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Samples of Continetal shelf sediments from the East China Sea have been studied in an attempt to eluciate the relationship of metallie element enrichment with organoclay complexes. Investigations of the distribution patterns and modes of existence of such elements as Cu, Pb, Zn, Ni, Fe, Mn, etc. in the sediments demonstrate that there exist remarkable positive eorrelations between tha distribution of all elements except for Mn,and the content of clay minerals and organic matter and its type. Experimental results show that the removal of combined organic matter will lead to a rapid decrease in the content of these elements (up to mote than 50%). Organoelay chemistry study indicates that the enrichment of metallic elements in the sediments may involve the following processes: (1) the formation of organic metallic complexes by the ineraction between organic matter and metallic ions in the water body; (2) the production of organoclay complexes by the interaction between the organic metallic complexes and clay minerals in the same medium, (3) the deposition of the organoelay complexes due to the variation of water medium conditions during their migration, thus enabling the sediments to be enriched in some metallic elements. From the above, it can be seen that organoclay complexes may be one of the important forms of existense of metallic elements concentrated in the sediments, and also of significance in eluciating the mechanism of fineralization of metallic elements.  相似文献   
我国东海大陆架沉积类型分布状况,经过有关部门和单位的多次海洋地质调查,已获得了丰富的资料和成果。秦蕴珊等同志根据沉积物的中位直径(Md),将东海沉积物大体分成三带:第一带是近陆浅水区的细粒沉积物带;第二带是外陆架的粗粒沉积物带;第三带是大陆坡细粒沉积物带。他们认为这种分布是与东海大陆架所经历的海陆变迁有关,并详尽  相似文献   
盘县老厂竹根水的评价研究及其意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
盘县老厂竹根水的评价研究及其意义林茂福,程鸿德(中国科学院地球化学研究所,贵阳550002)关键词竹根水,水质,人体健康,纯净水贵州六盘水市盘县特区老厂镇附近有一大片面积约16km2的成片原始竹林,宛如绿色的海洋,竹海附近的地下水甘洌可口,据传常饮此...  相似文献   
The technique of differential thermal analysis is widely used to investigate dispersed organic matters present in sedimentary rocks in an attempt to interprete some problems concerning petroleum geology. In our practice, sufficient separation of organic matters from the mineral matrix has been made and DTA curves measured.On the basis of the characteristie of DTA curves, the classification of the types of organic matters has been done and a series of indexes developed to determine the degrec of metamorphism of organic matters as well as the possible direction of oil migration, thus providing reliable clues to the promising regions for petroleum exploration. Since various factors would act on DTA curves during experiments, correct and comprehensive interpretation of DTA results still await further investigation.  相似文献   
The chemistry of organo-clay in somc Tertiary clay-stones from the northern part of the South China Sea was studied. The preliminary results are summarized as follows : (1) Three basic types of organic matter are distinguished in the claystones after treated with different chemical agents: spluble, combined and insoluble (kerogen). It is suggested that the distribution of organic matter and its conversion to petroleum are closely related with the composition and structure of expansive clay minerals in the claystones. Therefore, more detailed studies of these expansive clay minerals may provide new indices for oil-generating potentiality. (2) It is considered from the study of the state of existence of organic matter and. of organo-clay complexes in tile clay-stones that the accumulation and preservation of organic substances may substantially take the form of organo-clay complexes in the process of sedimentation and burial and that the organo-clay complexes may make considerable contributions to the formation of petroleum hydrocarbons during diagenesis. Studies in this aspect are of great significance in developing new theories conccrning petroleum generation and in localizing oil-generating occurrences.  相似文献   
Monocarboxylic acids and dicarboxylic acids in sea-floor sediments of the Jizhou Island and estuarine sediments at the Yangtze River mouth have been examined by using thin layer chromatography and gas chromatography as well as computerized gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Free and bound fatty acids distributed in the sea-floor sediments show remarkable even/odd predominances except for sample 8138. Monocarboxylic acids show a unimodal distribution, ranging from n-C14 to n-C32. with the maximum at n-C16 while dicarboxylic acids also show a unimodal distribution, ranging from di-Cl6 to di-C32 with the maximum at di-C24 or di-C28. Evidence from the distribution of fatty adds in the East China Sea sediments indicatesthat these monoearboxylic acids are probably derived from algal debris and,these dicarboxylic acids are derived from terrigenous higher plant detritus.  相似文献   
有机粘土复合体是有机物与粘土(或粘土矿物)相互作用形成的化学键合产物.其键合方式主要有:1.正电荷有机分子与粘土矿物表面起平衡作用的阳离子发生阳离子交换作用;2.偶极有机分子和阴离子有机物与粘土矿物表面的阳离子水化壳的水分子结合(或称水桥结合);3.带羟基阴离子交换粘土矿物八面体中Al、Fe配位的羟基(OH),即配位基交换.这种反应大多在水体系中进行.因此,这种复合体在地表和海洋沉积物中广泛发育.如何研究海洋沉积物中的有机粘土复合体及其意义,是海洋地质科学所关注的新课题.本文试图通过东海大陆架和南海北部湾有关站位的沉积物样品(图1)有机粘土复合体的研究  相似文献   
1986年8月18日至31日—我们随同以叶连俊先生为团长的中国科学院代表团赴澳大利亚出席十二届国际沉积学大会,并应邀参船了澳大利亚第四届有机地球化学会议。这次有机地球化学会议是澳大利亚的专业性例会,由矿物资源局T·G·Powell博士主持,会议历时两天,宣读论文二十多篇。我们根据这些论文及在参观中所了解的情况,对澳大利亚在石油地球化学方面的研究状况作一概要的介绍。  相似文献   
随着粘土矿物的理论体系和系统研究方法的建立,以及有机物与粘土矿物间相互作用的资料的积累,本世纪六十年代初诞生了有机粘土化学。这门新兴学科主要研究粘土、粘土矿物与各种有机物之问的反应,有机粘土复合体的形成、性质和转化,以及它们在工农业、科学技术领域中的实际应用。它的出现,打破了有机化学和无机化学间的传统界限,在元素地球化学、矿床学、有机地球化学和粘土矿物的研究上具有重要的意义,在化工、工程、农业,环保和国防建设上也有着广阔的前景。  相似文献   
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