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Abstract. The oxygen consumption of Eudendrium glomeratum was measured monthly, throughout the period of active presence of the species in the field, to obtain indications on its physiological condition in the different phases of the cycle. Sets of one hundred polyps were assayed in the laboratory under normothermic (according to field temperature: 14–19°C) and hyperthermic conditions (22–25°C). The different response to identical temperatures at the extremes of the cycle, together with a differential ability to face stressful conditions in the same periods, suggests that other factors, besides temperature, regulate the seasonal cycle of Eudendrium glomeratum.  相似文献   
Man-made defence structures (e.g., breakwaters, jetties) are becoming common features of marine coastal landscapes all around the world. The ecology of assemblages of species associated with such artificial structures is, however, poorly known. In this study, we evaluated the density and size of fish predators of echinoids (i.e., Diplodus sargus, Diplodus vulgaris, Sparus aurata), and the density of sea urchins (i.e., Paracentrotus lividus) at defence structures (i.e., breakwaters) inside and outside the marine protected area of Miramare (northern Adriatic Sea) in order to: (1) assess possible differences in fish predator density and size between protected and fished breakwaters; (2) assess whether fish predation may have the potential to affect sea urchin density in artificial rocky habitats. Surveys were carried out at four random times over a period of two years. Total density, and density of medium- and large-sized individuals of the three predatory fishes were generally greater at the protected than at the fished breakwaters, whereas no differences were detected in the density of small-sized individuals. Density of the sea urchin P. lividus did not show any difference between protected and fished breakwaters. The results of this study suggest that: (1) protection may significantly affect predatory fishes in artificial rocky habitats; (2) differences in predatory fish density, and size may be unrelated with the density of the sea urchin P. lividus; (3) protected artificial structures such as breakwaters, originally planned for other purposes, could represent a potential tool for fish population recovery and enhancement of local fisheries.  相似文献   
Resting Stages of Plankton in Recent North Adriatic Sediments   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Abstract. Plankton-derived resting stages were found in 26 sediment cores collected in the North Adriatic Sea; 46 morphotypes were identified, 38 were attributed to taxa according to their morphology and, in some hatching cases, also according to the morphology of the derived active forms. Six species of Dinophyta were recorded for the first time from the North Adriatic Sea. Each morphotype was described in detail. Twenty-nine resting stages were Dinophyta; one was a Chrysophyta; two were Tintinnina; and six were metazoans. At every site Dinophyta cysts were more abundant than Metazoa cysts. Cyst bank densities were variable, with empty forms generally more abundant than full ones; cyst concentrations were highest at the mouth of the Po River delta.  相似文献   
Macroalgal beds in temperate rocky habitats provide shelter and food for many adult reef fishes and their juvenile stages. In the Mediterranean Sea, the fishery of the endolithic date-mussel Lithophaga lithophaga (which involves dismantling of rocky substrates inhabited by these bivalves) may cause formation of barrens in shallow rocky reefs. Preliminary data collected in SW Apulia (SE Italy) show that rocky reefs impacted by this destructive fishery display different distribution patterns of adult Coris julis (a common labrid fish in the Mediterranean basin), and lower abundance of juveniles. The ecological implications of date-mussel fishery for dynamics of fish populations and rocky-reef ecosystem functioning (e.g., nursery role) are discussed.  相似文献   
Ferdinando  Boero 《Marine Ecology》1996,17(1-3):237-250
Abstract. An episodic event can be one of the many "episodes" forming a normal flow of related events. But it can also be an "incident" interrupting a trend and initiating a new one. Appreciation of contrasting meanings of apparently identical categories of phenomena is familiar to evolutionary biologists who, for instance, envisage evolution as the result of both gradual and punctuated events. Seasonal plankton blooms (both normal and noxious), species outbreaks, mass mortalities, and human predation are taken as examples of "episodes" that can influence and/or modify what we perceive as "normality". Recruitment is another example of an episodic event heavily conditioning both community structure and function, as recently highlighted by the so-called supply-side ecology. The reductionistic study of ecology. more linked to thermodynamics than to history, allowed the formulation of general ecological laws which, however, stem from the laws of thermodynamics. The totalizing value of such laws blurs appreciation of heterogeneity and change, so that many ecologists tend to be rather conservative, using a concept like "conservation" as an absolute paradigm to follow and to consider "change" as an a priori negative phenomenon. Episodes can have a "conservative" or "innovative" meaning, and are the driving force of the history of life. Their importance is recognized mainly when dealing with the history of organisms (evolutionary biology), whereas the assemblages of organisms ( i.e ., communities) are too often described and interpreted in an ahistorical context or in a too narrow time frame. Recognition of the importance of history in ecology (evolutionary ecology) can lead to a better understanding of environmental dynamics, albeit restricting the supposed predictive strength of ecology, a science timely integrating the reductionistic-thermodynamic approach with the holistic-historical one.  相似文献   
F. Boero 《Marine Ecology》1984,5(2):93-118
Abstract. The history of the study of hydroid ecology is briefly outlined, pointing out the major methodological innovations which have contributed to the development of ecological research in the last thirty years. The influence of the major ecological factors on hydroid ecology and biology is synthesized, taking into account: substratum, water movement, light, salinity, sedimentation, exposure to air, temperature, food availability and pollution. Besides affecting the species composition of the hydroid community, these factors also influence the morphology and general biology of the individual species. The adaptations and reactions of hydroids to different intensities of the various environmental factors and to their combinations are reported.  相似文献   
Marine hydroids are markedly seasonal in temperate seas, being extremely sensitive to climatic changes disrupting seasonal patterns. Modifications in the composition, seasonality, bathymetric distribution and reproductive period of hydroid assemblages are useful to evaluate the influence of global warming on the marine ecosystem. The hydroids on the rocky cliff of the Portofino Promontory (Ligurian Sea, Italy) were carefully studied between 1976 and 1983; in particular, in 1980 the study was carried out along a vertical transect. The hydroids were sampled again throughout 2004, with the same techniques and along the same transect. Species diversity decreased slightly in the 2004 survey. Some species present in 1980 had disappeared in 2004, but other species with southern affinity, never recorded from the area, became abundant in 2004. Species that were present in summer in the first period were also present in winter in the second one. Furthermore, shallow summer species widened their bathymetric distribution, reaching deeper levels. These data strongly suggest that the Portofino hydroid assemblage reacted to the water temperature increase found in the Mediterranean Sea.  相似文献   
Coastal fish indicate human-induced changes in the Mediterranean littoral.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Coastal fish assemblages were studied to assess two sorts of human impacts in southwestern Apulia (SE Italy, Mediterranean Sea). Fish assemblages were evaluated by visual census along two rocky locations impacted by a sewage outfall discharging nearshore (S) and by date-mussel (Lithophaga lithophaga) fisheries (F), respectively, and at two control locations (Cs). Multivariate analyses showed that fish assemblage structures at S and F differed from those at Cs. Asymmetric ANOVAs indicated that species richness were significantly lower both at S (approximately 27%) and at F (approximately 35%) compared with Cs. Total fish abundance was 5- to 7-fold higher at S than at Cs, while the values recorded at F were comparable to those of Cs. At S, average abundances of planktivorous fish and POM feeders were higher, and those of labrids and sparids of the genus Diplodus were lower, respectively, than at Cs. Labrids of the genus Symphodus and small serranids were significantly less abundant at F than Cs. Data suggested that coastal fish respond to the impact caused by the sewage discharge and provided a framework to assess potential benefits of its future displacement to deeper waters. For the first time, moreover, this study provided suggestive evidence that the habitat destruction caused by the illegal date-mussel fisheries may affect fish assemblages.  相似文献   
Marine protected areas (MPAs) are aimed at managing and protecting marine environments. Their design, however, often disregards both a thorough knowledge of the distribution of habitats and assemblages and the use of proper experimental evaluations of the efficacy of MPAs by comparing protected vs. unprotected zones. About 200 MPAs have been recently instituted in the Mediterranean area, but the evidence of their efficacy is scant. The MPA of Torre Guaceto (Southern Adriatic Sea, Italy) is one of the rare cases of effective protection enforcement. The reserve was instituted more than 10 years ago, a period currently considered as sufficient to show responses by organisms to protection. The MPA is divided into a C zone, the general reserve, where many activities are permitted, a B zone, the partial reserve where restrictions increase and two A zones, the integral reserve where access is prohibited. The goals of the paper were to map the distribution of benthic assemblages to assess if they were properly represented in the differently protected zones, and to test the efficacy of protection by quantifying possible differences between the assemblages in two control areas and in the two A zones, where human impact is completely excluded. The analysis of habitat and assemblage distribution within the MPA showed that the zones with total protection do not include most valuable environmental types. Most of the considered variables (i.e. cover of substratum, number of taxa, and average abundance of the most common taxa) were not significantly different in and out of the A zones, at each time of sampling. Results, however, suggested a possible effect of protection in modifying patterns of abundance of sponges under Cystoseira canopy (more abundant in the fully protected zone). In the subtidal habitat, differences were found in the structure of the whole assemblage and in the abundance of encrusting coralline red algae (more abundant outside the fully protected area). Notwithstanding the correct general methodology employed in the study, a lack of statistical power could have a role in preventing the detection of ecologically relevant effects of protection. In some instances, data pooling allowed a discrimination between cases where there was clearly no effect of protection and cases where there might be. On this basis, the optimization of this experimental design should be considered in further studies. In any case, if the goals of MPAs have not been clearly stated, efficacy of protection might prove very difficult to test even with the use of sound experimental designs.  相似文献   
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