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仿鱼尾潜器推进系统的水动力分析   总被引:21,自引:3,他引:21  
以开发适用于小型潜器的仿生操纵与推进系统为研究背景 ,对金枪鱼的月牙形尾鳍进行水动力分析。文中将金枪鱼的尾鳍处理为在做横移和摇摆的耦合运动的同时 ,以某一匀速向前运动的月牙形刚性尾翼。计算中应用了双曲面元和压力库塔条件 ,利用面元法计算分析该三维尾翼的非定常水动力性能。探讨了前进速度、横荡和摇首的幅度、频率及其相位差对推进性能的影响  相似文献   
基于有限体积法求解二维粘性不可压缩Navier-Stokes方程,分别采用层流模型和Realizable k-ε模型研究Re=250和Re=104前置平板与下游方柱间的流动干扰现象,分析不同尺度的平板布置在不同位置时对下游方柱的绕流场及流体动力性能的影响。计算发现在方柱上游布置平板可以有效的控制方柱的绕流场,减小方柱的阻力系数和升力系数;随着平板尺度的增加,方柱的阻力系数、升力系数呈下降趋势;并且存在较好的平板布置区间,可以最大程度的降低方柱和平板的阻力系数及方柱的升力系数,从而达到良好的减振、降噪的效果。  相似文献   
为研究鱼类高速游动机理,以金枪鱼月牙形尾鳍为对象,采用面元法计算分析了其非定常水动力性能。假设尾鳍在横移和摇摆的同时,以某一匀速向前运动,并假设其在弦向和展向以某一给定规律发生变形,以模仿柔性变形。探讨了前进速度、横移和摇摆的幅度、频率及其相位差对柔性尾鳍推进性能的影响,并与做相应运动的刚性尾鳍进行了对比。  相似文献   
To achieve accurate positioning of autonomous underwater vehicles, an appropriate underwater terrain database storage format for underwater terrain-matching positioning is established using multi-beam data as underwater terrain-matching data. An underwater terrain interpolation error compensation method based on fractional Brownian motion is proposed for defects of normal terrain interpolation, and an underwater terrain-matching positioning method based on least squares estimation (LSE) is proposed for correlation analysis of topographic features. The Fisher method is introduced as a secondary criterion for pseudo localization appearing in a topographic features flat area, effectively reducing the impact of pseudo positioning points on matching accuracy and improving the positioning accuracy of terrain flat areas. Simulation experiments based on electronic chart and multi-beam sea trial data show that drift errors of an inertial navigation system can be corrected effectively using the proposed method. The positioning accuracy and practicality are high, satisfying the requirement of underwater accurate positioning.  相似文献   
The forward-looking image sonar is a necessary vision device for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUV). Based on the acoustic image received from forward-looking image sonar, AUV local path is planned. When the environment model is made to adapt to local path planning, an iterative algorithm of binary conversion is used for image segmentation. Raw data of the acoustic image, which were received from serial port, are processed. By the use of "Mathematic Morphology" to filter noise, a mathematic model of environment for local path planning is established after coordinate transformation. The optimal path is searched by the distant transmission (Dt) algorithm. Simulation is conducted for the analysis of the algorithm. Experiment on the sea proves it reliable.  相似文献   
This paper introduces a newly developed Unmanned Wave Glide Vehicle (UWGV), which is driven only by extracting energy from gravity waves, and presents a comprehensive study on the propulsion performance of the UWGV’s propulsor―Wave Glide Propulsor (WGP) in a regular wave. By simplifying the WGP as six 2D tandem asynchronous flapping foils (TAFFs), a CFD method based on Navier?Stokes equations was first used to analyze the hydrodynamic performance of TAFFs with different parameters of non-dimensional wave length m and non-dimensional wave height n. Then, a series of hydrodynamic experiments were performed. The computational results agree well with the experimental results when n≤0.07 and both of them show the thrust force and input power of the WGP are larger at smaller m or larger n. By analyzing the flow field of TAFFs, we can see that a larger m is beneficial to the forming, merging and shredding of the TAFFs’ vortices; as TAFFs are arranged in tandem and have the same motions, the leading edge vortex and wake vortex of the TAFFs are meaningful for improving the thrust force of their adjacent ones.  相似文献   
将仿生机器鱼的C-型转向机动划分为弯曲阶段、保持阶段和伸展阶段,首先基于计算流体力学(CFD)方法建立了鱼体与流体相互作用的耦合求解方法,其次通过二次开发FLUENT实现机器鱼在C-型转向机动过程中鱼体的大变形运动,最后数值计算了机器鱼在C-型转向机动过程中的运动性能、水动力性能和流场涡结构。计算结果表明:仿生机器鱼在弯曲阶段和保持阶段进行快速的转向;在伸展阶段,机器鱼的艏向角速度和侧向速度快速的减小至零值,而前进速度则快速的增加,在伸展阶段结束时获得一个较大的前进速度;在滑行阶段,仿生机器鱼以获得的纵向速度向前滑行,并且纵向速度缓慢的减小。机器鱼的C-型转向机动能够实现小范围内的大角度转向;在弯曲阶段和伸展阶段鱼体的快速弯曲和伸展运动各产生一个涡环,每个涡环产生一个射流,射流产生作用于机器鱼上的水动力和力矩。  相似文献   
为研究仿胸鳍推进的机理和流体动力特性及缩小机器鱼与生物原型之间的性能差距,利用浸入边界法数值模拟了做耦合旋转运动胸鳍的非定常绕流问题。详细探讨胸鳍非定常运动的三维尾涡结构演化和推进机理,并开展胸鳍推进性能与尾涡结构的参数影响分析。结果表明:迎流面在背、腹侧边缘及鳍梢部显著涡旋结构的作用下所出现的低压力区,加之鳍表面和上游来流之间好的垂直度共同造成了在动力划水阶段的高推力;在恢复划水阶段的高升力与背侧边缘涡强度的持续增加,以及因鳍表面倾斜而引起的水动力被分解到竖直方向的比重提升有关;胸鳍尾流场被一个三维双环涡结构所支配;当前的模拟为仿胸鳍推进建立了一个最优的斯特劳哈尔数St范围(在0.55附近),在此之后平均推力仍随St的增大而增加,而推进效率则表现出一个缓慢降低的趋势;当前后拍动与纵倾运动之间的相位差为90度时,胸鳍同时取得最佳的推力和效率。  相似文献   
The theoretical research on the propulsive principle of aquatic animal becomes more important and attracted more researchers to make efforts on it.In the present study,a computational fluid dynamic (CFD) simulation of a three-dimensional traveling-wave undulations body of tuna has been developed to investigate the fluid flow features and vorticity structures around this body when moving in a straight line.The undulation only takes place in the posterior half of the fish,and the tuna-tail is considered as a lunate fin oscillating with the mode combined swaying with yawing.A Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) equation is developed,employing a control-volume method and a k-omega SST turbulent model;meanwhile an unstructured tetrahedral grid,which is generated for the three-dimensional geometry,is used based on the deformation of the hind parts of the body and corresponding movement of the tail.We calculated the hydrodynamic performance of tuna-like body when a tuna swims in a uniform velocity,and compared the input power coefficient,output power coefficient and propulsive efficiency of the oscillating tuna-tail with or without body vortex shedding.Additionally,the load distribution on the body,flow features and vorticity structures around the body were demonstrated.The effect of interaction between the body-generated vortices and the tail-generated vorticity on the hydrodynamic performance can be obtained.  相似文献   
船舶螺旋桨尾流场的数值分析   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
利用基于速度势的低阶面元法计算船舶螺旋桨的尾流场。采用计算较为简捷的关于扰动速度势的基本积分微分方程,并采用双曲面形状的面凶以消除面元间的缝隙。Newton-Raphson迭代过程被用来在桨叶随边满足压力Kutta条件,使桨叶面上表面的压力在随边有良好的一致性。在计算面元的影响系数时,应用了Morino导出的解析计算公式,加快了数值计算的速度。从解面元法的基本积分方程得到的偶极强度和源汇强度,直接求得尾流场的速度分布。  相似文献   
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