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讨论了网箱养殖、工厂化养殖和野生褐牙鲆的外观差异,对比分析了不同生长环境下褐牙鲆的肌肉营养成分和营养学价值。结果显示:网箱养殖的褐牙鲆体形、体色更接近野生褐牙鲆,即有眼侧呈深褐色,无眼侧呈白色;工厂化养殖褐牙鲆有眼侧体色较暗,无眼侧有黑斑。网箱养殖褐牙鲆脂肪含量(2.5%)远低于工厂化养殖的褐牙鲆(4.2%),而接近于野生的褐牙鲆(1.4%);网箱养殖褐牙鲆水分含量比工厂化养殖的高,也更接近野生的褐牙鲆。3种生长环境的褐牙鲆,氨基酸组成是一致的,而且各项比值也都符合FAO/WHO的标准。对比分析必需氨基酸指数(EAAI)和EPA+DPA、SFA、MUFA、PUFA等指标,网箱养殖褐牙鲆均要高于工厂化养殖褐牙鲆,接近而又优于野生的褐牙鲆。在矿物质含量方面,3种生长环境下的褐牙鲆差异不明显。综合各项指标分析,在褐牙鲆的3种生长环境中,网箱养殖的褐牙鲆要优于工厂化养殖的褐牙鲆,而更接近于野生的褐牙鲆。  相似文献   
流速作为深远海养殖海区选址的重要依据,也是影响鱼类游泳能力的重要因素之一,为评价深远海养殖良种斑石鲷(Oplegnathus punctatus)的游泳能力,明确最适放养规格,分别以体重50、150、250、350g的斑石鲷为研究对象,利用鱼类游泳能力及运动消耗检测装置,在24℃条件下,解析了不同规格的斑石鲷在四种流速下的续航时间、暴发游泳速度(Uburst)、临界游泳速度(Ucrit)和运动耗氧率(MO2),并计算出其单位位移耗能(COT)和最适游泳速度(Uopt)。结果表明,鱼体规格和流速均会对实验鱼续航时间产生影响显著(P<0.001,F=25.401,df=1),50g斑石鲷在60cm/s流速下续航时间显著小于其他三种规格(P<0.05),在大于60cm/s流速下,四种规格斑石鲷续航时间均小于30min;250g和350g斑石鲷暴发游泳速度显著高于50g与150g(P<0.05);斑石鲷临界游泳速度与体重成正相关(R=0.96),不同规格下临界游泳速度存在显著差异(P<0.05);各规格实验鱼间最适游泳速度无显著差别(P>0.05)。以上结果表明,不同规格斑石鲷游泳能力存在显著差异,其中250g和350g斑石鲷耐流能力显著优于50g和150g。综上所述,斑石鲷在深远海海域进行陆海接力养殖时,建议放养250g以上规格,且养殖海域流速不超过60cm/s。  相似文献   
圆形网箱框架用PE管材的弯曲疲劳试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
网箱框架在风、浪、流单一载荷或其复合载荷的作用下,始终处于动态变化中,在这样的工况条件下,很容易发生疲劳破坏。本文通过对网箱框架工况条件的分析,认为网箱框架在沿直径方向的弯曲疲劳为主要因素,且在弯曲过程中周长保持不变。以圆形框架在直径方向产生20%的压缩变形为极端条件,通过几点假设,将工况条件向试验条件进行转化,提出1种圆形网箱框架用PE管材的弯曲疲劳试验方法。采用此方法对3种改性配方的聚乙烯管材样品进行了弯曲疲劳试验。结果表明,经10万次弯曲试验,3种配方的试样表面均无开裂等破坏现象,各配方的最大应力水平分别下降了14.3%,9.4%和16.9%。  相似文献   
人工鱼礁单体按不同的数量和排列方式组合投放会产生不同的流场效应。圆管型礁为目前黄渤海区增殖礁的重要礁体型式,为优化该礁体的投放数量与排列方式,选择了3种不同叠放个数(1个、3个和6个)的圆管礁,设定了5个流速梯度(4.5、9.0、13.5、18.0和22.5cm/s),利用PIV粒子图像测速技术和Fluent数值模拟软件对圆管型人工鱼礁的流场进行水槽模型试验和数值模拟。结果表明,数值模拟结果与水槽试验结果基本吻合,误差在20%以下,表明数值模拟能够反映人工鱼礁的流场效应;当礁体叠放个数一定时,最大上升流流速、上升流高度和上升流面积均随来流速度的增加而增大,背涡流面积呈现不规则的变化;当来流速度一定时,最大上升流流速、上升流面积、上升流高度和背涡流面积均随礁体叠放个数的增加而增大。  相似文献   
A numerical model of flatfish cage is built based on the lumped mass method and the principle of rigid body kinematics. To validate the numerical model, a series of physical model tests are conducted in the wave flume. The numerical results correspond well with the data sets from physical model test. The effect of weight of bottom frame, height of fish net and net shape on motion responses of fish cage and tension force on mooring lines is then analyzed. The results indicate that the vertical displacements of float collar and bottom frame decrease with the increase in the weight of bottom frame; the maximum tension force on mooring lines increases with the increasing weight of bottom frame. The inclination angles of float collar and bottom frame decrease with the increasing net height; the maximum tension force increases obviously with the increase of net height.  相似文献   
鲆鲽网箱结构在海中受到水流的冲击作用会发生运动与变形,针对鲆鲽鱼特有的栖底习性,为确保网底结构的稳定有必要对其进行动力分析。为此利用有限元方法建立了流场中网箱受力和变形的数学计算模型,运用该数学模型对底框中加有支撑管结构并装配方形网目网衣的鲆鲽网箱整体位移进行了数值模拟。数值模拟结果表明,网箱的网衣部分在水流作用下形态变化比较大,网底的水平位移与垂直位移随流速的增加而增大,而网箱的底框架在不同流速条件下均能保持在水平位置,且未发生明显的倾斜。由此可见,此类鲆鲽网箱具有较好的耐流性能。  相似文献   
The artificial reefs placed on the seabed with different layouts and disposal spaces will produce variational flow field. The intensity and scale of the combined three-tube artificial reefs with different layouts at five Reynolds numbers (Re) are numerically investigated by use of the RNG k?ε turbulent model and SIMPLEC algorithm. A stationary no-slip boundary condition is used on the models and the bottoms, and the free surface is treated as a “moving wall” with zero shear force and the same velocity with inflow. In order to validate the simulation results, a particle image velocimetry (PIV) experiment is carried out to analyze the flow field. The numerical simulation results are consistent with the data obtained from experiment. The corresponding errors are all below 20%. Based on the validation, the effects of disposal space on flow field are simulated and analyzed. According to the simulation, in a parallel combination, a better artificial reef effect is obtained when the disposal space between two parallel reefs is 1.0L (L is the length of the combined three-tube reef model). In a vertical combination, when the disposal space between two vertical reefs is 1.0L to 2.0L, the artificial reef effect is better.  相似文献   
方形网箱水平波浪力的迭加计算和实验验证   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
采用小直径圆柱体绕流理论和网渔具理论为基础的经验水动力计算法,分别考虑网箱框架是刚性体、网衣和绳索是柔性体的特征,结合正弦波理论对方形网箱及其构件受到的水平波浪力特性进行了分析研究,理论给出了波浪力迭加计算法,并把计算结果与小尺度的网箱水槽实验进行对比验证。结果表明,计算数值与试验数据较接近,平均误差率在15%以内。网箱水平波浪力呈周期性、不对称变化,在波浪周期小于0.72s时,主要以框架的波浪力为主,反之以网衣的为主。在波长为0.8m、周期为0.72s、水深为0.7m、波高为68.3mm情形下,计算结果显示网箱的框架尺寸和形状及其系泊、布局的选择应根据实际海况而定,网箱高度可适当增加,当设置水层下降深度相对于网箱高度比率为20%-40%,时,波浪力峰值下降相对率达68.03%-88.20%,表明可以较大程度地降低其波浪力。  相似文献   
This paper presents a simulation model based on the finite element method. The method is used to analyze the motion response and mooring line tension of the flatfish cage system in waves. The cage system consists of top frames, netting, mooring lines, bottom frames, and floats. A series of scaled physical model tests in regular waves are conducted to verify the numerical model. The comparison results show that the simulated and the experimental results agree well under the wave conditions, and the maximum pitch of the bottom frame with two orientations is about 12o. The motion process of the whole cage system in the wave can be described with the computer visualized technology. Then, the mooring line tensions and the motion of the bottom frame with three kinds of weight are calculated under different wave conditions. According to the numerical results, the differences in mooring line tensions of flatfish cages with three weight modes are indistinct. The maximum pitch of the bottom frame decreases with the increase of the bottom weight.  相似文献   
布设间距对人工鱼礁流场效应影响的数值模拟   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
人工鱼礁在海中不同的布局方式会产生不同的流场效应.通过水槽与风洞模型实验很难对组合鱼礁流场全局进行观测,为此提出1种基于CFD原理的人工鱼礁流场特性的计算机数值模拟方法,模拟了不同流速条件下布设间距对方形组合礁体流场效应的影响.结果表明:数值模拟较好地反映了人工鱼礁周围上升流和背涡流的分布情况;当两礁体布设间距为1.5倍礁体尺寸时,所产生的上升流高度达到最大值;当布设间距为1倍/时,其上升流的影响面积为最大;当布设间距为1.5倍时所产生的背涡流效果最好;两礁体之间的最佳布设间距应为礁体尺寸的1~1.5倍.数值模拟结果与风洞实验结果基本相符,该结论可为人工鱼礁实际投放提供理论参考.  相似文献   
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