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黑潮通过吕宋海峡入侵南海呈现明显的瞬态特征。以往的研究通常将黑潮在吕宋海峡附近的流态分为几种不同类型。本文基于表层地转流计算得到的有限时间李雅普诺夫指数场(FTLE),展示了拉格朗日视角下的吕宋海峡上层水交换特征。从FTLE场提取的拉格朗日拟序结构(LCSs)很好地识别了吕宋海峡附近的典型流态和旋涡活动。此外,这些LCSs还揭示了吕宋海峡周围复杂的输运路径和流体域,这些特征得到了卫星跟踪浮标轨迹的验证,且从流速场中是无法直接识别的。FTLE场显示,吕宋海峡附近表层水体的输运形态主要可分为四类。其中,黑潮直接向北流动的“跨越”形态和顺时针旋转的“流套”形态的发生频次明显高于直接进入南海的黑潮分支“渗入”形态和南海水流出至太平洋的“外流”形态。本文还进一步分析了黑潮在吕宋海峡处的涡旋脱落事件,突出强调了LCSs在评估涡旋输运方面的重要性。反气旋涡旋的脱落个例表明,这些涡旋主要源自黑潮“流套”,涡旋脱落之前可有效地俘获黑潮水。LCS所指示的输运通道信息有助于预测最终被反气旋涡所挟卷水体在上游的位置。而在气旋涡的形成过程中,LCS的分布特征表明,大部分气旋涡并未与黑潮水的输运路径相连通。因此,气旋涡对从太平洋到南海的上层水交换的贡献较小。  相似文献   
In the past nearly two decades, the Argo Program has created an unprecedented global observing array with continuous in situ salinity observations, providing opportunities to extend our knowledge on the variability and effects of ocean salinity. In this study, we utilize the Argo data during 2004–2017, together with the satellite observations and a newly released version of ECCO ocean reanalysis, to explore the decadal salinity variability in the Southeast Indian Ocean(SEIO) and its impacts on the regional sea level changes. Both the observations and ECCO reanalysis show that during the Argo era, sea level in the SEIO and the tropical western Pacific experienced a rapid rise in 2005–2013 and a subsequent decline in 2013–2017. Such a decadal phase reversal in sea level could be explained, to a large extent, by the steric sea level variability in the upper 300 m. Argo data further show that, in the SEIO, both the temperature and salinity changes have significant positive contributions to the decadal sea level variations. This is different from much of the Indo-Pacific region, where the halosteric component often has minor or negative contributions to the regional sea level pattern on decadal timescale. The salinity budget analyses based on the ECCO reanalysis indicate that the decadal salinity change in the upper 300 m of SEIO is mainly caused by the horizontal ocean advection. More detailed decomposition reveals that in the SEIO, there exists a strong meridional salinity front between the tropical low-salinity and subtropical high salinity waters. The meridional component of decadal circulation changes will induce strong cross-front salinity exchange and thus the significant regional salinity variations.  相似文献   
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