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结合中尺度数值模式WRF预报数据和ERA5再分析资料,利用机器学习方法对WRF预报场的风场、温度、气压进行预报订正。采用ERA5作为真值,与原始WRF预报相比,利用随机森林模型可以将预报结果整体均方根误差降低44%以上,利用深度神经网络模型可以将预报结果整体均方根误差降低34%以上。通过随机森林模型实验得到不同输入特征对预报要素的影响程度,分析了关键的预报订正因子。  相似文献   
数值预报是研究地球系统的重要工具,有助于加深科学家对大气、海洋、气候和环境等复杂系统之间相互作用和变化过程的理解,在防灾减灾、气候变化和环境治理等方面发挥着不可或缺的作用。随着模式复杂度和分辨率的提高,传统数值模式在气候变化研究和气候预测方面取得了迅速的进展,但也面临一些挑战,需要得到数据同化、集合耦合、高性能计算和不确定性分析等多方面的支持。而近年来,“AI+气象”的交叉研究在气象领域引起了广泛关注。基于多种深度学习架构的人工智能大模型,依托强大的计算资源和海量的数据进行训练,能够以新的科学范式进行高效数值预报。气象大模型不断涌现,一些科技公司如华为、英伟达、DeepMind、谷歌、微软等,以及国内外高校如清华大学、复旦大学、密歇根大学、莱斯大学等发布了多个涵盖临近预报、短时预报、中期预报和延伸期预报等不同领域的气象大模型。这标志着人工智能与气象领域的交叉融合已经达到新的高度。尽管气象大模型在现阶段取得了较大突破,但其发展仍然面临弱可解释性、泛化能力不足、极端事件预报强度偏低、智能预报结果过平滑、深度学习框架能力需要拓展等诸多挑战。  相似文献   
世界气候研究计划(WCRP)组织实施第六次国际耦合模式比较计划(CMIP6),清华大学联合国内多家单位,通过多年的模式研发,完成联合地球系统模式(CIESM),除了CMIP6的气候诊断、评估和描述试验(DECK)和历史气候模拟试验(Historical),模式拟参与6个CMIP6子计划。通过介绍该模式的基本情况及其参与的试验子计划,为今后模式试验数据使用者提供参考。  相似文献   
本文从气候系统观测资料、数值模拟资料、经济社会资料和土地利用资料等方面论述了全球气候变化的科学大数据的构成。为推动气候变化大数据的应用,需要进一步发展集成融合、存储共享、数字模拟和数据挖掘等新的科学大数据处理技术方法。文章还分析了科学大数据在全球气候服务框架和未来地球计划中的应用价值,并对其未来发展进行了展望。  相似文献   
This study mainly introduces the development of the Flexible Global Ocean-Atmosphere-Land System Model: Grid-point Version 2 (FGOALS-g2) and the preliminary evaluations of its performances based on results from the pre-industrial control run and four members of historical runs according to the fifth phase of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP5) experiment design. The results suggest that many obvious improvements have been achieved by the FGOALS-g2 compared with the previous version,FGOALS-g1, including its climatological mean states, climate variability, and 20th century surface temperature evolution. For example,FGOALS-g2 better simulates the frequency of tropical land precipitation, East Asian Monsoon precipitation and its seasonal cycle, MJO and ENSO, which are closely related to the updated cumulus parameterization scheme, as well as the alleviation of uncertainties in some key parameters in shallow and deep convection schemes, cloud fraction, cloud macro/microphysical processes and the boundary layer scheme in its atmospheric model. The annual cycle of sea surface temperature along the equator in the Pacific is significantly improved in the new version. The sea ice salinity simulation is one of the unique characteristics of FGOALS-g2, although it is somehow inconsistent with empirical observations in the Antarctic.  相似文献   
提出一种基于数值模式预报产品的气温预报集成学习误差订正方法,通过人工神经网络、长短期记忆网络和线性回归模型组合出新的集成学习模型(ALS模型),采用2013—2017年的欧洲中期天气预报中心数值天气预报模式2 m气温预报产品和中国部分气象站点数据,利用气象站点气温、风速、气压、相对湿度4个观测要素,挖掘观测数据的时序特征并结合模式2 m气温预报结果训练机器学习模型,对2018年模式2 m气温6~168 h格点预报产品插值到站点后的预报结果进行偏差订正。结果表明:ALS模型可将站点气温预报整体均方根误差由3.11℃降至2.50℃,降幅达0.61℃(19.6%),而传统的线性回归模型降幅为0.23℃(8.4%)。ALS模型对站点气温预报误差较大的区域和气温峰值预报的订正效果尤为显著,因此,集成学习方法在数值模式预报结果订正中具有较大的应用潜力。  相似文献   
Preliminary evaluations of FGOALS-g2 for decadal predictions   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The Flexible Global Ocean-Atmosphere-Land System model, Grid-point Version 2 (FGOALS-g2) for decadal predictions, is evaluated preliminarily, based on sets of ensemble 10-year hindcasts that it has produced. The results show that the hindcasts were more accurate in decadal variability of SST and surface air temperature (SAT), particularly in that of Nin o3.4 SST and China regional SAT, than the second sample of the historical runs for 20th-century climate (the control) by the same model. Both the control and the hindcasts represented the global warming well using the same external forcings, but the control overestimated the warming. The hindcasts produced the warming closer to the observations. Performance of FGOALS-g2 in hindcasts benefits from more realistic initial conditions provided by the initialization run and a smaller model bias resulting from the use of a dynamic bias correction scheme newly developed in this study. The initialization consists of a 61-year nudging-based assimilation cycle, which follows on the control run on 01 January 1945 with the incorporation of observation data of upper-ocean temperature and salinity at each integration step in the ocean component model, the LASG IAP Climate System Ocean Model, Version 2 (LICOM2). The dynamic bias correction is implemented at each step of LICOM2 during the hindcasts to reduce the systematic biases existing in upper-ocean temperature and salinity by incorporating multi-year monthly mean increments produced in the assimilation cycle. The effectiveness of the assimilation cycle and the role of the correction scheme were assessed prior to the hindcasts.  相似文献   
黄小猛  郑飞  杨犇  穆斌  周勇  罗京佳 《大气科学》2023,47(1):185-193
2021年,国家自然科学基金委员会进行了大气科学学科资助布局改革,形成了分属于“分支学科”“支撑技术”和“发展领域”三大板块的共15个二级申请代码的全新资助体系。作为“支撑技术”板块中的重要成员,“D0510大气数据与信息技术”申请代码旨在鼓励先进技术与方法的创新以及大气学科基础理论与技术的交叉融合。本文从改革背景、逻辑框架、内涵构成等方面对新编“D0510大气数据与信息技术”申请代码的四大类研究方向及关键词进行了专门解读,阐明了D0510主要侧重于提高包容性与覆盖面的设计思路,强调了D0510对“卡脖子”关键技术和潜在“颠覆性”技术的引领作用。本文对往年D0510各方向关键词的基金申请和文献使用情况进行了统计分析,以帮助相关科研人员及时把握D0510申请代码的发展趋势,充分理解研究方向与关键词的内涵和逻辑关系,避免研究方向和关键词的选取过于集中或者与其它板块申请代码间产生混淆等问题,从而为更准确地选择相应的研究方向与关键词提供参考。  相似文献   
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