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利用2010年4月3日在舟山外海观测的25hLADCP海流数据与CTD连续观测数据,综合利用Thorpe方法、功率谱分析、交叉谱分析等方法对测站所在海域的小尺度湍混合参数进行估计,分析并讨论了其时空分布特征及影响因子。研究结果表明,上混合层湍流所致的垂向翻转尺度普遍大于下混合层,较大尺度翻转均出现在潮位峰值附近,涨潮时段混合明显大于落潮时段且半日周期,1/4周期显著。该站点存在明显的"上强下弱"双密度跃层现象,湍动能耗散率、湍混合率也呈现出"表强底弱"特征。弱跃层中近惯性频率的内波和近半日潮频率的内潮信号最为显著,而强跃层中则是高频内波和近半日潮频率的内潮信号明显,上下跃层及其之间伴有间歇性强湍流发生。上混合层平均的湍混合对风应力的响应要快于对海流的响应,底应力是下混合层水体湍混合的重要因子。  相似文献   
海洋观测费用高昂,设计科学高效的观测系统可以充分发挥观测的效能。本文以泰国湾高频地波雷达观测系统为例,利用数据同化方法对观测系统进行了最优布局。首先基于FVCOM海洋数值模式建立了泰国湾海域高分辨率三维斜压水动力模式,在此基础上利用一种改进的高效集合卡曼滤波同化方法对岸基高频地波雷达表层海流观测系统开展观测效能评估数值实验。通过观测区域的不同组合方式将3个区域的雷达表层海流数据同化到数值模式中,实验结果表明,岸基高频地波雷达表层海流观测系统可有效降低高分辨数值模式的海流模拟误差。但不同观测区域的组合提供的观测数据对改善海流模拟的作用存在明显差别,泰国湾现有观测系统雷达站位布设方式应进一步优化。本文最后给出了研究区域最优观测站位的布局方案,可作为下一步观测系统进行布局调整的指导。  相似文献   
利用2009 年12 月6 日至2010 年1 月5 日在舟山海域获取的东海海域海床基定点(122.998毅E,30.013毅N) 海流调 查资料,应用调和分析与低通滤波方法,将海流分解为周期性的潮流分量与余流分量。对潮流的分布特征进行了分析,并构 建了一个更加符合物理规律的局地坐标系,基于此坐标系着重分析了该海域余流的时间变化趋势和空间结构特征。分析结果 表明,该站位垂向各层的潮流类型均为正规半日潮流,M2、S2分潮潮流椭圆长轴基本上呈南-北走向,各层表现出一定的旋 转流特点,往复流特征并不显著。K1、O1分潮潮流椭圆主轴基本呈西北-东南走向,往复流特征显著。该站点的定常余流表 现出明显的“上进下出”垂向空间结构。上层流速方向与中下层基本反向,明显呈现出两个不同流系的特征。统计结果显 示,余流主轴呈西南-东北走向,大致与等深线走向一致。对逐时余流分析表明,该站点近表层余流以西南向为主,中下层 水域则以东北向流动为主,应处于浙闽沿岸流与台湾暖流的交汇地带,西南向余流与浙闽沿岸流对应,而东北向余流则与台 湾暖流对应。风对沿主轴方向余流的影响比垂直于主轴的余流显著。  相似文献   
目的:结合2019新型冠状病毒(COVID-19)肺炎患者肺CT影像学特征,提出一种多级空间注意力机制(ML-SAM)下的肺CT图像自动诊断模型,探讨该模型在COVID-19辅助诊断上的价值。方法:收集目前公开的COVID-19患者肺CT数据样本,在深度迁移学习框架下引入空间注意力多级聚焦策略,将数据样本、注意力机制与深度迁移学习卷积神经网络相结合,构建可在肺CT图像上自动诊断COVID-19肺炎的融合模型。结果:本文建立的融合模型对肺CT图像具有较好的分类性能,模型对COVID-19的正确识别率可达95%,同时实现了弱监督条件下肺CT图像关键特征的有效聚焦和提取。结论:本文建立的融合模型可被放射科医生或医疗保健专业人员作为COVID-19爆发期间快速、有效筛查COVID-19病例的智能辅助工具。  相似文献   
In order to evaluate the assimilation results from a global high resolution ocean model, the buoy observations from tropical atmosphere ocean(TAO) during August 2014 to July 2015 are employed. The horizontal resolution of wave-tide-circulation coupled ocean model developed by The First Institute of Oceanography(FIOCOM model) is 0.1°×0.1°, and ensemble adjustment Kalman filter is used to assimilate the sea surface temperature(SST), sea level anomaly(SLA) and Argo temperature/salinity profiles. The simulation results with and without data assimilation are examined. First, the overall statistic errors of model results are analyzed. The scatter diagrams of model simulations versus observations and corresponding error probability density distribution show that the errors of all the observed variables, including the temperature, isotherm depth of 20°C(D20), salinity and two horizontal component of velocity are reduced to some extent with a maximum improvement of 54% after assimilation. Second, time-averaged variables are used to investigate the horizontal and vertical structures of the model results. Owing to the data assimilation, the biases of the time-averaged distribution are reduced more than70% for the temperature and D20 especially in the eastern Pacific. The obvious improvement of D20 which represents the upper mixed layer depth indicates that the structure of the temperature after the data assimilation becomes more close to the reality and the vertical structure of the upper ocean becomes more reasonable. At last,the physical processes of time series are compared with observations. The time evolution processes of all variables after the data assimilation are more consistent with the observations. The temperature bias and RMSE of D20 are reduced by 76% and 56% respectively with the data assimilation. More events during this period are also reproduced after the data assimilation. Under the condition of strong 2014/2016 El Ni?o, the Equatorial Undercurrent(EUC) from the TAO is gradually increased during August to November in 2014, and followed by a decreasing process. Since the improvement of the structure in the upper ocean, these events of the EUC can be clearly found in the assimilation results. In conclusion, the data assimilation in this global high resolution model has successfully reduced the model biases and improved the structures of the upper ocean, and the physical processes in reality can be well produced.  相似文献   
在mediator/wrapper架构的基础上提出了简单易行的WEB信息集成系统的构建方案,提出了完善的语义匹配方法,解决了WEB信息集成中的语义匹配问题,使用动态可信度技术解决了查询结果冲突的问题。  相似文献   
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