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东亚南亚夏季降水对海温异常响应的数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
徐洪蕾  张铭 《气象科学》2005,25(4):331-337
利用IAP AGCM-Ⅱ大气环流模式,模拟了赤道中太平洋地区海温异常对东亚和南亚夏季(6~8月)降水的影响。结果表明:当1~4月该海温呈正异常时,中南半岛和我国东部降水将明显偏多,孟加拉湾附近降水偏少;而该海温呈负异常时,则我国华中和孟加拉湾附近降水偏多;对以上海温异常最敏感处为中南半岛和孟加拉湾附近地区,其中前者降水与该海温异常呈正相关,后者则呈负相关;该海温异常还会在中高纬地区激发出强迫波列。  相似文献   
季节尺度区域气候模拟适应调整时间选取问题的数值试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文中利用区域气候模式RegCM3,以1998年夏季中国异常气候事件为例,对季节尺度区域气候模拟适应调整时间的选取问题进行了数值研究.共做了11个试验,每个试验的适应调整时间最短为10d,最长为6个月,以检验适应调整时间长短对夏季中国异常气候事件模拟结果的影响.结果表明:对于大气变量而言,模式通常在经过4-8 d的适应调整时间后,就进入\  相似文献   
In this paper,the numerical experiments on the issue of spin-up time for seasonal-scale regional climate modeling were conducted with the newly Regional Climate Model (RegCM3),in the case of the abnormal climate event during the summer of 1998 in China.To test the effect of spin-up time on the regional climate simulation results for such abnormal climate event,a total of 11 experiments were performed with different spin-up time from 10 days to 6 months,respectively.The simulation results show that,for the meteorological variables in the atmosphere,the model would be running in"climate mode"after 4-8-day spin-up time,then, it is independent of the spin-up time basically,and the simulation errors are mainly caused by the model's failure in describing the atmospheric processes over the model domain.This verifies again that the regional climate modeling is indeed a lateral boundary condition problem as demonstrated by earlier research work. The simulated mean precipitation rate over each subregion is not sensitive to the spin-up time,but the precipitation scenario is somewhat different for the experiment with different spin-up time,which shows that there exists the uncertainty in the simulation to precipitation scenario,and such a uncertainty exhibits more over the areas where heavy rainfall happened.Generally,for monthly-scale precipitation simulation,a spin-up time of 1 month is enough,whereas a spin-up time of 2 months is better for seasonal-scale one. Furthermore,the relationship between the precipitation simulation error and the advancement/withdrawal of East Asian summer monsoon was analyzed.It is found that the variability of correlation coefficient for precipitation is more significant over the areas where the summer monsoon is predominant.Therefore,the model's capability in reproducing precipitation features is related to the heavy rainfall processes associated with the advancement/withdrawal of East Asian summer monsoon,which suggests that it is necessary to develop a more reliable parameterization scheme to capture the convective precipitation of heavy rainfall pro- cesses associated with the activities of East Asian summer monsoon,so as to improve the climate modeling over China.  相似文献   
本文利用多种观测资料、再分析资料及WRF(Weather Research and Forecasting Model)模式,对2017年12月23—25日发生于中国东部沿海入海加强的一个强暴发性气旋进行了研究,并探讨了海陆地形和热力差异对暴发性气旋发展的影响。该暴发性气旋的最大加深率为1.7Bergerons,其下垫面经历的“海洋-陆地-海洋”的复杂变化对其发展过程产生了显著影响。该气旋登陆朝鲜半岛时,气温降低,水平风速减小,上升运动增强,降水增加;而离开朝鲜半岛后,气温升高,上升运动减弱,降水减少。海陆差异的敏感性试验表明,陆地下垫面对气旋发展的动力作用主要是通过地面摩擦和地形抬升来实现的,而海洋对气旋发展的作用则主要表现在海表面热量和水汽传输方面。当气旋经过陆地时,由于陆地表面摩擦较大,气旋中心近地面水平风速减小。而较高的地形则会产生较强的上升运动,形成较强降水,促进类CISK(Conditional Instability of Second Kind)机制,使气旋加强。当气旋位于海面上时,冬季海面温度高于陆地,海洋向气旋输送更多的热量和水汽,从而更有利于气旋的发展。  相似文献   
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