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曾胤新  俞勇  陈波  李会荣 《极地研究》2004,15(2):118-128
The potential of 324 bacteria isolated from different habitats in polar oceans to produce a variety of extracellular enzymatic activities at low temperature was investigated. By plate assay, lipase, protease, amylase, gelatinase, agarase, chitinase or cellulase were detected. Lipases were generally present by bacteria living in polar oceans. Protease-producing bacteria held the second highest proportion in culturable isolates. Strains producing amylase kept a relative stable proportion of around 30% in different polar marine habitats. All 50 Arctic sea-ice bacteria producing proteases were cold-adapted strains, however, only 20% were psychrophilic. 98% of them could grow at 3% NaCl, and 56% could grow without NaCl. On the other hand, 98% of these sea-ice bacteria produced extracellular proteases with optimum temperature at or higher than 35℃, well above the upper temperature limit of cell growth. Extracellular enzymes including amylase, agarase, cellulase and lipase released by bacteria from seawater or sediment in polar oceans, most expressed maximum activities between 25 and 35℃. Among extracellular enzymes released by bacterial strain BSw20308, protease expressed maximum activity at 40℃, higher than 35℃ of polysaccharide hydrolases and 25℃ of lipase.  相似文献   
通过PCR结合变性梯度凝胶电泳(DGGE)技术对从南极长城站附近表层土壤样品中获得16SrDNA序列特征片段V3区序列进行分离。对其中的主要12条DGGE条带进行胶回收,获得的DNA片段经测序以及计算机比对分析发现,它们分别属于β、γ、δ-变形细菌(Proteobac-teria)、噬纤维菌-屈挠杆菌-拟杆菌(Cytophaga-Flexibacter-Bacteroides,CFB)群细菌、放线细菌(Actinobacteria)、蓝细菌属(Cyanobacteria)、酸杆菌属(Acidobacteria)和绿屈挠菌属(Chlo-roflexi)等系统分类群。南极表层土壤样品中的大部分16S rDNA序列与从其他土壤或沉积物样品中直接获得的序列相似性较高(93%-100%)。  相似文献   
The phylogenetic diversity of culturable psychrophilic bacteria associ ated with sea ice from the high latitude regions of Canadian Basin and Chukchi S ea,Arctic,was investigated.A total of 34 psychropilic strains were isolated u sing three methods of(Ⅰ)dilution plating(at 4 ℃),(Ⅱ)bath culturing(at-1 ℃)and dilution plating,and(Ⅲ)cold shock(-20 ℃ for 24 h),bath culturin g and dilution plating under aerobic conditions.Sea-ice samples were exposed to-20 ℃ for 24 h that might reduce the number of common microorganisms and encou rag e outgrowth of psychrophilic strains.This process might be able to be introduce d to isolation psychrophilic bacteria from other environmental samples in future study.16S rDNA nearly full-length sequence analysis revealed that psychrophil i c strains felled in two phylogenetic divisions,γ-proteobacteria(in the gen era Colwellia、Marinobacter、Shewanella、Glaciecola、Marinomonas and Pseudoalt eromon as) and Cytophaga-Flexibacter-Bacteroides(Flavobacterium and Psychrof lexus).Fi fteen of bacterial isolates quite likely represented novel species(16S rDNA seq uence similarity below 98%).One of strains(BSi20002)from Canadian Basin showe d 100% sequence similarity to that of Marinobacter sp.ANT8277 isolated from the Antarctic Weddell sea ice,suggesting bacteria may have a bipolar distribution at the species level.  相似文献   
一株产海藻糖合成酶南极海洋低温细菌的鉴定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
俞勇  李会荣  陈波  曾胤新 《极地研究》2005,17(2):127-133
从南极普里兹湾海域海水中分离到一株产海藻糖合成酶的海洋低温细菌BSw10041,革兰氏阴性,杆状,有极生鞭毛,能运动,菌落半透明。进行了常规生理生化和BIOLOG GN2细菌鉴定系统测试,结果表明菌株BSw10041与恶臭假单胞菌(Pseudomonas putida)的表型特征非常相似。为了进一步确定菌株BSw10041的分类学地位,测定了其16S rDNA序列,分析了相关细菌相应序列的同源性,构建了系统发育树,结果表明BSw10041与P.putida的亲缘关系最近。综合上述结果,菌株BSw10041可鉴定为Pseudomonas putida,定名为Pseudomonas putida BSw10041。  相似文献   
海洋细菌在不同基质表面微生物粘膜中的组成   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在青岛近岸海区两个不同地点 ,分别进行浸海挂片实验研究四种不同基质表面 (玻片、钢片以及涂有防污漆、防锈漆的玻片 )微生物粘膜中细菌组成。从不同基质表面微生物粘膜中共分离32 3株附着细菌 ,大多数为杆状或球杆状革兰氏阴性细菌 ,且大部分具有鞭毛。依据形态及生理生化特征将革兰氏阴性细菌鉴定到属 ,分别属于气单胞菌属 ( Aeromonas)、发光杆菌属 ( Photobacteri-um)、莫拉氏菌属 ( Moraxella)、假单胞菌属 ( Pseudomonas)、弧菌属 ( Vibrio)和产碱菌属 ( Alcali-genes)等 12个属 ,其中气单胞菌属是优势菌属。不同基质表面 ,微生物粘膜细菌组成不同  相似文献   
弧菌拮抗菌的筛选   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
用平板划线或点种法对 6 0 2株海洋细菌进行筛选 ,得到 4株对海水养殖动物 (鱼、虾、贝 )的病原菌有拮抗作用的细菌。并对拮抗菌 QJ2的拮抗作用进行了研究 ,结果为 :QJ2有广泛的弧菌抗菌谱 ,对 37株弧菌的抗菌阳性率达到 89.2 % (33/ 37) ;用活菌平板计数法和 O.D.60 0 nm研究了QJ2培养物的去细胞上清液 (CFS)与病原菌 W- 1的作用动力学 ,15min时 W- 1的细菌数便开始减少 ,4 h时细菌数最少 ,6 h后开始增加 ,而对照组的细菌数呈逐渐上升趋势 ;QJ2对自身的拮抗物质不敏感 ;QJ2抗性物质的分子量不大于 80 0 0 Da;经常规生理生化方法和 API- 2 0细菌快速鉴定系统鉴定 ,QJ2为气味黄杆菌 (Flavobacterium odoratum)。  相似文献   
Arctic sea ice in the polar region provides a cold habitat for microbial community.Arctic sea ice microorganisms are revealed to be of considerable impor- tance in basic research and potential in biotechnological application.This paper in- vestigated the culture condition and extracellular hydrolase of 14 strains of different Arctic sea ice bacteria.The results showed that optimal growth temperature of strains is 15℃or 20℃.The optimal pH is about 8.0.They hardly grow at acid condition. 3% NaCl is necessary for better growth.These strains have different abilities in pro- ducing amylase,protcase,cellulase and lipase.Pseudoalteronomas sp.Bsi429 and Pseudoalteronomas sp.Bsi539 produced both cellulose,protease and lipase.These results provide a basis for further developing and exploiting the cold adapted marine enzyme resources.  相似文献   
Bacterial diversity in sea ice brine samples which collected from four stations located at the Canada Basin,Arctic Ocean was analyzed by PCR-DGGE.T wenty-three 16S rDNA sequences of bacteria obtained from DGGE bands were cloned and sequenced.Phylogenetic analysis clustered these sequences within γ-prote obacteria,Cytophaga-Flexibacter-Bacteroides(CFB)group,Firmicutes and A ctinobacteria.The phylotype of Pseudoalteromonas in the γ-proteobacteria was predominant and members of the CFB group and γ-proteobacteria were highly abundant in studied sea ice brine samples.  相似文献   
采用多种培养基对北极高纬地区(土壤及海洋沉积物)真菌进行分离纯化,共得真菌65株。通过分析菌株的18S rDNA序列研究了它们的系统发育多样性,18S rDNA序列分析表明,65株真菌分属25个属,其中数量上位居第一的是青霉属(Penicillium),有菌株20株,其次为丛赤壳属(Nectria)和节枝孢属(Articulospora),各有菌株6株。同时对这65株真菌开展转化龙胆苦苷阳性菌株的筛选。以β-葡萄糖苷酶作为筛选转化菌株的标志酶于65株真菌中筛选到阳性菌株28株,其中产酶能力强的9株菌作为转化实验的备选菌株,以龙胆苦苷为底物进行转化,将转化粗提物进行TLC及HPLC分析,最终确定将C-5作为转化龙胆苦苷的菌株。根据菌株形态特征和核酸序列分析结果,初步鉴定菌株C-5为青霉属真菌。暂定名为Penicillium sp.C-5。  相似文献   
Bacterial diversity in sea ice brine samples which collected from four stations located at the Canada Basin, Arctic Ocean was analyzed by PCR-DGGE. Twenty-three 16S rDNA sequences of bacteria obtained from DGGE bands were cloned and sequenced. Phylogenetic analysis clustered these sequences within γ-proteobacteria, Cytophaga-Flexlbacter-Bacteroides (CFB) group, Firmicutes and Actinobacteria. The phylotype of Pseudoalteromonas in the γ-proteobacteria was predominant and members of the CFB group and γ-proteobacteria were highly abundant in studied sea ice brine samples.  相似文献   
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