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一、肯定成绩,我省矿业权有形市场建设工作取得重大突破2011年,我省各地高度重视矿业权有形市场建设工作,按照部“两整治一改革”的总体部署和部《关于加强矿业权有形市场建设的通知》([2011]145号)要求,积极探索,大胆实践,开拓创新,扎实工作,省、市两级矿业权交易机构全面建成,矿业权有形市场建设工作取得了重大突破。  相似文献   
浙江地处长江三角洲南翼,辖11个设区市、90个县(市、区),陆域面积10.18万平方公里.已发现固体矿产115种,其中查明资源储量的有68种,矿产地752处,大型矿床55处、中型矿床129处.矿产资源总的特点是丰歉并存,配套不足.陆域燃料(煤炭、石油)矿产贫乏.金属矿产总体短缺,铜、钼矿质量虽优,但资源储量不足;铅锌矿储量较大,但以贫矿为主.  相似文献   
Nonlinear behaviors of a free-floating body in waves were experimentally investigated in the present study. The experiments were carried out for 6 different wave heights and 6 different wave periods to cover a relatively wide range of wave nonlinearities. A charge-coupled device (CCD) camera was used to capture the real-time motion of the floating body. The measurement data show that the sway, heave and roll motions of the floating body are all harmonic oscillations while the equilibrium position of the sway motion drifts in the wave direction. The drift speed is proportional to wave steepness when the size of the floating body is comparable to the wavelength, while it is proportional to the square of wave steepness when the floating body is relatively small. In addition, the drift motion leads to a slightly longer oscillation period of the floating body than the wave period of nonlinear wave and the discrepancy increases with the increment of wave steepness.  相似文献   
矿业权评估和储量评审工作在矿产资源管理中处于中介、中立地位,在矿业权市场建设中发挥着不可替代的重要作用.做好矿业权评估和储量评审工作,意义重大.  相似文献   
一、总结经验,充分肯定评估、评审工作的成绩 自国土资源部矿业权评估、储量评审实行市场化改革以来,矿业权评估,2007年有八家公司已经在省厅备案,可以在浙江开展评估;储量评审,浙江是全国市场化改革的一个试点,省内建立了新始、鑫达、新创等三家评审公司,还先后分别成立了各自的服务部。省外还有中矿联储量评审中心,实际上在我省干活的有四家评审机构。无论矿业权评估还是储量评审,总的来说,都能恪守行业准则和执业规范,遵守职业道德,遵循“独立、客观、公平、诚信”的原则,克服困难,诚信敬业,积极工作,较好地发挥了中介机构的作用,  相似文献   
矿山储量动态监督管理是国土资源部部署的一项重要工作,去年10月,国土资源部在江苏徐州召开全国矿产资源储量管理工作会议,汪民副部长对这项工作提出了新的更高的要求,强调要对所有矿山、所有矿种实行动态监管。这项工作我厅正式启动于2006年。全面铺开于2007年。经过近两年来的实践表明,这项工作取得了明显的成效。前不久,省厅组织了十一个市的检查和互查,结果表明,2007年应监测矿山1398家,实际监测矿山1319家矿山,监测率为96%。除个别市还有79家矿山未监测外,全省对所有矿山、所有矿种都实行了动态监管。  相似文献   
Anthropogenic nutrient discharge poses widespread threats to coastal ecosystems and has increased environmental gradients from coast to sea. Bacterioplankton play crucial roles in coastal biogeochemical cycling, and a variety of factors af fect bacterial community diversity and structure. We used 16 S r RNA gene pyrosequencing to investigate the spatial variation in bacterial community composition(BCC) across five sites on a coast-of fshore gradient in the East China Sea. Overall, bacterial alpha-diversity did not diff er across sites, except that richness and phylogenetic diversity were lower in the of fshore sites, and the highest alpha-diversity was found in the most landward site, with Chl-abeing the main factor. BCCs generally clustered into coastal and of fshore groups. Chl-a explained 12.3% of the variation in BCCs, more than that explained by either the physicochemical(5.7%) or spatial(8.5%) variables. Nutrients(particularly nitrate and phosphate), along with phytoplankton abundance, were more important than other physicochemical factors, co-explaining 20.0% of the variation in BCCs. Additionally, a series of discriminant families(primarily affiliated with Gammaproteobacteria and Alphaproteobacteria), whose relative abundances correlated with Chl-a, DIN, and phosphate concentrations, were identified, implying their potential to indicate phytoplankton blooms and nutrient enrichment in this marine ecosystem. This study provides insight into bacterioplankton response patterns along a coast-of fshore gradient, with phytoplankton abundance increasing in the of fshore sites. Time-series sampling across multiple transects should be performed to determine the seasonal and spatial patterns in bacterial diversity and community structure along this gradient.  相似文献   
浙江省地矿工作的改革经20年来的探索和实践,取得了长足的进展,积累了丰富的经验。当前,在改革处于攻坚阶段,发展处于关键时期,认真总结20年来的改革实践,全面分析  相似文献   
地下水系统环境地球化学反应模型研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
20世纪 70年代后期 ,国外一些学者开始从事地下水系统的地球化学反应模型研究 (Busby等 ,1991;Plummer等 ,1983 ,1995 )。通常是根据地下水流方向上水化学组分的变化 ,建立水岩之间的物质守恒方程组 ,进而求得水岩之间的物流量。但是 ,含水介质是由多种矿物组成的复杂体系 ,能列出的物质守恒方程往往比较有限 ,所以通常是把含水介质中所含的矿物分为若干个组 ,并使每组矿物种数等于所能列出的物质守恒方程个数 ,以便通过求解线性方程组的方法来确定若干组的物流量 ,然后用地球化学资料确定最合理的物流量。这种模拟方法有以下几…  相似文献   
安塞油田长2、长3油层组主要发育辫状河和曲流河沉积,其中河道砂体展布形态受沉积微相控制,呈NE—SW向带状展布,是主要的油气储集层。原生粒间孔和次生粒间溶蚀孔是目的层位的主要孔隙类型,孔喉结构为中小孔—中细喉型及小孔—微喉型,前者为中上等储层,后者为中等储层。储集层孔隙结构和渗透性受成岩事件的影响较大,主要包括机械压实-化学压溶作用、胶结作用和溶蚀作用等。储层孔隙丧失的主要原因是压实、压溶作用和胶结作用,其中,石英、长石次生加大和方解石胶结是造成储层物性降低的主要原因,而包围在碎屑颗粒周围的绿泥石薄膜一方面使粒间孔减小,另一方面阻止了部分石英、长石加大及方解石的沉淀,在一定程度上保存了部分原生粒间孔隙,从而使储层物性较好。表生成岩阶段的大气降水及晚成岩阶段有机质分解形成的酸性流体,是碎屑长石和部分胶结物溶解从而形成大量次生孔隙的主要介质。安塞油田长2和长3油层组在纵向上隔夹层较发育,沉积韵律主要为正反复合韵律,导致了储层较强的非均质性,其中长3油层组较长2油层组非均质性强。  相似文献   
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