carbonate minerals. This result has potentially significant implications for the fate of radio-iodine. In undisturbed far-field conditions, most natural iodine would not be accessible for isotopic exchange with radioactive iodine, reducing the effective Kd to negligible values. During laboratory experiments, good monitoring of the geochemical parameters (at least the Eh, pH, PCO2, [Ca] and [Mg]) is mandatory to avoid iodine-bearing carbonate precipitation and to enable rigorous interpretation of the iodide diffusion/retention experiments.  相似文献   
Nonylphenol (NP) is a breakdown product of alkylphenol polyethoxylates (APEs), an important class of non-ionic surfactants that are widely used in many detergent formulations and plastic products for industrial and domestic use. A complex microbial degradation pattern, characterized by the formation of several metabolic products that are more toxic than the parent compound, has been established for APEs. We have studied the in vivo metabolism and organ distribution of NP in juvenile salmon. Fish were exposed to a single oral dose of [3H]-4-n-NP (1295 KBq, 25 micrograms) and sampled at 24, 48 and 72 h after exposure. Metabolites were separated by radio-high-performance liquid chromatography and tentatively identified by cochromatography with standards characterized by mass spectrometry. Our results show that 4-n-NP was mainly metabolized in vivo to its corresponding glucuronide conjugate and to a lesser extent to various hydroxylated and oxidated compounds. Biliary excretion at 72 h after dosing amounted to 2.83 +/- 0.75% of the administered radioactivity. Kinetic analysis shows that NP-glucuronide accounted for 83, 95 and 81% of total radioactivity in the HPLC-injected bile sample at 24, 48 and 72 h, respectively, after exposure. The half-life of residues in carcass and muscle was between 24 and 48 h after exposure.  相似文献   
Aquatic organisms are extensively exposed to phthalate esters. We have investigated in trout the effects of diethylhexylphthalate (DEHP) and dibutylphthalate (DBP) on xenobiotic metabolizing enzymes which have been suggested as possible environmental biomarkers. Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) were waterborne exposed to DEHP (1 mg/l) or DBP (0.1 or 1 mg/l) for 72 h. Another group of rainbow trout received daily for 3 days an intraperitoneal injection of 50 mg/kg of DEHP or DBP. Laurate hydroxylation, ethoxyresorufin-o-deethylation, UDP-glucuronyltransferase activity and glutathione-S-transferase activity were measured in liver and extrahepatic tissues. The phthalate esters have been found not to induce these enzymes; in particular, the results do not support the previously described induction of lauric acid hydroxylase in sea bass treated with DEHP [Comp. Biochem. Physiol. B122 (1999) 253.].  相似文献   
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