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根据1979—1984年(缺少1980年)的胶州湾水域调查资料,分析了胶州湾水域有机农药六六六(HCH)的垂直分布,提出了六六六的水域迁移过程,研究结果表明,此过程出现3个阶段:从污染源把六六六输出到胶州湾水域、把六六六输入到胶州湾水域的表层、六六六从表层沉降到底层。在胶州湾,六六六的垂直分布按照时空分布来划分区域。在时间尺度上,一年中的春季、夏季和秋季;在空间尺度上,把胶州湾水域分为3部分水域:湾内、湾口和湾外。通过不同的时空区域六六六的垂直分布,进一步提出了六六六的水域迁移机制,阐明了六六六垂直分布的规律及原因。  相似文献   
渔业数值预报除涉及水文、气象、饵料生物量、资源幼体等的资源环境因子外 ,还要考虑经济、社会等因素。本文在分析 1987~ 1993年历史资料的基础上 ,利用资料之间的类比性 ,提出渔情预报的模糊类比分析方法 ,将预报年份与历史记录之间的多指标综合类比排序 ,得出预报值。在东海北部鲐渔情预报中发现 ,与直接估算法比较 ,该方法具有所需资料少、预报迅速合理的优点 ,而且随着历史资料的扩充 ,自身能够不断学习更新。  相似文献   
水团的识别与划分一直是物理海洋学的重要研究内容。本研究采用模糊密度聚类方法划分水团,并利用Fortran语言编制了该模型:同时,在Visual Basic 6.0环境下,利用MapX控件进行了GIS平台开发;并将两者紧密集成,使得水团分析的所有阶段,包括计算网格的获取、温盐场数据的提取和插值、模型的参数选择和设置、模型的计算以及最终结果的可视化等都在同一环境下完成,大大提高模型应用的数据分析和决策的效率。将该系统应用于舟山渔场及其邻近海域,所得结果比较理想。  相似文献   
Analysis using historical data on the phosphate sources in Changjiang (Yangtze River) estuary show that phosphate was supplied equally from the east, south, west and north of the estuary. These sources include the Changjiang River, the Taiwan Warm Current (TWC), a cyclone-type eddy, and the 32°N Upwelling, supplying different phosphates in different times, ways and intensities. The magnitude of their supplying phosphate concentration was related with the size in the order of the Changjiang River 〈 the TWC 〈 the 32°N Upwelling 〈 the cyclone-type eddy, and the duration of the supplying was: the Changjiang River 〉 the TWC 〉 the cyclone-type eddy 〉 the 32°N Upwelling. The four sources supplied a great deal of phosphate so that the phosphate concentration in the estuary was kept above 0.2 pmol/L in previous years, satisfying the phytoplankton growth. The horizontal and vertical distribution of the phosphate concentration showed that near shallow marine areas at 122°E/31°N, the TWC in low nutrient concentration became an upwelling through sea bottom and brought up nutrients from sea bottom to marine surface. In addition, horizontal distribution of phosphate concentration was consistent with that of algae: Rhizosolenia robusta, Rhizosolenia calcaravis and Skeletonema, which showed that no matter during high water or low water of Changjiang River, these species brought by the TWC became predominant species. Therefore, the authors believe that the TWC flowed from south to north along the coast and played a role in deflecting the Changjiang River flow from the southern side.  相似文献   
东海中部夏季鱼类群落结构及其多样性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据2008年8月东海区主要渔场重要渔业资源调查资料,分析东海中部鱼类的种类组成、区系特征、多样性等群落结构特征。结果表明:共调查捕获鱼类88种,其中暖水种59种,占67.0%;暖温种29种,占33.0%。相对重要性指数(IRI)值大于500的优势种鱼类共有5种,分别为带鱼、刺鲳、小黄鱼、六斑刺鲀和鳄齿鱼;种类丰富度指数变动范围为0.10~2.31,平均为0.88;Shannon-Wiener多样度指数变动范围为0.01~1.86,平均为0.87;种类均匀度指数变动范围为0.01~0.92,平均为0.41;东海中部夏季鱼类多样性指数与往年相比有下降的趋势。  相似文献   
Based on research results on the impacts of solar light, seawater temperature, and nutrient available to phytoplankton growth and changes in phytoplankton physiology and assemblage, we discussed the order of influence of these factors. By clarifying the mechanisms and processes of the impacts by these factors, we have determined the rising order of the importance as solar light, seawater temperature, and nutrient silicon (Si). Therefore, for human interests in sustaining economic development, the first thing to be considered is the input of nutrient Si into the ocean, followed by seawater temperature change.  相似文献   
水团的识别与划分一直是物理海洋学的重要研究内容。本研究采用模糊密度聚类方法划分水团,并利用Fortran语言编制了该模型;同时,在Visual Basic6.0环境下,利用MapX控件进行了GIS平台开发;并将两者紧密集成,使得水团分析的所有阶段,包括计算网格的获取、温盐场数据的提取和插值、模型的参数选择和设置、模型的计算以及最终结果的可视化等都在同一环境下完成,大大提高模型应用的数据分析和决策的效率。将该系统应用于舟山渔场及其邻近海域,所得结果比较理想。  相似文献   
Statistical analysis on data collected in the Jiaozhou Bay (Shandong, China) from May 1991 to February 1994 and those collected in Hawaii from March 1958 to December 2007 shows dynamic and cyclic changes in atmospheric carbon in the Northern Pacific Ocean (NPO), as well as the variation in space-time distribution of phytoplankton primary production and atmospheric carbon in the study regions. The study indicates that the human beings have imposed an important impact on the changing trends of the atmospheric carbon. Primary production in the Jiaozhou Bay presents a good example in this regard. In this paper, dynamic models of the atmospheric carbon in the NPO, the cyclic variations in the atmospheric carbon, and primary production in the Jiaozhou Bay are studied with simulation curves presented. A set of equations were established that able to calculate the rate and acceleration of increasing carbon discharged anthropologically into the atmosphere and the conversion rate of phytoplankton to atmospheric carbon. Our calculation shows that the amount of atmospheric carbon absorbed by one unit of primary production in the Jiaozhou Bay is (3.21−9.74)×10−9/(mgC·m−2d−1), and the amount of primary production consumed by a unit of atmospheric carbon is 102.66–311.52 (mgC·m−2d−1/10−6). Therefore, we consider that the variation of atmospheric carbon is a dynamic process controlled by the increase of carbon compound and its cyclic variation, and those from anthropologic discharge, and phytoplankton growth.  相似文献   
通过海洋生态变化,确定了海洋生态系统的可持续发展的动力是营养盐硅和水温。营养盐硅是主要发动机,水温是次要发动机。对此,杨东方等提出了营养盐硅的补充机制。文章揭示了"未来地球气候变化的模式":近岸地区和流域盆地的气候模式、内陆的气候模式和海洋的气候模式。由于这样的气候,产生了3个不同的区域:近岸地区和流域盆地成为多雨区,内陆成为干旱区,海洋成为风暴潮区。这个"未来地球气候变化的模式"在以后的年代中逐渐得到证实,在2010年的天气变化中得到了充分的证明。因此,应该充分了解这样的气候变化模式,积极应对它给人类带来的旱涝灾害和高温,为中国的防灾减灾,提供科学依据。  相似文献   
根据1979~1984年(缺少1980年)的胶州湾水域调查资料,分析有机农药六六六(HCH)在胶州湾水域的水平分布和污染源变化.研究结果表明:在1979~1984年(缺1980年)期间,由于我国在1983年禁止HCH的使用,胶州湾水域HCH的污染源发生了很大变化,分为3种类型:重度污染源、轻度污染源以及没有污染源,并用...  相似文献   
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