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In the framework of finite deformation theory, the burst failure analysis of end-opened defect-free pipes with plastic anisotropy under internal pressure is carried out. The analytical solutions of burst pressure and the corresponding equivalent stress and strain are obtained for thin-walled pipes, which can take into account the effects of material plastic anisotropy and strain hardening exponent. The influences of plastic anisotropy on the burst pressure and the corresponding equivalent stress and strain are discussed. It is shown that the burst pressure and the corresponding equivalent stress and strain are dependent upon the plastic anisotropy of material, and the degree of dependence is related to the strain hardening exponent of material. In addition, the effects of the strain hardening exponent on burst failure are investigated.  相似文献   
海底双层管单层连接管道结构受力分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
粘性高的海洋石油通常需要通过海底保温管道加温输送.温度变化会引起管道变形,并在管壁内产生较大的温度应力.同时,管道正常运营期间还受到管道内压、外压、管内流体粘滞力和土体摩擦力等环境荷载的作用.复杂的环境可能导致海底管道轴向应力过大发生破坏.为了提高铺管效率,提出了双层管单层连接管道这一特殊管道形式,并从理论上分析温度变化和环境荷载对该管道的影响,计算正常运行时管道不同位置处横截面内最大Von-Mises应力.最后得到了Von-Mises应力沿管道轴线分布情况,发现内管和单层连接管的应力一般比外管大,变径管和内管的焊缝处是Von-Mises应力最大的地方.  相似文献   
针对锈蚀钢筋的疲劳损伤与寿命评估中的难度大、精度低等问题,引入压磁检测技术,对锈蚀钢筋疲劳过程中的压磁场分布进行检测,从宏观与微观相结合的角度分析压磁场分布与疲劳损伤之间的联系。试验结果表明,锈蚀钢筋的压磁场分布能够反映疲劳损伤的演变规律,疲劳后期非线性特征加剧,锈蚀率及应力幅越大则变化越为明显,磁感强度值、磁场分布梯度、"反转"现象等均有助于进行疲劳损伤评价与寿命预测。研究结果可为压磁无损检测技术在钢筋混凝土结构中的应用提供依据。  相似文献   
本文研究了桩在竖向荷载和横向荷载作用下承载能力的计算模型,给出了单桩承载能力的概率分析以及不同支承条件对海洋平台结构体系承载能力的影响;提出了具有结构-桩-土相互作用的海洋平台结构体系承载能力的概率特性和在极端荷载作用下海洋平台结构体系的可靠度计算方法。研究结果表明:对于桩支承海洋平台结构体系的承载能力,结构-桩-土相互作用的影响是不容忽视的,其偏差影响取决于土性的离散度。  相似文献   
海底管道是海洋石油开发的重要设施之一,对其进行断裂安全评估是非常重要的。介绍了结构失效评估图(FAD)技术,详细阐述了BS7910:1999规范中三个不同等级的断裂评估方法和疲劳评估方法。通过断裂评估方法,能够对不向受力状态下的含焊接裂纹管道进行断裂评估,得到管道任何位置的极限裂纹长度;通过疲劳评估方法,能够对受复杂动荷载的含焊接裂纹管道进行疲劳评估,得到管道在此种受力环境下的疲劳寿命。  相似文献   
The safety of offshore pipeline has drawn a great deal of attention during deepwater installation due to the combined actions of high external pressure, axial tension, and bending moment. Meanwhile, the pipeline configuration has a remarkable effect on the structural behaviour of the tube. The special studies focus on the deepwater S-lay technique in the present paper. The stiffened catenary theory is applied to establish the static equilibrium governing differential equation of a pipe element, and the solution equations of the total pipeline configuration from a lay-barge over a stinger to the seabed are derived. The numerical iteration method for solving pipeline configuration is described in detail, and the corresponding program is developed to conduct the analysis of effects of various parameters such as laying water depth, pipe diameter, thickness of concrete weighted coating layer, stinger length, control strain, and axial tension on pipeline configuration. The results show that the laying water depth, the submerged weight of the pipe, and the axial tension are the critical factors influencing pipeline configuration. In addition, geometrical parameters of the stinger such as length, radius, and shape have an important effect on the pipe-laying capacity of the vessel. The validity of the program is further verified by means of a comparison with results obtained from the commercial finite element software OFFPIPE.  相似文献   
设计了海底输油管道水槽冲刷试验模型,研究了海底输油管道与砂床处于不同相对位置情况下床砂起动流速的变化,采用理想流体映射定理对其进行了理论分析,探讨起动流速变化规律。结合有限元数值模拟对试验进行细化分析,研究了海底管道底砂床砂粒起动的产生机理,根据研究结果将冲刷过程划分为五个阶段。阐明了海底管道暴露冲刷的危害性和实时监测的重要性。  相似文献   
采用修正的p-y曲线方法,分析了桩基础振动过程中桩土之间由于土体塑性变形导致的桩土脱开现象,给出了计算桩土脱开现象的数值模拟方法,并据此分析计算了中国渤海湾JZ20-2MUQ平台的桩基础动力特性,得到了桩基础振动过程中桩土脱开的区域,分析了桩土之间的脱开对桩基础动力响应的影响等问题。  相似文献   
The target reliability index has been effectively used as the best solution to deal with the relationship between the structural safety and the optimal economy in any structural design. However, the target reliability index for off-shore jacket platforms based on different sea areas in China has never been calibrated. This paper presents an approach for its calibration, and suggests many kinds of associated load cases. The uncertainties of loads and structural resistance are mainly investigated. The target reliability index for structural components, tubular joints and piles of offshore jacket platforms are discussed respectively in detail. Finally, through the calibrated results from the offshore jacket platforms of QK18-1, JZ20-2, SZ36-1 and BZ28-1 in the Bohai Bay, it is proposed to adopt 2.8 as the target reliability index of offshore jacket platforms in the Bohai Bay for a 25-year design period. The results provide significant reference for the design of offshore jacket platforms.  相似文献   
In order to study the durability behavior of marine reinforced concrete structure suffering from chloride attack,the structural service life is assumed to be divided into three critical stages,which can be characterized by steel corrosion and cover cracking.For each stage,a calculated model used to predict the lifetime is developed.Based on the definition of durability limit state,a probabilistic lifetime model and its time-dependent reliability analytical method are proposed considering the random natures of influencing factors.Then,the probabilistic lifetime prediction models are applied to a bridge pier located in the Hangzhou Bay with Monte Carlo simulation.It is found that the time to corrosion initiation t0 follows a lognormal distribution,while that the time from corrosion initiation to cover cracking t1 and the time for crack to develop from hairline crack to a limit crack width t2 can be described by Weibull distributions.With the permitted failure probability of 5.0%,it is also observed that the structural durability lifetime mainly depends on the durability life t0 and that the percentage of participation of the life t0 to the total service life grows from 61.5% to 83.6% when the cover thickness increases from 40 mm to 80 mm.Therefore,for any part of the marine RC bridge,the lifetime predictions and maintenance efforts should also be directed toward controlling the stage of corrosion initiation induced by chloride ion.  相似文献   
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