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基于势流理论提出一种新的高阶边界元方法对无限水深的聚焦波浪进行完全非线性数值模拟.自由水面满足完全非线性边界条件,模拟波浪的非线性效果可以达到更高阶.利用镜像原理,建立一种全新的格林函数应用到无限水深的数值波浪水槽中,以致于两无限深水槽侧壁的积分可以被排除.为了产生相应的入射波和吸收出流波浪,一个由点源组成的造波装置被布置于计算域内,同时人工阻尼层被用来吸引出流波浪,由波浪聚焦的方法得到极限波浪.通过开展线性和完全非线性聚焦波浪的数值实验及与理论解对比,验证本数值模型可以用来模拟无限深水域的极限波浪,且在出流边界没有反射.  相似文献   
In this paper, the principle of mirror image is used to transform the problem of wave diffraction from a circular cylinder in front of orthogonal vertical walls into the problem of diffraction of four symmetric incident waves from four symmetrically arranged circular cylinders, and then the eigenfunction expansion of velocity potential and Grafs addition theorem are used to give the analytical solution to the wave diffraction problem. The relation of the total wave force on cylinder to the distance between the cylinder and orthogonal vertical walls and the incidence angle of wave is also studied by numerical computation.  相似文献   
Nelson pointed out that the wave breaking criterion(H/d)_b for gentle slopes(i<1/100),inwhich H is the wave height and d is the water depth at the breaking point,is smaller than that for beachslopes of i>1/100),i.e.,the value of(H/d)_b for gentle slopes may be smaller than 0.6.Goda indicatedthat the wave breaking criterion given by himself is a result based on theoretical study,so it should be alsocorrect and can be used for gentle beaches,i.e.,the value of(H/d)_b for gentle slopes may be still largerthan 0.7.By use of high order nonlinear wave theory,this problem is analyzed in this study and the reasonwhy there is a large difference between different studies is explained.Moreover,the bottom energy loss dur-ing wave propagation is considered and the critical slope for the absence of wave breaking is also analyzed.  相似文献   
Second-Order Wave Diffraction Around 3-D Bodies by A Time-Domain Method   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
BAI  Wei 《中国海洋工程》2001,(1):73-84
A time-domain method is applied to simulate nonlinear wave diffraction around a surface piercing 3-D arbitrary body. The method involves the application of Taylor series expansions and the use of perturbation procedure to establish the corresponding boundary value problems with respect to a time-independent fluid domain. A boundary element method based on B-spline expansion is used to calculate the wave field at each time step, and the free surface boundary condition is satisfied to the second order of wave steepness by a numerical integration in time. An artificial damping layer is adopted on the free surface for the removal of wave reflection from the outer boundary. As an illustration, the method is used to compute the second-order wave forces and run-up on a surface-piercing circular cylinder. The present method is found to be accurate, computationally efficient, and numerically stable.  相似文献   
双层局部开孔板沉箱对波浪反射的理论研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了一种用于研究由双层开孔板和一个不透水后板的开孔结构对斜向波反射率的理论分析方法。整个流域被分成三个子域,在每个子域内应用特征函数展开法以得到该域内包含未知展开系数的势函数的表达式,在速度势的展开中,考虑了非传播模态波浪的影响。通过匹配开孔板处的边界条件可以求解待定的展开系数,继而求解双层开孔板防波堤结构对斜向波的反射率。数值计算结果与试验结果进行了比较,符合较好。并进一步讨论了几个重要因素对反射系数的影响。  相似文献   
To investigate higher harmonics induced by a submerged obstacle in the presence of uniform current, a 2D fully nonlinear numerical wave flume(NWF) is developed by use of a time-domain higher-order boundary element method(HOBEM) based on potential flow theory. A four-point method is developed to decompose higher bound and free harmonic waves propagating upstream and downstream around the obstacle. The model predictions are in good agreement with the experimental data for free harmonics induced by a submerged horizontal cylinder in the absence of currents. This serves as a benchmark to reveal the current effects on higher harmonic waves. The peak value of non-dimensional second free harmonic amplitude is shifted upstream for the opposing current relative to that for zero current with the variation of current-free incident wave amplitude, and it is vice versa for the following current. The second-order analysis shows a resonant behavior which is related to the ratio of the cylinder diameter to the second bound mode wavelength over the cylinder. The second-order resonant position slightly downshifted for the opposing current and upshifted for the following current.  相似文献   
章旭  勾莹  倪云林  滕斌  刘珍 《海洋学报》2016,38(1):133-142
基于线性势流理论,利用高阶边界元法研究了规则波在三维局部渗透海床上的传播。根据Darcy渗透定律推导出渗透海床的控制方程,利用渗透海床顶部和海底处法向速度和压强连续条件得到渗透海床顶部满足的边界条件。根据绕射理论,利用满足自由水面条件的格林函数建立了求解渗透海床绕射势的边界积分方程,采用高阶边界元方法求解边界积分方程进而得到自由水面的绕射势和波浪在局部渗透海床上传播过程中幅值的变化情况。通过与已发表的波浪对圆柱形暗礁的时域全绕射结果对比,证明了本文建立的频域方法计算波幅的正确性和有效性。利用这一模型研究了三维矩形渗透海床区域上波浪的传播特性,并分析了入射波波长、海床渗透特性系数等参数对波浪传播的影响。  相似文献   
极限波浪运动特性的非线性数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宁德志  滕斌  姜立明  臧军 《海洋学报》2008,30(3):126-132
利用时域高阶边界元方法建立了模拟极限波浪运动的完全非线性数值模型,其中自由水面满足完全非线性自由水面条件.采用半混合欧拉-拉格朗日方法追踪流体瞬时水面,运用四阶Runge-Kutta方法更新下一时间步的波面和速度势,同时应用镜像格林函数消除水槽两个侧面和底面上的积分.研究中利用波浪聚焦的方法产生极限波浪,并且在水槽中开展了物理模型实验,将测点试验数据与数值结果进行了对比,两者吻合得很好.对极限波浪运动的非线性和流域内速度分布进行了研究.  相似文献   
在波浪对海上建筑物绕射和辐射问题的计算中,面元法被广泛使用,但由于传统面元法的存储量和计算量均为未知量的平方量级,很难满足大范围多未知量问题的计算需要。采用预修正快速傅里叶变换方法(pFFT方法),使计算量与存储量都降低到未知量的线性量级。以淹没圆球与漂浮圆柱两个典型算例为基础,通过不同未知量时pFFT方法与传统面元法的计算量与存储量的对比,以及pFFT方法自身各步骤计算时间的对比,研究了不同网格方案的选取对pFFT方法计算量和存储量的影响,推荐根据未知量个数采用计算时间最小化原则选取pFFT网格参数。  相似文献   
在深水平台的设计与分析中,调整某一结构参数提高某一性能的同时,常常受到其他功能或性能上的约束,因此引起了平台各项功能及性能之间的相互竞争。以一种创新的深吃水多立柱平台(Deep Draft Multi-Spar)为目标,探讨平台结构特征参数如立柱直径、立柱高度、立柱间距和压载舱位置与平台稳定性能、水动力及运动性能、结构要求和功能要求之间的关系。水动力分析和响应计算结果显示,随着DDMS平台吃水深度的降低,垂荡、纵摇和纵荡RAOs均逐渐增大,运动性能降低,并与典型的Spar和半潜平台的RAOs进行了比较。  相似文献   
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