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1 INTRODUCTIONThe South China Sea (SCS) is a semi-enclosedmarginal sea in western North Pacific Ocean withvery complex topography and is the important pas-sage connecting the Pacific and Indian Oceans. Ithas great impact to the global climate and a greatinterest of many oceanography researchers. Twodominant surface hydrographic and circulation fea-tures in the northern SCS are a strong fresh waterexpansion and a warm and high-salinity seawaterintrusion such as the SCS Diluted Water…  相似文献   
青岛近海大型水母漂移集合预测方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
考虑水母垂直运动等自主运动,基于集合预报和拉格朗日粒子追踪方法,建立青岛近海大型水母的集合漂移预测模型。并利用2012—2013年青岛近海水母实时监测数据和集合漂移预测模型,快速预测水母集合漂移轨迹、速度、趋势和可能影响范围等要素。通过分析水母监测数据和数值模拟结果,在水母如何自主运动及其机理尚不十分清楚的情况下,多轨迹漂移预测结果比单轨迹的更合理、科学、可信,能够传达更多的信息量,对水母灾害的应急处置更具有指导意义。  相似文献   
黄海绿潮应急溯源数值模拟初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于三维全动力POM 海洋模式, 根据2008 年6 月1 日海监飞机监测绿潮所在位置, 采用拉格朗日粒子追踪法反向积分, 追溯绿潮来源。数值模拟结果显示, 回溯至5 月中旬, 绿潮主要来源于黄海南部江苏连云港和盐城近海海域。黄海绿潮溯源数值模拟, 为政府相关部门了解绿潮的源头, 并采取相应的措施提供依据, 进而为保护生态环境、防灾减灾做贡献。  相似文献   
11月1日上午,第一届全国地勘钻探职业技能大赛青海赛区组委会在国土资源厅召开动员大会,组委会副主任、国土资源厅副厅长朱小川参加了会议并作了动员讲话,大会邀请了国家级地质矿产钻探和水文水井钻探裁判员高元红、王永贵莅临指导。  相似文献   
Understanding of the temporal variation of oceanic heat content(OHC) is of fundamental importance to the prediction of climate change and associated global meteorological phenomena. However, OHC characteristics in the Pacific and Indian oceans are not well understood. Based on in situ ocean temperature and salinity profiles mainly from the Argo program, we estimated the upper layer(0–750 m) OHC in the Indo-Pacific Ocean(40°S–40°N, 30°E–80°W). Spatial and temporal variability of OHC and its likely physical mechanisms are also analyzed. Climatic distributions of upper-layer OHC in the Indian and Pacific oceans have a similar saddle pattern in the subtropics, and the highest OHC value was in the northern Arabian Sea. However, OHC variabilities in the two oceans were different. OHC in the Pacific has an east-west see-saw pattern, which does not appear in the Indian Ocean. In the Indian Ocean, the largest change was around 10°S. The most interesting phenomenon is that, there was a long-term shift of OHC in the Indo-Pacific Ocean during 2001–2012. Such variation coincided with modulation of subsurface temperature/salinity. During 2001–2007, there was subsurface cooling(freshening)nearly the entire upper 400 m layer in the western Pacific and warming(salting) in the eastern Pacific. During2008–2012, the thermocline deepened in the western Pacific but shoaled in the east. In the Indian Ocean, there was only cooling(upper 150 m only) and freshening(almost the entire upper 400 m) during 2001–2007. The thermocline deepened during 2008–2012 in the Indian Ocean. Such change appeared from the equator to off the equator and even to the subtropics(about 20°N/S) in the two oceans. This long-term change of subsurface temperature/salinity may have been caused by change of the wind field over the two oceans during 2001–2012, in turn modifying OHC.  相似文献   
为研究在厄尔尼诺现象演变过程中海气相互作用的性态特征,该文再次应用拓展伴随模态分析于简易海洋同化数据(SODA data).结果表明:通过相互作用形成厄尔尼诺/拉尼娜现象的海洋与大气具有明显不同的性态,气候系统中并不存在一个相对独立的热带太平洋大气变异,但是的确存在一个相对独立的热带太平洋海洋变异;原因在于大气是底部界面受热而海洋是顶部界面受热,从而导致前者具有较后者强烈得多的斜压不稳定性和能够覆盖大部分热带太平洋的赤道辐合带; 再次证实了正是直接来自中纬度海域的西风爆发和海面风辐聚导致赤道太平洋上层海水的东向移动和经向辐聚造就了厄尔尼诺所特有的增温信号.  相似文献   
基于三维全动力POM海洋模式,根据2008年6月1日海监飞机监测绿潮所在位置,采用拉格朗日粒子追踪法反向积分,追溯绿潮来源。数值模拟结果显示,回溯至5月中旬,绿潮主要来源于黄海南部江苏连云港和盐城近海海域。黄海绿潮溯源数值模拟,为政府相关部门了解绿潮的源头,并采取相应的措施提供依据,进而为保护生态环境、防灾减灾做贡献。  相似文献   
9月1日,刘山青厅长陪同省委常委、常务副省长徐福顺,就保障性住房建设、重点项目建设、民生小区廉租房建设、乐都县城市规划进行视察和调研。同时,到党建联系点平安县古城乡沙卡村调研,并视察了新庄尔示范村规划。现场视察和调研结束后,在海东会议中心听取了东部城市群海东各县规划修编工作汇报。  相似文献   
针对目前海冰信息解译时对海冰外缘线及面积信息提取不精确、业务化应用不强问题,提出一种基于分裂Bregman算法的海冰外缘线自动提取方法,并通过遥感影像预处理、算法程序化等工作步骤,将该算法应用到业务化海冰信息解译工作中。方法:分别选取五景中、高空间分辨率的可见光卫星遥感影像,将影像上待提取海冰区域首先进行不规则图像裁剪、图像增强等预处理工作,然后基于变分水平集及快速分裂Bregman投影方法进行了海冰外缘线信息的提取,并对提取出的海冰面积进行量化,最后与传统人工提取海冰信息进行了比较。实验结果表明,基于变分水平集及其快速分裂Bregman算法提取的海冰信息,具有提取的海冰边缘精确、自动化程度高、提取结果稳定可靠等优点。  相似文献   
7月1日上午,青海省国土资源厅系统庆祝中国共产党建党90周年暨表彰大会在厅二楼会议室隆重举行。参加大会的有厅党委委员、各事业局党委成员、先进基层党组织、优秀共产党员、优秀党务工作者代表和厅机关及五个事业局机关干部职工代表、离退休人员代表140多人。  相似文献   
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