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Ralph B. Baldwin 《Icarus》1985,61(1):63-91
This paper contains a reasonably successful attempt to determine relative ages and then absolute ages of individual craters younger than Imbrium, and the rate of infalls onto the Moon as a function of time. After the tail of the massive premare bombardment became depleted before 3 aeons (1 aeon = 109 years) ago, there was a period of minimal numbers of infalls. The rate of infalls increased rather steadily from this minimum to the present. The rate in the geologically recent past (0.3 aeon) was about two times that found for the period immediately after the last of the major lave outpourings (3.2 aeons). Absolute ages were determined for large craters (?8 km) from crater counts on the surfaces within and on the rims of the large craters. Key dates were 0 and 0.3 aeon for terrestrial meteoritic craters, 3.2, 3.5, 3.8, and 3.82 aeons for the various mare surfaces according to the determinations of D.E. Wilhelms (1980, Geologic history of the Moon, U.S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Pap.) and 3.85 aeons from the formation of Imbrium.  相似文献   
Near-bottom normal incidence acoustic reflection data and sediment physical property data are used to study the relationships between acoustic reflections and sediment physical properties. A pinger-hydrophone experiment was performed to obtain the necessary acoustic reflection data. In addition, a standard piston core was retrieved in the acoustic survey area for physical property analysis. The piston core was sampled and 13 properties were measured at 55 locations within the top 12 m of the core. Correlation studies amongst the sediment physical properties resulted in the following strong correlations: acoustic impedance (Z) and porosity (N), (0.96); water content (WC) and Z, (0.95); bulk density (BD) and Z, (0.99).The empirical orthonormal function (EOF) method was employed for acoustic signal analysis. This method assumes no a-priori models of the sediment or causality. The EOF method reduced the acoustic data to 8 functions that contained 97.6% of the sample variance. The EOFs were subsequently analysed by using cepstrum analysis which reveals time delay information and enhances detecting zones of reflectivity. The result of the sediment physical property and cepstrum analysis indicates that zones of reflectivity are essentially zones of relatively high acoustic impedance, low porosity, and low phi (high mean grain size).  相似文献   
Phase equilibria modelling, laser‐ablation split‐stream (LASS)‐ICP‐MS petrochronology and garnet trace‐element geochemistry are integrated to constrain the P–T–t history of the footwall of the Priest River metamorphic core complex, northern Idaho. Metapelitic, migmatitic gneisses of the Hauser Lake Gneiss contain the peak assemblage garnet + sillimanite + biotite ± muscovite + plagioclase + K‐feldspar ± rutile ± ilmenite + quartz. Interpreted P–T paths predict maximum pressures and peak metamorphic temperatures of ~9.6–10.3 kbar and ~785–790 °C. Monazite and xenotime 208Pb/232Th dates from porphyroblast inclusions indicate that metamorphism occurred at c. 74–54 Ma. Dates from HREE‐depleted monazite formed during prograde growth constrain peak metamorphism at c. 64 Ma near the centre of the complex, while dates from HREE‐enriched monazite constrain the timing of garnet breakdown during near‐isothermal decompression at c. 60–57 Ma. Near‐isothermal decompression to ~5.0–4.4 kbar was followed by cooling and further decompression. The youngest, HREE‐enriched monazite records leucosome crystallization at mid‐crustal levels c. 54–44 Ma. The northernmost sample records regional metamorphism during the emplacement of the Selkirk igneous complex (c. 94–81 Ma), Cretaceous–Tertiary metamorphism and limited Eocene exhumation. Similarities between the Priest River complex and other complexes of the northern North American Cordillera suggest shared regional metamorphic and exhumation histories; however, in contrast to complexes to the north, the Priest River contains less partial melt and no evidence for diapiric exhumation. Improved constraints on metamorphism, deformation, anatexis and exhumation provide greater insight into the initiation and evolution of metamorphic core complexes in the northern Cordillera, and in similar tectonic settings elsewhere.  相似文献   
We have measured the shape and absolute value of Venus' reflectivity spectrum in the 1.2-to 4.0-μm spectral region with a circular variable filter wheel spectrometer having a spectral resolution of 1.5%. The instrument package was mounted on the 91-cm telescope of NASA Ames Kuiper Airborne Observatory, and the measurements were obtained at an altitude of about 41,000 feet, when Venus had a phase angle of 86°. Comparing these spectra with synthetic spectra generated with a multiple-scattering computer code, we infer a number of properties of the Venus clouds. We obtain strong confirmatory evidence that the clouds are made of a water solution of sulfuric acid in their top unit optical depth and find that the clouds are made of this material down to an optical depth of at least 25. In addition, we determine that the acid concentration is 84 ± 2% H2SO4 by weight in the top unit optical depth, that the total optical depth of the clouds is 37.5 ± 12.5, and that the cross-sectional weighted mean particle radius lies between 0.5 and 1.4 μm in the top unit optical depth of the clouds. These results have been combined with a recent determination of the location of the clouds' bottom boundary [Marov et al., Cosmic Res.14, 637–642 (1976)] to infer additional properties about Venus' atmosphere. We find that the average volume mixing ratio of H2SO4 and H2O contained in the cloud material both equal approximately 2× 10?6. Employing vapor pressure arguments, we show that the acid concentration equals 84 ± 6% at the cloud bottom and that the water vapor mixing ratio beneath the clouds lies between 6 × 10?4 and 10?2.  相似文献   
We report contemporaneous multi-wavelength interferometric imaging of the red supergiant star Betelgeuse ( α Orionis), using the Cambridge Optical Aperture Synthesis Telescope (COAST) and the William Herschel Telescope (WHT), at wavelengths of 700, 905 and 1290 nm. We find a strong variation in the apparent symmetry of the stellar brightness distribution as a function of wavelength. At 700 nm the star is highly asymmetric, and can be modelled as the superposition of three bright spots on a strongly limb-darkened disc. However, at 905 nm only a single low-contrast feature is visible and at 1290 nm the star presents a featureless symmetric disc. The change in spot contrast with wavelength is consistent with a model in which the bright spots represent unobscured areas of elevated temperature, owing perhaps to convection, on a stellar disc that itself has a different appearance, i.e. geometrical extent and limb-darkening profile, at different wavelengths. The featureless centre-to-limb brightness profile seen at 1290 nm is consistent with this model and suggests that future interferometric monitoring of the star to quantify the size changes associated with radial velocity variations should be performed at similar wavelengths in the near-infrared.  相似文献   
In coastal populations of invertebrates and fishes, the distribution of discrete subpopulations is influenced by adult and larval dispersal, as well as by the effects of habitat heterogeneity on site fidelity or connectivity. Here, we examine evidence for spatial structure of sea perch, Helicolenus percoides, populations among four fjords in the Fiordland region of southwestern New Zealand. We examine patterns in adult morphology, length-at-age, δ13C and δ15N of muscle tissue, and trace elemental composition of whole otoliths as proxies for population isolation among the four inner fjord regions. A multivariate analysis of morphometrics reveals significant differences among populations from each of the four sites, suggesting existence of four distinct subpopulations. These patterns are consistent with observed differences in δ13C and δ15N, and length-at-age estimates among the four subpopulations. Differences in whole otolith concentrations of Sr, Ba, Mg and Li, and high classification scores based on the whole otolith elemental fingerprint are also consistent with significant subdivision among areas. Patterns across all four markers are consistent with discrete subpopulation structure of adult sea perch among the four study sites. These data indicate that the newly implemented network of marine protected areas in Fiordland is likely to contain discrete populations of sea perch.  相似文献   
Measurements of the sulfur dioxide (SO2) emission rate from three Guatemalan volcanoes provide data which are consistent with theoretical and laboratory studies of eruptive and shallow magma chamber processes. In particular, unerupted magma makes a major contribution to the measured SO2 emission rates at Santiaguito, a continuously erupting dacitic volcanic dome. Varying shallow magma convection rates can explain the variations in SO2 emission rates at Santiaguito. At Fuego, a basaltic volcano currently in repose, SO2 emission rate measurements are consistent with a high level magma body that is crystallizing and releasing volatiles. At Pacaya, a continuously erupting basaltic volcano, recent SO2 emission rate measurements support laboratory simulation studies of strombolian eruptions; these studies indicate that the majority of gas escapes during eruptions and little gas escapes between eruptions.Average SO2 emission rates over the last 20 years for Santiaguito, Fuego and Pacaya are 80, 160 and 260 Mg/d, respectively. On a global scale, these three volcanoes account for 1% of the annual global volcanic output of SO2. Santiaguito and Pacaya, together, emit 6% of the total annual SO2 emitted by continuously erupting volcanoes.Even though SO2 measurements at these volcanoes have been made infrequently and by different investigators, the collective data help to establish a useful baseline by which to judge future changes. A more complete record of SO2 emission rates from these volcanoes could lead to a better understanding of their eruption mechanisms and reduce the impact of their future eruptions on Guatemalan society.  相似文献   
The design of a school‐based geography curriculum presents opportunities and challenges for teachers in New Zealand secondary schools. This article discussed the considerations that teachers need to make when developing a school‐based curriculum that is suited to the needs and interests of the students in their school and community. An example of a programme that has been developed to meet the needs and interests of students in a particular secondary school in Christchurch, New Zealand, was outlined.  相似文献   
The upper deck of the East Athabasca mylonite triangle (EAmt), northern Saskatchewan, Canada, contains mafic granulites that have undergone high P–T metamorphism at conditions ranging from 1.3 to 1.9 GPa, 890–960 °C. Coronitic textures in these mafic granulites indicate a near‐isothermal decompression path to 0.9 GPa, 800 °C. The Godfrey granite occurs to the north adjacent to the upper deck high P–T domain. Well‐preserved corona textures in the Godfrey granite constrain igneous crystallization and early metamorphism in the intermediate‐pressure granulite field (Opx + Pl) at 1.0 GPa, 775 °C followed by metamorphism in the high pressure granulite field (Grt + Cpx + Pl) at 1.2 GPa, 860 °C. U–Pb geochronology of zircon in upper deck mafic granulite yields evidence for events at both c. 2.5 Ga and c. 1.9 Ga. The oldest zircon dates are interpreted to constrain a minimum age for crystallization or early metamorphism of the protolith. A population of 1.9 Ga zircon in one mafic granulite is interpreted to constrain the timing of high P–T metamorphism. Titanite from the mafic granulites yields dates ranging from 1900 to 1894 Ma, and is interpreted to have grown along the decompression path, but still above its closure temperature, indicating cooling following the high P–T metamorphism from c. 960–650 °C in 4–10 Myr. Zircon dates from the Godfrey granite indicate a minimum crystallization age of 2.61 Ga, without any evidence for 1.9 Ga overgrowths. The data indicate that an early granulite facies event occurred at c. 2.55–2.52 Ga in the lower crust (c. 1.0 GPa), but at 1.9 Ga the upper deck underwent high P–T metamorphism, then decompressed to 0.9–1.0 GPa. Juxtaposition of the upper deck and Godfrey granite would have occurred after or been related to this decompression. In this model, the high P–T rocks are exhumed quickly following the high pressure metamorphism. This type of metamorphism is typically associated with collisional orogenesis, which has important implications for the Snowbird tectonic zone as a fundamental boundary in the Canadian Shield.  相似文献   
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