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The joint evolution of organic matter and silica in petroliferous sequences is considered in the terms of the laws of transformation of dispersion systems. The dispersion systems are transformed under conditions of low-temperature solid-phase processes accompanied by the silica phase transition and dehydration that favors the evolution of organic matter.  相似文献   
The oil and gas potential of Jurassic deposits of the shelf zone of the Barents Sea is confirmed by the discovery of a series of fields, both in the Russian sector of the Barents Sea, and in the Norwegian one. Along with known large gas and gas-condensate fields, the first oil field was opened in the western Norwegian part in April 2011. Peculiarities of the stratigraphy of the Jurassic complex indicate that cyclicity occurred in the development of the basin. The results of the works that were carried out demonstrate that the search for oil and gas fields in sandy reservoirs, deposited at the periods of regression is promising. Regionally extended clayey beds, which were deposited during periods of transgression, are considered as a seal. New oil and gas fields can be found, not only in the anticline structures, but also in lithological traps.  相似文献   
盆地形成的原因包括:构造圈深部地带物质的不稳定状态、软流圈厚度的增加和继而地壳厚度的减小。大多数沉积盆地均有一些高能不稳定层,反映了岩石特征的非线性交换。  相似文献   
The history of the formation of sedimentary basins located predominantly in the western shelf of the Chukchi Sea is considered along with the data on the geology of adjacent areas of the American part of the sea and northern Alaska reported in the available publications on this region. The main lithotectonic complexes that correspond to particular stages of evolution of the region are identified. The tectonic rearrangement of the structural grain in response to the formation of the Canada Basin resulted in the development of the North Chukchi Trough. Intense subsidence of this trough and accumulation of thick sedimentary sequence favored, in turn, the balanced inversion uplift of the Wrangel-Herald Zone spatially related to depocenters of older sediments. Vigorous uplift and folding ceased in the Albian. In the geologic record, these processes are marked by unconformity and overstep of the older structural features. The inversion uplifts continued to rise later. Analysis of the data available provides new insights into the structure and evolution of the region. The sedimentary basins with a great thickness of their fill were favorable for generation and accumulation of hydrocarbons. The large uplifted blocks, extensive wedge-out zones, and stratigraphic unconformities at the walls of troughs and uplift slopes are especially favorable for hydrocarbon accumulation. Permissive beds are correlated with the Neocomian-Aptian sequence in Alaska that hosts oil and gas fields. The Upper Paleozoic and Lower Mesozoic strata, which are the main petroliferous sedimentary rocks in Alaska, may occur at a shallow depth in the Wrangel-Herald Inversion Zone. The conclusions drawn in this paper should be taken into account during reappraisal of the petroleum resources throughout the entire Chukchi shelf. At present, several oil and gas prospects are outlined in the Russian part of the Chukchi Sea.  相似文献   
This paper discusses specific features in the origin of the Cenozoic sediments filling the Anadyr Basin. Two petroliferous rock complexes have been recognized: (1) lower, orogenic, including sedimentary rocks of an Eocene-Early Miocene age and (2) upper, postorogenic, embracing Middle Miocene-Pliocene sediments. The total initial hydrocarbon resources in the land and aquatorial parts of the Anadyr petroliferous basin have been calculated.  相似文献   
俄罗斯的内陆和海上大约有 30个盆地赋含油气。这些盆地囊括了所有的以板块构造为分类准则的盆地类型 ,即 :( 1)内陆裂谷和超裂谷台坳 ;( 2 )现代大陆边缘的上叠台坳 ;( 3)与冲断褶皱系统毗邻的被动大陆边缘和 ( 4 )岩石圈板块聚敛带 (即大洋板块俯冲到大陆板块之下的地带 )。第一类盆地包括广袤的西西伯利亚超拗拉槽盆地和西伯里亚的Viluy拗拉槽等。第二类包括一些具油气远景的俄罗斯北冰洋盆地和里海边缘盆地。第三类包括乌拉尔前渊的伏尔加—乌拉尔盆地 (Volga—Urals)、大高加索前渊的亚速—库班盆地 (Azov—Kuban)和捷列克—里海盆地 (Terek—Caspian)以及其它盆地。被动大陆边缘经历了 2个到 3个演化阶段 ,主要油气聚集期通常对应后裂谷期。第四类盆地是指远东和俄罗斯东北部的盆地。在鄂霍次克海 (萨哈林岛—鄂霍次克和西堪察加—鄂霍次克 )已经发现了油气田 ,有一些盆地 (Anadyr和Khatyrka)已被证实含有油气。裂陷作用也控制着弧后盆地的形成。盆地的地球动力学特征控制着油气藏的分布、圈闭类型和资源富集程度。俄罗斯的油气富集区主要集中在伏尔加—乌拉尔、西西伯利亚、铁梓哥—伯朝阿 (Timano—Pechora)和萨哈林 (Sakhalin)地区 ,大约 4 5%的资源量被采出 ,其他盆地有很好的远景。里海的俄?  相似文献   
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