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声学法深海热液速度场测量重建算法研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
介绍了利用声学法测量深海热液速度场的基本原理.利用往返飞渡时间差与流场速度的关系,应用反问题求解技术重建测量区域的速度场.应用最小二乘法对两种典型的热液口速度场模型进行了仿真重建,分析了换能器数量、实验测量误差以及换能器的布放对重建结果的影响,并对重建结果进行了流量分析.仿真重建的绝对误差、相对误差以及流量分析结果表明...  相似文献   
This paper presents the basis of acoustic method used for temperature field measurement of seafloor hydrothermal vent and two techniques of the parabolic interpolation and the bending compensation of propagation paths of acoustic signal are introduced. Experimental research is performed to exactly rebuild the temperature field around hot springs on the floor of Qiezishan Lake, Yunnan, China. The accuracy of the travel time estimation has been improved based on the aforementioned technique and method. At the same time, by comparison of the results of temperature field with different means, the max absolute error, the maximum relative error and the root mean square error are given. It shows that the technique and the method presented in the paper can be applied to the temperature field measurement detector around the seafloor hydrothermal vent. It also has a good accuracy.  相似文献   
台湾近海热液体系独特的生物及地球化学特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
陈雪刚  吴斌  郑豪  樊炜  叶瑛  陈镇东 《海洋学报》2019,41(10):161-168
台湾地处西太平洋构造活动带,近海发育了多处热液活动,其中最典型的为龟山岛和绿岛热液体系。本文对海峡两岸在龟山岛和绿岛热液的地球化学特征以及周边生物体的响应的研究进展进行了综述。龟山岛热液喷出流体具有全球最低的pH(1.52),富含重金属元素和CO2等酸性气体,是周围海水中有色溶解有机质的来源;绿岛具有全球热液中最低的溶解有机碳浓度(14 μmol /L),且具有特殊的动力学特性。喷口周边分布了较为罕见的自然硫烟囱体和硫磺球。喷口的高毒性、高酸性热液改变了热液区生物体如螃蟹的生活习性和解毒机制。热液区的主要活跃菌群为参与碳、硫和氮代谢途径的γ-和ε-变形菌。主要生物质合成以硫还原和硫氧化的化能无机自养型生物为主,微生物硫代谢促进了热液系统中的微生物能量流动和元素循环作用。某些热液生物采用繁殖期迁徙的机制应对高毒性、高酸性热液环境。在热液活动的胁迫下,这些微生物产生了新颖独特的代谢产物。此外,龟山岛和绿岛热液体系还受到了潮汐、台风和地震等灾害性事件的影响。台湾近海热液体系的研究对认识热液地球化学循环、探讨热液的生态环境效应等具有重要的意义。  相似文献   
The approach to determine working frequencies of acoustic in-situ detector for seafloor hydrothermal fluid is presented. Based on the research of deep-sea noise and the sound generated by mid-ocean ridge black smoker hydrothermal vents, and on the hydrothermal-vent animal hearing ranges, coupled with influences of suspended particles of hydrothermal on acoustic attenuation under different frequencies, the optimal frequency range for detection of acoustical signal near black smokers is determined. The optimal frequencies providing the maximum ratio of receiver signal to background noise are obtained. We have developed a laboratory experimental setup for the optimal frequencies selection. In particular, we evaluated time-of-flight performance with respect to the source signal parameters of center frequency and bandwidth. The experimental results confirm the effectiveness of our approach. Current results indicate that individual transducers operated in the range of 18 ~ 25 kHz are immune to most interfering sounds and suitable for our system.  相似文献   
介绍利用声学方法测量深海热液温度场的基本原理。对宽单峰、窄单峰和双峰温度场模型,采用最小二乘法和傅立叶正则化方法分别进行重建仿真,给出重建温度场的绝对误差、相对误差和均方根误差。比较最小二乘法与正则化方法对几种温度场模型的重建结果。仿真结果表明:最小二乘法对宽单峰模型温度场具有较高的重建精度,而正则化方法对高温区相对测量域偏小的窄单峰模型及双峰模型温度场比最小二乘法有更好的还原结果。  相似文献   
对表层海洋动力学及其调控机制的认识对准确认识海洋自然变化过程及其未来对气候变化的响应具有重要意义。志愿观测船作为自动观测系统的载体和样品采集平台的优势使其在提升人类对于表层海洋的观测能力方面具有极大优势。本文系统性地回顾了志愿观测船的概念、发展历史、现状和未来发展趋势。基于志愿观测船的诸多海洋观测项目的成功显示了,随着快速发展的传感器技术,志愿观测船能够以经济有效的方式显著地提升表层海洋现场观测的时间和空间分辨率。未来的海洋观测系统应该综合利用包括志愿观测船在内的多种海洋观测平台的优势。  相似文献   
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