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CO2 geological storage is a transitional technology for the mitigation of climate change. In the vicinity of potential CO2 reservoirs in Hungary, protected freshwater aquifers used for drinking water supplies exist. Effects of disaster events of CO2 escape and brine displacement to one of these aquifers have been studied by kinetic 1D reactive transport modelling in PHREEQC. Besides verifying that ion concentrations in the freshwater may increase up to drinking water limit values in both scenarios (CO2 or brine leakage), total porosity of the rock is estimated. Pore volume is expected to increase at the entry point of CO2 and to decrease at further distances, whereas it shows minor increase along the flow path for the effect of brine inflow. Additionally, electrical conductivity of water is estimated and suggested to be the best parameter to measure for cost-effective monitoring of both worst-case leakage scenarios.  相似文献   
This paper presents isotopic, bulk geochemical and biomarker data measured on organic matter accumulated in a narrow extensional basin developed at the oceanward margin of the huge Triassic carbonate platform in the Alps–Appenines domain. The integration of isotope signatures, organic petrographical and biomarker evidence together with the composition of kerogen pyrolysates suggests immature organic matter predominantly of algal origin with a minor, but not negligible, higher plant derived and moderate bacterial contribution for the entire sequence. The mineral sources are dominated by platform-derived subtidal Dachstein limestone with a minor palaeosol input and a moderate contribution of autochtonous quartz. Nevertheless, parallel variations observed in the mineral content, as well as in the amount and the quality of the organic matter reflect variations in the palaeoenvironment. The increased humidity, existing in the period of the accumulation of the upper section of the sequence, led to the restriction of dolomitization. A slightly greater higher plant derived contribution, in this section, is evidenced by the composition of bitumen and the results on GC and GC/MS analyses on the non-aromatic hydrocarbon fraction of bitumen. Moreover, the climate-induced weathering enchanced the primary productivity and resulted in a pronounced increase in the TOC content. The average estimated value of the planktonic productivity is about three times higher for the calcite-rich sequence than the dolomite-rich one, being 44.2 and 15.3 tCorg/m2/Ma, respectively. The low to moderate planktonic productivity shows that anoxic conditions, observed for the entire succession, are a consequence of the stagnant water stratification rather than high planktonic productivity. Depth trends in the data measured on kerogens (HI, OI, δ13Corg values, composition of pyrolysate) together with the δ18O excursions and Δδ13C values appear to be controlled by sea-level fluctuations. Consistent with the high abundance of alkyltiophenes in kerogen pyrolysates, the high Sorg/C ratios (ranging between 0.05 and 0.10) suggest the importance of natural sulfurization in the formation of the sulfur-rich type-II-S kerogen occurring in all of the samples.  相似文献   
Ectomycorrhiza-forming fungi (EMF) alter the nutrient-acquisition capabilities of vascular plants, and may play an important role in mineral weathering and the partitioning of products of weathering in soils under nutrient-limited conditions. In this study, we isolated the weathering function of Suillus tomentosus in liquid-cultures with biotite micas incubated at room temperature. We hypothesized that the fungus would accelerate weathering by hyphal attachment to biotite surfaces and transmission of nutrient cations via direct exchange into the fungal biomass. We combined a mass-balance approach with scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM) to estimate weathering rates and study dissolution features on biotite surfaces. Weathering of biotite flakes was about 2-3 orders of magnitude faster in shaken liquid-cultures with fungus compared to shaken controls without fungus, but with added inorganic acids. Adding fungus in nonshaken cultures caused a higher dissolution rate than in inorganic pH controls without fungus, but it was not significantly faster than organic pH controls without fungus. The K+, Mg2+ and Fe2+ from biotite were preferentially partitioned into fungal biomass in the shaken cultures, while in the nonshaken cultures, K+ and Mg2+ was lost from biomass and Fe2+ bioaccumulated much less. Fungal hyphae attached to biotite surfaces, but no significant surface changes were detected by SEM. When cultures were shaken, the AFM images of basal planes appeared to be rougher and had abundant dissolution channels, but such channel development was minor in nonshaken conditions. Even under shaken conditions the channels only accounted for only 1/100 of the total dissolution rate of 2.7 × 10−10 mol of biotite m−2 s−1. The results suggest that fungal weathering predominantly occurred not by attachment and direct transfer of nutrients via hyphae, but because of the acidification of the bulk liquid by organic acids, fungal respiration (CO2), and complexation of cations which accelerated dissolution of biotite. Results further suggest that both carbohydrate source (abundant here) and a host with which nutrients are exchanged (missing here) may be required for EMF to exert an important weathering effect in soils. Unsaturated conditions and physical dispersal of nutrient-rich minerals in soils may also confer a benefit for hyphal growth and attachment, and promote the attachment-mediated weathering which has been observed elsewhere on soil mineral surfaces.  相似文献   
The variations in the organic matter quantity and quality were studied with respect to the mineral composition of the carbonate sequences accumulated on a gentle slope (Zl-1 well) and at the toe of the slope (Rzt-1 well) located between a Late Triassic carbonate platform and a backplatform basin. Parallel variations observed in mineral composition and organic geochemical features of the successions appeared to be controlled by the change in climate and by sea-level fluctuations. The repetitive sea-level changes resulted in a variation in the carbonate-rich basin facies and in the mineralogically heterogenous slope and toe-of-slope ones. According to Rock Eval pyrolysis, organic petrography and carbon isotope ratios, the immature organic matter is of predominantly marine origin and composed of mainly liptinites in both of the studied boreholes. The results of the GC and GC/MS analyses of the saturated hydrocarbon fractions of bitumens together with the composition of kerogen pyrolysates reveal a predominant algal input with a minor variable bacterial and subordinate terrestrial contribution for the Rzt-1 borehole. In the Zl-1 borehole a significantly higher proportion of the bacterial biomass contributed to the organic precursors. The δ13C values and the composition of the kerogen pyrolysates together with the results of the maceral analysis and GC data suggest a relatively higher, but moderate, higher plant derived contribution in the slope facies and at the top of the toe-of-slope facies. The elementary composition of kerogens and Rock Eval data display type II-S kerogen in the basin and the slope facies, and type I-II-S one in the toe-of-slope facies. Variations in the hydrogen content of the organic matter mainly reflect variations in the preservation conditions and in primary productivity. The presence of the 2,6,10,15,19-pentamethyleicosane and the extremely low pristane/phytane ratios indicate a relatively high methanogenic bacterial activity and strongly anoxic depositional conditions in the Rzt-1 well, especially in two most organic-rich toe-of-slope facies.  相似文献   
This paper discusses a recently proposed conceptualisation of ‘earth system governance’ by applying it to floodplain management in the Hungarian Tisza river basin. By doing so it aims to improve our understanding of governance systems facilitating adaptation to a changing world. The conceptualisation of earth system governance consists of three elements: problem structure, principles and research challenges. These three elements are assessed using results from actor interviews and policy review. A regional example of natural resources management is found to be a valid case for earth system governance research. The proposed conceptualisation of earth system governance explains well the main problems, barriers and opportunities for adapting floodplain management to climate change in the Tisza region. Problem structure analysis highlights how previous socio-economic and political orders continue to shape expectations and patterns of conduct. Current barriers can be attributed to a lack of the key governance principles credibility, stability, inclusiveness and adaptiveness. Interviewees perceived the lack of credibility and effective cooperation between organisations as the largest barrier. The research challenges proposed for earth system governance agree well with opportunities identified for adapting Tisza floodplain management, calling for inclusion of actors beyond governments and state agencies, and equitable resource allocation in particular. The analysis suggests that an additional challenge for earth system governance is the prioritisation of actions to support an existing governance system and its actors in adapting.  相似文献   
Loess geochemistry generally reflects paleo-weathering conditions and it can be used to determine the average composition of the upper continental crust (UCC). In this study, major and trace element concentrations were analyzed on loess samples from southwestern Hungary to determine the factors influencing their chemical compositions and to propose new average loess compositions. All studied loess samples had nearly uniform chemical composition, suggesting similar alteration history of these deposits. Chemical Index of Alteration values (58–69) suggested a weak to moderate degree of weathering in a felsic source area. Typical non-steady state weathering conditions were shown on the Al2O3–CaO + Na2O–K2O patterns, indicating active tectonism of the Alpine–Carpathian system during the Pleistocene. Whole-rock element budgets were controlled by heavy minerals derived from a felsic magmatic or reworked sedimentary provenance. Geochemical parameters indicated that dust particles must have been recycled and well homogenized during fluvial and eolian transport processes.  相似文献   
The spatial distribution of the electrical resistivity data provides useful information for investigating and modeling the fluid transport processes. 3D electrical resistivity distribution provides information about water flow and changes in electrical resistivity of the pore fluid.Therefore, to assist in understanding and modeling of the fluid transport process, 3D spatial distribution of the electrical resistivity data with the corresponded 3D geological section were mapped and interpreted in the test site located in western Germany. A process of deriving electrical resistivity values from the mechanical and radioactive parameters of cone penetration tests (CPT) and geological information of boreholes was presented. A reliable method which gives accurate resistivity values in cases of near surface sediments was introduced. Then a field test was executed where the calculated resistivity values were compared with the measured CPTe resistivity data. The CPTe (cone penetration test with electrical extension) data were also used in correlating to the ERT (electrical resistivity tomography) data. Consequently, obtained dense CPT surveys give us the possibility to determine a high resolution resistivity distribution of the investigated area.  相似文献   
The Wicklow Trough is one of several Irish Sea bathymetric deeps, yet unusually isolated from the main depression, the Western Trough. Its formation has been described as proglacial or subglacial, linked to the Irish Sea Ice Stream (ISIS) during the Last Glacial Maximum. The evolution of the Wicklow Trough and neighbouring deeps, therefore, help us to understand ISIS dynamics, when it was the main ice stream draining the former British–Irish Ice Sheet. The morphology and sub-seabed stratigraphy of the 18 km long and 2 km wide Wicklow Trough is described here from new multibeam echosounder data, 60 km of sparker seismic profiles and five sediment cores. At a maximum water depth of 82 m, the deep consists of four overdeepened sections. The heterogeneous glacial sediments in the Trough overlay bedrock, with indications of flank mass-wasting and subglacial bedforms on its floor. The evidence strongly suggests that the Wicklow Trough is a tunnel valley formed by time-transgressive erosional processes, with pressurised meltwater as the dominant agent during gradual or slow ice sheet retreat. Its location may be fault-controlled, and the northern end of the Wicklow Trough could mark a transition from rapid to slow grounded ice margin retreat, which could be tested with modelling.  相似文献   
Recent work concerning the investigation of vertical movements in the Carpatho-Balkan Region is reported, based on the “Explanatory Text to the Map of Recent Vertical Movements in the Carpatho-Balkan Region”.For this investigation, the following countries supplied information: Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, GDR, Hungary, Poland, Romania, USSR, Austria, and Italy. The activities were coordinated by the Hungarian Geodetic Service. Hungary undertook the task of collecting the data, their preparation for adjustment, and the adjustment of the investigation network, as well as the compilation and publication of the map of vertical movement. The authors present the algorithm of the rigorous adjustment: the height differences of the second leveling have been adjusted jointly with the velocities derived from the first and second levelings.In this paper the applied geodetic and oceanographic data, as well as the main character of the investigation network are presented. The interpretation of the adjustment is outlined.The map of Recent Vertical Movements in the Carpatho-Balkan Region (CBR) is printed at the scale of 1:1,000,000.In general, it is claimed that due to the new methods of investigation, the new CBR map of vertical movements provides a better tool to help with further investigations.  相似文献   
One of the most important challenges for the South East Europe region will be replacing more than 30% of its presently installed fossil fuel generation capacity by the end of 2030, and more than 95% by 2050 if its age structure is considered. This requires a strong policy framework to incentivise new investments in a region currently lacking investors, but also presents an opportunity to shape the electricity sector over the long term according to the broader energy transition strategy of the EU and the Energy Community. The aim of this paper is to assess what type of long-term pathways exist for electricity sector development in the region if they follow the energy transition process of the EU. In this model-based scenario assessment, long term electricity sector futures are explored using a set of interlinked electricity models evaluating the level of renewable energy investment required in the region to reach a deep decarbonization target, assuming emission reduction above 94% by 2050 compared to 1990 in line with the long term market integration and climate policy goals of the EU. It also explores what are the most important system wide impacts of the high deployment of renewable energy concerning generation adequacy and security of supply.

Key policy insights

  • Energy policies in the South East Europe (SEE) region, both at the national and regional level, should focus on enabling renewable energy integration, as this will be a key component of the future energy mix.

  • EU and Energy Community policies should be incorporated into national energy planning to ensure that SEE countries embark on the energy transition process at an early stage.

  • Stranded costs should be carefully considered in decision-making on new fossil-fuel generation and gas network investment in order to avoid lock-in to carbon intensive technologies.

  • If consistent decarbonization policy prevails, with a significant and persistent CO2 price signal, the role of natural gas remains transitory in the region.

  • The SEE region offers relatively cheap decarbonization options: the power sector can reduce GHG emissions above 94% by 2050 in the modelled scenarios.

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