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主要利用2003年和2008年两次夏季北极科学考察的CTD数据处理了加拿大海盆上层海洋的热含量(这里上层海洋指的是200m以上的海洋),定量分析了热含量随深度的变化,并比较分析了这两年在夏季海冰融化期间热含量的垂向差异变化,以及影响热含量变化的因素,给出了上层海洋热含量在加拿大海盆的空间分布。2008年与2003年相比最显著的变化是在加拿大海盆开阔水域的增加,这将导致太阳辐射能进入海洋中的能量增加,同时海冰的大量融化带来了大量淡水,这些变化改变了上层海洋的温盐性质。海冰大量融化主要产生两个效应:一是上层海洋的普遍增暖,二是太平洋入流水体的下移。文中还分析了近年来在加拿大海盆中变化显著的次表层暖水现象,由于次表层暖水蕴含着不小的热含量,其在上层海洋热量平衡中的作用不容忽视。  相似文献   
This study presents an analysis of the CTD data and the turbulent microstructure data collected in 2014, the turbulent mixing environment above the Atlantic Water(AW) around the Chukchi Borderland region is studied.Surface wind becomes more efficient in driving the upper ocean movement along with the rapid decline of sea ice,thus results in a more restless interior of the Arctic Ocean. The turbulent dissipation rate is in the range of4.60×10~(–10)~(–3.31×10~(–9) W/kg with a mean value of 1.33×10~(–9) W/kg, while the diapycnal diffusivity is in the range of1.45×10~(–6)–1.46×10~(–5)m~2/s with a mean value of 4.84×10~(–6) m~2/s in 200–300 m(above the AW). After investigating on the traditional factors(i.e., wind, topography and tides) that may contribute to the turbulent dissipation rate, the results show that the tidal kinetic energy plays a dominating role in the vertical mixing above the AW. Besides, the swing of the Beaufort Gyre(BG) has an impact on the vertical shear of the geostrophic current and may contribute to the regional difference of turbulent mixing. The parameterized method for the double-diffusive convection flux above the AW is validated by the direct turbulent microstructure results.  相似文献   
基于Icepack一维海冰柱模式,以2014年中国第6次北极科学考察长期冰站ICE06的3个融池的辐射参量和气象参量的连续观测作为大气强迫数据,对融池反照率及相关参量进行了模拟。本文引入观测的融池深度及海冰厚度作为初始条件,通过考虑融池覆盖率的作用,改进了平整冰融池参数化方案中海冰干舷的计算,修正了冰上可允许的最大融池深度,成功实现了对融池参数变化的模拟;同时,还修正了入射辐射分量比例系数与对应反照率分量权重系数不一致的问题。标准试验中,模拟的3个融池的反照率与观测结果之间的平均误差分别为0.01、0.05和0.13;入射辐射比例的敏感性试验结果表明,当可见光辐射比例增大8%时,融池反照率的模拟结果增大了6%~8%;融池表面再冻结试验的结果显示,当再冻结冰层厚度小于2 cm时,模拟冰面反照率的增加不足0.006,由此引起的表面能量收支减少了约1.1 W/m2。本文研究指出,准确的入射辐射比例对于改善北极海冰反照率模拟是必要的;并指出目前模式仍存在融池表面再冻结参数化、热收支计算、表面吹雪效应等有待解决的问题。  相似文献   
The World Ocean Database(WOD) is used to evaluate the halocline depth simulated by an ice-ocean coupled model in the Canada Basin during 1990–2008. Statistical results show that the simulated halocline is reliable.Comparing of the September sea ice extent between simulation and SSM/I dataset, a consistent interannual variability is found between them. Moreover, both the simulated and observed September sea ice extent show staircase declines in 2000–2008 compared to 1990–1999. That supports that the abrupt variations of the ocean surface stress curl anomaly in 2000–2008 are caused by rapid sea ice melting and also in favor of the realistic existence of the simulated variations. Responses to these changes can be found in the upper ocean circulation and the intermediate current variations in these two phases as well. The analysis shows that seasonal variations of the halocline are regulated by the seasonal variations of the Ekman pumping. On interannual time scale, the variations of the halocline have an inverse relationship with the ocean surface stress curl anomaly after 2000,while this relationship no longer applies in the 1990 s. It is pointed out that the regime shift in the Canada Basin can be derived to illustrate this phenomenon. Specifically, the halocline variations are dominated by advection in the 1990 s and Ekman pumping in the 2000 s respectively. Furthermore, the regime shift is caused by changing Transpolar Drift pathway and Ekman pumping area due to spatial deformation of the center Beaufort high(BH)relative to climatology.  相似文献   
The Beaufort Gyre (BG) was spun up in the last decade which is an important factor in regulating the variation of the upper ocean. The heat content and freshwater content of the upper ocean increased g...  相似文献   
1972-2013年北欧海深层水增暖   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
The warming of deep waters in the Nordic seas is identified based on observations during Chinese 5th Arctic Expedition in 2012 and historical hydrographic data. The most obvious and earliest warming occurrs in the Greenland Basin(GB) and shows a coincident accelerated trend between depths 2 000 and 3 500 m. The observations at a depth of 3 000 m in the GB reveal that the potential temperature had increased from-1.30°C in the early 1970 s to-0.93°C in 2013, with an increase of about 0.37°C(the maximum spatial deviation is 0.06°C) in the past more than 40 years. This remarkable change results in that deep waters in the center of the Lofton Basin(LB) has been colder than that in the GB since the year 2007. As for the Norwegian Basin(NB), only a slight trend of warming have been shown at a depth around 2 000 m since the early 1980 s, and the warming amplitude at deeper waters is just slightly above the maximum spatial deviation, implying no obvious trend of warming near the bottom. The water exchange rate of the Greenland Basin is estimated to be 86% for the period from 1982 to 2013, meaning that the residence time of the Greenland Sea deep water(GSDW) is about 35 years. As the weakening of deep-reaching convection is going on, the abyssal Nordic seas are playing a role of heat reservoir in the subarctic region and this may cause a positive feedback on the deep-sea warming in both the Arctic Ocean and the Nordic seas.  相似文献   
2019-08-10—09-27,自然资源部第一海洋研究所牵头实施完成了中国第十次北极科学考察,该航次采用的考察船为"向阳红01"科学考察船,这是我国首次利用非破冰船抵达北极海域执行科考任务.本航次在中央航道区域、楚科奇海、白令海等我国传统北极考察海域,以及东白令海陆架和西北太平洋新拓展的海域,进行了包括重点海域断面调...  相似文献   
利用2012年夏季在北欧海(挪威海和格陵兰海)的水文考察数据,对调查区域内海洋水团性质和分布进行了分析,并对北欧海冷却对流的发展加深过程进行了研究。在上层,从东侧暖而咸的大西洋水跨越锋区至西侧低温低盐的格陵兰海盆上层水体,温度和盐度的变化分别可以达到8℃和0.4 psu。中层与深层水体的性质则相对均匀和稳定,3个海盆内从浅至深依次分布着北极中层水、海盆深层水、北极深层水以及海盆底层水。格陵兰海盆中深层水体在3 500 m深度上位温约为-0.97℃,相比较1970s观测到的-1.30℃,升温幅度超过了0.3℃,表明海盆深层存储的热量显著增加。在只考虑局地表面冷却的简化条件下,当前格陵兰海内部通过冷却对流混合至季节性跃层下界需要向大气释放0.9×109~1.2×109J的热量,这一过程至少需要2个月的时间而不利于对流向深层的发展。大量的热量被存储于北欧海深海盆中使得北欧海已经成为北半球高纬海域的热量存储器,对当前北极气候变化的影响有待深入研究。  相似文献   
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