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In this paper, the principle and steps for differentiating water masses by fuzzy cluster method are introduced, and a scalar formula based on Euclidean distance and a method for determining objectively the number of water masses by F-test are proposed. Consequently, a method and specific steps for differentiating modified water masses in shallow sea according to fuzzy elastic classification are given. Computation of the membership degree in which each sample belongs to every water mass determines conveniently and quantitatively the cores, boundaries of water masses and mixed zones. An example for the Huanghai Sea and East China Sea is shown and compared with previous results.  相似文献   
浅海变性水团的软划分   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
简要介绍了应用模糊聚类方法划分海洋水团的基本原理和步骤;提出了基于欧氏距离的标定公式和用F检验客观地确定水团个数的方法.给出了利用模糊软划分方法划分浅海变性水团的原理和具体步骤.通过计算各测样对每个水团的隶属度,方便且定量地确定出水团核心、边界及混合区.最后给出实例,与黄、东海水团划分的已有研究成果作了比较.  相似文献   
A water mass in the sea area under investigation is defined as a fuzzy subset in the discourse universe. Possible forms of membership function of water masses in the mixing modified process are discussed with the mixing theory for conservative concentration of sea water. It may provide bases for making membership functions. Results in this paper may be extended and applied to shallow water. Examples and discussion are given in this paper.  相似文献   
从混合变性过程看水团隶属函数的建立   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
将研究海区中的水团,视为论域中的模糊子集。用关于海水中保守浓度的混合理论,来讨论水团在混合变性过程中隶属函数的可能形式,可为变性水团隶属函数的建立提供依据。本文的结果可推广应用于浅海,文中给出了实例和讨论。  相似文献   
变性水团软划分的一种FUZZY模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在已知研究海区水团核心的前提下,考虑到各种指标对标识水团的不同贡献,提出了一种水团软划分的FUZZY模式。利用1987年5—6月黄东海的温、盐和溶解氧实测资料进行计算,与已有成果作了对比,结果令人满意。  相似文献   
In this paper, the principle and steps for differentiating water masses by fuzzy cluster method are introduced, and a scalar formula bsed on Euclidean distance and a method for determining objectively the number of water masses by F-test are proposed. Consequently, a method and specific steps for differentiating modified water masses in shallow sea according to fuzzy elastic classification are given. Computation of the membership degree in which each sample belongs to every water mass determines conveniently and quantitatively the cores, boundaries of water masses and mixed zones. An example for the Huanghai Sea and East China Sea is shown and compared with previous results.  相似文献   
将研究海区中的水团,视为论域中的模糊子集。用关于海水中保守浓度的混合理论,来讨论水团在混合变性过程中隶属函数的可能形式,可为变性水团隶属函数建立提供依据。本文的结果可推广应用于浅海,文中给出了实例和讨论。  相似文献   
A water mass in the sea area under investigation is defined as a fuzzy subset in the discourse universe. Possible forms of membership function of water masses in the mixing modified process are discussed with the mixing theory for conservative concentration of sea water. It may provide bases for making membership functions. Results in this paper may be extended and applied to shallow water. Examples and discussion are given in (his paper.  相似文献   
渤、黄、东海水型分布与水系划分   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12  
用多年(1958~1990年)温盐资料分析整个渤、黄、东海水型分布,阐明本海区上层水均为混合变性水.冬季水型分布形如“λ”字,可视为本海区的初始水型分布,亦即各水团形成的开始.其他季节水型分布向“川”字形转化;明显反映本海区存在3种水系,即外海水系、混合水系和沿岸水系.指出根据水型分布划分水系边界的合理性.依照水型分布划分了水系.外海水系与混合水系的界限,低温部分的分界盐度值为34.20;高温部分的分界盐度值,随温度季节性增高而降低,即从2月的33.80降至8月的32.50.混合水系与沿岸水系的划分均以盐度为标准,随季节不同变动于29.50~31.00之间,一般取30.00为界.分析了水系边界的季节变动.在本海区,表层外海水系冬强夏弱;底层水系边界冬、夏季则互为交错.根据水系边界变动可以为本海区海水运动的研究提供参考.  相似文献   
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