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夏季崂山湾浮游动物群落结构及空间分布特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
时永强  左涛  袁伟  王俊 《海洋与湖沼》2017,48(5):990-997
根据2014年8月浅水Ⅱ型浮游生物网在崂山湾海域调查获取的样品,结合同步环境调查资料,研究了崂山湾浮游动物种类组成、群落结构及空间分布。共鉴定浮游动物40种(类),其中浮游幼虫16类,占种类数的40.0%,桡足类14种,占种类数的35.0%,水螅水母类4种,枝角类、毛颚类各2种,原生动物和被囊类各1种。夜光虫丰度在各站位均很高,去除夜光虫丰度后,浮游动物优势种为小拟哲水蚤、异体住囊虫、强额孔雀水蚤和洪氏纺锤水蚤。根据浮游动物群落结构相似性,利用聚类分析可将19个调查站位的浮游动物群落划分到四个群组中。群组Ⅰ所在站位平均水深最浅,指示种最多,其中夜光虫、半球美螅水母、小拟哲水蚤和背针胸刺水蚤为其特有指示种,短尾类溞状幼虫的平均丰度在该群组最高;群组Ⅳ所在站位平均水深最深,靠近外海,指示种最少,圆唇角水蚤为其指示种,桡足类无节幼虫的平均丰度在该群组最高,群组Ⅳ与群组Ⅰ的浮游动物群落结构差异最大,无共有指示种;群组Ⅱ和群组Ⅲ为过渡群组,其部分指示种与其他群组共享。水深和表层叶绿素a浓度对浮游动物群落的变化具有较大影响。  相似文献   
营养限制对三种浮游动物的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Nutrient imbalance—a mismatch in nutrient ratios between the available food supply and the demands of consumers—has the potential to be transported up food chains,exposing zooplankton to nutrient limitations.In this study,the response of Calanus sinicus(copepod),Moina mongolica(cladocera),and Brachionus plicatilis(rotifer) to nutrient-limited(no-limited,P-limited,and N-limited) food were evaluated from the perspective of growth,reproduction,and stoichiometric homoeostasis.The results indicated that the growth of three species was suppressed under nutrient-limited(especially P-limited) conditions.However,the effect of nutrient limitations on their reproduction was species-specific.For C.sinicus,the dietary UFA(unsaturated fatty acid) as a major phospholipid component affected their egg production and total FA supporting energy promoted the hatchability of eggs.Furthermore,excess carbon in the diet promoted egg production but reduced hatching success.For M.mongolica,nutritional(P and UFA) and energy(total FA) support affected their fecundity.B.plicatilis fecundity exhibited the same pattern of growth(no-limitedN-limitedP-limited).In terms of stoichiometric homeostasis,B.plicatilis' s elemental compositions were less likely to be affected by nutrient limitations than M.mongolica.We suggest that the effects of nutrient imbalances could potentially become an evolutionary force affecting ecosystem structure and stability in eutrophic waters.  相似文献   
莱州湾大型底栖动物群落结构及其动态变化特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以莱州湾2009年夏季(8月)、秋季(10月)及2010年春季(5月)、夏季(8月)4个季节大型底栖动物资料为基础,对莱州湾大型底栖动物的种类组成、丰度、生物量、优势种进行了研究,同时与历史资料进行对比,探讨了莱州湾大型底栖动物的群落结构特征及动态变化。4个航次中共鉴定出大型底栖动物272种,其中包括环节动物多毛类122种,软体动物46种,甲壳动物64种,棘皮动物18种,鱼类9种,其他类13种。调查海域平均丰度为(1102.56 ± 216.32) ind./m2, 多毛类在丰度上占绝对优势;平均生物量为(28.16 ± 8.45) g/m2,软体动物占据优势。丰度和生物量空间分布规律具有很强的相似性,低值区位于莱州湾西部黄河口邻近海域,高值区位于渤海中部海域。丰度和生物量季节变化明显,夏季最高,秋季其次,春季最低。多毛类不倒翁虫(Sternaspis sculata)、寡鳃齿吻沙蚕(Nephthys oligobranchia)、紫壳阿文蛤(Alvenius ojianus)等是莱州湾调查海域的优势种。通过与历史资料的对比发现,莱州湾大型底栖动物种类组成及优势种类出现小型化的趋势。  相似文献   
夏季南大洋南极大磷虾种群分布、结构及生长研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用2007/2008年和2008/2009年南极夏季高速采集器和IKMT网走航采样样品,结合同步环境调查资料,研究了南极大磷虾(Euphausia superba)的水平分布、生长状况及种群结构。结果表明,南极大磷虾在威德尔海域丰度高于普里兹湾海域,两个海域的磷虾丰度都低于历史同期。从两个年度南极考察的整个调查海区来看,南极大磷虾处于正常生长状态,但也存在个别生长状况较差站位,推测与海冰回退时间较晚或叶绿素浓度较低有关。利用高速采集器采集的大磷虾样品,在海冰边缘区域站位,未成体磷虾占有很大比例;而在海冰已经消退较长时间的海域,成体磷虾占比例较大,这反映了大磷虾未成体与成体不同的分布特征。南极大磷虾在不同海域种群结构存在一定的差异,对种群补充产生一定的影响。  相似文献   
初夏南黄海浮游动物功能群丰度年际变化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
利用1959年和2000—2009年6月份在南黄海海域进行的7个航次海洋调查采样样品,并结合同步温盐资料及海温长期变化数据,研究了不同浮游动物功能群丰度的年际变化。结果表明:大型甲壳类和毛颚类功能群丰度高且波动幅度较大,在1959年和2000—2009年两个时期无明显差异,最低值分别出现在2003年和2000年;而中华哲水蚤为优势种的大型桡足类功能群丰度在2000—2009年显著高于1959年,波动范围分别在2035—24500和912—1330ind/m2之间;小型水母和海樽类功能群丰度一般较低,但是在2007年出现暴发式增加,平均丰度分别是其它年份中最高平均丰度的4.8倍和88.5倍。大型甲壳类和毛颚类分别在东部冷水团区和中部锋面区波动幅度最大,小型水母和海樽类则是在西部浅水区波动幅度最大。分析认为桡足类丰度增加与营养盐浓度升高和鱼类过度捕捞有关,而胶质生物种群剧烈波动与气候变化引起的环境变异相关。  相似文献   
Calanus sinicus is a calanoid copepod widely distributed in coastal waters of China and Japan, and oversummering strategies may have major impacts on their population dynamics which in turn affect local marine food web structure. The abundance, stage composition, and sex composition of the planktonic copepod C. sinicus were studied from August to October 2002 in the southern Yellow Sea to understand how its population recovers from the over-summering state. Results showed that C. sinicus had low reproduction in August due to high temperature, except in waters near the Cheju Island with rich food and moderate bottom temperature, but the reproduction rates here decreased in September–October as food availability declined. When temperature dropped in September–October, C. sinicus actively propagated in coastal shallow waters. However, reproduction rates of C. sinicus individuals inhabiting the Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass(YSCWM) remained low during the three months of the study. The percentage of C. sinicus females was high during the reproductive period, which suggests that the sex composition of adult C. sinicus may reflect whether or not the population is in the reproductive mode.Numerous fifth copepodite stage(CV) C. sinicus aggregated in the YSCWM in a suspended developmental stage during the three months of this study, and they potentially served as the parental individuals for population development when conditions became optimal for reproduction later in the year.  相似文献   
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